300 SOLDIERS ENTERTAINED urs John McKay Limited. ~ 19.157 Hroek . St. Ar rm, Carpenter and Builder W. R. BILLENNESS Specializing Store Fronts sad Fit- tiogs. Remodeling Butidings of all Kinds, ESTIMATES i EXPERIENCE Lots of Turkeys, Geese and Fowl to arrive Tues- day, at THE BON MARCHE Prices Reasonable. Cor. King and Earl Sts. ~~ Phone 1844. - Caverly and Bradshaw. --~-- The Baby Grand Cabinet Phonograph (82 inches high) Beautifully finished in dark mahogany. Special 'sound box gives tone equal to any $100 machine. 'Will take any make of Disc Record. Price $35.00. . COME IN AND HEAR IT. J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. has a charm of its own. has an individuality and the variety "is so great that every taste can be . Here are rugs of Oriental design, others of domestic origin in plain, floral and patterns. But there is only one quality in the entire collection; the very best that can be obtained for the money. nm ~ PROF. LANOS' COUSIN WRITES FROM ENGLAND | BY THE CITIZENS IN THE MiLi.| He Is Missionary Priest and TARY. Y. M. C, A, HALL, Teacher at Nonoute, low Chistman Tighe Sgleiatio] Gilbert lélands. Programme Was Given--A Sqelal| ,.. TTACR Augustus, missionary Hour on Sunday Night. pries I writes as follows The gaily decorated rooms' of the| 0 his usin, Prof. J. M. Lanos: | Military Y. M. C. A. hall presented | Nonoute, Gilbert Islands, la very pleasing spectacle on Christ | "July 25th, 1916. | mag night, when 300. soldiers were' te, my. island, is one of a | magnificiently entertained by the: ring-shaped coral reefs | eitizens of Kingston. Under the en-| g a lagoon, which cluster | ergetic management of Miss Foster,| ne e Equator and make up the secretary of the Y. W. C. A., the sol- | mbst easterly part of Micronesia. It diers were introduced to a number! is months before news can reach us. jot novel and interesting games, The |! just heard of the battle of Verdun introduction of gome competitive and the.success of rhe French arms. games proved to be an excellent me-| But I am not the only one to rejoice thod of getting acquainted. Lieut.!at the victory of the Allies; the na- Pearson, R.S.A,, presented the prizes | tives, who are of Malay origin and to the winners of the competitions, | type, who, until the advent of the {| The games were followed by a splen- | white man, less than a generation did and appropriate musical pro-|ago, were given over to savagery and gramme Miss Sutherland, Miss A.|cannibalism, rejoice also-at the failu- Parrott, Miss Foster each contribut-| ure of the Germans, and work hard led solos, which were much appreei-| gathering copra for the henefit of the | teacher, fated. Miss Parrott, eclocutionist, { rendered some of her humorous sketches. After the programme had | been prescnted, refreshments were served, Including all sorts of ap- petizing dishes, supplemented hy oranges and a box of cigarettes for each soldier, While refreshments were being served Capt. Thomas Pearson, Mili- tary Y. M. C. A., read a message from Brig.-Gen. and Mrs, Hemming to all ranks, conveying their best wishes to them at this season of the year. A message was also read from Dr. John R. Mott, a prominent lead- er in Y, M. C. A. work, stating that through the generosity.of a certain Christian lady who is interested in the work of the Y.. M. C. A,, $700 had been given as a Christmas gift to the Y. M. C. A. movement. The men were deeply interested in these messages, and gave an outward demonstration of their appreciation. 'Through the kindness of Lieut.