PAGE FIFTEEN a -------- THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1916. 2 23 ei For Hire ! Closed and Open Auto- mobiles Also Two Closed Cars For Sale of Exchange. Taxi Stand, Plone 201. Reo Automobiles Boyd's Garage 129 Brock Street. ------------ ------ . GET BUSY Order now; pictures for gifts; wone derful selection, at WEESE'S Photos taken, rain or shine. Also Thursday and Saturday nights. Slightly Used Piano on Sale. r > 7 Weigh 1 * Busy ana Que + || The Man on Watch | If you are ov cause of} Plays and Players | Your over-stoutn is lack of oXygen- 00 or 1 be- Do not worry {if you haven't a] Hed% .. " patsmiie ton 31 Tod re a "ot turkey for your Christmas dinner. ster Duisdy; Daddy Luss Loss > muscle and too much into Httle lo-fi o yankee bird, only fiy for [at the Standard Theatre, New York, < bules of fat. Therefore you should cor-| HU oh cope Spor" ly English | this week. C u ¢ ee 1u rect the malassimilation and increase | the g . ' Miss Edna Goodrich returned to blood. To do this, go to any good ar N » druggist and get oil of orilen : in "The Mannequin," a tabloid com- . » \ aR iw Down in the Home for the Aged i * . Sule form "and take Ope. capaul there are 'two spry old lads of over °dy of the Smart modise's show. Upsetting habits, customs and conventional ideas, n ie 3 redtime th ry 3 7 inst ps . en each meal and one at t itm tr ninety years who shave themselves A comaly trom tas Ger om the war has given us a new and clearer sense of duty. od} is on Le Kugel's in « ule form is -- s femarkable as a weight reducer ana it The latest stunt performed f.2 Te iy bY HE Tho a It has shown us the mnate selfishness of our usual s perfectly safe ---E | Kingston hospital" was by an o : » > Christm. Ar 2 Any dr ist can supply you or aj man writer, had a run o 00 - large size box will be sent on receipt | timer who tied a tin can to his shirt ie, and 2d. 3 Su as giving--to those from whom we expect 0 Moihe D. J. Little Drug Co. Box | who says there is nothing néw un- 1240, Montreal, Can | g the Irving Place Theatre, New York. . .- a "i ES see er the pun)? Mr. Kugel has had it translated, and It has given us unlimited opportunities for REAL : = | In the Lampman's opinion the | Will Dave an American dramatist a AI McLAUGHLIN fill Council should reduce the number of | Work on it before the cast is selected. as giving--to those who most need our help. H The Cocoanut Grove, the after-the - - - {| men. If Kingston's Utilities can be : Belgian women and children need it--oh, so top of the Century Theatre, New 1 . . : » sorely! Without the aid of the Be Relief Fund, supported by Poonle like ourselves, they would actually be starving Christmas governed by five men, the rest of the York | » will be formally opened on i WN San be handled by an equal Suny Bh eT Ha The midnight entertainment to be | | ~ .. | presented there will be called "Dance The Lampman hears that the gov and Grow Thin." oe " w- ®e eo Qarrying power in the blood and faulty Henry Miller presented Jean Web- our 2 ristmas pirit the oxygen-carrying power of the! roast beef, the meat of the fighter. vaudeville at the Palace, New York, , ry {and do not use safety razors either. [ So, "Moral," schedule for February production. of 31.00 postal 2F noney, order; {all and galloped about 'the place. pro 0 LIB. 0, i ei to receive. Hi Mer | wards betore the number of alMer- , place now being installed on . --3,000,000 of them--this Eve! RASH Healed by Cuticura Trial Free "M. y trouble began with a rash on m sides, then on my back. Meanwhile reached my head. It was red and inflamed causing much burning and itch ing and stopped my sleep. It gave a great desire to scratch. + My clothing aggravated the breaking out on my Sody, "Then 1 the Cuti- cura Soap and Ointment. In three weeks | was healed." (Signed) J. A. E. Dubuc, Nicolet, Quebec, Dec. 18, 1915 Sample Each Free by Mall vith 32-p. Ski 3 . (a2, Sin Bk, des pon. US.A." Sold t the world, DO YOU PREFER» On the ot now Conaian three Y n thete smooth fineness, question. re IDEAL ORCHID POMANDER 25¢c VIOLET Sovereign Perfumes, Ltd. 146 Brock Ave., Toronto ® Purina Scratch Feed and Purina Chowder Makes Hens Lay. For Sale By D. Couper 241-8 Princess Street. iat the head || erning board of the General Hospital i|{ is wrestling with the problem of se- curing a superintendent. If the ap- || pointment were left to the Lampman he would place a good business man of the institution. Queen's medical faculty is big enough to attend to the medical end of the institution. Dr. Spankie should have one of those eight-dollar Wolfe Island tur- keys, of such modest dimensions, placed in Queen's University mus- eum, with the price attached. According to a local paper, Kipgs- ton's liquor inspector smells whiskey with his ears, as it says he pricked them up in police court at the odor. The magistrate used his nose in de- tecting the smell that would have gladdened the heart of a toper, Did you ever notice that it is only men with money who are made peers? Whoever heard of a man of modest substance being one. If you want to be made a peer you must first get the "dough." Town Council honor certificates this year go to Daniel and Robert, two old timers who attend to city business whether they have anything else to do or not. They attend Coun- cil as regularly as they do church. A Watertown judge has decided that a Yankee cuts himself off from American "protection" when he joins the Canadian army to go and fight the enemies of civilization. The Lampman rises to remark that the Yankee who enlists in Canada does not lose any protection from Uncle Sam because there was none to lose. Instead he gains the protection of the British flag. THE TOWN WATCHMAN. LADIES' CIGAR COUNTER. Ritz«Carlton Has "Humider" For Ladies' Smokes. New York, Dec. 22.