AGE SEVENTEEN THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1916. ENTREES gE re Gland: ; The Whig's Splendid Serial Story Christmas & New Year's HOLIDAY RATES "On that side there seemed to be no difficulties. On mine the difficulties The Dog J tion," he said." "He must be a curious young man. Is it blackmail "I tell you I don't know. I haven't dared to think. I only know that he could ruin me utterly. Peter is my son; he is to have everything I have; he is to come after me. Without a son I am -a- men whose whole life has beep spent in vain. I have edu- cated him to come after me, to carry on my work. Without Peter I might { as well never have lived." a ul "You may have other sons, Sir TH Glare," murmured the detective defer- . J i | h ip nae Lm sl ik Lv. Liverpool Lv. St. John Dee. 11 Grampian Dee. 24 Dee, 23 Scotian Jan. 6 Jan. 5 Seandinavian Jan. 20 ~~ Lv. St. John Dee. 27 Can. Pac. Lines Lv. Liverpool Lv. St. John Dee. 7 *Lk.Manitoba Dee. 27 Dee. 15 Metagama Dee. 30 Dec. 20 Missanable Jan, 13 *Cabin only. Lv. Glasgow Dec. ® Pretorian entially, " i "It would be too late. They would jr be too young. 'I am in the prime of = ' / \ life now, but I am growing old. I want my son to take up my work just as I lay it down. Only Peter can do | that--only Peter in all the world. Be- sides, 1 love him; he is the apple of my eye. He would turn on me, | he would hate me, if he knew. I tell you, you must get these papérs for me. I will not have my secret given to the world." The great Glare Monk, the Black- port King of Commerce, the overlord of the Lobanzo, was indeed a revela- | tion to the detective to-day. "If I recover the papers," Mr. Garth said, "Mr. Lorion will stil] know." | "But there will be no proof. Who | would believe him? The papers must | be stolen from him, as he stole them | from me." i Mr. Garth smiled. It was a task | after his own heart. | o will do my best, Sir Glare," he | i think id pl th said, as the great man took his leave, ' John Bull--*"S8ay, Bill, did you nk you could piay the after a few more technical detai and shov stoc! been discussed. "You a Salle ud Santa Claus game ' ® that Silay ime wy King me 48 serve you to the very best of While | was asleep?"--Toronto Teleg . my ability." For Rates, Reservations, Ete, Apply Loeal Agents, or Allan Line--85 King St. W, I. E. Suckling--1 King St,E. General Agents, Toronto. PASSPORTS Application Forms Furnished to Passengers on Request. TCA | | Hil ii | acd WIDE AWAKE. ' i- Don't send your wishes by mail; present them in person. The folks will be to see you. CHRISTMAS EXCURSIONS CANADIAN PACIFIC SINGLE FARE--Going December 23, 24 anid 25th. Return limit, Dec. 26th. FARE AND ONE-THIRD-- Going Decémber 21, 22, 23 and 24th. Return limit, December 27th. Purchase in advance Tickets On Sale Now F. Conway, C.P.A., City Ticket Office, Cor. Prin- , cess & Wellington Sts. Phone 1187. St. John, N.B, te Liverpool Dee Gramp! A Jan. 6th Jan 20th Jan 27th Feb. 10th Feb, 24th of Waste Material Dealers. He said he expects to make the same disposi- ton of another road he owns, the Iowa Short Line, which he also bought as "waste material." The price of old rails and iron has reached such heights, Mr. ' Sonker said, that the sale of the "Can" road realized a handsome profit. The road is thirty-six miles in length, The rolling stock includes 6 freight cars, two combination passenger cars and three locomotives, Six steel bridges were included in the sale. _-- (Continued next Saturday.) as <ees And the Rails and Equipment Will be { Used Overseas. New York, Dec. 22.--Bought as junk, the Chicago Anamosa and Northern, otherwise known as the '"'Can" road, has been resold and will be torn up and with its rolling stock shipped to England and relaid, ac- cording to its president, Herman Sonker, attending the quarterly ses- sion here of the National Association Special Holiday Dinners m hie. Grand Cafe i= cess Street Proprietor Good Orchestra in attendance Saturday and Monday Evenings. Mon. Noon . . Single First Class Fare Gdlng iecember 23rd, Zith and 23th, fell away as -we faced them. I re- e 26th, 1910s A ors ee Sinn pam membered that the doctor who had Bist, 1916, nnd January Ist, 1917, valid { attended my wife was dead. Our ser- for return until January Znd, 1917. vauls were in a state of agitation. If 3 they had been told the child was a First Class Fare and One- girl first, they would only think they Third. "had been misinformed in the con- Golng December 21st to December 24th, | fusion that reigned in the house. Inclusive, valld for return until Dee- There was only the nurse. ember 27th, 1916; also xplug December "She had to