A ---- jy 00 i Hi YOUR BANKING Ver hature Ihe Dank of T extensive facilitie 8 and don gn cquate £3,000,000 $6,430 382 pital Reserved Funds Huong' IHE BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. A ARO OO FOR SALE Alfred Street--Solid brick dwelling, 11 rooms, h ite r heating, gas for lights and cooking, good This is in a splendid location for an| Weir and the ep lot. o to-date boarding house. Owner is leavin the city and property must be sold. Price $4,600. THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. I mn, You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service, » We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time Wants Include CHOICE CHRISTMAS CHOCOLATES Boxes from 33¢ to $1.00 Perfumes and Tollet Waters in pci ial Christmas Packages, from . . . ae / 23¢ to $2.00 Your Xmas May In Fancy Fine / RODAKS, CAMERAS, \MAS STATIONERY, ARS, EBONY HAIR BRUSHES -- ALL USEFUL GIF Hoag s Drug Store Branch Post Office Kingston, Ont. CHOICE XMAS tha manag Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 | THE DAILY BRITiSH WHIG, SATURDAY, Y, DECEMBER 16, 1916. OPERA 1 INCIDENTS OF THE DA WGRAND LOCAL NOTES 4 AND ITEMS OF aad 7.20 pms Lf es OESERL), NIERESY, 2 -- Vaudeville Acts -- 2 Happenings In the City and Vicinity Five Reel Feature Film nt the Mrchants Offer w the WALTE AW, in Hesders of the Whig. The Unwelcome gd] And Other Photeplays. Prices: Mat. 1 Evening, (0c; eu- Any Neat served Se Be extra. STRAND THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Trinngle Photoplarys and Keystone Comedies VAUDEVILLE Wilfred Lucas in | "Rummy" in Five Parts. Muck Swain in. "AMBROSE'S WISE c-part Keystone er Good Phe A i a Bic snes 105 oe 1 you zood \t oh t the Y. MC. r ! a are ir large H C Cunntighets piano tuner, 21 King etreet, Leave orders at McAul- | ey" 's , Be ok Store, . Holde "Vern M 924 Wwil-| i Upper | { I: terian ehurch wil t the milit 's & Seely' the o Re Wt Cross Dru Rev Prof, EB FRIDAY apd SATURDAY Morosco Presents Fem HSDAY, Scott, Oliver D., PAGE ELEVEN er -------- CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATE 8 _FOR SALE Each eon- Any = Cos? ter, haif- nie SP charge for | insertions, | First Insertion, le excutive insertion vent nn werd. Min ore lasertion, A5¢ Sde; ix 811 om mn word. = ole; Fil LINLD n treet BH ---------- DRAWERS, i0 Nelson St ONE also den hd SEVEN Whig OM ORK ON \ nay have rr SE ne organ, HELP WANTED sLeGn PERMANENT wd. commissior AND CUT AS GOOD As . Apph Mer; 378 King ying a n DISTRICT AGENTS, A SMALL cor AYHG positions, salary a ~ma} yURiies rontoe. I TEP Tree reee FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing tu reach the owner may 80 80 by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The adve.- Usement will be p-inted. in this column free of charge. DOUBLE DWELL ING, 41 AND 42 iV. Ision street, 6 rooms and W.C. in i well rented Apply 41 Divise mn sireet. + + i ol | | | Girls for Kuitting and fnish- Ing departments. Apply Ning. ston Hoslery Ceo. 4 3 ee eset sete tenes. IN LAND Fok SALE, 13 ACRES, miles til ill take th wireh | Queen's University ices in Andre frew on Sunday. New Victor Christmas record for] little ones. Tom Thumb and The Kids, at Lind-| » Ser-¢ St w's Ct Ren- EDNA GOODRICH in "The House of Lies" Vaudeville THE HORDES, European Novelty "and Russian Dancing Aed ot! Fl1.40 ay's rick | rilze | Nich- Vas received ton the n Halifax. a wire to th ime de Noel, record most at Lindsay's 1g or table effect. Caruso suitable $2 olson got Canti I Viety hel A fory hv And other Laughable Comedies. a0 . - ' Prices: Matinee, 10c: Eve. 10c, 15e, NOTICE All members of Council No. 4, Va- tional Associution of Marine Kogineers fire requested (uo attend a meet Importance at their hall on King St. on Monday evening, Dee, 18, at § pan. J. GILLIE, Secretary. AA a above n was ne above, local mereha nt g Ne Iden Shop ear) the ks, Willow the ive considera- mall par- 10 rule nu for hoppers { tion cle: [cel . | Orders now taken for Xn {at the Red Cross Drug Store Robertson's, 1 