© BANKING SERVICE All who have banking business, of whatever nature, to transact, will find the modern Banking Service offered by The Bank of Toronto most sat- isfactory. Long experience, ample resources, extensive foreign and domes- tic connections enable us to provide adequate facilities for the manage- ment of business accounts ' Capital ..... Reserved Funds Tue BANK or TORONTO Kay, Manager. . George B. McKay, LL FOR SALE Stephen St., Frame, Stable Colborne St., Brick ....... Queen St., Brick, Modern Frontenac St., Brick, All Modern . J. K. CARROLL AGENCY, 56 Brock Street. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 N You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, Phone 1994 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time We Specialize in Ladies' and Gentlemen's Toilet Requisites | Our West Window Tells the Story--See It. » Hoag's Drug Store Nyal Quality Store. Kingston, Ont. Watts-Florist Fresh Out Flowers and Plants Daily. Funeral Designs to order. we edding ATP Wellington St, We Are Ready For Your CHRISTMAS TRADE Sweet Cider, New Raisins and Our rants, New Peel, Figs and Dates. We also have some choice Maple Sugar. Bananas, Oranges and Malaga Our motto: "We Aim to Please." at the Bon Marche G Cor. King & Earl St" Phone 1844 CAVERLY & BRADSHAW. NI t,o FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING Finest Sunkist Raisins, cleaned currants, peels, dates, figs, almonds and walnuts. Belleville cider. J. M. GORDON Pure Food Grocer Cor Montreal & Bay Sts. Phone 88 Cameo Lavalieres, $6 to $12. Amethyst and Pearl Lavalieres, $3 to $8. Peridot and. Pearl Lavalieres, $3 to $8. Men's Tie Pins Set with pearls in wish bones. Horse Shoes, Bow Knots, $2.25 to $7.00 Ear-rings A large selection from 73c¢ to . 85 and up. Cigarette Cases Iu Sterling from $3.50 to $15. In Silver Plate, $1.26 to $3.50. 1 Napkin Rings In Sterling, $1.00 to $4.00. Silver Rattles, $1.30 to $4.00, Wrist Watches For Boys, $2.75 up. For Girls $6.00 up. For Men, $6.00 to $35.00. For Women $12 to $75 and up. Phassasasaseasancs senso b R. J. RODGER, p p p "Where the Clock is on the Walk," % A | Loca NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity ~--What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. ; There was no session of the Police Court Wednesday morning. A number of sleighs and cutters were noticed on the streets Tuesday night, Hd. Cunningham, plano tuner. 21 King street. Leave orders at McAul- ey"s Book Store. George B. McKay, Kingston, has been re-appointed to the executive committee of the O.H.A. f A new Victor recitation record. A Psalm of Life and The Village Black- smith, 90c, at Lindsay's. An overseas mail will close at the post office at 11 o'clock to-night, A parcel post mail elosed at 5 p.m. Canon R. 8. Forneri, who retires as rector of St. Luke's church at the end of the year, expects to spend the winter with relatives in Belleville. The siding to the Relfance Mould- ing Company's plant was torn up on Monday by a locomotive of the G.T. R. passing over it. Gunner Draper, Tete de Pont Bar- racks, was removed to the general hospital on Tuesday in James Reid's motor ambulance, ! Now is the time to have your pianos tuned. Our expert tuners are at your service. 'Phone 1544. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street. A Wolfe Islander is hunting for 700 Ibs. of coal sent him in bags from Swift and Co. It was landed at Wolfe Island, but have disappear- ed. It is expected that Alexander Jack, the mewly appointed inspector for the Children's Aid Society will take over his duties in a week or ten days. , A comical sight was witnessed on Princess street Tuesday when an em- ployee on a street car held out a broom to sweep the track as the car moved along, The secretary of the Military Y.M. C.A. sent a box of games, reading and writing material, etc., for the use- of the Kingston soldiers on munition guard at Trenton. Large stock of Christmas records at Lindsay's. Choose your Christmas gifts from among them. The Utilities commissioners are well pleased that the monthly collec- tion of rates has not entailed ad- ditional expenditure. The collections are costing less than before, The president of the Board of Trade acknowledges these donations to the Belgian Reli.f Fund: Red Cross