Tom Smith's Xmas Stockings -- and -- Xmas - Crackers HAVE ARRIVED and the little folks of King- ston can breathe ain. Their old friend Tom ith has seen to it that the children must be remember-; ed no matter how great the| difficulties in the way. Crackers per hox Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per hox Crackers per hox Cracekrs per hox Crackers per hox Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per hox Crackers per box Crackers per hox Crackers per box Crackers per box Crackers per box ¢ 'Crackers per box .... $2.75 Monster (Crackers, each 40¢ Monster Crackers, each H0¢ Monster ('rackers, each The L Monster Crackers each $1.00 CHRISTMAS STOCKINGS Bootees per pair Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings each Stockings cach * Stoekings. each Cadbury's Celebrated Chocolates Ruby Assortment-- 1-2 1h and 1 1h. hoxes, per "1h. A Ye Amethyst Assortment 2 Ih, and 11h, hoxes, per | REE Red Box Assortment 1-2 1b and 1 Ib. boxes, per Ib. . Georgian Assortment -- 1 1h. boxes $1.00 Bourneville Assortment-- 2 Hy and 1 1b. boxes, per hs Viola Assortment 1 Ih.-hoxes $1.00 Prince of Wales Assort- ~ment--- 1 1b. and 2 1h. hoxes, per £1.25 -- ie) Bi) 5 2.00) = ut) $2.50 25¢ 25¢ 40¢ . ole Toe £1.00 RP) B. $1.50 Bon-bons de Laxo-- 1 1b, and 2 Ib. boxes, per teense... $1.95 King Edward Assortment---- 11b. boxes ........ #195 ing Gedrge Assortment-- 1 Ib. boxes . .. £1.25 freely |- <jat J. GLENDOWER. Pec The Ottawa Company going to put up a new boiler house 4t the Hopkins' mine. Some cheese factories are running yet. The school pupils are practising for a Christmas entertainment at the school house. I. Babcock is home from the wes! LAKE OPINICON. De 11.--The roads are in r condition owing to the rains and frosty nights. A nge has been made in the mail service. In future it is to" be conveyed from Chafley"s Locks station. M. Hugh- son and O. Cumpson made a trip to Kingston on Saturday F. Best has left for Carleton Place to attend the uneral of a friend. The Misses Ef- fice Linklater and Mila Campsell at- tended the High School, Conrmence- ment exercises at Syderttham. Miss Eliza Smith, accompanied by Miss Oderkirk, spent a few days with the former's parents Mr. and Mrs. F Smith; Miss JM. Raymond and KE Stokes spent Bundayv at A. Darling's a very ough PLEASANT VALLEY, Dec. 11 A number from tended the funeral of the late Boyce at Harrowsmith on the 3rd inst Jiss Myrtle Franklin spent Sunday at Everton Shangraw"s. Joseph Watson is, a frequent visitor McKeener's, Verona. Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Boyvee spent a few days in the city to be present at their son Harold's graduation. Clarence Eller- beck 1s art J, Walker's, lHolleford Mr. and Mrs. Delbert A. Barr spent Sunday at George Barr's. Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Hughes were Sunday visitors at J. BR. Carr's, Petworth. Miss Barr was recently the guest of Miss MeDonald--Watson re at- Mrs. HOLLEFORD, Dec. 11 Miss Teynold prac- tising her school pupils who will give a programme at the close of the term Mr. Vanluven, with his wife and little daughter Annie, have cone Yo spend the winter in the city, Norse GC. Shay, who suffered lock jaw vd had to go to hospital, is home again. John and Walter Martin are on the sick list, Mrs. Samuel Walker and son from Cobalt are visiting friends here, Poultry sales are large. Some are selling at Verona, while a good many are making Kingston the wmar- ket, Mre L. Hogan and son Howard were recent guests of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Trousdale, Harrowsmith, Miss Edna Campbell is with Miss Florence Vanluven. Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Babcock are spending today with his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs, John Redmond, Kepler, G. Smith is able to be out! again The cold weather has again stopped ploughing." J. Banks was threshing last week in this vicinity. R. G, Free- man, who has returned from the west, has left for Perth, Frederick Prothrose, Calgary, spent a few days at Mrs, Cobbet"s before going over. seas, Mr, and Mrs. L. Sage and lit- tle son Edwin have left for their home at Flint, Mich. Miss Madge Stonness, who has been spending-a week with aer brother, Neil Ston- ness, Watertown, N.Y, has returned home. The Maple Leaf Mission Cir- cle will meet this week at Mrs. H. McCadden"s, . VERONA Dec. 12.