- Col. and Mrs. W. H. Macnee a Vic- trola and records were placed at the digposal of the committee for enter- taginment. S. H. Greenslade, on be- half of the soldiers, thanked the citizens of Kingston for the magni- ficient way in which they had been entertained. At the close of the evening's programme Miss Burley led | the men in choruses, after which. one {of the best social evenings wae | brought to a close. | 'A very helpful and enjoyable | social hour was spent at the Military |Y. M. C. A. on Sunday evening. There were about 120 present. Capt. "Tom" Pearson took charge of the meeting. The choir of the Brock Street. Methodist church, under the leadership of Miss Nesbitt, rendered excellent assistance in the song ser- vice. 8. H. Greenslade led in prayer afid Miss Foster, secretary of the Y. W. C. A, contributed much to the service by her work as soloist. The speaker of the evening was Bishop Bidwell, His practical and helpful | remarks were. quite approprite to CHhristmastide and were much ap- preciated. POLICE AFTER OFFENDERS. Who Do Not Shovel the Smow Off Their Sidewalks. The police retbivéd a batch of com- plaints on Tuesday morning about cijlzens who havemotas yet shovelled the snow off their sidewalk, and as a result notices are being sent out to the guilty parties. There are also'some crossings the city will have to look after on the outskirts of the city. On Monday crossing were moticed where the snow was knee deep and corporation men had not been seen on the joh. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUIN- INE Tablets. Druggists refund mon- ey if it fails to cure. E. W. GRO- VE'S signature is on each hox. 2je¢. The skating rinks were well pat- ronized on the holiday. The ice was in great shape. Palatable Cod Liver Oil cures the worst of colds. You can buy it at Red Cross drug store. 3rd; | Entente, Four companied deal in | this commodity, and employ many, {in fat, all natives, The recruiting | ship--Ocean Island --calls here once lin a long while. How eagerly we | rush to~the landing, hoping to We | told that the war is at an end. And yet, both my 'savages' and myself want nothing but a victorious ending | of this massacre, and pray as earnest- ly for the defeat of Germany as We .do for the downfall of Satan's power and tyranny over the souls of men." | SHOOTING IS CAUSE OF LOSS OF EYE Eleven-year-old "Son of Wil- | liam Gordon, Sydenham i Street, Injured. | a-------- As a result of a shooting accident {on Saturday, Frank, the eleven-year-| {old son of William. Gordon, 150 {Sydenham street, now lies in the | Hotel Dieu and will lose the sight of {one eye, The.lad was out in the | morning with this brother, James, |along Division street. They were {carrying a rifle. .When near the Grank Trunk crossing on that street |the rifle accidentally discharged, and | the bullet went through the lad"s nose land into the eye. He was conveyed to the Hotel Dieu, where Dr. C. A, Mor- 1.zon treated him. He has much im- | proved, but it is practically certain | that he will lose the sight of the eye. GAVE ONE HUNDRED : COPPERS TO BELGIANS | Little Qirl Gave Savings of a | Year to Help the Fund. Eleanor Isabella Simmons, of &5 William street, called upon the presi- dent of the Board of Trade on Satur- day and gave her "bit" for the Bel- gian Relief Fund. She handed the president one hundred coppers, the | total of her bank savings during the year. She is anxious to help the poor Bélgian children. The president of the Board Trade also received the subscriptions: | Mrs. D. E. Mundell, $5; Miss J. A. Henzy, $5; C. C. Simmons, $2; W. H. Commodore (Battersea), $2; Miss Mary Hyssop, $1. Tuesday afternoon the president of the Board of Trade received an- other subseription for the fund, when $10 was handed in from W. B. Dal- ton & Sons. of | following --- BUNDLE OF CARDS, Received on Christmas From Ger many by American Consulate. In the Christmas. mail the Ameri- can Consul received a big bundle of postcards that acknowledged the re- 'enipt of parcels sent by the citizens through the consulate. The names on the cards were: C, Hare, 13th; H. M. Good, Tth; F. Ball, 48th High- landers; W. Williamson; Corp. Hol- than (a Kingstonian)., 2nd; R. B, Knox, 2nd; A. E. Thomsgn, C.8.M.; d; Lance-Corp, A. H. Young, G. Ruddock, 48th Highlanders; James Davidson, 14th; G. H. Lyons, ser- geant, 2nd; Corp. William Oswald, 16th; Corp. 8. J. Murray, 2nd; Pte. F. W. Dunn, 6th; Charles Holdway, 13th; Charles McConnell, 48th High- landers; H. Harper, R.H.C.; Corp. A, J. Derry, 48th Highlanders; Corp. 8. J. Lusted, 48th Highlanders; J. Lins. dale, 7th;* A. Himes, M. J. Griffin; 7th; Lance-Corp. George Ives, 