~ PAGE TWELVE "Ranks with the Streagest" HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head OMicg, Raval Ahaptancs Big. school held a Christmas iree enter. | ww days ih Brockville. The tainment in the village hall on the g ese factory is still running ] Fy = : i Soa PERCY UINN Frontenac jevening of the 19th. Carols, dia-| rmers from other factories Toe : 1 0A Manaeer. Ontatis . Tarents | Iggues , were well given 10 an! ave closed are drawing their 1 3 appreciative audlenes, The Jadies '; ere. Mr. Graham has sold her Ww. H. GODWIN & SONS ibid also con ted a sale of candy and to J. Polk. W, H, Bolton and AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. GLENDOWER. | fancy 0 The public school cr Freeland were collecting for the There is not quite enough | | teacher getting ready for their! 1 *r last week in thesvillage. elghing. Quite a number | Bhool} cl Mrs. (Dr.) Edward em . : 4 the entertainment at the | 18 staying a few daya in the dity. SAND BAY, "ey 6 d ads 3 : py 3 J ¢ "a , = house: list Priday eveuing, | Rev, Mr, Curry ocoupied the p@lpit| [)..cmber 18th.--The patrons 3 A DIES WINTER wilt Bobo close for the holi-{ Of the Meihodist church on Sunday | tand Day cheese \ factory days. John Baheock bought a cow| merning and Mrs. Douglas. Pound, | ieir "annual meeting op last week from Wiliam Wilson, The| Kingston, dered a pleasing solo, and reported a great 'year. 1 Dr. Frank Graham, Brockville, was |'\;, y Philipsville, has brought ? FR. AN | J > the guest of J Gordon for the week- | IL o cheese factory from J. J. Lappin a d = Fah Get. your winter coat made DONALDSON. f Soe . Jd. Gibson and w. Cooke took | v0.\V. Goff has purchased the saw es © 3 yf { to fueasare with choice of De 20 Wedding bells are about | /R the excursion to Toronto. Miss | ii Miss Vera MeDonald spent a x SV SEEN 4 % ! RN Ny ie far less money than to ri in this vicinity. T, Sproule, | Geraldine Purdy is convalesei in |g, 1 with Miss Madeline O'Con- Bs ; ysmade, Also suits, skirts, who has been on the sick List, is able | Kingston Gene Hospit: 8 wr, Long Point, Philip Patience and dresses for very low prices. | to be about again. Mrs, Samuel Al-| Haroid Simpson held her posts nup- | Tavlor, at J, A. Lappin's, Mr and | lan, and r Joé returned home | ti&l reeeption on Thursday 1ast.| yo Sandy" McDonald, Melcombe, New York Skirt and . Suit Co. 203 Wellington Street, REEL = ve frozen over es Vr Thursday afternoon, after spending | Many old acquaintances welcomed | McDonald's. Avlona Herbison some time with her daughter, Mrs, | ber back to the village. Miss North- Po returned from the west. Ray- Martin McPhee, McLaren's Depot. A | more, New York, and Miss Munsie, | 5,4 vanerman, neezee, at V baby girl has come to brighten the | Rideau Ferry, who have been visit-| a Miss Mars McDonald at home of Mr. R. W. Sproule. Neil|ing Mr. Simpson's, e left for their alco 3 Morrow is SA nr trip i homes. Mrs, W. Smith is teav- | Mebane: A MD "» Kingston recently. Mr. and Mro. T.|ing to spend Christmas and New| each JL 3G Hiner Ses re to do but stand there and be impertinent to me. Thomas and Mrs. C. Davis of Am- | Year's with her children at Cornwall, Loh 4 in Gananoque on Nodes. wommminine NT oe _ ~ | julating Pill for Women. $i a box or three for 8 i oH day the 6th. Miss Bertenna Green is | : § d i10 yiold at all Drug Stores, or ma pah, spent one day this week at Lancaster, and Ogdensburg at George Slack's lage Mrs. S. Horton has been ii tertained at a nickel and jam show-|] from the same cause, Seburn Fos- a to: Tus S00sSLL Henry Morrow's, sr, Robert W with grippe. The Baptist church is| er on Friday last in honor of." the|ter lost a valuable pure bred Hol- t. Catharines, Ontario Sproule ig 11 with quinsey } MOUNTAIN GROVE. | WESTPORT - having its Curia ter ta ment bride-to-be, Miss Leta Simpkins. |} stein cow by the i of a blood PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN. Tien - - Dec. 18. An interesting Women's] Dae. 18.