--The series of special meetings in the auspices of the Can- adian Methodist Holiness Associat- ion will end on the 13th, William Charlton and bride, Belleville, are here on a visit with relatives. Wil- liam Dixon is home after spending over a year out west Lyons Lamp- son has secured a position with the] T. Eaton (Co., Toronto, where his brother is already employed MTs. C. Kennedy and son Wilkins are spending a short time with her par- ents here. Rev, A. F. and Mrs, Ball are holding special] meetings at thel Holleford appointment. Matthew Revell, Sr, and son Byron have moved to Kingston to spend the win- AN IMPORTANT LETTER FROM NIAGARA FALLS. Niagara Falls, Ont. --*1 was miserable, tired out and dragging sround. My lege i ; B I fa i : in fi h Yo, ter. James Peters, Sr., Kingston, has moved in the Wartelsky prop-| erty which he purchased lately WwW. Craig, Sydenham High School, spent Sunday under the parental roof, -- JOYCEVILLE. Dec The Bell Telephone men spent a few days here last week re- pairing * the lines in this vicinity. John McCarey, Jr, was removed on Sunday to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, spflering from" typhoid fever. Mr. MeCron has laid up his stone crusher Much credit is due James Hitchcock for the good manner in which the roads have been built under his man- agement The stork called on Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Ollmann and left a baby boy Quite a number of young folks took in the concert in Storring- ton school. Miss M. A. Mullon is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Glaughlin, Cape Vincent Miss Walpin, Kingston, is visiting mother, Mrs, B. Mullen. James Crotty, New York City, left Satur- day after a week's vacation, the guest of Jagnes Murphy. The young folks are practicing for a concert in the school under the direction of the teacher, Miss MeQuinty 8 G. her MURVALE. Dec. 12 A very enjovable even- Me-| An lacxpensive Home- Made Rem- edy--Lives Surest, Quickest ) 4 y . Anyone who tries this pleasant fast- ing home-made cough syrup, will lo { Lennox and Addington | ing ome ae Cough' 33 | move homes in the United States and { Saoase than ny ther cough remedy. } way it tak ODESSA. | on tine kes hoid oan Sasinshs | Dec. 11.--Mrs. George Ettinger| you regret that you never tried it land little daughter Bessie, who have| fere. It is a truly dependable cough | been. the 'guests of Mr. and Mrs. | remedy 'that should he kept handy in George Watts returned to their| e¥cry homo to use at the first sien of a home in Kingston [last Monday. | oo raxgthe ight ot May time Carlton Dougherty has accepted a 01) gunecs of Pimex (40 cont rth). position as timekeeper in the Bell! Pour this into a !0-0z. bottle aha fll the Telephone office, Kingston. Xrs.| bottle with plain granulsfed sugar Henry Simkins "left last week to) £3rup. The total cost is sbout 34 cents spend the winter with her daughter, | 284 You Jase 16 ounces eof the Most ' a Rent urtnle . | e iol or used. Mrs. Joyce, Frede ricksburg. Mes. R.{ "op, quick. lasting relief you ret from W. Aylesworth left last Friday tol this excellent cough svrup will really visit her niece, Mrs (Dr.) Nixon, Ot-| gurprize you. It promptly heals the tawa. Mrs. Elgin Parrott is visiting| icflamed membranes that line the throat her sister at Sydenham. Herbert| and air passages, stops the Antoying Burnett has secured work in the! threat tickle, loosens. the phlegm, 'an Ki wgnnery. José h Smith has| 500" Your congh stops entirely. Splen- ingston tannery. Ph Smith has| aiq4 for bronchitis, eroup, whooping moved to his new home recently pur- | couch and bronchial asthma. : chased from Orange Babcock. Real] Pivex is a highly coneentrated &om- estate continues to change hands.