ited, are very pretty ic in black riped Englis! fain, or carry :@, Candy showing and white Open | | | --~ porce LOS THURSDAY, lar] stree We LLING- nde wi PLRSE, tori be rews office ON ---------------------------------- ---- ts ACRES IN TOWSNSRIP ¥, middle road, plough- tly all done Apply ta n, on _premis TE 100 He NDRED tween on SEVEN parcel with eas ic NUINE VICTROLA AN AND TWELVR selections, your own cholce, $28. $10 cash and $1 9 per week. YW. Lindsay, Ltd. 12 Princess street Lnot r SIN oR od 2, In a An iG HT A SMALL QU ANT ITY OF GOOD woon in stove lengths and ar ih Dellv. ered oad. o napp, Boat Bulider, Cc atarig ul Bridge. Phone 767. : * VICTROLAS \\D cash and $1 STRAYED, ror TS STR \YED INTO THE Bright young man. or return- " t ed soldier for position ax report- er: ome with experience prefer- red. Must have zood education und he aggressive. Chance for advancement, Apply Managing Editor, Daily Whig. COLU MBI AS, $$ er week. A full Nne o albu fe and Ty limited, ne y Ww Ppprt reed Sppdbapad | I l eee ee eee tn. ACRES IN TOWNSHIP town, 4% miles east of + York Itoad. Ploughing well Apply to : Na. 3 watered FOR SEP. yoms, Broek Rn, STORAGE arate r ree nn AT FURNMITL he. Mota "TEACHERS WANTED, FOR Ss, « OFFICES "or ARENCE NT. AM hers ly te TEACHER en Cunningham nr y low "n= Conversazione! ' : orking in he, Grant Hall, Wed. Dec. 20 u will get a het PaNCIvG and PROGRAM Cte 1 . sock piece in price Don't aid those stores tired. for hy who to keep Then etion Shaw Candy Drug Store. Jou can't send father present, don't" forget a lett Remember they made Merry Christmas for you, | tter wi ill cheer ul em great-| at iain va Qu if Gentleman, $1.50; Lady 50¢. Tickets on wale now at Uglow's, | 4 of excellance, Red ( It er a them many and ly. The speaker on St inday evening at! military Y.M.C.A. social hour will} W. F. Nickle, M.P. | The steamer Wolfe Islander came | over with a big crowd of people for | the markets on Saturday. If cold] weather continues it is just a ques | tion whether the steamer will be over on Monday. | Special lines of Coseroles. at manu- | PLUM PUDDINGS facturer's prices--the jdeal Chris stmas i FOR CHRISTMAS gift--at Robertson's, Limited Liew. Hugh Macdonnpell, Princess] amen ! Patricias, son of G. M. Macdonnall, HL K.C., Kingston, has been sent =D l dl ys or moth- to write HAVE YOU WAGSTAFFE"S PURE MINCE-MEAT AND a a the be NL We | Are Roads For Your CHRISTMAS TRADE Sweet Cider, New Raisins and Cure rants, New Peel, Figs and Dates. We also have some cholce Maple Sugar. --_-- Watts, People's Florist || Holly, Mistletoe, Xmas Trees, Holly Wreaths, Xmas Cherries, Cut Flowers, Plants and Palms, Bananas, Oranges and Malaga Grapes, "We Aim to Please." Our motto --/ | FRENCH CABINET 18 cE ------ Nivelle 's eleva ---------------------- pga ieamidin {ty held by General Joffre and Joffre Germany to the Chateau D'Ogux for Delco-Light Switzerland. He was wounded' andy taken prisoner in June last. counties of Addington, OUT TO WIN WAR in| for Lennox, Frontenac Will be at Hotel Quinte, Belleville. 21st. Distributor Hastings, - ' Disregard of P Precedent Selection of Gen. Nivelle Is Proof. | i Dec. 15.--&General Robe rtf on to the post forme Paris on Thursday, Dec. {transition to "technical counsel of the | at the Bon Marche Grocery King & Earl St, Phone 1844 CAVERLY & BRADSHAW. Xmas Gift Suggestions Cor. NA C CHRISTMAS sroceries and Fruits Table raisins, Sunkist Raisins, Candy Figs, Ste wing Figs, Ma- laga Grapes, Dried Peaches and Prunes, Prices livery. FRIENDSHIP'S 210 Division St. Phone 545 right and prompt de- Cameo Lavalieres, $6 to $12. Amethy¥t agd Pearl Lavalieres, 5 to $8, Peridot and Pearl Lavalieres, $3 to $8, . . Men's Tie Pins b Set with pearls in wish bones. Horse TS Bow Knots, $2.25 to *7.00 ES PR "FOR CHRISTMAS BAKING Finest Sunkist Raisins, | cleaned currants, peels, | Mates, figs, almonds and! "walnuts, Belleville cider. J. M. GORDON « Pure Food Grocer Cor Cor Montreal & Bay Sts. Another Snap I TOMORROW . Ear-rings A large selection from 73¢ to £3 and