-- The marriage took place ON Friday evening and the Methodists! The children are practicing for the| vessel. Uncle Tom's = Cabin Com-g¢ Vitality; for Nerve aud Brain; increases KEELERVILLE, {Institute meeting was held at Mrs. A. | 0 Aonday. December 11th of Miss OB Saturday evening. Christmas tree that they expect to| pany presented its play in the village matter' a Tonic--will build you Dec. 20.---Mr, and Mrs, E. Andrews | Hayes' on the 13th inst. The roll call | yp q icy wha poh " oe --- have on Saturday next. Miss Lottie | hall Friday yeni Sunday | 5¥9 for £3, At drug atures, Of 1 |e urie! Victoria Butler, only daughtei ¢ > re Ss Lottie ah, on rida) evening. sunday of price. Tux Sconkil Deva Co, ting at Lymdhurst. Miss Leta | Was answered by * Your Favorite Dish | 50 Mr, and Mrs. T. Butler. to NEWBORO. and Cecil Heaslip, Kingston, spent |school children are practising for tar spending a few weeks in [and How to Make It," also a auestion | Fraqerick George Forrester, youngest Dec. 20.--1It 100ks as though New-| Sunday at their home he Mrs. | the Christmas tree. John Clinton "Bold at Mahood's Dg Store." N.Y. J. E. Anglin at-|drawer. Red Cross wok wags d¥:cuss sqn of Mw. and Mrs. John Yorrester Boro will. in the near future, bel Joseph Smith, Sr., who has been|and wife are preparing to leave for} =~" tended the funeral of the late J. M.[ed, and it was decided to sew at Pes of Westport. The COreTony WAS per- lighted by electrieity, as the poles| spending the summer' in the States, | Kenora to spend the winter. Uric . Stoness at Perth Road on Sunday. next meeting, which is to be held at|gormed very quiet] py wis Der are nearly in position for using. Miss| has returned for the winter, and is| Benham, oldest son of John Benham, A Miss Thompson and Miss Jennie | Mrs. Roland Coulter's on Jan. Toate bride by Ri Ernest Teskey Mr, KEleanor Bawden has returfied from | staying with Mrs. P. A. Mabel, died at West Lake on Friday from Clarke at Battersea on Saturday.{The W.L realized $27 for paper, ete. Nd Mrs DA. McKoo are "Ottawa, where slic hs been visiting meres typhoid fever after a short iliness. FOOT OF RROCK STREET Some of the farmers 'got high pi oes | cotlceted for Red~Cross work. The |oenalt to reside. T. A. Kennedy, of friends. For the first season in ERINSVILLE. Deceased had been employed on a Phones: Office 332. House $11. for t r turkeys at Elgin and Lynd- [annual meeting of the Farmers' In- Winnipeg yh the Tuest of his wothar: many vears Newboro will be withont Dec. 18.--Mrs. A. Stewart has re-| boat during the past summer and We Aue Supplies. hut Charles Patterson is here [stitute was held on Friday, The after-| ype Wiliam=Kennedy John Caw. @ hockey team. About a vear ago turned home after a three months'! had just returned home. The fun- oll from th west looking hale and !noen meeting was taken up In judg-| oc jo this week placing cement blocks we remarked that the young men of visit in Camrose, Alta. Vincent | eral was held on Sunday at West tor on. hearty Robert Tighe and Sawne! | ing heavy draught horses and dai on the residence of H "R. Derbyshire. 