! who believes this, after twenty-eight months of bloodshed, is a fool. : . tional industry is now to be placed {entirely at the service of the war, As {in other countries so also here, The ! munitions output is to he tremend- {ously increased. "All the nation is determined to spend its last breath lin order to avoid defeat. Noted Hun Socialist Says "Germany's Hog- "Well, then, we have not been de- " feated; let that suffice. Honor is of is Satisfied. satisfied. Let us lay down our arms w------------ in God's name and, refraining from 8 conquests, end the carnage." WOULD LAY D0 The only newspaper to venture a | suggestion of German claims is The i N 2 CO CAGE ON :| Koelnische 'Volkszeitung. It says: AND END THE CARNAGE ON THE "We in Germany are waging no BATTLEFIELDS. war of conquest on France, which knows, or ought to know, that she Better For Us to End in Terror--|..p got hack her hapless villages and Frankfurter Zeitung Says Allies | towns without any further price in fF ot C Friendship! Plood if only she will renounce the . Nok Nuit; Owe of wh | fairage of her revanche and abandon or Germany. her dreams of conquest in return for Amsterdam (via London), Dec. 14 ,5thing more than these concessions The Lokal Anzeiger of Berlin says: fw hich will be a heed 19) safeguard in " r p ars | Us against a new attack Mars is ruling. Who or what Nar "If, therefore, in addition to a war is everybody can see for himself. "indemnity, we were to limit ourselves measure is tog vigorous if the Wari, , gemand for better regulations on god considers it necessary He does our frontiers, no one would accuse us not heed political labels He does|of. greed or of making exorbitant i . is deeds be called claims Rest fication of the frontier not care whether his « $ ; is needed. T re is the mining dis- reactionafy, revolutionary, tyrannic,| rior of Briey, in French Lorraine, He does not waste which in its area is no more than a nomenclature, strip, no more than a rectification of the frontier, but is impertant for our economic security and independence 'We need Briey in order to obtain our supply of iron ore in tiige of war. France will sustain no 1h through [thi ssion." What They Want. time but Am- first The anarchistic, thinking about acts. He does not: look hack munition, was wanted. In the place we had regulation of food question of general production in the western districts was becoming dar gerous, and the eivilian population | had great difficulties in finding a so- lution. Mars came on the scene and simply decreed that 'the munition workers want food in the first place, /vuter ther have heen fed you «an better satis tey to make both meet With | who had shown himself a brave man what is left." ™ with hve hand who had "In sueh a way ft was made pos-{shown himself a coward. T was has sibla to collect all the availeb'e brought no more remarkable revela- forces for the coming extreme effort. | ion (han the eoura and fortitude In any case, it is plain that it ust) eho women of all classe and reall soon come to the final spurt. Better | oo untries Has not woman always for us to end in terror than that wel ooo 0) her part bravely? The way HBOWIE be mebaced by ISriore With in which she is acting in the present out, It must be hoped that a speedy war is fast driving away the lingering peace will spare Kurope this fearful Yemnant of the thought that vegas #xperiment is of the weaker sex. She is physical- ly but not in all the qualities that Allies Must, Not Will, Quit. | make for strength of character and The Frankfurter Zeitung com-|nobility of action. ments: "We can neither expect nor ini mand that statesmen of the countries | opposed to us shall conclude peace | out of friendship for Germany. We] will rather calculate that they will all do it because they must, because they will recognize that only an hon- orable compromise with the Central Powers can clear up the hopeless coffusion of the situation in Eu- rope." Are Suffering bravely. Stratford Beacon. A Kingston woman receiving word that her husband had been kill- ed in the war, declared that she was fied with a dead husband on ends han u hu 'e Detroit Journalist Dead. Chicago, Dec. 14--John MeVickar, seventy-three years of age, once president of the International Typo- graphical Union and formerly editor of the Detroit News, died here yes- terday. Mr, MeViekar also had been connected with Chicago and other middle western newspapers. He came here a few weeks ago for an opera- tion, from which hé never rallied. Mr. McVickar was a former Kings- tonian. AA AAA AA AA AA State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucag County, ss Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co. doing business in the City of Toledo, County and state afore- said, and tha: said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for eich and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured, by the use of HALL'S CATARRH CURE. FRANK J. CHENEY: Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this 6th day of Decem- ber, A.D, 188% A. W. GLEASON, (Seal) Notary Public Hall's Catarrh Cure ig taken inter nally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the Svstem Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO Sold by all druggists, . Hall's Family Pills for constipation. How Much Longer? Herr Scheéidemann, the noted So- clalist, writing In The Leipzig Kolkestimme, says: "How much longer is this fearful war that is devastating the whole of durope to continue? This is the thought uppermost with everyone. All sides say it will lust until we have made it a certainty that our saerifices have not been made in vain. This certainly all wish to attain. When will this certainty be reached? When all the nations shall have been bled white? Does there really still exist a man so short-sighted as to imagine that one grouping of powers will yet succeed in beating the other so ut- terly to the ground that it can dic- , Toledo, O. 75¢ ORDER YOUR YMA ------------ See Our Beautiful Line of Xmas Booklets & Cards tate peace and thus create an assur- tance against a repetition of war? He Na- .