--The Ritz- Carlton Hotel, the first of the fash- ionable hotels to allow women to sn®ke, is keeping well abreast of the times and has gone a step further in its consideration of the comforts of feminine patrons. Yesterday the management formally opened the lad- ies' humidor, the first of its kind, and the fair ones can select cigars and cigarettes in peace and quiet. Heretofore, when ladies wished to {obtain cigarettes, they were obliged either to depend upon a waiter, who was apt to bring them poor ones or make their own purchases in stores under public gaze. Manager Keller began to realize the need of a humi- dor for women some time ago, and has personally looked after the de- signing and construction. Leper Keeps 24 Cats. Princeton, Ind.,, Dec. 22.--Board of Health ers to kill twenty-four cats | home of David Byers, afflicted with leprosy, have not been carried out on account of the oppo- sition of Byers' daughter, who states she will her pets with her lite. The wife and daughter of Byers are doomed to quarantine as long 'as he lives apd for several years thereafter. Henry 'W. Savage, has completed the cast for his annual musical pro- duction, this year's being entitled "Have a Heart." Among those who will have principal roles are: Grace Field, Eileen Van Biene, Flavia Aca- ro, Tessa Kosta, Thurstoh Hall, Billy B. Van, Donald MacDonald, James Bradbury, Roy Gordon and Eugene Keith. There will be a chorus of forty. Guy Bolton and P. G. Wode- house are responsible for the book and lyrics, and Jerome Kern has written the music. , The Charles Frohman Company will present Francis Wilson soon in a comedy by H. F. Maltby, entitled "The Laughter of Fools." '""Miss Springtime" continues at the New Amsterdam; New York, which is sufficient to indicate that it is the most successful musical play done there since "The Pink Lady," which recalls the blonde beauty of Hazel Dawn and her fiddle, now at the Century Theatre, There was a prevalent fear that the "movies" were going to interfere materially with the success of the legitimate playhouses, in New York. Yet with all the advance the movies have made they have done little more than to play inte the hands of the theatres. The big screen spec- tacles, such as Annette Kellermann's "Daughter of the Gods," and Nazm- mova"s "War Brides," suffer little in direct competition with the theatres, and the lesser pictures merely fill a need 'of popular priced amusements. And so it is a great season on Broad- way. The only new offering in New York this week has been a continu- ation of the engagement of Sarah Bernhardt with her French reper- toire. The Divine Sarah has come into her own. On tour she was un- successful in arousing interest, but here things are done better, and she received additional ovations each evening during her engagement. The vaudeville situation in New York is keenly sensitive to the threatened strike of the White Rats and its afiliated bodies. This or- ganization whose membership is composed of vaudeville artists has long engaged in a controversy with the vaudeville managers, and a strike was imminent for the past several months. This week they threatened to éarry out their threats and 'call out" all vaudeville per- formers, members of their organi- zation in sympathy. The managers on the other hand, are fortifying themselves with new acts. Henry W. Savage who presented a rather novel and interesting play called Fate Decides, has brought the play to New York for improvements. It is to be seen later in the season and Paul Gordon will have one of the conspicuous roles in which he won high success on tour. It will be known as Playthings when it is fin- ally. done here. A play which is slowly wending its way towards the white lights of Broadway is the Masquerader, in which Guy Bates Post has achieved a distinet success. In his company is a talented young English actor who won distinction for talent and 'versatility on the platform and stage. Harry Gribble the young man in question, has won _ signal artistic in Mr, Post's support, One of the most interesting events in Mme. Bernhardt's series of per- formancés came at the beginning of her second week at the Empire Thea- tre, New York. This was her first effort to speak English in our stage, and the Stamm aa been aited eager y her wers. say that actress much amusements in an agreeable little bit, called "La Faux Modele." So as you plan your Christmas expenditures, don't | sacrifice GIVING for conventional Christmas | change! Whatever you can spare, send your-sub- scription weekly, monthly, or in one lump sum to or Provincial Committees, or = Delgian Relief Fund 59 ST. PETER STREET, MONTREAL The Greatest, Most Efficiently Organized Relief Work The World Has Ever Seen. "= What do the men in the trenches need most ? Ask a returned soldier. His answer will be "munitions, mu- nitions, and ever yet more munitions." The only power that can do this is the Force behind the Man--- Behind the Gun --- that is, the Munitions Worker. WEESE & CO. 168 Princess Street. It takes a woman to worry when she happens to think what a hard time her children would have with a stepmother, Every Shell is a Life Saver