24° village cared more for the hoc- | Byrnes, of Kerr Robert, Sask. is|lLake church; jnterment at the same Cars for Hire. Yatenian are at Battersea. John,|cattle. The evening programme ¢o COM. Chamberland, . of Rontrew. key stick than for the rifle. We were | home for the holidays. Miss Margaret | place, William MeQuoid has started Washing Oars: Robert and James McLroy and Alex- sisted of an address by W. D. Blaek, [spe at the week- end | in town Miss! rons and apologize. Most. all of McConnell, Harrowsmith, and Miss] a butcher shop here. Blake Pear- Large, S100. ander Jackson were at Kingston last | M.P.P., on "What the Agrieuttural| prefo Ripley spent a few days of last the old team are now overseas Serv-| Carroll, Tweed, spent the week-end «all and wife are moving to Toronto: Small, 7a. week. Miss Mamie Sieeth returned | Deparment Is Doing For Farmers." | Code win "Blein friends. M: and | OK their country in the great war|ywiih Migs Margaret O'Brien. Mrs. | He fs employed with street railway. Eficlent Service guaranteed. te] vi) : Veer. game. Joseph Butler, one of our Roach, who was seriously injured | Some of the men from here, who Give us & call. from a viait to Kingston on Saturday. | Mr. Ness, of MeDonald College, talk-| og Yh y 1 ; iy : ; , Mrs, Myers, of Portland, and Mrs. T. oldest, if not the oldest citizen, of some time ago, is recovering. Mr | went to Belleville to work in the E PARADIS, TROUBLES OF THE CHRISTMAS SHOPPER. Customer (whose temper has been ruffled) --"My dear, you'd think that girl had nothing eee UR. DeVAN'S FRENCH PILLS, aving for 1.OR] | dan The Dairy Herd And Mr-iy. Garvin, of Toledo, spent Sunday | Newhboro, died Monday p. m., aged ' ' \ i FLORIDA, ¢ (Schuyler on "Poultry. The pro-' win Mrs. J. J. Mulville IF Mee! ag hi ' of M wv | * U5 land Mrs. MeQuaid, Toronto, are visit- munition factory, have heen returned Dee. 1R.-----A number of farmers |r imme was interspersed with music. | gira LP.S.. was in Brockville on jn ye Fas. ih Hugin Wailing {he latter's mother, Mrs. York. | home as they are eligible for enlists are getting up their supply of wood. | A. W, Thompson returned from \ Fursday. th : On yy Ag a ) pacman A, Grippe is already quite prevalent in|ment, Mr. Lafleur, téller in the Alfred Standen, after spending a| Kingston General Hodpital on Satur } hy TR eh ¢ w ors y Tom St1iyis district. M. Lynch and"). Byrnes | Standard bank, has enlisted. Miss week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. [day, Miss Agnes Price, Peterhoro CAINTOWN sromir Gb Tome ro N ! 10 0 fox k May Campbell has taken a position R. S. Standen, 'has returned to his | Norms 11, 1s at home for the Christmas| pec. 18.--On Friday evening, the 3 m os Wednesday. Troma Gray in the Standard bank as ledger kKeep- : ' n Friday g, the!y 8 as Gre ' i ; home at Brewer's Mills. Mrs. D. (holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wo wy ] 5th, a number of the littie g bas hough! the grocery business of |N0rs, which 'was sold by auction on far Word has been received by W. Martin, ill of grippe, is somewhat jand baby are visiting friend Caintown and Ballycanoe gathered at James Nolan, and has taken pos- | Saturday, was disposed of at a high|J. Campbell that his son Stanley better, K. Martin and Stewart Mar- | Mrs. W. H. Cowdw il for a few the home of. James Cobey, it being the | session. -Mrs.. James Nolan received { Price. Miss Annie O'Neill } Campbell, who enlisted in the west and went to France, is missing. . . tin spent Thursday in the city. J. lis somewhat betigr. David Drew, lo, 00" Lirthday