| pound of Norway pine extract, combined | Orange Babcock has purchased. from| With [raiacol and is famous the world J. C, Fraser the property on the cor-| Pre is, wuuiing ylect on 'the zou ner of Main and Centre streets, Mr. To avoid disappointment ask for "214 Fraser reserving the rooms he now| ounces of Pinex". with full directions occupies for a certain length of time. | and don't accept anvthing cise. A guar- William Jones has returned from | sntee of absolute satisfaction or mouey Niagara Falls, where he has been| promptly Jiianded goes with this prep- spending the past month with his| AFation. he Pinex Co., Toromte, Out. "hursday was well ¢hoints, ing was spent at the home of Mr. and | brother Charles Mrs. Alexander Irwin Dec. $th, when the Ladies' Aid of the Murvale Meth- odist church held their first bazaar. Many fancy and useful articles were sold. Refreshments were served, and an excellent programme was given, consisting Qf readings by Mrs. Humphrey alld Miss Peters: solos by | Miss" Humphrey and E. Day, Harrow- smith; piano selections by Miss Trus- dale, Hartington, and-an address by the pastor. The proceeds amounted ! to $29. The sale held by Homer Wallace on Dee. Sth was largely at- tended, He left on Saturday for Oshawa, where he has secured a good position. with the Pedler Shingle Company. Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin, Elginburg, have been visiting rela- tives in this community the past few! days. Mrs. Robert Miller, Wilton, | has returned to her home after visit- ing at Wilhert Purdy's. Mrs. Gordon, | Glenvale, visiting her daughter, Mrs. Alexander Irwin. David Mur-} ton has purchased a fine fox hound, | CENTREVILLE. Dee. 11.---Much needed rain in some of the wells. ers are through at Peter Perry's, hav- ing struck water. Mrs, Patrick Kearn's funeral onj Tuesday to the Roman Catholic church was largely attended. The church was filled with friends and relatives who gathered to pay their last respeets. The re- mains were placed in the vault to await interment in the spring. De- ceased leaves to mourn her loss her hushand and two daughters, Mrs. William Gehan. Camden East, and Mrs. Miles McKeown, Toronto. Miss Irene Cassidy has returned from visiting Mrs. J. Marrion, Selby. E. H. Perry is in Kingston with his daughter, Mrs. Moore, who is ill at the Hotel Dieu. A wee baby boy has applied for board at George Me- Gill's. Wesley long has his house all repaired and ready for habitation again. Bernard Ingoldsby, Duluth, | Minn," visited his brother Charles last week. Miss Anna O'Meara, Brooklyn, spent Friday at 8. J. Cas- sidy"s. Mr. Clarke and Miss Vine, | Napanee, were at John Fairbairn's > | (on Sunday. The turkey fair on NORTHBROOK, attended, and tur-1 Pee 12~Mrs, Johg Campbeil, Ot- keys went as high as 31% cents a | /AWa, spent a few days recently with pound. Miss C. Harvey, of Addison, | her father, James Preslar. Miss L, spent the week-end with her father, Abbott, 8ydénham, spent a eouple of Mr, and Mrs. N. Kilsey, of Mankart, Weeks with her sister, Mrs. Charles called on friends over Sunday. A. M. | Rultan. Mr. and Mm, George Son- Sweet, of the River Side, is ill. Win-| Man spent Wednesday: last with their field Sterry met with a bad accident Javamer, Ines, rok pea ithodins hy 0 8 y ing i 3 as 1 drivin y ane of his hands coming in con Art A 3 tact with the planer in G. E. Red- horse. Master ' dick's mill y with a very sad accident last week by a {falling into a pail of boiling water WESTPORT. fand receiving a sévere burn. . Mrs. Dec. 10.--The poultry fair on Tues. Campbell and Mies A. Preslar spent day, Dec. Gth, was the largest ever 'onday last at Frank Clark's, Flin- held in Westport, Turkeys sold for ton. Miss M, Parks spent Monday 32 cents; geese, 18 cents; and ducks, last with Miss Jones, Prarie road. W. 20 cents a pound. Miss Mary Black Cassada had the misfortune to lose returned home on Tuesday atter|tWo of his cattle which cannot be ac- spending the past week visiting Lynd-| counted for. Miss Myrtle Parks and hurst friends. Mr. and Mrs. D. Me- Mart Atkins attended the box social Clement left on Tuesday for Harlem 34 Harlow on Tuesday night last. The to attend the funeral of Mr. McCle-|Shooting match on Wednesday was ment's mother. The Westport Wo-, Well attended. Mr. Both and Mr, men's Institute has sent a Christmas| Reid had the best success, each carry- parcel to each Westport boy overseas, ing off three turkeys. Miss Violet The parcels contained flannel shirts, | Shier spent the week-end at Harlowe. handkerchiefs, Christmas cake, etc. Hugh Cumings, who has been work- ing at the Ore Chimney mine, left for CHARLESTON. his home in Moose Jaw on Thursday Dec, 11---Rorn, on Dee. 6th, to last. Mrs. Charles Ruttan and daugh- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Kelsey, a son. ter, Marion, spent last week in Kings- R. Foster was in Brockville for ajton. C. C. Thompson took a load of few days last week. The annual new recruits to Tweed on Friday. sehool entertainment will be held at| Church service was withdrawn last the school house on the evening of Sunday on account of Mr. Benson's Friday, Dec. 22nd. Mrs. W. MecAn-yillness. drew and daughter, Mrs. C. Green, are visiting at Toronto and other Mrs. R. Foster and Miss, 18 LYNDHURST. Dee. 12. VENNACHAR., Della Kavanagh, who both recently] Dec. 12.