workers, Battersea, per Miss Alice M. Jamieson, $61; Mrs. Mary H. Woolley, $2. The Bishop of Kingston, at the special service of intercession to be held in St. George's Cathedral to- night, at' 8 o'clock, will give an ad- dress on the subject "Christianity and the War. Has Christianity Failed?" This list of work was completed during the year by the Red Cross pworkers of Wolfe Island: 184 night shirts, 68 pyjama suits, "38 -army shirts, 12 pneumonia jackets, 283 pads, 46 pairs socks; also two don- ations from friends of three pairs of socks and handkerchiefs each, Among recent visitors in the .city from tite district were: E. D. Ber- tram, Parham; Sam Allestine, G. L. Lakins, H. Asselstine, S. Snyder, M. Wagar, Verona; J. McKeever, God- frey; Isaac Harrison, Tamworth; Dr, Allen, Tweed; E. Scott, Picton; R. H, Smith, Sydenham; J. B. Howell, Bath; J. Lighthall, Picton; W. G. Robinson, Napanee, THE STOCK QUOTATIONS. Prices at Which American and Cana- dian Stocks Range. (Special to the Whig., Toronto, Dec. 13.~--Erickson, Per- kins & Co., of New York and Chicago; through' their Toronto agent, J. C. Beaty, revort the following quota- tions: 3 New York Stocks. | re, Open. 2.30 p.m. Airbrake .. .. 166% Atchison .. .. .. ...103% Baltimore & Ohio . 83% GPR .... 1 NX. 0... Brie... .. .. Reading .. .. .. Union Pacific .. .. . Republic Steel .. .. , U. 8. Steel .. .. .. Beth. Steel .. Anaconda .. Nickel .. +. :. .. Am. Locomotive, .. Canadian Steamships .. .. Cement nina General Electric . Dominion Steel Smeilters .. .. .. :.. Steel of Canada .. .. British Mail. Last British mail for Xmas. closes to-night at 11 p.m. Ample time to secure Gibson Art Line of Cards, Booklets and Calendars for mailing overseas. We have received the Jarg- est shipment made to Canada by the bson Co. Open to 10 p.m. The Book Store. -------------------- Ready For Your Christmas Trade. Japasese tangerines, California alaga grapes, Florida anas, table raisins and nuts, at Car- novsky's. ---------- GRAN THE DAILY BRITiSH WHIG, WEDNESDAY INCDENTS OF THE. DAY \ OPERA | . HOUSE At 2.30 p.m, Ceutinnous and 7.30 - D A Y Performance 2-- Vaudeville Acts -- 2 Five Reel Feature Film thy and i | iA | =m | . Continuous Per-| CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES = Y At 2 pom. and 7 p. for oO ce | MONDAY, TUES & WEDNESDAY First insertion, 1c a word. Each con- escutive insertion ti fer, cent 8 word. Minimum charge for one insertion, 2%e; thres, insertions. | 30¢; nix $1; one month, | ! | HELP WANTED | "DIANE OF THE FOLLIES | ! "She Loved a Sailor" 2 part Keystone | COOK WANTED AT THE ALBION | Comedy, and other goed photoplays, | Hotel. | Prices: Matinee, any seat, Se; Eve. 10e. | | Reserved Seats, Sc Extra, APPLY RANDOLPH | An Phone 1983. in "POLICE" | Five Reel Feature Film, Lillian Gish In | BELL BOY. Hotel A HOUSEKEEPER. ! Brock street. | | GOOD SECOND COOK, MAN, | Hotel Frontenac. | | | A MAID FOR GENERAL WORK. AP- { ply to Mrs. W. Leslie, 23 West St. | |A GOOD RELIABLE MAN OR BOY | for driving. Apply to Aldergon| | { APPLY 333 | APPLY | MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY, Fanny Ward, in "Each Pearl a Tear" VAUDEVILLE Keen & Foxworth In a Colored Comedy Act Bros. HOUSEKEEPER, REFERENCES RE. quired, family of two; six miles| from Kingston. Apply to Box K.M., | Whig Office. ------------------------------------------------------------ DISTRICT AGENTS, PERMAN ENT] positions, salary and commission, | exclusive territory. "Sales Division" | Saturday Nighy Toronto. { ONCE A GOOD GENERAL SER- vant, for family of two; no laun-| | dry;. wages $20 per month. Ad-! | dress Box 1345 Whig Office. { | ER aaddaddadaaad asad sassy yd] Girls for knitting and flnish- ing departments. Apply King- | % ston Hosiery Co. | S0000004000000 s00000s 0008 1 i ete-- Second Episode of that Wonder- ful Serial The Crimson Stain Mystery A Frank Daniels Comedy Prices: Mat. 10c; Eve. 10¢, 15. | GENERAL SERVANT; MUST BRE GOOD | plain cook: wages $20 per month; no washing nor ironing. Apply in the evening to Mrs. A. P. Knight, Alice street. L OR WOMAN WHO THOROUGH. ly understands cooking and gen- eral housework, for three in fam- ily: no laundry work; high wages Apply Mrs. Charles McKay, 218 Johnson street. OVER $2 DAILY EASILY EARNED AT home on Auto-Knitters making War