of their daugi:ier, a letter from her daughter, Marion turned home from Calabogie 3 Cleaning, Pressing, Wallace is still confined to his bed. | Long Lake, has pfirchased the store! Rosa lia All were pleasantly enter- New York, saying she bad the mis. one is preparing for the festive sea- Ee --T and Repairing. \ Mr. Wilson, Yarker, passed through occupied by hi Hay trom Pol iiied. Miss Alma Dickey, who has| fortune to fall and break her ankle. [son of Christmas, ' . on Wednesday buying clover seed | Ritchey. D. J. Cronk has oarohased spent the a iT "ih nas George Bilton, who has heen con- S------ Mrs, E. Martin, ill with grippe, is [a* farm from i Boomhower. Word ciurned howe. .. Miss Florence Quin- fined to his bed tlirough sickness, is | STELLA somewhat better, Miss Dolly Stan-|has been received that IH. ID. Sander. _ p00 one to Brockville to take a slowly recovering. Dec. 18. --The island is now en- den is spending a few weeks at Brew- ison, undergoing. treatment at the feonyee in (he dressmaking trade. Mrs ' | shrowded in a heavy coat of snow, er's Mills, A number from here ©o8-| Hotel Dien; was suffering from a George Turkington, Yonge Mills, Sleighing was never better at this template taking in the Christmag stroke. |% -- eek the gues f Mrs. time of the year, The tug Ray tree entertainment at Wilton next Spenilagt. w EE Hs Boy loaded EE .--__; (NEW METHOD have weturned from the west. The stock owned by the late James Con Neatly Done. We make a Specialty of adies' Work M. F. Patton, Prop. 119 SYDENHAM ST, Near Princess St. Phone 214 ; evening. 'Roy Walker re) a few days at Odessa last week. THE RIDGE, WOLERISEAND, A successful concert was held {n the Ridge schodl on Saturday | ! , Decombér 16th, by Miss FE. Miss A, Horne, An. excel- lent programme was rendered by thel spent a fow and young peeple-of the! Broekvitle. ' Ti "coneistéd- of chor-y made-n fying trip to Warsi kville hast uses, rec dialogues, ete. . The | week, A arl and school waif beantifully deco, |, add Migs Hagel rl nt one ay last J x 2 ng hori vig Mis Florence Christmas tree, from which they re- Quinsey is spending a few. days visit ceived numerous presents, (Part of | Mg Irichils ty Brockwil the proceed: goes for Red Lross work, and the vest for schabl purposes. The' school was packed to the: door, and the audience * preserved good order during ithe performance. sleighing brought out many people. Many of the young people attended the concert given hy the continuation schoo! on Friday last. Mr. Abbott|people are enjoying skating and ice purchased three head of cattle and Mr | boating. Mr. Ju [ the U Allum four at the recent sale. A great many have disposed of their turkeys Rev. Mr. Junel, Vanleek Hill. Mrs. Briggs, Ganan-| Rose and W. Haw are working in the] 43 "Grandma" Pennock. munition works at Trenton. are hauling woed-4o the village in| on Saturday last by Rev. at good prices, js visiting Mrs. Horne. Maurice w alker is at T, Spehee's. : wore delighted with the iweek in' B The good frozen the rr "Hy IN STREET? Dear AS, ~Mps, Orvil Baila and san daxs visiting friends in Herbison Mrs. Wellington Mrs. Cross, of Gauinotue, spent a y days, the 'guest pf Mrs. Fran liapy Graham, @Aay and Mani | at ki int Sun- IB. Craham's, PORTLAND. Dee. 18. --The Bank, and Mrs. Junel are visiting the Farmers waggons. A number here at- CATARAQUL tended the. council meeting held in|ber. S. M. Seaman, of Toronto, has 20+ ~eThe- Anglican Seng. Anglican - Sunday Delta Deltason Frid F tjday. - Mr. Hen Jy spond. . Heath is spend- attended. Mr, and. Mrs. guests