-e-0 Shes EEA NS ltt THIRD SECTION | Frere eet At Ett KINGSTON; ONTARIO, SATURDAY DEC EMBER 16, 1916 == Headquarters Staff For Military District No. i \ : : 2 ¥ re, To = = z pn A GREAT ORGANIZATION HE HANDLING THE MILITIA From that, At the Armouries, in a quiet office ability since coming here last winter. matters of the de- hat gives little hint of its possessor,| ' Capt.. A. Ashmore Kidd, Aide de partment under his care, and he has' is Capt. Charles Turner, who has the Camp, though holding only a junior work since the war began doubtfully envious job of being in| rank compared to the heads of de- rector of Major J. in a that has made Gen. Hem- charge of all financial matters of the partments, is one of the most highly M. Wilson has been here ahput a year| ming proud to have such a man in, district Last year, wearing that, respected officers at the Armouries, and during that time has done more charge of' this important department. | same smile, he handled a department | He was overseas with the 2nd Bat- than his share in making the Dental! Another officer who is not at the! that was paying bills to the extent of | | Corps of this district what it is now. | almost one million dollars every NE ny worthy of Lis position on the district, Tete de Pont barracks slaff point he directs all He has a ischarges tl capacity for work Brawn, however, in spite of his! brother on the staff whe i tremendous energy and ambitions to-!d duties of Assistant Di- done the wards Services. way well li an efficiency goal, is jovial and Dental * ked bylevery pe Lieut~Col. H. R. W the title of '#Distriet Assistant Adjutant rsor Ison bears In the Country From Cornwall to Bowmanville, and From Kingston to Near to the North Pole. ! e the district, it done more in pro-|{ war, in proper-| war br has (through the pr e out the. pyb 5. has been kept viding men for the io § ion to population than any other dis- Kingston is proud | to what trict din Canada to be the doc ation of this headquar- etrs The chief of this organization Brigadier-General T. D. R. Hemming, General Officer Commanding, who in! This quiet has the whele business at his finger tips, and | is} but carnest way is the power behind all the elements of progress which make for this dis- He is a man-in every sense of the word, and the suc-| trict's reputation of the district has been made] gsible through the steadfast lovalty staff to their work the general's and to him." The co-operation shown is marvellous, and the results war- rant the highest praise { The gereral is one of the hardest { workers in Armouries He down every morning at $30 o'clock, the is and for two years since the war broke out has never been a day from duty away i I'he second in command of the dis- Ftfict is Col. G who takes the official title of Assistant Ad- took over these Hunter Oglivie, jutant General le duties~in charge of administration in 1911, and since that time has made! knowledge of military matters y count to the limit. Gen. Hemining! has in him a most able officer, HEMMING and one who, though a 'strict disciplinari- nical of being of Military District No district df Canada's map extends roughly from the tec take Headquarter name HUNTER OQILA is most popular among all ranks In these days when training counts I'he i an and Quartermaster General." He is d to the Ww Attache | Lieut Col. A Richardson, [ficer Both | {citizens to red that their military » 'with their civilian | beyond the fact { work is in {reputatio: mandant of the Schoel of Signalling, has done a great amount of active work during e last year. i In speaking fajor D. E. Mundell as there is one officer who jalso deserves a great deal of credit, jand that is Lieut. Neil Munsie, ad- fjutant of the Morning, noon jand night he has worked for the good {of the school, and lot tremendous value to the major. nalling with commandant chool. There is also Lieut+Col. George H.. Gillespie, a Kingston alderman, who is well known to many citizens. The authorities appreciate duties spector of Cadet Carps for the dis- trict his In the teehnical tached to the administrative staff the most important from a eivilian stand- | J. | point is that of Lieut.-Cel. R Gardiner, Assistant Dipeetor of Medi- cal Services. This military doctor is directly for Kingston having a hospital. Con- responsible 1,000-bed valescent Homes, Military Hospitals, | and all such matters tome within his! his! ~ability and made good in every sense province, but he h@is proved of the word general staff are Dis- jtrict Intelligence Officer, and Major] ID. E. Mundell, Distriet Signalling Of-| are 100 well known as| lire any reference here Major Mundell, as com-| of the School of Sig-| has certainly been military | He is the organizer and in-! depariments at-| | month. This district has a reputation | of having one of the best conducted | pay offices in the Dominion, and it is due to Capt. Turner's steady and | consistent handling of his staff that this reputation has been made. i Another captain who, though only i ii {a late addition, has already proved | { his worth, is Capt. J. Craigie Nor- well, Col. Wilson's assistant. He is ? Scotch and a soldier, being a veteran. = $ T 4 | of South Africa. His extensive train- | "ing, both in a military capacity and | 3 | also in civilian life, makes him valu- If {able to the D. A. A. and Q, M. G. Another captain who is also assist- {ant in the direction of an' important } | department is Capt. R. B. Richard- | son, who takes many responsibilities , Off the shoulders of Lieut.