21st; «. M. Painting, Claude V. Ashling, 15th. In Lance-Carp. Young's card the Information is given that the parcel was sent fram the consulate here on August 23rd and received on October 19th. CHRISTMAS SERVICES. Midnight Mass in St, ) 's Cele brated by Archbishop Spratt. Archbishop Spratt conducted the midnight high pontifical mass in St. Mary's cathedral on Christmas. The church was crowded to capacity and the service was impressive. Fathers Meagher and Hanley assisted the archibishop , and Father Halligan conducted the choir. His Grace preached the sermon, his subject was "Peace on Earth, Good Will to Man." Service at St. Paul's, Service at St. Paul's church on Christmas Day were held at 8 a.m. The number of com- municants at the 8'clock service was the largest in the past ten years. Never were 860 many men seen to gethér at a service in St. Paul's ghurch, as at-this service. There was |a very congregation - at the 11 {o'clock service. Canon FitzGerald | officiated. For Fall and Winter. THE SUPERIORESS OF THE HO- TEL DIEU HOSPITAL. The burial Took Place on Tuesday Me rning, When Archbishop Spratt Celebrated Requiem Mass in the Convent Chapel. i Early on Saturday morning in the midst of the hurry and anxiéty of preparing [for the great feast of Christmas, the Sisters of the Hotel Dien suffered a keen sorrow in the death of their beloved Superior, Rev, 'Sister Powers. This devoted sister had been ill some time, but all felt that her restoration to health was at hand ,and that it was just a maiter of a few days when she would be ahle toe resume her duties of super. fority [In this capacity she was serve ing her Community for the third 3 term, woich expresses lounder than words the love and esteem her Sis. ters had for her. When Rev. George Corbet, V.G..| cornwall, requested Sisters from Kingston to found & hospital in that town, this self-saérificing sister was | one of the first to offer her serviees. | In that new field of labor as well as in this her mother house, sie was al-| wavs an exemplary religious, always! at her post of duty, filled with devo-| is here. TAN HAY BOOKS---<By the hound books ac 35 rs. 160-162 Princess St. IN THE STORE OF LATEST REPRINTS--\ heautifal line of 30¢ and hor of THE FIRST each, 3 for $1.00, WINNER RECORDS--British Make Throughout, CHRISTMAS CARDS--As in past years, our line has excelled all others, invariably come back here and describe it as the best selection in the ciry. LATEST FICTION--You will find here only the very best SELLERS, G0¢ hooks. Hearing is believing. . LET US SOLVE YOUR LAST MINUTE PROBLEM. The College Book 1 THOUSAND GIFTS! HUNDRED THOUSAND, For the last minute Christmas Shopping one falls back on a hookstore and THE BOOKSTORE After looking avound yon we have five cloth MUSIO--You must entertain your friends with the latest in Popular, Standard and Patriotic Music, 10 inch, double sided, by the best English records Store Phone 919 ° tion and zeal to comfort and relieve all' who came under her charge. Her | sisters feel her death has left a void | in their home, that time alone can| partially efface. | The deceased was'a daughter of George Powers, Trenton, and entered the Hotel Dien in 1888, She is sur- vived by her mother, a sister, Mrs. John Finlan, and one brother, George Power, all 'of Trenton. ' In the convent chapel on Tues- | day morning at 8.30 o'clock "arch- bishop Spratt celebrated solemn re-| quiem mass for the repose of the de- | ceased. The clergy assisting and } present in the sanctuary were: | Rev. C. Duftus,'House of Providence; | Rev. J. P. Kehoe, Gananoque; Rev.