Useful Xmas Gifts Are the kind we sell, at low prices. SEE THE WINDOW For a Few Timely Suggestions. Then come inside and get our prices on Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Etc. Every stock complete; a pleasure to show you. PLEASE SHOP EARLY. 260 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 800. Higher Up Street hut Lower in Price. ee = Casseroles-Casseroles A PAP - -- a -- mmm Very pretty designs, pierced on oval and round, nickel and silver plated frames, brown, green and white linings. See our big variety just arrived. The Theresa at 90c'is a solid white steel frame, nickle plated; gives good sat- isfaction. Robertson's Limited _THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 19i6. UNION WITH METHODISTS! PROPOSED BY PRESBYTERY TO COVER MISSION FIELDS | Special Committee Dealt With The| Situation and Made Proposals--Tributes to in Theology Who Fell in Battle, "That the suggestion or recom-| mendation, made by the committee | on co-operation with the Methodists, | to the effect that Consecon and Hill-| jer (Presbyterian) should be ex-| changed for Carmel (Methodist), to | be worked with Foxboro, be approv- | ed, and carried out if found practi-| cable." \ The Kingston Presbytery took an important step, when it passed this clause of a report on Home Missions, ! at the Tuesday afternoon session. | The report of the committee, was presented by Rev, Dr. Gracey, of Gananoque, the convenor, and ome of the oldest members of the Pres- bytery. To see the Presbytery take up the matter and put it through just | looked as if church union is close at | hand. Dr. Gracey also gave an interest- ing report of a union committee held recently at Belleville, "Our conference was of a very {riendly, candid, and cordial char- acter," said Dr. Gracey, who went on to explain how certain things had been agreed to; with the aim of ge- vising ways and means by which re- ligious services could be supplied to the people most effectively, and at the least expense, No suggestion was made of any transfer of church praperty, this to be left for arrange- ment by the proper authorities after union takes place, if such is effected, nor was it the intention that there should be any change in church re- lations or church members. Method- ist members, worshipping with Pres- byterians, would remain Methodists and vice versa, and all contributions to stipends of ministers would go In each case, to the church conducting the services, The first ease considered union committee was that of Fox-| boro (Preshyterian) and Carmel | (Methodist) two and a half miles | apart, It was proposed that these] two should work together, the Pres- byterian minister at Foxboro giving regular services to both churches, | the people of Carmel church help-| ing to pay the stipend qf the pastor. | As an equivilent, it was proposed | that the Presbyterian congregation of Consecon and Hillier, should be transferred to the care of the Meth- odists, all their revenues for church purposes and all contributions to] missions, going to the Methodist] church. | It was also proposed that Shan-| nonville Presbyterians and Meth- | odists meet together, with the Meth- odists at Melrose and that they have | Number, oi | St udents | by the | byterian members now 5,798. was noted . that Chalmers church, Kingston, contributed over $700. The allocation for Kingston Pres- bytery for 1917, is again $19,500. In the congregations and. mission fields of the Presbytery an increase of 137 members for 1915 was . re- ported, making the number of Pres-| The following recommendations of | the Home Missions Committee were! adopted: "That the Presbytery expresses deep regret at the death of W. G. Fraser, in the Carlow mission field, a short time ago. Mr, Fraser, a young man of fine spirit, and excel- lent promise, was cut off in very early life, The Presbytery appre- ciates the work he did in Tichborne mission in 1915, and in Carlow in 1916, and extends sympathy te his relatives and friends. "That the Presbytery records its full approval of tae settlement in Roslin and urges the Home Mission- ary Board to give the small grant asked for the change." .The members of Presbytery gretted very' much the fact that their moderator, Rev. . AS. Kerr of Belleville was unable to be with them He recently underwent an operation for appendicitis, and is doing nicely. The members hope for a speedy recovery, re- -------- Little Girls Raised Aid Fand. The little girls of Class No. 14, St. George's cathedral, taught hy Miss E. Evans, were successful in raising $11.15. This" has been given to United States Consul Johnson to be used in his good work of sending much needed parcels to the Canadian prisoners of war in Germany. As the alleged ancestors of some of our old families Adam and Eve have much to answer for, Binocular sights are used in aim- ing a sporting rific that an Ohio man has invented The physician's fee is often penality for foolishness, A lA tN SUFFERED WITH BACK For Ten Years. Women are greatest sufferers from weak, lame and aching backs | owing to "the itinual stooping, bending 'and lifting so necessary to perform their household duties. The cause of tiie baskache comes from some derangement of the kid- neys, for were there not something wrong with the kidneys the back would be strong and well, and with- out-a pain or an ache, i Doan's Kidney Pills will take out all the stitches, twitches and