be squared," murmured a Sole, Setrinker tet; 101% | the_detective. valid Sor retin until Jasuocy 1 wand 14 | ~ "She was squared. | knew her well to Intermediate stations between Too | She knew me; she knew my am- rents and Hontrea). * . | bitions, my hopes. iy prayers There 'a r | was nothing wrong, to her wey of An ema ar =D Vem | thinking. The twe mothers were tario streets, K : . What mattered if the children for alt Ocean Steamship Lines Coralle Stanton [ded a y ~r Sl im "And so it was settled?" said Mr. and | Garth expectantly E { "So it was settled. Everything was | Heath Hosken |in my favor--the two households in | chaes, the distracted husband, the {willing accomplice, the bribable nurse. And I wanted the boy as | Again the de'ective inciined his wanted nothing else in the whole head and smiled with a mixture of | world. I do not understand my owr obsequiousness and sympathy. state of mind now. I had no feeling "I am enlarging on this part of my about sending my own child out into | story," sald Monk, "so that you will | the world to be brought up by stran- be able to understand the strong mo- gers in an inferior position; 1 haa tive I have for what I did. 1 suppose no thought of what the boy might nobody knows better than a man of he who was thus given to me in ex. your profession how a man will lose | change, of what tendencies might be sight of everything save one object, implanted in him. I wanted him--a if it is very deeply rooted in his mind. ' male child. a boy, who would grow to That quality, if I may say so, has [pe a man, who would Carry made me what I am." | work, who would take all his ideas "A most" admirable quality, Sir | from me, who would succeed to the Glare," sald Mr. Garth, seeing that | great inheritance that I meant to leave something was expected of him, | behind. It seemed a Heaveén-sent "though it may become a dangerous chance--my only one. The idea of one." | remarriage revolted me; T had dearly "You mean that it makes criminals, | joved my wife. | wanted a son to as well as successful men? Perhaps devote myself to. I did not think SELLING OFF JUNK. Seandinavian it does. 1 was never concerned in about the boy's origin. I came of recon Grampian those days with anything but the humble stock myself; and although I Scotian direct pursuit of what I wanted. Well, | had already then laid the foundation to go on with my story. I shall never of my fortune and had risen to a rank forget the day on which the child in life far above the one I was born was born. | was as nearly a madman | in, I still had no fear about tis boy. as one can be without actually losing Environment, education would do one's reason." He paused for a mom- | everything for him, I told myself. Once ent, and passed his nervous little |the idea had formed in fy mind, I hand across his eyes. "My wife died," had not a single regret." he added in a very low voice. "And the details?" aske "Ah!" said the detective. "And the tective. rehild?" "They were simple. In a ennnle of "The child lived. It was a strong, | hours' time from my couve ion with healthy child." Mre. Brand, the house would be en- "Yes." The detective gazed at his | tirely empty but for the nurce and client eagerly. | child. All the servants were to at- Seandinavian THE PLANS OF THE BRITISH GOVERNMENT Glasgow Dec. 27th Jan 3ist St. John N.B. to Pretorian Pretorinn Tarento World Clear and definite support will be given France and Russia in their refusal to accept peace, save on the Entente powers' terms. Britain will insist on complete guarantees against the menace of Prussian militarism. Peace without reparation is im- possible, and to enter into peace proposals without knowledge of what they are would be putting the Allies' head into the German noose. For full mhormotion Tocal spente on THE LINE de- "But it was a girl." "AR!" CUNARD LINE Halifax-London ax- Passenger Service From London From Halifax 1y Pagel A | tend my Soo Doi funeral! oul r. Garth's eyes seemed to | ghgence Mps. Brand was to ge back sink still farther into his head, as |i her house. bring the child, and his brows met above them In some | jeave it with the nurse--taking away obscure effort of thought. | my little daughter, who would hence Abandonment of the fight without "Now," said Monk, #'I suppose you | forth be known as her sister's child." gaining the objective would be a understand." "And that was done?" | worse crime than wantonly to con- "Yes. But the details must be of | "That was done. It was perfectly | tinue the struggle. the greatest interest. Please tell the | evnnccefil The hours wa= Win { The Rumanian blunder, at Siri Glare." ed one. Just after the funeral worst, can only prolong the war. { A Sv, a : 1 was like a procession had lett, most of the people | A strong policy will be taken to- man demented," said the great man. Hvis ih the Toad nag helt Mtnde ward Greece, including the recog- . 