} A. J. Hanley,' rector of St. Mary's] cathedral; Rev. CO. A. Mea, city; Rev. | F. Hyland, Belleville: Rev. R. Halli-| gan, accompanied by St. Mary's choir | boys, sang during the mass. { The funeral was largely attended | by her many friends, her immediate | relatives all being present. The pall wearers were doctors \W. A. MeCar-| thy, R. Hanley, C. E. O'Connor, C. A} Morrison, W. Gibson and L. E. Crow- | ley. The remains were placed in St. | Mary's vault. HOCKEY NOTES. { ---- Queen's Team Off to New Friday Next. Py The T. R. and A. A. team of To- ronto will play an exhibition game} igainst the Frontenacs intermediates on Friday evening next to start the season and see how the (wO teams line up. On Wednesday evening the juniors will play a game against the intermediates also as a practise work-out. Hoth of the Frontenac teams are very fast and working well together. - Queen's hockey team will leave on Friday for New York to play on Saturday evening in the St. Nicholas rink. "Jack" Hazlett is lining up his best men for the tép. There will he another trip to Bostow on the 27th. York on! New Year's Cards. The new Gipson art line of Year's cards are now ready. friends that were overlooked at Christmas the New Year's greetings will be very acceptable. Beautiful stock at Uglow's. ' PI sm NN made night at $30 a Mr. Teylor has been watchman in Napanee month. A IN NINN AINA NNN If so, we have some dainty articles left that will make good sensible presents. Did You Forget Any Person ? Newman& Shaw The Always Busy Store. AA SN AO SANS AN Spend That Christ- F mas Money on Good CLOSING OF MAJLS British mall closes or - larly. Information posted ary. 0. bby from time to time. ited . Gots roiat July -asrm Truak, going og Ghctiana Wesiary Mia Grend Prva and ali' CE ROE am wid 53 a CN RGus aon vas tune rm Ne CHRISTMAS PRESENTS BURNED. Blaze Started From an Electric fron in Home. The firemen were called for a small fire at the home of Mrs. A. K. { Kirkpartrick,. . 68 . Johnson street, { about six o'clock on Saturday night. One of the members of the household was engaged ip using an electric iron and left it for a time, when it set fire [to the table. Some Christmas gifts {were destroyed and the table was {also badly scorched. The loss will | #mount to about $100, i 4 at ii! 4 Lots of folks who receive money Christmas, invest in good furs. The investment is Home From Overseas, Dr. W. W. Kennedy, a graduate of f| Queen's University, who has been | overseas two years with the Army | Medical Corps and who has been i spending a few days in the city, has { left for his home in Stratford. While | overseas Dr. Kennedy met Dr, Eth- 'erington and a large party of Kings: tonians. 3 re, Service to Discontinue. | Steamer service on Kingston-Cape Vincent route will be discontinued after Dec. 23th. Regular trips till that date, weather and lee permitting, Meeting of Citizens Mayor Richardson has called a the to be held in dynes Rome, New York, Altred » y with his family on er Hutchinson, Peterbioro, 1 a Christmas visitor in the city, They can not be ripped and torn off by wind. 4 of We have choice brasil Red and White Cedar Shi from the best mills of Reltish Columbia and New Brunswick. S. ANGLIN & CO. Wi actory, Fi Lumber Yards, Bay & Wellington Streets. Office Phone 66. Factory 1415. [| eeolamber. Coal anf Wesdoses This year Christmas giving will take a more thoughtful turn, A Gifts to be justifiable must be permanent and useful. Our stock is complete in eve ery detail and (useful perman- ent gifts) are much more in evidence than wsnal. SMITH BROS Jewelers King St. FOR MEN $75.00 to $125.00 A PP ON W.F. Gourdier 80 Brock Street e 700. In the Village of Barriefield A detached frame dwelling, with new metal roof, 6 rooms, cellar, new stable, henhouse and garden, for $000. On easy ferms, $100 down and $10.00: per month. A good building lot on Montreal St, 33 x 132, centrally located for | $500, . A pew detached solid brick dwel- ling on Union street, all modern, hardwood floors and san parlor, for $4,000, A new brick dwelling on Colling- wood street, for $3650, A building lot on Union 8Bi., 66 « 132, for 8700, Money to Loan, Fire Insurance, Furnished Rooms and Houses. E. W. Mullin & Son Cor. Johnson and Division Streets. Phones 530 and 1456, GIFT Good brushes are always in demand at holiday time; they combine usefulness and ene during qualities and are always acceptable, Our line of brushes for this year's holiday trade is an unusually fine one. . Genuine ebony and Frene ivory backs, with long or short pure bristles, Dr. Chown"s Drug Store. 185 Princess St. Phone 343 ~