twinges, lamber up the stiff back, and give perfect relief and comfort to all poor, weak backed, suffering women. Mrs. Chas. Thibeau, Chureh Point, |i} N.S. writgs: "For ten years I suffer- the the ~~~ | One chureh at each place, "To effect | ed with my back, and was so weak I Cor. Princess & Montreal Sts. Telephone 41 Suggestions Why not give your wife a new rug for Christmas. Something useful, and will last for years. Secretaries, in every finish; golden and fumed oak, mahogany, old Eng- lish and Jacobean, Hall Seats with Mirrors to Match, in fumed and golden oak. Hall trees and racks. GIVE YOUR FAMILY REAL MUSIC. EDISON'S ® GIFT TO MUSIC LOVERS, A DIAMOND POINT PHO NOGRAPH OR A WILLIS PIANO. We carry a large and well assorted stock at moder- + ate prices. sit : - kT F HARRISON C0., Limited this, the Presbyterians would give | their church over to the Methodists, | and the Methodists at Melrose trans- | fer to the Presbyterians. The sol-| wtion, .however, was regarded as a | delicate oné, and no decision was | reached. There was also a proposition for | the Fuller Presbyterians to join with | the Methodists at West Huntington, | in lieu of this, the Methodists at} Mout Pleasant to go with the Pres- | byterians at Roslin and Thurlow, | but on this nothing definite was| agreed. | The union committee adjouTed to meet at the call of the chairman, the | latter being instructed to secure data in regard to the situation. Paid Supreme Sacrifice. | "That a committee be appointed | to draft a suitable minute, express-| ive of the Presbytery's attitude to- ward the present war, its sympathm with all who have been called upon to mourn the loss of friends and] kindred who have fallen, with spec- fal reference to the tidings that have recently come from the front, that] P. C. Caverhill and E. F. Corkhill, | students of divinity under the care] ¢f this Presbytery, who would this year, have been presenting them-| selves for license, on the completion | of their course, have made the su-! prcme sacrifice on the field of con-| flict." { The above resolution, moved by Rev. Dr. Gracey, seconded by Rev. | J. D. Boyd, was carried, Prof. H. T. Wallace presented the report of this special committee, | which paid tribute to the two stu- dents who made the supreme sacri- fice; Rev. W, J. Parsons, of Harrow- smith, in a forceful address, appeal- ed for a mission of consecration and prayer regarding the war, peinting out the great responsibility which rests on the church to-day. He felt that this would do more to help re- cruiting than anything else. The Presbytery will carry out the sug- tion, : At the request of G. M. Maecdon- nell, who addressed the members at their noon luncheon, the Presby- tery will put forth the claims of the for help. if - stomatic Giving. An excellent report, which brought Sy could not do my washing or any hard work, just a little around the house. One day a friend advised me to use Doan's Kidney Pills, and they helped me so much I could do my washing and since thén I have been in perfect health." Doan's Pills are the original kid- ney pills. Do not accept any substi- tutes put up under similar names. See that you get the oblong grey box, |} the trade mark a "Maple Leaf." Price 50¢, or three boxes for $1.25, at all dealers or mailed direct on re- ceipt of price by The T. Milburn Co,, Limited Toronto, Ont, Specify "Doan's' if ordering dir- ect. STOCK UP WITH HENDERSON'S Hockey Boots Abernethy's Shoe Store TheBestof All Gifts ARE GIFTS THAT ARE APPRECIATED Below we mention a few of the most acceptable | gifts: YOUNG LADIES' EVENING FOOTWEAR in the latest plain pump and big buckle colon- ial effects; beaded work and patents. New York's Latest Models, $5.00. forthe Boys You never knew a boy who didn't want hoc- key boots. Our stock is the largest in the city. . Prices $1.75 to $4.00. Skates attached free. Women's Warm Slippers In different colors, $1.25 and $1.50. MEN'S HOUSE SLIPPERS In warm felt, $1.25, $1.50 to $2.00. Leather slippers, $1.50 to $3.50. TRUNKS, SUIT CASES Groceries for Christmas. A suggestion--Begin to buy your Christmas groceries now, and have a full larder for Christmas. Home-made Mincemeat . 13¢ per Ib. Holbrook's Egg Powder, large tng, J. Lan Liv JOC B00 anche Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs. for . .. . 23¢ New Table Raisins ... . 25¢ per Ib. Cape Cod Cranberries . 13¢ qt. Tom Smith's Crackers . .. All Prices Tom Smith's 'Stockings . . All Prices New Dates, 2 pkgs for ... .... 25¢ California Figs, 2 pkgs. for ... 25¢ Orange and Lemon Peel ... 25¢ Ib. Mixed Candied Peel 80¢ 1b. A full line of Christmas groceries in Endless variety. - . Henderson's Grocery Everytiing to Eat, nd the | of : Phone 279 his rock St. FRR NYAL'S Campbells Aside from their comfort and utility, furs are distinctly. the Furs LADIES' HUDSON SEAL COATS. MEN'S FUR COATS, When ering Your Xma Chocolates Call shd see our big variety in fancy boxes and baskets. : Sakell Noxt to Grand Opera House. Telephone 64 ' 0. MEN'S FUR LINED COATS. LADIES' NECK PIECES and MUFFS. in the FUR LINED GLOVES. furs, forth a hearty vote of thanks, from p Rev. John | gh was shown that Kingston | P ery contributed $12,498 to- wards the $1,600,000. hudget, the lf largest sum, despite: war time, hat 61 fang: | buted. is is an increase over 1914 of §791. The AV je percentage of allocation at- all over the church was $476. Presbytery ts ? James Reid's