-Col. Gardi- | | ner. Capt. Richardson seems to be {a bundle of energy, and uses it to { handling the hundreds of cases that 'come into his daily work. In the fore-part of this article it , was mentioned that the Ordnance Of ficer is not located at the Armouries, and it is difficult to say that he is { located anywhere elge. Capt. An {drew McCully is too energetic to "lo- | cate," but seems to live everywhere 1in the garrison wheré business arises { that has to do with the workings of | nis department. He, with Capt. Kidd, A.D.C., are the first officers of | tne headquarters staff proper who have been overseas in the present conflict. As quartermaster of the {21st Battalion he was in France for BROWN some time until recalled to take this Palmer, who | Position. H. R.-WILSON talion Though modest he is highly thought of LIEUT. «COL. W Armouries is Capt. F. A in manner, ot Many a man who isn't satisfied has charge engineering services. Capt. W. J. McManus, formerly of The official title for him is rather {the Royal Infantry School staff at with the ills he has peruses drug confusing, being Commanding, | Halifax, Is a thorough soldiér. His [Store almanacs and acquires others Royal Canadian Engineer," 'but. in enterprise now, besides being garri- |1'® Knows not of. spite of his title he does the work as|son, adintant, is in the handling of foots rfbution is Quits. otien arron- a worthy successor to Lieut<Col. C.|the affairs of the Special Service Com- | a Tr rout self-e5- J. Burritt, pany. He has shown his military | teem erm Fy 3 ¥ a man who. seems to know everytihng The Assistant Director of Supplies about evervthing, and though his of- and Transports is ong who, with the by exception of the engimeer officer and | invaded by the ordnance officer, As not located at the ~ Armonries.gaiajor - James Hamilton prefers to be nearer his work, and so has his headquarters in 0 much the name of Lieut.-Col. W. J Brown, General Staff Officer, comes to the fore. Col. Brown is a product of Belleville, but now a thorough 4 in Ontario; -. Due more Kingstonian, and one of whom this: tule of pe the men who make up the headquar- | city may well be proud. Like his| edge on this er that subject. ters staff than to the citizens in the! friend and brother, ex-Bellevilleite, Wilson is an efficient officer, A A a Ne Pl AA A ir Ar FineFursfor Christmas GIFTS THAT ARE USEFUL, SEASONABLE AND LUXURIOUS Mills' Furs have been favorite Christmas gifts for forty years and our patrons far and wide have learned to know us. for the real merit of the furs we make and sell. Today w e stand at the head of the fur trade in this vicinity with the _ biggest store, biggest stock and biggest business between Toronto and Montreal. Furs bearing the trade mark label of "Kingston's Famous Fur Store" carry a guarantee of quality -- they add to the spirit of Christmas giving. © on the west to Cornwall on 1st, and from Ottawa and Peta north to the ri on the south. It is praeti two other offices a multi- in pursuit of kpowl-* Col and ver and fice is protected wm the lak ront is his sanctum is i 1 v] cally all to ople --~ A A. sat ni. GEORGE MILLS & CO. r N ( ( 23 THESE ARE SOME OF THE FURS DISPLAYED IN OUR BIG SHOW ROOMS TODAY. J WE WELCOME YOU TO OUR STORE/REGARDLESS OF WHE- '" THER OR NOT YOU ARE PREPARED TO BUY : . .e .e 3 - .e ne, .e oe ( LADIES' FUR COATS Hudson Seal .. . .. $120t0 $175 Electric Seal .. .. .. $75 t0"$90 Persian Lamb . . . . $175 to $300 $50 to $85 LADIES' FUR SETTS (Muff and Stole) ~ Black Wolf . . $35 to $50 Grey Wolf . . .. $18 to $35 Black Fox RedFox .. .. Grey Fox .. . . .. China Lynx .. .. Persian Lamb . . . Mink .. .. Marmot .. .. .. Alaska Sable . . Hudson Seal . . Black Lynx . . 00 0000 i Russian Pony . . . Fur Lined Coats . . $32.50 to $65 Fur'Trimmed Coats . . $20 to $25 . CHILDREN'S FURS Muskrat Coats .. ... $18 to $25 Iceland Lamb Coats . . $15 to $18- White Rabbit Coats . . $18 to $20 White Thibet Setts . $3.75 to $10 Iceland Lamb Caps . . .. .. $2.50 oi White Rabbit Caps .. .. . $3.50 BlueWeolf .. ... .. .. Natural Lynx . . Muskrat Setts ..... .. . .. $8.50 Coats. Ermine " PERSE a J ' Pur Gauntlets ... - Our entire stock is marked in plain figures, and we have only one price--the same to everybody. Buy ce soon in many lines. Call, write or phone for our Ea ER now while prices are down--they are sure to advan == ; * Ne ~ 126 and 128 Princess Street