Daily British Whig (1850), 13 Dec 1916, p. 3

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1916. " THE DAILY WEDNE Probs: HARARE YOUR SHOPPING Can Be Done Best in THE MORNING Ty HN JUST NINE SHOPPING DAYS --THEN XMAS! HHA "Fruit-a-tives" is the only medicine | that hélped me". LOUIS LABRIE, 0c. a box, @ for $2.50, trial size, 230. Atall dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit. a-tives Limited, Ottawa. DO YOUR XMAS £SHOPPING EARLY: rw # STOMA i TROUBLE FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. | Expected Will Ban Serving dary Found That Plaintift Sustained in addition te cutting out thetopen | juries' reeefved as a result of the (NS Session will also provide for the| ¥as held at the Belvidere on Satur-| 994 Cuawerary Sr, MoxTREAL, : Bong Phe ah 'ol Lhe county court Tuesday. "Jt was At present liquors are sold in| Beth Small, Miss Gwendoline Fol-| Trouble. 1 had frequent Dizzy Spells, | L1rned its verdict, after having heen lutely no connection. trowne, Miss Ethelwyn MacGowan, | and sleepy. I suffered from | 4 . 1 P) ere for the plaintift, and A. I. ( unning<| Another amendment expected js| patrick and Messrs, McCarter, Doug. « back and joints, and my hands swollen, - all. This Is a concession to the plea After the first box, 1 felt | was grees { that he had staried to go across Prin- Duke and Duchess of Devon- | he was halted by the gong of 4 street | Soldiers, | time to spend Christmas with their | [ street, He stopped on the south rail # Government House, Lady Dorothy is | standing there he was struck by! . m wens 1 + Germany has made an offer to #| Lady Anne is seven, * 1d | wis tossed + : Dyspeptics Should Avoid | ex « lighting on his head and falling | 3 Pen + ! +! The I. C. Reading Club, which the auto passed over his inste c- +1 f the P Lover his instep, break | # and Rumanians are now on the again until the New Year, - eo Fears es rly . £8 8 ed. Asa result of his injuries he was | Severe food riots in orn 105. ELMER ALLOWED $274: Son ToRE ce \ : 4 ~~ SOLD IN GROCERIES i ---------- {HAD SUED "JACK" STANSBURY Another Quebec Amendment | Drinks to Soldiers. | -------- nfs Injuries as Result of Negligent) Quebec. 13.1; 1a understod that! Flt Wretched Unfl He Started | Rime of Motor Our br Detemtant. J: sidin to cui | o Joseph Bliner, who sued Jack} "af and curtailing the hours of sale, | : Nes Hp ant') To Take "Fruit a fives" | Stansbury for $500 damages for in-| tN® Proposed bill on liquor.licenses| A most enjoyable "The Dansant"| : fas . tor ear wa. | SCParation of the sale of groceries day afternoon. Some of the guesia| negligent driving of a motor ear, was |g. oo liquor. éries were: Miss Helen Campbell, Miss yp a awarded $274 damages by a Jury in For two years, I was a miserable " 3 Da eat sim awl 8 : ON Err ub rv we | BTOCErY stores, but the new legislation | ger, Miss Margaret Hemming, | sufferer from Rheum + and Stomach | 5-40 in the evening when the jury re- will provide that there will be abso. Miss Hazel Browne, "Miss Doris and, when I took food, felt wretched | on Tos ua an hour. Judge Lavell | It is felt that this will be a gregt| Miss Helen Strange, . Miss Eleanor) Rheu- |b C*106d, and T. J. Rigney appeared | step along the path of temperance, | Phelan, Miss Caven, Miss Sybil Kirk- i radfully ith ns i han ni }.a ; do mwatism' dreadfully, with pains in my {Lam for the defendant that the Bill provides that soldiers | las, Huycke, Wheeler, Kearns, Wal-| --- shall not be served in the hotels gt! ter Steacy and a number of cadet A friend advised *'Pruit-a-tives' and Plaintiff's Evidence, Se : > b from the outset, they did me good. | Mr. Elmer, in his evidence, stated | that traffic should be prohibited be., The three younger daughters and! fause of the soldier, and that drink | the younger