Socks, experience unnecessary, distance immaterial. Enclose three cent stamps today for contract form. Dept. 24C. Auto-Knitter Co., College Street, Toronto. ered Bright young man, or return. ed soldier for position as report- er; one with experience prefer- red. Must have good education and be aggressive, Chance for advancement. Apply Managing Editor, Daily Whig. HAVE YOU WAGSTAFFE'S | P URE | Gir MINCE-MEAT AND PLUM PUDDINGS FOR CHRISTMAS LIBERAL | Se PeL EE TEACHERS WANTED. QUALIFIED PROTESTANT TEACHER, for Union 8, 8. No. 5, Oso and No. Duties to commence Jan. Salary $400 per annum, Arpiy D. Attwell, 8ec., Oconto, nt. a. son il iit fi FOUND fi fl : i \ | Hi A FUR STOLE AT STRAND || i theatre. Owner may have same i by calling at the office. PURSE ON COR. on Sunday may at GUN METAL Earl and Clergy, morning Owner same by f | have calling 105 IL. | left ac 16 | night, have | ad- butter and apples, Sydenham on Saturday in mistake. Owner may same by calling at above dress. | GOLD KNOT BROOCH ON SUN. i day. Owmer ¢an have same by | proving Property at my office. | Stewart Optical Co., Clarence | and Wellington St, City. PACKAGE BUTTER ON DIVIS ion street Owner can have same by calling at 171 Clergy street DOOR KEY AT CORNER OF Wellington and Clarence Sts. | Apply at Whig Office. il POUND ARTICLES ADVER- | TISED FRKE } ¥ | | | | | | | ' Anyone finding anything and Sisning to reach the owner may do so by re the facts to The British hig. The adver- tisemen: will be printed in this column free of charge. | BLACK RIBBON FOB, WITH erican cent. Finder please to Whig Office. PERSON WHO TOOK OVERCOAT off pole at Cor. Aberdeen and Johnson 'last Friday evening does bitt's grocery, prosecution will fo jow STRAYED. COLTS STRAYED premises of Stanley Pittsferry, about the last week in November Owner may have same by proving propenty and paying ex- penses. ™Oo INTO THE TO LET FOR PYRNITURE, SEF. STORAGE Brock arate rooms. MeCann, street. OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. bers. 79 Clarence street. | FURNISHED ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping, 396 Prin- cess street, between Parrie and Division, | LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, heated with furnace and fire place Suitable for two. Also use of tele- Phone. Apply 288 Queen street. STORAGE: FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, QUALIFIED TEACHER FOR S88, NO. 4, Storrington; duties to commence Jan 1st, 1917. Salary $500.00. Ap- ply, stating qualifications, to John Sleeth, Sec, Treas, Battersea, Ont. RALLY : =: -- BAC RR. A Liberal Meeting willl aie public Seigol. be held at the Committee . . --~% | Rooms, 338 King St., on (Robt. J. Bushell, Sec'y and Treas, | Wednesdayat 8PM. | Bath Road Post Office, Important "matters will | quar THIRD CLASS TEACHER 2 s for.8. 8. No. 3, Hinchinbrooke, Du- be up for discussion. Ev- ties to commence the 3rd of Janu- » . pe ary, 1917. State also salary and ery liberal in the riding is requested to be present. perience and qualifications J. Walker, Sec, Calabogie. TEACHER WITH FIRST OR SECOND class qualification for 8.8. Neo. 3, Township of Kingston, duties to commence Jan. 3rd, 1917. to E.| Apply, | stating qualifications and salary to experience. For particulars apply | to Joseph Donoghue, Sec.-Treas. R. R. No. 2, Enterprise, Ont. ! FURNITURE Fa I P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop a card. 23 John street, DENTAL KNAPP, BA, LDS, EB. D.D.S, ce, 258 Princess street. 652. A. Phone DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626. SPARKS, DEN. ton street, G. C. assistant. RS. SPARKS AND tists, 159 Wellin, Dewar, Phone 345. MUSIC. y LT.CM, VOICE and organ. Pup of Dr. A. 8 Vo in piano. Pupils prepared for a examinations. Studio, 449 Johnson street. ROOMED HOUSE BY SEPT. 187. . a Box 248 Office. EXCHANGE 30 FoOoT - Sunt, Fears, ole, for Ford Stotor Motor ar. e e . FENIAN RAID MEDAL, W v! TR ev Hie SA AND UPRIGHT PIANOS, pes np MTL ne ro) L A. "The National Drink PEARY A At sll Grocers, and Sods Buy it by the case for the hens, elch's CW, and dry, alry rooms; | key. [Frost's Clty Storage, 299 i Queen street. Phona 526; res. 989, REE ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE for light housekeeping: north end. G. A. Bateman, Customs Broker, Money to loar; 67 Clarence street, | ™ 'Apply stating salary expected. ex- | Kingston. PATENTS BABCOOK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs... Estab. 