Tom Smith's Stockings -- and -- Xmas Crackers HAVE ARRIVED and the little folks of King- ston can breathe freely again. Their old friend Tom Smith has seen to it that the children must be remember- 'ed no matter how great the difficulties in the way. -- pr. Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Sackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box ...... 5 Crackers per box Crackers per box Craeekrs per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box .... . Crackers per box ...~ Crackers per box .... Crackers per box .... Crackers per box ... Crackers per box .... Crackers per box ... Crackers per box Crackers per box .. Crackers per box . | $2. 75 Monster ( 'rackers, each 40¢ UC $850; The Latest Market Reports LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Montreal, Dec. 12--The week's re- ceipts_at the West End Stock Yards have been 2,000 cattle, 700 sheep, 3,400 hogs, and 800 calves. The of- ferings at the market this morning amounted to 1,400 cattle, 300 sheep, 1,400 hogs and 6500 calves. There was good brisk trading in practically every line, although the offerings were mot so numerous. Quotations: Choice steers, $8 to $8.25; good steers, $7.60 to $8; medium, $6.26 to $7;; common, $5.75 to $6; butchers' bulls, choice, $6 to $6.50; good bulls, $5.75 to $6.25; common bulls, $5.25 to $5.50; canners, $5 to $5.50; butchers' cows, choice, $6 to $6.50; good cows, $5.50 to $6; common, $6 to $5.30; canners, $4 to $4.35; sheep, $8 to $9; lambs, Ontario, $12 to $12.50; Quebec, $11.75. Calves, grass fed, $5 to $5.50; milk fed, $9 to $10. Hogs, choice selects, $12.76; light, 12 to $12.50. Receipts at the East End Market this morning amounted to 1,200 cat- tle, 900 sheep, 1,200 hogs and 300 calves. Toronto. Toronto ,Dec. 12.--Heavy steers, choice, $9.25 to $9.50; choice butch- er, $8.50 to $9; do good, $8 to $8.26; do medium, $7 to $7.25; do common, $6.25 to $6.50; heifers, good to choice, $7 to $7.25; do medium, $6.25 to $6.75; butcher cows, choice, $6.26 to $7; do, medium, $6 to $6.25; butcher bulls, choice, $6.85 to $7.50; do good, "186.50 to $6.60; do medium, $56 to $5.50; feeders, 900 to 1,000 lbs, $6.50 to $7; do bulls, $5.25 to $5.75; stockers, 700 to 800 Ibs, $6.25 to $6.40; do medium, 650 to 750 1bs., .1$56.50 to $6; do light, 600 to 650 Ibs., "| $5 to $5.75; canners, $4.10 to $4.40; JC | cutters, $4.50 to $56.25; sheep, light, $8.50 to $9.50; do heavy, $8 to spring lambs, $10.76 to $12.50; calves, $8 to $12; hogs, fed and watered, $11.75; do weighed off cars, $12; do f.0.b., $10.75 to $11. Buffalo. East Buffalo, N.Y., Dec. 12.-- Cattle--Receipts, 4,000; active; ship- ping steers, $8 to $11; butchers, $6.50 to $9.50; heifers, $5.20 to $8.75; cows, $3.76 to $7.50: bulls, $5 to $7.60; stockers and feeders, $6.26 to $7.50; fresh cows and spring- ers active and steady,"$50 to $115. Veals--Receipts, 1,000; active, $4.50 to $14. Hogs--Receipts, 17,600; active; heavy, $10.25 to $10.40; mixed, $10.15 to $10.40; Yorkers, $10.10 to $1020; light yorkers, $9 to $9.75; Monster Crackers, each 50¢|pigs, $5.75 to $9; roughs, $9 to $9.25: Monster Crackers, each T5e¢ Monster C 'rackers each $1.00 CHRIS STOCKINGS Bootees per pair Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each .... Stockings each . ... Stockings each . ... Cadbury's Celebrated (Chocolates Ruby Assortment-- " 1-2 1b and 1 Ib. boxes, per Ie... oiiii mo 90¢ Amethyst Assortment-- 1-2 1b. and 1 Ib.-boxes, per We. ve idanii in 90¢ Red Box Assortment-- 1-2 1b and 1 1b. boxes, per ~Geo ian Assortment-- 7 1 1b. boxes $1.00 Bourneville Assortment. . 1-2 1b. and 1 1b. boxes, per 1h. .. $1.00 V lola A Assortment-- b. boxes .... $1.00 Pac i Wales Assort- ment 1 1b. and 2 Ib. boxes, per) tormerty Ib. 1.25 Bon-bons de Lux ok 1b. and 2 Ib. = Vo 41.95 25 he 3 Biwi Assortment-- $1.25 i Assortment . $1251 {beef stags, $7 to $8. Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 8,000; active; lambs, $8.50 to $13. 50% | year- lings, $7 to $11.76; wethers, $9 to $0.60; ewes, $4 to $8.75; mixed sheep, $8.75 to § . . Chicago Chicago, Dec. "5a ~Cattle--Re- ceipts, 28,000; market steady; native cattle, 7 to $12.60; western steers, $7 to $10.60; stockers and feeders, $4.60 to $7.50; cows™ and heifers, $3.85 to $10.25; calves, $9.50 to $13.26. Hogs--Receipts, 62,000; market strong; light, $8.80 tq $9.85; mixed, $9.30 to $10.05; heavy, $9.45 to $10.10; rough, $9.45 to $9.60; pigs, $6.75 to $8.75; bulk of sales, $9.50 Je Receipts, 22,000 Ket 8h pts, ' ; marke! steady; wethers, $8.50 to $9.50; lambs, native, $10.25 to $13. Sound Reasoning. (Guelph Mercury) If ever the mighty fist of force was needed it is in Greece. The days of diplomacy there are done for. " GRAIN QUOTATIONS. Toronto. Toronto, Dec. 12,--Maunitoba Wheat--Track, bay ports: New No. 1 northern $1.98%, No. 2 northern $1.95%, No. 3 northern $1.90%, No. 4 wheat $1.78%. Old crop trading 4c above new crop, (Manitoba Oats--Track, bay ports: No. 2 CW. 64%c. No. 3 CW. 61- 140, extra No. 1 feed 613%c. No, 1 feed 6lc, American Corn--Track Toronto, No. 3 yellow, new, $1.03, Dec. ship- ment subject to embargo, Ontario Oats--According to freights outside, No. 2 white 62¢ to 64¢, nominal, No. 3 white 61¢ to 63c, nominal, Ontario Wheat--Aoccording to freights outside. New, No. 2 winter, per car lot $1.70 to $1.72, No. 3 $1.- 68 to $1.70. Peas--According to freights out- side, No. 2 $2.40. Barley--According to freights out- side. Malting $1.18 to $1. 20. --- THE LATE ROBERT KERR, Formerly Passenger Traffic Manager of the C.P.R. Toronto, Dec. 11.--Robert Kerr, traffic hahauages 'of ot the he Contin ote ha pany. Samed aun at hi 7 dn avenue, Toronto, on ita Buckwheat--According to freights outside, $1.30, nominal, Rye---According to freights side. No, 2 $1.40 to $1.42. Manitoba Flour -- Toronto--In jute bags. First patents $9.90. Sec- Sud patents; $9.40, ' strong bakers' $9.20. Ontario Flour--In bags, track To- ronto, prompt shipment, winter, ac- cording to sample $7.40 to $7.50, Mill feed--Car Lots--Delivered Montreal freights, bags included: Bran, per ton $32, shorts, pe-ten $37, middlings, white, per ton $38 $40. Good feed flour per bag $2.70 to $2.80. Hay--Track Toronto. No. 1, ton $12.50 to $13.50, No. 2 $10" " $11.50. Straw--Track~ puto, Car Jots, per ton $9 to $9.50 out- Montreal. Montreal, Nov. 12.--Corn--Ameri« can No. 2 yellow, $1.15 to $1.18. Oats--Canadian western No. 2, 6835¢; Canadian western No. 3, 67¢; extra No. 1 feed, 67c. Barley--Mapitoba feed, $1.02; malting, $1.30 90 $1.32. Flour---Manitoba spring wheat pat- ents, firsts $10, seconds $9.60; strong bakers, $9.30; winter patents, choice, $9.50; straight rollers, $8.90 to i 39; straight rollers, bags, $4.25 to 4.3 Rolled oats--Barrels, $7.50; bags, 90 lbs., $3.40. Bran, $32; shorts, $35; middlings, $38 to $40; moullle, $43 to $48. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car lots, $13. Cheese--Finedt westerns, 26¢; fin- est easterns, 24¢, Win Winnipeg, Dee. 12.--Wheat--No, 1 northern, $1.83; No. 2 do., $1.80; No. 3 do., $1.75; No. 4, $1.63; No, 5, $1.32, Oats--No. 2 C.W., 56¢; No. 2 do., 53%e¢c; extra No. 1 feed, 53%e¢. Barley--No. 3, 81¢; No. 4, 90¢; re- jected, 50¢; feed, 80c. Flax--No. 1, N.-W.C.,, 82.58%: No. 2 CW, $2.55%. Minneapolis, Minneapolis, Dec. 12.--Wheat-- May, $1.86%; July, $1.81%; cash, No. 1 hard. $1.86 to $1.90; No. 1 Northern, $1.83 to $1.86 to $1.90; No. 1 Northern, $1.83 to $1.86; No. 2 Northern, $1.78 to $1.84. 3 yellow, 88 to 8%. Oats--No, 3 white, 50% tq Sle. GENERAL PRODUCE. Toronto. Toronto, Dec, 12.