"PAGE THIRTY- THREE nti: - --r moar -- fr ~ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 16,1916. 2 mR ere rte Tr Li mee a ee EE 1 mtr cn Ee -------------- EI! Ee "SAXON 'SIX - A BIG TOURING CAR FOR FIVE PEOPLE No other car in its price class can give Saxon "Six" service So if you choose another in the price class of Saxon 'Six' you must make up your mind to do without the ad- vantages of Saxon "Six." You'll have to content yourself with less smoothness, less quietness, less flexibility, less acceleration, and pay more in higher upkeep cost. But will you be content? We think not. If for practically the same price you can have all that your neighbor enjoys who owns a Saxon "Six," why "second best" when you can just as easily have the best. And it is clearly evident by now that Saxon "Six" is the best car in its price class. No fine phrases can dispute the cold facts of Saxon "Sixes" abler per- formance. A scrutiny of the records shows that Saxon 'Six' has- both publicly in open tests and privately in owners' hands surpassed the best efforts of other "Sixes" and "Fours" in its price class. It will win you in a single road trial. J H.Davis Saxon Distributor Kingston, Ont. T0 DENONSTRATE THE CARS and supply you with A CATALOGUE GIVING COMPLETE No costly car is more completely equipped than Saxon Roadster That line is worthy of repetition. Read it again--*'no costly car is more completely equipped than Saxon Roadster." In point of conveniences and equip- ment Saxon Roadster is surpassed by no other car at any price. First and foremost you find a two- unit starting and lighting system. Today an automobile without a starting and lighting system is in no sense of the word a modern car. The fact that it causes so much trouble and lost time marks it at once as really unworthy of considera- tion with Saxon Roadster priced at less than Just think of a car at this price in which you simply press a button and your motor is running, This new series Saxon Roadster also has larger tires--30-inch by 3-inch tires. The advantage of these bigger tires is four-fold. They make for a higher-standing car, give more road clearance, greater riding comfort, and longer tire life for there's more tire surface in proportien to car weight, In addition there are twenty further features of real appeal. See this new series Saxon Roadster at once. HH should you put up with the short- ~omings of some other car? Why take SAXON SIX PRICE, $1175.00 f.0.b. Windsor. SPECIFICATIONS TELEPHONES: 420 and 113 SAXON ROADSTER PRICE, $665.00 f.0.b. Windsor. FREIGHT LDEck JIntwe SALooN HETERO RAE RRR RR .------.----------E----_------------ EA Manntasturets, of Fore- pS 4 Agents for the Wolver. and-Aft and Triple Ex- = ; / / - i ine eavy - duty i pansion Steam Engines, LE EETE . Motors -- Operates on and thé well-known cheapest grade of coal Davis Water-Tube Boi- oil. Averages 1 to 1jc ler; Gasoline Engines; - per hour per h.p. Fur- 'Gasoline Rotary Pump- : . nished in sizes from 10 to ing Outfits from 10 to 500 h.p. 5,000 gallons | per minute capacity, Communicate with us for particulars and prices. 'General Repairsin Wood i Automobile Repairs. © All Kinds of Mathine Phone 420. ar - = : - > Ss : : = EE = . > £ > == -- - = Z > ] = Z : - : E ] = = : - HEH