8 : ne was drawn. rs. Brand al uo at- | nitign of agents of former Premier ine hi ins "We lived tention. The nurse took her up to the | Venizelos. : at that time at Allerford, about five |IUFeery, where the exchango Was The Irish question 'is due to a DEC. 23RD DEC. 25TH. miles out of Blackport. In the midst effected. When I came back from my | misunderstand ng, and its solution _-- SPECIAL DINNER iced | Poor wife's funeral it was to find a . SPECIAL SUPPER D A of my distracted grief I hardly oy oe | stranger's child installed in the place would be a great victory for the Al- - the' fact when I was informed of it-- | | lied cause, 5.30 pam. to 12.30 am. 'hat the doctor who had attended my akbar. ut 4 was A hop have The cabinet, as reconstructed, is $1.50. ~ I5e. oh Quid' Cory: Letras. wife had been killed the very next |often woadersd, 0 8 nl a | best adapted for war purposes and | 3° Pam. to 12.30 a.m. . Queen | Oftves; Salted lay in a shocking carriage accident. | voice, ws, . and ui) ensure prompt decisions, lack ' Salted Almonds, Teed » Toast, {It was not until three days after my | whether she has forgiven! | of which h Lettuce, Club House soup--Consomme a la wife's death----the day.of the funeral, | And no = was {ot cll has brought disaster in the Olives, Fruit Cocktail. uspicion Francaise; Tomato Bis- i 's be. |[8roused?" asked the detective with | Past. que. Ti HAC thi thia Hick of te | interest. | "Universal national service under al --£ whish alled Superior eat 8 : i 5 Alexandria, v : I carried out with the most complete | "Not the slightest. Mrs. Brand Jirestion of Ligm Cel. Sir, Neville up. Sauce !suceess. 1 must tell you that, owing | found some reason to dismiss the first | -hamberlain w e an answer to Bolled--Beef a {to the terribla state of mind of\the Bures who. attended to her sister's Germany's man-power bill, This Fish iFillet Fish a ia mide, . Chatlofte : | household. ead the arrangementayfor | child on that very same day, before | Will involve a great system of dom. CSIINEHG: UR Cele : the funeral, the birth of the child Jad | she took the girl back. The father |Pulsory enrillment for industrial the | 1 . ASCANIA . . AUSONIX ...... CABIN AND THIRD CLASS, For information apply local Ticket Agent or The Robert Reford Company Limited, General Agents, 5O King St. Eat, Toronte. Steam Vuloanizing WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND TURE VULCANIZING Call in and get our prices before going elsewhere, First class 'work ang res- sonable prices, F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sts. Mon. Evg. DEC, 20TH. SPECIAL DINNER Sat. Evg. A gentleman ¢an never be created without a few fundamental princi- ples for a foundation. Almonds, Teed Queen Ulives. Salted Celery, Soup---Chicken, Cone somme, Cressy. Fish--Fried Crumbs, Sameo rout, on Grau- tin, with® Shoe String. Soup--Consomme al Imperial la Duck Sauce, Boiled--Prime with Mayonnaise 'Entrees Russe; Sweet Bread Remequine; eole Sauce ' "THE RIDEAU" A Convenient Train. Leaves Kingston 5.40 p.m. daily except Sunday, for Perth, Smith's Falls, Merrickville, Kemptville, Etc. Arrives Ottawa 10.00 p.m., Central Station, Sparks Street. not been registered. 1 had no femila Dever asked a question; he accepted relative to come to my aid, and the | the little one as his own. He was a child was left entirely in the charge broken man after his wife's death, oi the nurse, who, as | have already &nd, perhaps fortunately, he died just said, I knew very well indeed. a month Then Mrs. Brand "It was early on the morning of took the little girl, and brought her the funeral that there cglled to sce |UD from that day as her sister's child." me a certain Mrs. Bran®l, the young | And on your side? wife of an engineer in my employ- | on uy side no suspicion whatever ment. My wife had been very kind | Was aroused. The nurse was well pald to her, and, hearing of her death, she | She was devoted to the child. He had éomo to bring som: flowers and flourished under her care, and became to ask to be allowed to attend the |the dearest boy in the world--my son, funeral. 