{ Heney at Attorney-General by Presi- S PRINTING EARLY _ KINGSTON, ONTARIO, CANADIAN THURSDAY - DECEMBER 14, 1918 PAGES 9:12 4 SECOND SECTION ANTI-TOXIN FARM WILL BE THOROUGHLY EQUIPPED IN EVERY WAY. THE LATEST NEWS. BRIEFLY GEN Despatches That Come From Near And Distant Places. TIDINGS FOR OUR READERS SENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. PRE The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele- graph Service and Newspaper Ex. change. J. H. Marceau cial candidate by East Nipissing. Canadian Pacific for the first week ed an increase of $ B. FP. Justin, K.C., has pointed county judge in Peel, in suc- cession to Judge McGibbon, retired. Capt, E. Bristol, late of the 58th Batt, Toronto, has been appointed staff oflicer to Hon A. E. Kemp, Minister of Militia Investors have released big con- tracts for new manuf uring plaots land office buildings in New England, { following the election California oil men, representing interests of $200,000,000, are op- | posing the appointment of Francis J. was chosen Provin- the Liberals of December 006, earnings show- 0853 3. been ap- | AAA me | DARLINGSIDE COMMENT, Regarding Things Canadian Otherwise, Darlingside, Dec. 18.-- Daniel Gra bam is visiting his son-in-law Henry Ferris, who is quite jill, Henry Hunt is building a house for Mr. Chisa' more, who hus returned Mr. Hunt's farm for aterm of yéars. There was quite a fall of snow here Tuesday. Mrs, John Landon has returned fro: visiting her sisters' at Dulcemane Benjamin Kirker 'has his contract completed and will leave for Roches- ter next week. Andrew Robertson is buying cattle and hogs In this vicin- ity. dent Wilson, And The resignation of Frank Smalley as dean of the College of Liberal Arts, Syracuse, N.Y., and his retire- ment from the position with the title of vice-chancellor emeritus, is an- nounced, When 2lson Archer intercepted 23,000 volts of electricity at tue switchboard of the Edison Coinpany, Detroit, he was badly burned and by the short circuit he created, he para- lyzed business in many of the down- town stores The council of Sturgeon Falls has written the Minister of Labor stating that a wood. dealer hag bought up all the fire wood from farmers in the vicinity and after creating a mono- poly is holding up the townspeople for stiff prices. . -- MUNITION EXPERTS )] 1 Will no' prison reformer protest | this attempt to put eggs and yeggs in the same class? Great Britain has one more enemy to fight than any of her Allies, and that enemy is . Great Britain. The present muddle in English | politics should prove of great inter- est to Canadians. It is so exquisite- ly indicative of what would happen to us if Sir rt Borden's amiable cabinet were presented with any severe question of actual accomplish- ment, . To Enter Factories in United States and Canada. New York, Dee. 14.--Forty muni- tion experts from Woolwich arsenal, the Enfield small arms factory and other Government ammunition and gun factories in England arrived on the Cunard liner Orduna from Liver- pool to relieve men who have been in this country since last summer. Col. Embury, of the British In- pection Department, denied a report which has been circulated that shells shipped from America had been fill- ed with brickdust, sawdust and other rubbish. Contractor Kelly, who stole the foundation from under the Manitoba Parliament Buildings 'and a good deal of the steel framework a§ well gets off with two and a half years in jail. That is two and a half mdfe ) than he would have got if the Roblin tgovernment had not been caught in the act and buried in an upheaval of public opinion which placed the other in power. But many a man has done léss and got more. The mildness of the sentence, in fact, is likely to arouse wonder as to what would have happened Kelly had he been a poor man who stole in hope of bettering the conditions of his family instead of a rich man who stole what he did tot need. Certainly there is nothing in it to show that punishment is proportioned to crime. Rather it suggests that robbery of the public, so long as it is done by a prominent man, under the auspices of a political party, and on the wholesale plan, is accounted some sort of less reprehensible crime than that of the widow who steals a loaf of bread for her hungry children. Kelly should have met a fate that would have struck terror into his kind, and the politicians who allow them to plunder the public, Four Killed Preparing Dinner. Campbellford, Dec 14.