--Stanley Gregg underwent SE ELiota] operations for | moved into the residence on the Rad- appendicitis, are doing nicely. Born,| burg property for the winter. R. W. to Mr. and Mrs, C. A. Howard, a son.| Commer, general merchant, made a Letters have recently been received | business trip to Lavanton Monday. by relatives and friends of Pte, W,| James Sallens cut his leg quite badly G. Botsford, who is mow with the just above the shin while cutting 120th Battalion at Bramshott, 'wood on Wednesday last. George ------ Flake left last week to work in the MORTON. . Black Donald mines. Wallace Gil- Dec. 11.--Born 'on Dec. 5th, to Mour returned from his father's Jum- ? | ber camp at Bessemere on Friday a rs aon White, .a. Son. ast. Mr. and Mrs. William Sallens spending a few days the guest of made a business trip to Plevna last Mrs. A. Dillon. Miss Anna Taber Week Visitors: Mrs. George Flake spent Friday with her parents, Mr, | J8ft on Thursday to visit relatives in and Mr. F. B. Taber, Brockville. W. | Plevna; Mrs. Wellington Holmes Taber, Chicago, spent a couple of | Spent Sunday of last week with days last week: with his mother, Mrs, | (h¢Ir daughier, Mrs. Charlés Ball; S. Taber. Mrs. George Sly, Leeds, | Everton Flake spent Thusday even- spent Sunday the guest of Mrs, Hj DE at Mrs. N. J. Ball's; Mr. and Mrs. Sly. Miss Mabel Henderson, Chaf- Al8ernon Lane, Dernbigh, visited her fey's Locks, spent the week-end at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beebe her hom trom | °0 Sunday last; Mr. and Mrs, George Bare a het. Quite 4 number { Hughes and family spent Sunday ndh | evening at Mrs, N. J. Ball's; Daniel u ist lost Week. Patience, of Imogene, Iowa, visiting K relatives and friends in this vicinity; O¥PS, || Master Archalaus Ball, Denbigh, week-end visitor at.Mrs. J. Gil mour's; Mrs. John Gilmour spent has | ner's; fell | all day Saturday and raised the water | The well-drill- | a a Friday afternoon at Miss Annie Con- Herbert Ball at George Hughes on Sunday; Miss Eva Jack- son, Glenfield, teacher, spent the week-end at her home here; Mrs Marshal. Bebee, and Mr. Daniel Pa- tience, guests at Mrs, N. J. Ball's on Monday; Mrs. Robert Gregg visit- ing at Mrs. Ball's on Saturday. STELLA Dec. 11.-----Owing to winds of Wednesday and last Mail Carrier W. J. Beaubien was unable to make the passage. He got over to Millhaven on Saturday, but was unable to return. Capts. Bray and Strain made some trips to the city last week with their motor- boats. Mrs. R. R. Barleigh, Emer- ald, has moved into part of W. Fil- son's house in the village Arnold Burleigh has also jynoved into the vilage, having let his farm on the front road to James Strain A new lawn fence has been ereeted iu front of St. Albaun's church. Joan Brown is having his house kK newly ¢lap- boarded. The funeral of the late Capt. Nathaniel Allen, who passed to rest in Belleville on Ndvember 29th, was held from the wharf at Stella, Thursday, and was well at- tended. W. H. Preston drove the remains to Glenwood cemetery. The pall-bearers were-Capt. H. Sanders, Robert Caughey, William Glenn, Sr, €C. A. Gibson, E. A. Scott and Wil- liam McDonald, The deceased was borne on the island over 70 years ago, and was well known throughout the township. Up until three years ago he made a trip every summer to the island to see his old friends. He is survived by his wife, one daughter Margaret at home, and two sons, Major A. P. Allen, Belleville, and Lieut. W. P. Allén, who is overseas. Also six sisters and one brother, Mrs. W. Smith, Cleveland, Ohio; Mrs, E. J. Blee, Cleveland, O., Mrs, A, Kaadterann, Jamestown, N.Y. Mrs. R. Filson, Kingston, and Mrs Capt. H. Sanders and Mrs. J. B, Gib- Son of the island, and 'William Allen, of Grand Prairie, Northern Alberta. C, McMullen has returned home after spending & few days in the city. Visitors: Miss M. Kiel, Kingston, at Mrs. McMaster's. the high Saturday | Prince Edward | GLENORA. Dec. 11.