of "Nr. and Mrs, S. day death came to Mrs. 16 Union| ay per facilities. Her genial kind disposition made her everyone's Ruseell | friend, and she was commonly known Thé funeral gervices were conducted at the house home. R. H. Bar-| visited their niece in Ottawa ker, of whose church she was a mem- | week. Mr. and Mrs, 'Isaac Fraser have gone to Montreal to spend been spending a few days in the vil- Christmas. Mrs. G. H. Remion en- a oa TTruesdali, Mallorytown, war the week with het sister, Mrz, B, Poole. H. 3! DE Dee. fd 8. 08 Dec, "T1fn Rev. Ho Parkers united in marriage A A SAA AAA AAA HN i Sr on: Tues NEWBURGH day mst in the church and it was well Dec. 18.--Mrs. William MéHoull of Midland, is visiting her son, H, AMeHoull of the Standfird bank, | - Hage-1p "Aylesworth hag been visiting his hoon ong Jay Jast week, Miss Edna daughter, Mrs, Chant f Webwood. Pip; Pooje's Reédort, spent 1ast|yiaegrs Ramsay and Winter have purchased the old hotel property and | intend building in the spring. The Methodist "Christmas entertainment | is to he held on Wednesday evening. % Rev /. I. "Young, D.D., Toronto Chant and Mrs, P. A. Topping, both spent X a o Bo Bs ne Mrs 'Wil- of this village. Mrs. Susan Godkin | oo, iz vorviiL at. the homo of her Laugh | Socjiy hae forwarded tho supplies Russell fis home from Toronto, spend- | for the vear ending 'Oct. Ist, and ing the Christmas holidays. On Thurs- | received receipts for flie'same. Mrs. J Pennock, lip nas) mother of Sterling Pennock. The de- * YOUDK| .aased was ninety-five years of age, and till her death had possession of and J. Gandiers'. ODESSA ~ Canada's Most. t Successful 'Wheat Grower The Newhurgh Red Cross Rev. Thompson and Marjorie visi- ted for a few days last week at Rev. Dec. 18.--Mr. and Mrs. Millin of Vancouver, who have heen visiting her parents here, have returned Mr. and Mrs. George Lucas last is making a special Christman trip to the island today to take the islanders down to the city to do their Ch@istinas shopping. W. H. Preston, tax collector,» has been making his rounds. Charles Flem- ing has 'moved Info J.' Fiudlay's houde just east of the village. The house he vacated in the village has heen purchased by Mrs. Cronkite from W. Cochrane, The annual Presbyterian bazaar, oystdr supper, and concert was held on Friday af- ternoon and evening last, Miss G. Wemp and Miss L. McMulien have returned home after attending the Kingston Model school. The Misses A. and Rl. Glenn, have also returned home from the Peterbore Normal school. Two offenders of the Ontar- io Temperance act were called to Napanee last week. Miss Bessie Montray, who hag been ill for some time, is slowly improving. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs, P. Drumgould, Emer- ald, spent Sunday at J. A. McMul- lens', VE NN. ACHAR. Dec. 19.--The changeable weather and also extreme cold is beginning to show that winter is approaching. Many of the men . have left here to work in the lumber camps, Services held in Fre¢ Methodist church San- day morning and évening conducted by Rev. Simpson and in the Method- ist church Sunday evening conducted by Rev. Harrington. A number of young people from here attended the box social and concert held in Mata- watchan on Friday last. All report a good time. George Flake, who has been working at Black Donald mines, returned home for a few days, Stan- ley Gregg and Alexander Jackson lumbering near Buck Shot Lake.. Geo. Hughes and Herbert Ball made a busi- | ness trip to Denbigh on Mondzy. R. W. Connor, general merchant, made