--Mrs. P. North, Westminster, B. C., formerly of Campbeliford, has received word that her son, Pte. George R. Nadoo, was killed in action by a high ex- plosive shell hitting the dugout where he and three other men were preparing their dinner. All were killed. ------ Up to date there have been four official statements as to the pro- gramme and intentions of the Na- tional Service scheme, all of them mainly explanatory of what the scheme is not intended to do. How would it be to have an outline of fhat it does intend to do, for a change? These assurances that the British government is perfectly satisfied with the International Nickel Trust Just the remembrance for our soldier boys away from home and friends. Better to have your order in a weck Now ! early than a day late. 1: THE BRITISH WHIS JOB DEPT, TEN OFF GOOD INTENTIONS ARE OF- EE ---------------------- UNTIL TOMORROW. EE ------------------------ and its works would be more assur- ing if the British government said S50, : SPOILED BY PUTTING Try as you will to cut him, the egg refuses to be snubbed. Exclude him from the egg cup and he pops up smiling in the cake and pie. Britain reaffirms its confidence in the policy of "Let George do it!" King George of England is busy changing his minisiry this week, rifmor has it. ersary. n Dee. 6th Mr, and Mrs. George santly surprised when their family re- united with severgl of their friends in ur, in a few well-chosen the | ronto, on which the di orton, 10 Russell street, were plea-|' were entertained to an oyster supper] at close of which their eldest son,} Our photographs show the stables dn the anti-toxin farm about tweive miles north of To= phtheria, smallpox and spinal meningitis anti-toxins and serums are The top picture is the stables in which the animals used to produce the ser- ums are housed, and the lower picture shows the House being erected for the manager. The insert pictures show some of the stock. The buildings cost $50,000. Both buildings and the B0-acre model farm were given to the University of Toronto by Col. A. E. Gooderham. % EE ei MARRIED AT BRIE, PA. | 1 ! Ihe Bride Comes Back to Her Old | Home, manufactured. her husband. SHe earried a praver book with rosebud streamers. The natron of honor wore a gown of nile green satin and pink marquisette with a picture hat of old rose velvet and he|gold lace. She carried pink roses. F. a¥ 1G. Blanksby was the best man. church, . v Following the ceremony, there was i " 'n Winifred -1a munitions' factory, and receive 1 4 . g pk tiful pay for little work, Soar Cire Sinmmen of Kingnirold Hi-| Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Horn, after whi i gi =" nest Clare Sin ) ingston, Ont, p 8. 8 1 che quently munitions manufacturers Best A aon, 1s Zelom, Mr. and Mrs. Simupeon ih Gin a shor) : fficiating. t after whic ay ken 3 are deluged with applications Tor vested choir he bride w r 3, alter wiiteh TaeF WHI make thu employment by women and men) an a -- tk Fas Tutiire Nome in Kingston, Ont, wholly unsuited to the task %f mak- |» member BIE 88 te and was formerly of Kingston | Gordon Horn, who gave the away, is the eldest eon of the | -$ Perspective Needed. a1 | | . ] | he prettiest weddings of t An impression is gaining ground be r W that any and everybodyy who is will- ing may obtain employment: in a Seasoh was evenimg in when n Mis S. Gray, The fu of ! 3 1 Horn, w I She was prec W. &. Horn, honor. The bride w; girlish frock te organdie with tulle veil and orange| blossoms Her only ornament was a| pioneer pearl and cameo pendant, the gift of | dead. ter of the late Mrs. Jane E turn away these unlikely workers, of W. @ they are made the "subject of some hot headed letters to the press. The time has come when those who are" working, and those who seek to work, in munitions, factories must realize that there ig something to their labor beyond money com- pensation. By inference, the mun-| itions worker has made a covenant | with his other employer and the! Canadian and Imperial Governments! to keep a group of soldiers supplied with the means of defence. To Mve| up to that covenant requires an in-; terest of heart and mind and body | in the work second only to the seér-| vice that is required of the soldier And, remember, the soldier's pay is by no 'means as great as that of the | munitions' wor¥er, Those who regard working in a munition factory as a means of mak ing a lot of money for little labor must needs disiliusion themselves | and the quicker the better, The| financial rewards of diligence and | skill are all that may be expected, | but the money motive is the last! that should actuate the mind and] purpose of any who comtemplate | offering themselves for this service. | This fact applies to men as much as to women. riage. Mrs. er, The bride was the youngest daurh ing munitions, When compelled to | Pride en t and Mrs. Alexander Horn, Ki of 1 a of wh embr req -------- the cepebrated of the west, is Father Lacombe, missionary No matter how little we may love our neighbors, 'we can see no good! feason why they shouldn't have a kindly feeling for us. Today a girl is a beautiful bride! and tomorrow she is just Mrs. Blank. | A heroic wife 4s one who could! talk back but refuses to do.it. ' ! Sparks of genius have nothing to| do with lovemaking, The family tree of plum tree, the grafter is a 2 Chorus of Young " fence)--*Are we A Sartoon is indispénsables" (from side of the hearted TM mrLondon I