1 don't know what made | Peter." me see her was one of those ex- || "But he 1s really Peter Smith?" traordinary coincidences that Fate "He is really Peter Smith." sometimes devises and that make all | There was a silence. The detective, Entree -- Strawberry Sauffie, Russian Cutlet, Brown mushroom sauce. Roast--Sirloin Beef, Yorkshire Pudding; Young Turkey with sau- sage stuffing, Cranberry Sauod, | purposes and classification of indus- | tries as essential or otherwise. | The government will contro] all | shipping, as it now controls the rail- | ways, { ~ A conference with representatives | of the overseas dominions to be held | soon on war matters. Vogetablés--Boiled or { Active building program, to re- Mashed Potatoes; To- place merchantmen sunk by the en- mato a la Gratin, Wax emy, will be begun. Destert-- Raisin Pie, A food controller is needed be- Deep Apple Pile a Ia | cause the harvests of Canada and ode; Ginger bream the United States have been failures fafaqiss Conennnt le: and that of Britain poor. perial Cheese, ~ Appeal is made to the nation to ster; lish style; Beef, Horse baked Pois; fons pie, with cream, Cream Fruit Sauce; Crackers. Pie: Tea. or Coffee. Roast--Turkey, Sirloin Radish, Desserts --Deop Entree--Devilled Lob- Floating lsiands. Eng- of Vegetable--Boiled po- tatoes, mashed potatoes, potatoes; Cream Silver On- Petit apple whipped Washington Canadian Pudding, Imperial Cheese; Rum Tea or Coffee Salad--Swiss Salad Roast--Chestout stuf- fed® Turkey with Crane Sauce. Prime of Beef; Chili noe, Vegetables -- Mashed potatoes; bak potas. toes; string beans: SURAr COrm. ssert-«Lemon mer- ingue ple; hot mince vie; deep apple ple with whipped cream; English plum pudding, hrandy Bauce: Trifle Pudding: Christmas cake; mixed nuts; apples and grapes Imperial Cheese. ea of Coffee F. Conway, £ity Passenger Agent, Cor. Princess and ail os Streets. Phone 1197. assist the government in distributing ' its resources equably. The people as a whole must shoulder part of the burden of victory. the difference in a man's life. It was Who did not smoke, vely chew- | something that she told me that gave ed the end of a pencil. me the idea of the plan that I carried 'and paced up and down the out. In the midst of her condolences e-green room. she told me, weeping bitterly, that | "And of this information," said Mr. her own sister, a certain Mrs. Smith, | Garth presently, "your secretary, Mr. the wife of a very respectable man Lorion, is now - | NO TIME FOR PARTY ------ : Come in and enjoy the good things we will have --m---- XMAS & NEW YEAR EXGURSIONS / SINGLE FARE S-----For the round trip. Good going Saturday, Sunday, of the lower middle class, who made | "Naturally, since he took the papers his living by designing wallpapers, had 'from my safe," sald Monk rather TALK JUST NOW 'given birth to a child on the very testily; "and these papers were among same day as my poor wife, and that them. It's not reasonable to suppose 4 she, too, had died on the following he hasn't read them, is it? Besides, | tovd. Gosems. tn: Commas day. Even now I don't know what I have gathered from his manner that | 0 ig $45 Hs paid scant prompted me to ask her the sex of her he knows." | Sood to the cal or y it 1s an sister's child. It was a boy, she said | "Will you teil me exactly what the | | lived trom 3 vasty it & becadse and Monday, Dec. 23rd, 24th and 25th. Good for return | --a splendid, healthy little fellow." | papers were?" Fea until Tuesday, Dec. 26th. Mr. Garth nodded his large head. | "First of all, there were a document sian canton iHed desth at 4 peace. NEW YEAR'S--Good going Saturday, Sunday and Monday, | tle knew what was coming. and dwo or three letters. signed with | 8ble an Pec. 30th, 31st and Jan. 1st. 1917. Good for return; "AS soon as the thought flashed into my name concerned with until Tuesday, Jan. 2nd, 1917» my head." Monn went ou "1 nei ment of the B.LR.C. FARE AND ONE-THIRD nto execution. made my : Lot XMAS--Good going Thursday, Dec. 21st, to Sunday, Dec. |to Mrs. Brand. - 1 didn't stop fp think. | Then 24th, Juclusive. Good for return until Wednesday, ould dhe exchange the wo Rites, Dec. 27th. a. 31 i ual i -- for To Do Dn unday, Et i oa riied. ahe as ed v n h nesday, ; , s Jan. 3rd, 1917 io VF Tes uni Wel *{ wins everybody. 'I offered her a 10:4. E. Ivey, Station |forta GLOVES FOR MEN 50¢ TO $3.00 NEWEST NECKWEAR 25¢ TO $1.00 FINE SHIRTS and PYJAMAS $1.00 TO $5.00. LOUNGING ROBES $4.50 TO $12.00 HOUSE COATS UPTO $12.50 r For tickets and information apply ble incaime for life and to . Agent, or M. C. Dunn, Town Agen for the child. as an inhuman monster, iting to rn mion tar: the child hough _ CANADIAN NORTHERN EE = "Hotin to keep in front of the nation, so that we shall not falter or faint in our resolutions, 5 is a time in every prolong- ad ana fierce' war when, in the pas- 0! n Winter Resorts, and. Spend Your Money at Home. : oney's - PRINCESS STREET. re =