1877. Form erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws. Book "Pateat Pro- tection" free. 99 St. James St real. Hramches: Ottawa, Wa trade ARCHITECT WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot St. Phone 608. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. PERSONAL MO WARTS, BIRTHMARKS and all growths and skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. ears' experience. Dr, e, Eye, Ear, Nose, in Specialist, 258 Ot street. I -- ------UY FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY k S : | Union, { © A PARCEL CONTAINING PORK, [| | i { i [lf] _ Didsay. Ltd. 121 | A SMALL QUANTITY OF GOOD not return it at once to W. J, Nes- | Wenborn, | Apply to A. B. Cunningham, | our own lock and THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS, COST little, Once, 25¢; three times 50¢c; one week, $1.00. toys, see Fran Cooke, 39 Clarence street. ||| PURE BRED BRONZE TURKEYS, AP. Stephen Fairfield, Collins Bell Telephone 1107 r.3, | DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ision street, § rdoms and W.C each; well rented. Apply 41 Di ion street. Ply to Bay. . In vis || GARDEN LAND FOR SALE, 15 ACRES, two miles from Kingston; tile drained. Apply to R. A. Marrison, Cataraqui, Ont. 100 ACRES IN FARM OF TOWNSHIP i of Pittsburg, middle road, plough- | ing principally ali done. Apply te | David Stratton, on premises, i {GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVN selections, your own choice, $28.50; 1 cash and $1.00 per week. C. W. dsay, Ltd, 121 Princess street Woon in stove lengths and split. Deliv. ered by the load. A. C. app, Boat Bullder, Cataraqu! Bridge. Phone 767. | VIECTROLAS AND cash and $1 per week of records, needles cabinets. CC. W. Lindsay, 121 Princess street ARRIGAN CHEESE FACTORY. frame bullding, good water supply and frame dwelling in good repair; good locality, Apply James Hagusu, Prop. Kingston Station, Ont. FARM OF 125 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP of Erdesttown, 2% miles east of Odessa, on York Road. Ploughing all done, well watered, Apply to Marshall Babcock, R.R. No. 3, Kingston. EB STOC! F BA . CHOICE KK OF HEATERS, RA' ges, and all kinds of new and se - We are alse the 33 COLUMBIAS, 3 A full lino albums and limited, | ond hand furniture. open to buy everythin in above linea. hom, n, Princess street. Phone 1800, LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, 0O0U. ches, stoves men's clothing, fur lined coats, also new upholstered chairs; large assortment of sealers. We buy all kinds of new and sec- ond hand furniture. 8. 8%Apiro, +8 | Princess street. Phone 1237. | CHRISTMAS TOYS, ROCKING HORSES, wagons, tables, chairs, cradles, Alr- planes, and all, kinds of child- ren's toys kept in stock and made to order. Order early for prompt delivery. Manufactured by J. H. "Walker, Shop, 66 Queen street; store, 39 Princess street. Phone 1872. | FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety; Incorporated 1863; president, olonel H. R. Smith, C.M.G.; vice-president, ~ kle, K.C. oney issued on eity and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pir. hi 3 t nde r sale! received and in. terest allowed. R. C. Cartwright, manager $7 Clarence St. Kingston. LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND GG Fire Insurance Company, Avatiabie assets $61,187,215. In addition to which the pollerholddes security the unlimited Nabilit ethic pate: y+ 84 enews 8 rates, ® oa or_ giving new business k ates from Stra & B Awe nts. Phone 395. BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance and learn how fortunes Fite ial Subscription. | Ducoess: ree trial subscr on. - ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bt BUSINESS NOTICES SKATES SHARPENED; ALSO BICY- cles stored and cleaned. Geo. Mul. ler, 373 King St. Phone 1032, LEGAL. UNNINGHA BARRY a and nn A office, 79 - ence street, Kingston BOARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; every convenlence; central loca- tion. Apply 242 Brock street. oy 1, APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. Charcoal 2 Bags for a quarter, Both Kindling and Fuel