son of thelr Excellencies | 38 § Ade * hurting the men going to the front. | th well ; that | ©9°® Street from the north side to the! 18 hu going ront, | the and I can trathfully say that south side, but when part way across | Aud espeelally is harmful to returned | shire have come from England in| {ear which was coming down the ---- parents, They arrived in Halifax last | FEEPIPIPELI0D B100009 e000 | Friday and are now in Ottawa at [of the north track and waited for the! . ; [the car to pass by. While he was WAR BULLETINS, + | sixteen years of age, Lady Rache] is ns ® | fourteen; Lord Charles is eleven, and | Stanshary's auto, upward bound, He t up in the air and came | * Belgian for weparate peace. 3a - * . * > Ra : hi 3 { The German rush | Rue oe under the car. One of the wheels of | 5 usi- in " Drugs and Medicines | # mania is halted.' The Russians met at Mrs. T. M. Callandar's on! {ing the artries. His limbs wera alsb | flohsiv *| Monday afternoon, will not meet] Try # Little Magnesia Instend {torn «nd his eolidr bone-was dislocat-| § oltensive, Some people instinctively shut their unable Ga : : : able to pursue his occupation for! : o ds { ay be . + 1 . Many » to danger, gnd it may that in.) yen weeks and could not now work ! + Yarg.. Many: killed. | | Ham- +! Mrs. John Birkett, Bagot street, *| entertained informally at the tea | hour on Tuesday afternoon in honor | Gen. Nivelle has been ap- #/¢ her guest, Mrs. 'Arthur Mathaw- | 1 z ei RE pointed to command the French +! son i damages, the witness fad that his| & armies in the north and north- #| * | fost Hime was orth $259 and his; & east in Joffre's place, o* Miss Agnes Johnston entertained | 8 ras : 8% : J f g octor's bill wa 29, n addition | 4 % | the Bridge Club at the Princess Pats | his clothes were destroyed, and it was | SED FEES SH LFOFEFLEPP04 ] : a ) 2 necessary to buy drugs and comforts. ---------------- | Tnesday sveRIng. H. W. Mclvor, who was a motor- BOLDT'S SUCCESSOR, man on the street ear which passed -- ow the plaintiff at the time of the acel- | Son Well Fitted to' Take Charge of | dent, sald he noticed Stansbury ap- | Business { on Saturd Qa | bat 1 ui { : . | on Saturday pron. hing in hig a and said that he) noo York, Dec. 13.--Tho death of | cpeds will bo Was not paying attention to where he George C. Boldt, proprietor of the| Cross magnesia from your druggist and take | was going. Elmer was standing on Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, whose ge tus | ' eo nonnful In : Jiu. Nn will ine the south rail of the north track. | developed the present hotel ll of | stantly neutralize all the harmful eid W. J. Todd, the driver of a coal {the country, introduces into the loy are the guests of Mrs. (i, H. Wil in the stomatelr and stop all food 'fer- | cart, stated that when Stansbury was world of business ; > i Want k 8 He A Ee Wg ol MR Rg Ra : . 13iness a new figure, in his Hamson, Brock street, | hearty meals without experiencing the ive OF Six feet from Elmer, who was only son and namesake, on whom the Mrs, Kennedy MeHwraith, Toron- | 18a8i pain or unpleasantness . after- standing on the south rail, he shouted | hyrden of conducting his father's] to is the guest of Mrs, Lois Saun- | ward, pe to him to get out of the way, but he | graat enterprises has fallen. | ders, Farl street. ) NN BP 0 lO, Ea a a y OR ay . had no c¢hanece to escape. Those who know Mr. Boldi best | Mra, W, Wendling Anglin, and say he will fulfil his tasks as ade- | wee son, St. Catharines, are coming | quately as his father would rave had| pext week to spend Christmas with | i : Evidence For Defence. {him do them. | Lieut Col. and Mis. oes wi Fy Mr. Stansbury, the defendant, testi- He is popular with the hotel staff | Street dr i ied that Elmer ran in the way of his | and is regarded