a business trip to Lavant Station, ae- companied with Daniel Patterson, who left for Lansdowne to. visit rela- tives, Mrs. Solomon Bebee made a business trip to Denbigh on Monday. Mrs. Marshal Bebee at the "Busy Corner" on Monday. Visitors: L. E. Gendron and Miss Ball spent the week-end with friends in Matawat- | chan, . George Ball, Denbigh, passed through here, returning from Mata- AY i Thomas Mille, Ray White, Rock- Stanton aud barge Hay 15. --Obune fiold, Spent Sunday BY Te] | Leanox and Addington a cargo of pressed hay here on Fri- \ De: . 15. jx u A. Js. % ' here. The Women's' Missionary | day for Kingston. The steamer| Members aibupestnt Minutes of last] Auxiliary of the Preshyterian chureh | {held their annual. meeting on meeting adopted, Township laxes of Charles Martin, $1.78, and John O'Niel, $22.87, refunded on acconnt of loss by tire, James Esford re- funded $2 (error. 4m assessment on dog). Polling places, D.R.O's, and clerks appointed: Div. No. 1, Town- hall, Barriefield, Alex. Rickey, PAO; Ho Myrray, clerk; No, 2,°at or near Mr A, Barges; Henry Barnes, D.R.O,: G, V. Frdunklin, clerk;. No. +3, at Wiliam Curtis', William Curtis, D.R.O.; Wm. Brash, olerk; No. 5, Joyce's Hall, Joyce- ville, Wm. Hyland, DRO. C. W. Trotter, clark; No. §, No. 12 school house, - Wm, Spence, D.R'O.; Wm Dunn, e¢lerk Herbert Dowler," Basriefield, ap- pointed an officer to enforce provis- ions of Ontario Temperance act in the Township. A. Cowan and Geo. Hay appointed auditors. By-laws passed confirming all appointments, Accounts 'passed: John Dillon, tile, $22.10; Toomas, Gillespie, 83 loads gravel, $8.30; R, A. Donaldson, culverts, $6; Fred Keeler, culvert, $6; W. E, Pierce, bonus on 60 rods fence, $7.50; P. McKenna, 169 rods, $21.12; John Murray, 27 rods, $3. 38; J. Rochefort, 61 rods, $6. Wm. Hutcheson, 25 rods, $3.13; F Anglin, 50 rods, $6.25; H. Hagarty, work disbursed, $14.50; P. Me Kenna, work disbursed, $24; Mark McMullen, work and culvert $5.50. Wan. Hunter, balance on stone, $9; Thos. Shortall, work disbursed, $52; D. C. Rogers, drawing -tile find. cul- vert, $6; James Esford, putting in glass, $1, and Caretaker $9; J. Weh- man, balance on stone, $22; Charles Martin, refund account fire, $1.78; John O'Neill, refund on aceount fire, $22.87; James Esford, refund dog tax, $2; J. Edger, work on bridge, $6; James McAllister, 15 cords} stone, $30, and royalty $3.75; Board of Health, $60; renpumeration of Council, $275; E. Murray, notes and interest, $2,159.26; H. Murray, notes and interest, $1,615.25; county rate, $10,685.05; school rates, $10,134.45. The Treasurer given chieques to pay all accounts passed. The Treasurer presented thé fin- ancial statement, which was accepted and 100 copies ordered to he print- ed. A unanimous vote of thanks was tendered by the council to the nt McLAUGHLIN GARAGE Why take chances when the roms are covered with snow or ice or slimy mud? Put on chains and have cone trol of your car. AN sizes car. ried in stock, Robt. J. F Prop. 35-87 Montreal St. Near Princess Phones 1600-081 sensor GET BUSY Order now; pictures for gifts; won. derful selection, at WEESE'S Photos taken, rain or shi Thursday and Saturday Slightly Used Piano on WEESE & CO. 168 Pri watchan concert on Saturday. Thomas | reeve, W. J. Franklin, to which he Bool, Denbigh, spent Sanday avening replied, thanking the members and jeford, Nlberta' wlhere at James Jackeon's. Miss Eva Jack: | expressing his appreciation of the ; Sunes, him with ye | ia. Note ard, Alberta' rie fit son, Glenfleld school