time guietealy eg sor oatto eee a erin vice pra Aer ot wo ANA S amon , ii " a EO A FR smtp -- A MATA po He iis _ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, "DECEMBER 16, 1916. ~~~ PAGE FIFTEEN ent rr -- a ---- § ---, EE ------------ YOU NEED A Piano for A gigas Christmas - iy Ogre . Make Your Choice While There is Yet Time from Our Stock of THE WORLD'S BEST PIANOS : Ye Olde Firme Heintzman Co., Lindsay, Weber, Wormwith, Ete., Etc. Bdvenfure PRACTICE PIANOS AT LOW PRICES. Prices and terms to just o™ on a time in a queer little Bargains in Slightly Used ORGANS. , suit you. T town Do Not Fail to Visit Our Warerooms in Your Round of On te hes of the Zaye Christmas Shopping and Inspect Our Stock of Player Pianos [ffi = i te eed people were tant Merchants Bank of Canada Established 1864. Head Office = = = « Montreal. Sir H. Montagu Allan, President E. F. Hebden, Managing Director D.C. Macarow, General Manager * Over 200 Branches in Canada Paid Up Capital - $7,000,000 Reserve F und and Undivided Profits ~ - = - $7,250,000 Special facilities for making collections. Drafts and money orders issued, payable at any banking point in Canada. A strange thing happened to me. Alone the night before Christmas, . y I I eat by the glowing fire, Watching the flame ss it rose and fell, : While the sparks shot higher and | dil a higher. _ Suddenly one of the sparks began To flicker and glimmer and wink ® | Like a big, bright eye till I hardly * i knew What to do or to say or to think. A VICTOR VICTROLA is a Quick as a flash it changed to a face, welcome addition to any howe And what in the world did I see nd there is no better time than Christmas. But Sew Js Sante Claus nodding Prices $21 to $330, and $5 And waving his hand to me! will deliver one to your house. A visit to our Victrola par- "Oh, follow me, follow me!" soft he lors will convince you. cried, And up through the chimney with ir him Deposits of one dollar and upwards re- ceived and interest at current rate added to the principal half yearly. Joint accounts opened if required in the names of two par- ties, which can be operated by either, and the money drawn by the survivor in the case of the death of one of them. , I mounted, not daring to utter a word Victor Records for 0 ink x 40 shinny Christmas Gifts be 28 ig yn | Santa Claus, The Christmas Question Solved. | He ee he 1 quing ish Yn, = Kingston Branch, Corner of eidvitueme £ Brock and Wellington Street C. Ww. Lindsay , Limited [| ~vr-eral en gon Srcsts 121 Princess Ys " or i - Tittle i folk Who live bn the Zuyder Zee." Then, seating himself in his rein- : deer sledge - TT I, And drawing me down by his side, I= -- | IHG A UL A "a Camm --. of the wind Wo ial on Ou Ash IR ion) gleam ba 11 left For the little Dutch girls and | B Onions and sausages, wooden faced dolls, i Cheese and gingerbread toys, Soldiers that marched at the word | of command, | Tiny gold watshes, all studded with gems, And hundreds of exquisite things. | We're specialists in er | IMPERIAL i Straight to America then, where I, i We are the aly wi eee Be aaah al hs. [| | Durable turers of the famous Non. | »=e=swa | ro Durable Offsetting Halftone Black p= Soft and Comfortable and Cor Black. = Und Ena = N e Underwear of We make the Blacks that |. y Unimpeachable Quality dry with a lustre. ol nen ek. [f The Standard for Over Six 0 all the "Used i in Canada wherever Good Printing i is done" ww LE - | Years The Dominion Printing Ink and Color Company, Ltd. 128- 130 Pears' Avenue = «= Toronto, Canada Stggked and Sold by ema By, John Martin Paper Co., Limited ) Winnipeg, Celgaryy Edmonton.