up. Cigarette Cases In Sterling from $3.50 to $15. [In Silver Plate, $1.25 to $3.50. Napkin In Sterling, $1.00 10 $4.00, Silver Riutles, $1.30 10 $e 00, Wrist Watches up. L For Men, $6.00 to $25.00, For Women Se to 875 and up. Phone e 58 Wo have wp a able purchase a Creamery y Butter | About 1000 lbs. in one pound prints, which will be on sale Saturday, 'Dee. ember 16th. We shall be able to let this butter go at about ~ 45¢ Per Lb. -- AT E Anderson Bros. i Princess and Division Streets. | ¥ RL RODE, 'tWhete the Clock Js on the $ Walk," b \ C. H. Rooke, | Government concerning the con- 168 Bay St., Toronto. [duct of the war"--which eo: responds | | to Hie position in a chureh of a pas tor| [emer indicates the stre | methods of Briand's new Ministry nject new blood into the conduetors | |of the war, following the British ex- ample. Hereafter Joffre will make 4 this headquarters in Paris to in! {eloser touch for consultations with [the Cabinet, but Nivelle will take charge of the field headquarters. | | Nivelle's ascendeney to the premier {position over the heads of his old su- | i periors breaks the milits ary hierarchy, ! which staked all on length of service, | jbut it is regarded as proof of the! ipledge that the new war Cabinet out to win and will not regard pre- he Welch's "Tle National aes nil cedent, Dependents Given $15,000 a Day. At all 1 Grocers, SRARY Tuleh and Seds Washington, Dee. 16. The War Peuntal | Department is paying ont $75,000 af BW ws o7 the ease for the heme. {day to the dependent families of en- | FENWICK, K, BENDRY &® CO. listed men of the regular army and| national guard, Major-General | To The Electors Hl t Sharpe, quartermasteér-general, told | the House military committee. If dis-! ursements continue at the present | Ladies and Gentlemen: At the request of a large number of citizens, 4 ) rate a deficiency of nearly $5,000,000 will be shown by the end of the fiscal year, What to Do With Ex-Presidents. Washington, Dec, 16--Former Pre- sidents Taft and Roosevelt and all future ° Presidents of the United States, after their terms expire, would be given a seat in the House of Re- presentatives without vote at a sal- ary of $25,000 yearly by a bill intro- duced by Representative Moore of Penasylvania. Candidacy for any political office would automatically bar such men from membership in the | House. Proposal Will be Considered. ear 1917, and respect- huly solicit your votes and influence. A QUALIFIED Na. 14, 4 da v $439. Du from age ee cam---- Feat ROOMS, housek ~~ he , FURNISHED for Mg ALSO ROOWS 6 Prin- CHOICE STOCK OF HEAT , RA". ges, and all kinds of new and ae - ond hand furniture. We are alse open to buy everything in the above lines, J. hompson, 338 3 Princess street. Phone 1800. tee ee eet LARGER STOCK or DRESSERS, Cov. . stoves men's clothing, fur { coats, also new upholstered chars; large assortment of sealers We buy all kinds of new and nec and band furniture. 8. , STADIA. " rincess street Pho FOR S.8. NO. commence $500.00 Qt ALIPIED - AC HER sron AGE © on Fl RAU re RE, CLEAN ' 3 Iry, al room 'n lock and 209 089, ze, THREE ROOWS TO RE for light K€ C nRieTY AS JOS, ROCKING HORSES, tables, chairs, cradles, Ale. | 1 1s of child- ck and made r+ for prompt by J. H sireet; Phoye $400 Re PATENTS BAB(OCK & marks, desigas. (erly Patent Office of Patent Laws tection" fr real Branches: = = SONS, WANTED GENERAL a Princess' street. EF 'EW TONS OF * NE MARSH nan (baled). Robertsons Limited A MX ROOMED HOUSE BY SEPT. Apply Box 24% Whig Ofce, FENIAN RAID MEDAL, WIL, LIL, PAY four dollars. A. 1B. Way, 384 Oak- wood Ave, Toronto. hid EN (BL el Otiaw . IST. | TEE H a ARCHITECT Xr wi ANDS & Offices ree firm for A great har- aebler & Bake: Www SON, ARCH. Bag St r Hn © 608 Al 5 PASSENGER rite " 'hone Mills, Fort Henr} A FORD FIVE nyo Major Pow ER 3 x ARO gH ul rel ling FOR SALE Ww Y Bro Ck nd SERVANT, sm if three Address Ilo | ages 1584 GENERAL for family $15 a month Whig Office 1. Full lleenge. e near public square in the f Walertown, N.Y. A No. | ine