teacher, spent! manner. they conducted the business avi emands tis jmimedi. copsisting of his wife, two sous und {the week-end with her parenfs, Mr. | of the township during the year. A 5 verdonal attention while he Is at | one daughter, @IVisg' practically all jand Mis. James Jackson. Mr. and | vote of thanks was also passed to is waiting, borg attention to the farm. THus it is Mis. Charles Debee, remewing ac-| the officials, to whieh the treasurer, get A vay him 10 the. %pot. | seed that his life work bus been (hat quaintances in the south neighbor-| collector and clerk responded. = The aT po ms property are all | of « 'practical farmer, ! hood fod Mouaay. Mire. Robnt Grige . Council' then adjemrned sine die, iy i : spe ay at Mrs, au regular that would: a Era His entire career has been marked | Balls. Masters Clayton Gregg visit: 7 Ihe adi by energy and foresight of An <x ing H. Bell on Sunday last. Miss Eva One or the Other. futne to bin, 1218 1 Ge That 8 Siirution of She. tn est eritical : ceptional quality. - his promivent. Jackson at Mrs. George Hughes on Pat--Yis; sorr, work is scarce, soil und a magnificent climate ered accouliants, | characteristlos beng courage . 'Sunane Miss Nora and Minne | but Of got a job last Sunday that (ot a aching: Te fice telephotie | 1509 beamoved Si present Tocatict 'Barber--Don't worry: It won't af- Bountiful, but the i Boa Mr. Noble wasihorn dn & fem near in Meeting. facts Sautein. afouraes Baghes at Mri. KJ. Ball's on Sus- brought mo Ave dollars. y in the year 1878. His boyhood was 'horses. I separators bis success. Mr. Noble is § t thie farm. Shortly with the Dardest com : <4) 2 sat' A€ loaders Aid thelr part {5 the man. and is possessed of Dent arses and shrewd laslght tuto' ymax rm Sopelogedenti) pI 0! Krov. North Dukota, where he lived 1 ie atu 3 merrily for some days. (he man who Derseveres i A es Boob is Eo he loved fed Miss arin graded Numbers. J; 2, and '3. in the most inde of hee, and All vt it war of the Marquis variety. | u staff of 130 men heé. | latéf enjoyed aidition tv hatuhg ja. a ie Sr iy 1 ot = w nada. The seed lanned, hk is the, the rain a a Hiaw Mack 1 So. Sudden, ya (ried in West Canada. e { are plan 3 then rian Church e Ty arry Slaven, five Geraldine--Deo £6t me mm Whi 'he snormious returns bas taught his eniplogees 1 be rego. this point Wis rise in the business an. elder in the Presbyte | bead of cattle oma kt fram whieh a4 the wheels world has Veen rapid. Io the year ot Noble, oy Killed. ~ James i or a oe | vomits aie thal + ap-year. yro- the sgriculturist | County, lows, | in figuring costs, and " was in ne small way Stag Oa Masai . originality in; dnaking Iurestments. May evening. ar Saithe=- What! You broke "alter reaching his majority he Tied | sense 3 * work of garnering the. grain. On concentration -- that : of land wear fon Dr g Sspiomber 18th the threshing began. | always diseovers. the' on =. quarter section r Dy v pi Te ve. tl : 39 RAS : during which time moving pletures system: of his owu for Mare bt Solana © the operations ware tak The thing. and everytuing he of Hawkesbury. He Is a tof al <batatner Siam the -- : Dec. 19.--Winter is here with | feet your hearing.--London Opinion. whish his been proved to give the | different farms. ORES. ana) Cl siness with his. present | Zero weather and good sleighing. i inian * ] iy' men whenever aceasion t results of 4u¥ apecias-of Wheat | a: the cfice i ees ther, My T. C. Witnes. Prom He fs & life long church member i es was shack all Faseds tram al lar in thelr : wil Rad EL ae RR $ Las