--Butter, choice, dairy, 40c to 42¢; eggs, new-laid, doz., 35¢ to 60c; turkeys, 1b., 20¢ to 25¢; do. spring, 20¢ to 28¢; t wl, 1b., 15¢ to 17c¢; geese, spring, 16¢ to 17¢; ducklings, 1b., 15¢ to 18¢; spring chickens, 1b., 17¢ to 20¢; squabs, per doz., $3.50; pears, bkt., 40c to 60¢c; apples, per bbl, $3 to $6; beets, per bush., $1.10; carrots, per bag, $1.35; turaipsy per bag, 60¢ to-60c; parsnips per bush, $1.20 to $1.30; onions, per 7640, bag, $3 to $3.25; cabbages, per doz, 60c to $1.10; potatoes, per 90-1b. bag, $2 to $2.16. Moatreal. Montreal, Dec. 12. --Butter---Choic- est ereamery, 43¢ to 44¢; seconds, 41¢ to 42¢c. Eggs, Fresh, 60c; selected, 44¢; No, 1 stock, 40c; No. 2 stock, 36e¢. 10 Toe, per bag, car lots, $1.75 Dressed hogs--Abattoir Killed, 17¢; country, 14% to 16%¢c. Pork--Heavy Canada short mess, barrels, 35 to 40 pieces, 37c to 38¢; Canada short cut back, barrels, 45 to 55 pieces, 35¢ to 36¢. ; New York, New York, Dec, 12.----Flour--Bar- ley steady: Spring patents, $9.10 to $9.35; Winter patents, $8.50 to $8.- 30; Winter straights, $8.25 to $8.- Rye flour--Dull; fair to good, HE $7.75; choice to fancy, $7.- 90 to $8.25. Hay--steady; No. 1, $1.05 to $1.10; No. 2, $1 to $1. 02%: |, No. 3, 90 to 95¢; shipping, 75 to 80c¢. Hops--Quiet; state, common to choice, 1916, 45 to G0¢; 1915, 8 to 14¢c; Pacific st, 1916, 12 to 16¢c; 1915, 8 to "ile. Hides--Barely steady; Bogota, 44 to 45c; Central America, 42 to 43¢c. Leather--Firm; hemlock firsts, 57¢; seconds, 55¢, ane Liverpool, Dee. or Tsing Wheat--S8pot firm; No. 1 Manitoba, old, 17s 9d; No. 2 hard Winter, 16s 10d. Corn--Spot firm; American mixed, new, lds. Flour--Winter patents, 47s. Hops in London--Pa- cific coast, £4 15s to £5 16s. - > Duluth, pa uth, Dec. 12.--Wheat--No. 1 bard, $1. 35; No. 1 Northern, $1.84; No. 3 Northern, $1.71 to $1.81; De- cember, $1.85, nominal. Linseed To arrive; $2.90; December, $2.82; If you hiow a returned soldier, ask him about the need for munitions. Ask him whether he thinks we can have enough. Ask him what it means to charge a German trench that has not been blasted away by sufficient shell fire. His answer should inspire you to any personal sacrifice when the call comes to work in a munitions plant. Every Shell is a Life Saver MARK H. IRISH, Director of Munitions Labor, National Service Board, Canada. EMEDY. To cunes pach HEE elope. sae & sym Brg Sitabduy Ja your c: we. > fo ow uu Mad Mead Co. SE N. Tw ang Wo o TOACL SRwOn JOIN PARES sd ui Also Owned the Best Farm in the Township, Adolphustown, Dee, 12.--Dr. Dor- land, a well known resident of this denly Sunday of apoplexy, Dor- land gradusted from MoGill yA in 1875, practiced in Milwaukee and Chicago several years, and returned to Adolphustown {pu 1905. Besides racticing medicine, Dr. Dorland was a successful farmer and owned the best farm iu the township. He leaves a widow, Catharine Dor- land, a daughter, Gwendolen Dor- land, and James P. Dorland, an only son, 'wha enlisted and sailed with the first contingent. Dr. Dorland was sixty-five years of age, an Anglican, and in politics was a staunch Conservative. the shed, but in spite of the best efforts the whole of the barns were burned. No clue can be given as to how the fire originated. The farm is rented |» Mr. Rankin, who lost all his crop. Footwear Gift for all the » The old question of what to give splendidly solved if you visit this store. Evening Slippers, Dress Shoes, Hoc- key Boots, Moccasins, Overgaiters, Felt Slippers, Overshoes and Numerous other useful presents that will surely please you. i S| fect. Don't fail to see crackers contain Ea Gates, Flower Border and Wire Work of All Kinds to Order Partridge & Sons €| THIS IS THE STORE WITH THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT We have just.-received a shipment of Tom Smith Crackers ort and Stock. ings. Tom Smith's are unsur- passed for quality and decorative ef- and els. . Special con-