vestment. +» N. Brown, 9 Flower Bul Inge, Watertown, N. Y. x LEGAL. i fa B. CUNNINGHAM, BARKISTEN| and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar reet, Kingston * BOARD AND R ROOMS AND Ross: central - PIANOS, ment of new | Ww Lind- ZERIT SIR | FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ment Soclety: Incorporated 1863; President, Colonel HH. R. Smith, CMG; Vive prenidint W. F. Nie- kle, K.C. Money issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debeniures; mortgages pure chased; investment sale; deposits terest allowed, manager $7 Clarence St. . Kings on, { LIVERPOOL, 14XDON AND GLOBE Fire Insurance Company. Available assets $61,187,215. In addition ie which the policyholders have security the unlimited ability of city property, insured at lowest possible rates, Before renewin old or Elving new business x rites from Strange & Strange, Agents. Phone 316. NANNY ne NT. ™O0 GOOD ROOMS, st = able for governr t offices; bus £8 quar zhted, an heatc od. Ofc. F ep CL ASS BOARD venience; loc d ter; li lox 54. Whig ROOMS, wanie ¥ vowpoRTIgl Apa locall ty W hig oti cé OR BACH- \ central tra MUSIC. PEARL A. NESBI ind organ i" in piano ¥ examinations street, LT.C.M,, of Dr. ALS repare wiio, 449 DENTAL t, i. KNAPP, Office, 255 1° BUSINESS CHANCES. pe XTi PenvesTons WARNING DON'T INVEST | one cent until you read Successful | Finance and learn how fortunes | are made and lost by Invests Free trial subscription. Sucoess- | ful Finance, 608 S. Degrborn St Chicago. DRS, sp SRY w PERSONAL | BAM, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | ! and all growths and skin blem { shes removed permanently, with out scar; 30 yo4rs Fxpericcy Dr | Elmer J. Lak Eye, Ea Nose Throat and Skin Specialist, w; Bagot street. ~ Experienced Machine Operators - APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd., Kingston, Ont. HARRY: FOR SUCCESS AND APPI- | ness many thousand members both! 8 wishing early me irriage; | Mg welthy; confidential des- | ns free; established 10 years T Reliable Tub, Mrs. Wrubel, 732 Madisen, NDakland, Calif. i confidential; wost rel Hable: experiency; desc riptions ccessful Club" Mrs. Calif. strie tly years free. Purdie, FURNITURE FINISHING of "The Box 356, Oakland, Charcoal FURNITURE FINISH. | v. 23 John DRISCOLL, . Call or drep a card. et. I offer myself as a candi-|= date for Mayor for the F 2 Bags for a quarter, Both Kindling and Fuel mgs + 'Washington, Dee. 16.--Arrival of both the German and Austrian peace notes, and broad. intimations at the Entente Allies' embassies that the proposals of the Central Powers would not be flatly rejected without examination, are the outstanding de- velopments here in the peace move. To Spend $6,000,000 For Station. Buffalo, Dec, a will have a new $6 0 w York! a clear case of mu 'Central station at Exchange and 1 Cows total German loss in mer at Washington streets as soon a the | the Somme is more than 708,000, technicalities necessary to that nter- | i idcluded 95. 000 prisoners, | prise can be amended by the city and | In nfiiterial the Allies took 135 heavy | railroad, and - Bontractors can bAIIH guns, 180° field pieces and 1,483 wa | the structure. hine gups. J.M. HUGH 'Information was received at Re- gina, Sask., the headquarters of the Mounted Police, that George Hill, a farmer had shot and fnstantly killed his wife and then himself. Hill way a setller near Swit. Mounted Police ro 4 4 § p i 4 4 at-114 to 114%, EER ra) [I Ii el ATES EXPERIENCE Address 272 University Ave. New York stock market rebounded Saturday from the four-day break caused by the German peace propos-' als, initial gains ranging as high as five poinis in sone instanges. U. S. steel opened on sale of 25,900 shares | #Anting anyihing dome in the carpen- Pedestal table; 1 parler |i tory line, Latimates &iven on ail kinds mols; sine nn mumber of fine cook of repairs and stoves and heaters at | TURK'S, Phone 705 a Soors of all inde A All orders ° dmpt Shop, Quesn sires re The future and the past are near relatives to the present. '