as a keen, observing | © g. g 3 v ear from in front of the coal 'cart, and well informed man. It was two! ar. Moniasne Stange, whe hag ; . t t which" Wis also going up the street,| years ago, after tho late Mr. Boldt | Toronto 'returned home on Mon- | and when he saw him fit was impos-| had been observing his son, that hej gay | | day. As usual we are well stocked sible 'to stop. As soon as he saw the! said:/ : ot 5 's Uni- plaintiff he yelled "Look-out, Joe,"| "Well, now I can go away when- Kenneth Johnston, Queen's Uni up with good sensible holiday goods: eves stinet, or custom or habit causes dys- peptics to iake drugs, patent foods and medicines, artificial digestonts, ete. But closing the eyes dors not banish the danger, ind it is certain that nei- ther drugs nor medicines possess the power to destroy the harmful excessive ucld in the stomach, which is tha un- derlying cAugse of most forms of in digestion and yapepsia, They may Klve temporary rellef, but ever {herens- ing quantities must be taken, and all the time (he acid remains in the stom- ach fs dangérons ag ever Physiclans know this and that Is why thelr advice so often to sufferers from digestive and stomaeh trouble ig "Just get about an ouncn of pure bisurated with the same ease as he did before | 4 the accident. Asked to estimate his |g | | * | Complete stocks in face of great difficulties -- abound at the Steacy store. We offer for your gift-giving the finest gloves the world produces -- Perrin Freres, Charles Perrin, Fownes and Benson gloves. of the Ladies' Musi- | ive a sacred recital in! Methodist ehurch| afternoon, The pro- in ald of the Red The member cal Club will Sydenham street Lieut.~Col and Neg, L. W, Mul FOR WOMEN White Kid and Doeskin Washable Gloves Special values at $1.25; $1.50, $1.65 and $1.75. Tan and Brown Fine Kid and Cape Gloves. Gloves we guarantee to be of the finest skins, at $1.65 and $1.75. Grey Kid and Suede and a Few Mocha Gloves. Priced at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75 a pair. Black Kid, Suede and Mocha Gloves. Old values at $1.25, $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00. $1.25, $1.50, simultaneously shutting off the pow-| ever I want to. George can run this | Survity. Petuzned' 46 $6Wa 2 Mow er and applying the brakes. The wit- hotel and any other of my affairs." | 7" + we ness swore that the plaintiff had only' - The To head of fue Boldt in-| Mr. and Mrs reached 'ihe north rail when he was | terests will have control of.two great| _ Mr. an 'hie are struck, and that the right fender of hotels--the Waldorf-Astoria, which | Son, Oldac fe E hicago, are wining i | the auto struck him, he being taken| Makes an estimated annual profit. of | i with Jiro. Cogke 2 J half a million dolla 1 lie-| the Rectory, Barriefield. {out from underneath the right wheel, | rs, and the Belle Miss Jessie Smith, *"The Welling- The car just previous to the accident | YUt-Stratford, in Philadelphia, which! Miss Jessie Smith, NE | was travolling ab the rate of eight or| B¢ OWns, including the building, and | On." left on Saturday. for Ottawa, | J eo miles an Aird 3 1% ¢ | Which returns an estimated profit of | Where she will be the guest of Miss , i 250.0 re Mabel Taylor, Peter McKee said the accident was | §->0:000 & year. In addition to that, | Miss Eleanor Mackay, who has | : 3h at Ai: he will have 4 controlling voice 4n | jeaused by Elmer passing in front of: tha conduct of a string ug hotels in| been visiting Miss Eleanor Minnes ! jthe auto.. The plafntiff was Jogging [ the smaller cities of the country and | and Miss Ethel Kent, returned home across the street and apparently had | i, "the conduct of many business! Yesterday, Frank Cooke and Long Evening Gloves. In black and white in 8, 10, 12 and 16 button $1.75, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50 and $3.00. FOR MEN Tan Cape and Washable Tan Gloves Cameras, Tollet Sets, Manicure Sets, Hand Bags, Wallets, Fountain Pens, Perfume, Chocolates, Fie, lengths, priced at | not noticed the approaching auto, Geoffrey O'Hara, New York, will | Wellington Simmons stated that {Elmer 'was Standing on the north | track when he was struek by the right! fender of the car. t Albert Deem gave evidence to the! fact that Elmer had told him that he! didn't blame Stansbury for the aces dent. i The plaintiff was recalled and de-} nied the statement attributed to him| by Deem, | Questions for the Jury. { After addresses by the counsel and | the judge's gharge, the jury retired to | consider the following questions pro- | pounded by his honor: | (1) Was the intiff injured by reason of being Tit by the motor vehidle of the defendant? i (2) Has the defendant established | that such injuries did not arise through negligence or improper con- duct on his part? (3) At what amount do you assess | the daniagés, if any, sustained by the' plaintife? To the first question the jury an- "Iswered "yes," to the second "no," and ! in reply to the third said #t fixed the amount of the damages at $274, The foreman, in announcing the finding,| said that the jury had not allowed the plaintiff the full amount sued for be- | cause he hadn't exercised as much | care as he might have. Let us assist in selecting ac- ceptable gifts, THE POPULAR DRUG STORE Open Sundays At the annual meeting of the | Perth Curling club 'last week, Vv. | W. M. Grant was elected its chap-| lain, : 1 | ' ECZEMA ON FACE Was So Bad Had to Stay in House. | All skin diseases such as eczema or | salt sHeum, {tehing or burning rasn- es, eruptions, 'ulcers, boils, pimples, otc, are all caused by bad blood, and while not usually attended with xny fatal results," may sooner or laler develop into some serious birod trouble, and the entire system Le-! come affected. = Burdock Blood Biiters, that od and well-known remedy, will ¢'eanse the blood of all its impurities, and b this ins cure all skin disea es a other blood 'troubles. th AE Mrs. Ernest Andrews, Iamilton; : English make, durable | via was so & WARRTR we. ¥ hs i bou; bottle of Burdo-k on. y vow I am cu-ed, and hive a skin, ke not : me but Burdock | derstood that 'sidering that rain face was covered 4 0 stay In the house, I tired their treatm Bt thr eal] A Beir tr en at | went ET m Saad all bad it | eo so i used to see me when : I was so bad 8nd see we now win | East Heve it, but I always tell them! | corporations, as well as a voice Inj the maigtenance of banking institu- tions. | spend Christmas with Mr, and Mrs. | Arthur Craig, f ¢ { Mrs, George Mackay, who has! | been- at Clifton Springs, returned on| GET KINGRTON STOCK Among the Buyers of the Colling- wood Company. Toronto, Dec. 13.--Final arrange: | ments have row been made whereby | all undertakings in comnection with the purchase of the Collingwood | Shipbuilding Company' of Colling-| wood, hive been completed. | The purchasers are J. W. Noreross, | Montreal; R. M. Wolvin, Winnipeg, | and Horace B. Smith, Owen Sound. | Application will be made for a Do- minion charter, and it is likely that the new company will retain the name of thé old. By the transaction the purchasers also obtain ninety-six per cent. of the stock of the Kingston Shipbuild- ing Company. At the presefit time the company is building two large steel oil tanks for use on the upper Canadian lakes and a 550-foot lake freighter for the Montreal Transporting Company. It is also the company's intention tol start, at an early date; on the con-! struction of a 3,000-ton ocean steam- | er, which will be operated by the company itself. Additional steamers of the same size will Fe built. In addition to the above, it is un- the company is at] present earrying oul some important munitions contracts. The Canada Stéamship Lines has no connection whatever with the transaction, although the purchasers are prominently associated with the Steamship Company. edi MASON IS HEAD. Agricultural Society at Cape Vineent Holds Annual Meeting. Cape Vincent, N. Y.