--The sloop Maggie IL. loading coal here for Kingston, Capt. Orr is in charge of the loading," The sloop has taken on seventy-five tons. Miss MeCormick is here again. Se underwent an operation at the Hofél \Dieu, Kingston, and is doing nicely under the care of a nurse from Pie- ton. Mr. and Mrs. John Chalmers have taken up their abode in Belle- ville. Thomas McGuire, Portsmouth, was in this locality buying some fine stock. Milk is six cents a quart. Potatoes are selling at $1.65 a bushel; eggs, 0c a doz.; butter, 45¢ a pound; butter in rolls, 40¢; loose hay, $9% a ton; pressed hay, $12. Laie To Th tor Reeveship re Township of Storrington Inverary, De&: 12.--(To the Edi- tor): The vear is drawing to a close, and, too, there is coming the time when the different municipalities choose their menibers for their muni- cipal councils. In the township of Storrington the vicinity of Sunbury has had the honor of having the reeve chosen from there for the past two years, and for two years prior to this, Battersea has also been honored in this way. Now, when is Inverary going to have this privilege? I' think it is no more than right and just that the reeve of Storrington shpuld be chogen from the vicinity of Juverart for 1917. Since the beginning of th war, in order to economize, all posi- tions, where possible, have been granted without competition. We as gus township has been following thi§ custom, because for the past two years the reeve has obtained his posi- tion by acclamation, And, again, 1 think the reeveship should be graut- 5 in this manner. A. A. McFadden, ! . I think, is a capable man r this position, because while he ree ed in the township of Loughbo took an active part in municipal ncillor and elec # Rome, Save the Babies FOR THE EMPIRE'S SAKE USE ONLY PASTEURIZED MILK Our Milk is Thoroughly Pasteurized and sold in Sealed Bottles. Phone 845 eT EDDY'S MATCHES Although somewhat increased in price, owing to the con. tinued high cost of potash, glue, and other raw material, are of the usual high standard of quality, which has made them famous for two-thirds of a century, ALWAYS ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES 'A Story From Life Abont thirty years ago a man of our acquaint- ance bought a farm. He paid for it with the savings he had on hand, and to put up buildings borrowed $2,000.00 on a mortgage. Shortly afterwards he died leaving his wife with five sons, the eldest of whom was only ten years of age. It was found that he had wisely taken cut a life insurance policy equal to the mortgage he had put on his farm. With the money thus secured, his widow paid off the mortgage and had a free farm with good buildings, on which to support her family. By employing men to work the farm and paying them from the stock and crops raised, she was able to support her family and educate'them. At present her five sons are playing an important part in the life of Canada. One isa banker, one a doctor, one a college professor and two are successful business men. Everyone familiar with the case knows that she could not have supported her children and educated them had it not been for the life insurance policy that left her free from debt with a good farm. Cv oh If you have a mortgage on your property you will have no trouble in working out the moral of this little story. We have policies to suit your needs whatever they may be. Send us your name and address and we will tell you about them. ; London Life Insurance Company Ontario Canada The .London Life Insurance Company Telleth A True Tale. London A. G. BROUSE, Supt. Industrial Branch, Golden Lion oy Kinguton. " The old question of what to give splendidly solved if you visit this store. Evening Slippers, Dress Shoes, Hoc- key ins, Overgaiters, Felt Slippers, Overshoes and Numerous useful presents that will surely please you. EH uther nd &Bro. | The 3 of C oe 2 § AR a Meat Supply. mals to be slanghtered . 14,--A decree was is- | The sae of ed each woek. placing the consumption of | Thursdays and Fridays Btullibited gon meat under Government con-|of poultry permitted only on two days Ty 1st. A central com- | weekly. Arrangements will be will the number of ani to assure a *upply of np made ["