--The annual mesting of the Cape Vincent Agricul- tural Sociely was held at Jerome's Hotel Saturday afternoon, but on ac- count of the day being stormy there Was a slight attendance. The report rendered by the treasurer showed the society to be in good shape con- J led one day of thé fast exhibition, ° 5 a : ut following officers were chosen for the ensu year: r Joseph Maton; Monday. i 3 * 1 | Rev. W, T. Wilkins, who has been | visiting Mr. and Mrs. james Craig, | Earl street, returned to Trenton to- day, | Miss Loretta Swift left yesterday for New York to visit friends. | Mrs. Dennistoun, Winnipeg, is the | guest of her daughter, Mrs, EF. P| Torrance, Princess street, ! - * Mrs. A. Smeaton and danghter, Alice, William street, left yesterday for Philadelphia, where they will spend Christmas, . * & oe The marriage of Miss Dorothy White, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, Ottawa, and Lt. Col. C. H. Maclaren, D.8.0., Ottawa, took place Monday in Portsmouth, England, at the residence of the bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Percy White, Lt.-Col. Maclaren went to the front with the first contingent in which he commanded the First Can- adian Artillery Brigade, Rev. John and Mrs. Fairlte, Broek street, announce the mt of their daughter, Anna Ballantyne, to tae Rev, John MacDonald, Gore Bay. The marriage will take place quietly | on December 26th. . - . Mrs. Binnington, Cataraqui, Ont,, announces the engagement of her daughter, Elleda Mary, to Alexander A. Hay, Saskatoon, Sask.The mur- riage will take place in the early part of Ja ry. - ( on page 10.) H. Smith, ice-merchant, Belleville, has recovered $250 damages for an- noyance caused by smells from a drain sed by the city to carry off coal refuse from the gas works, Mrs. Clayton's Letter To Run-Down Nervous Women. Louisville, Ky.--"T was a nervou wreck, and in a weak, run-down con dition when a friend asked mie 16 try 1 did so, and as a result I have gained in health and _YICE-I 1 think Vino! is the best medicine in '| the world fer a nervous, weak, X system and for elderly Pie W.'C. Clayton. Louis , Ky. J ; 5 iol is a delicious combination 10 over- ons" and for chronic - coughs, and bromchitls. Mahood's Drug Sicrs, Dents own make at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.75. Lined tan Grey Suede Gloves. gloves at $1.00 on up to $2.50. Unlined gloves special at $1.50. Lined grey Mocha at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, on up to $3.00 in fur- lined gloves. Brown Lined Mocha. A full range--all at last year's prices -- from $1.00 to $3.50. FOR CHILDREN Tan Kid Gloves In sizes 4} to 7 only, at 75¢. Chamois Gloves. A full range in white and natural Mocha Mitts. , a splendid value at $1.00 pair. The best value in the trade at 60c pair. Other makes from 75¢ . ALL GLOVES BOXED FREE. to $1.25. EDISON'S MORALITY TIP Has Never Had Time to he Tempted ~--Motto, 'Work Hard. Now York, Dee. 13.--The Rev. Winslow Adams, pastor of St. Andrew's Methodist Episcopal cburel, in West Seventy-Sixth street, 'ho from pul- who on Sunday read from his pit answers to the question: afe the greatest safeguards agains ptation?" * to-day received the The BEST $15 Overcoat 1 IN THE CITY. HAVE MADE OVERCOATS FOR 335 YEARS. KNOW WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT. John Tweddell, _ Civil and Militdry Tail > . A Footwear for Xma | 8S $3.50 up '

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