PAGE TWELVE ad THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1916. PESTER 0000000000 HockeyBoots - iC LIGHTNING Skates have been changed and you have to have boots to fit skates or else you cahnot skate properly. Ladies' boots are the hardest to choose. GET THE HITCH ---- T\MTHERSNS We Have the Skates We Have the Boots LADIES, MEN, GIRLS, BOYS. Buy your outfit complete, or if you have either, bring them to us and we will Give You a Fie Ladies flo In the World of 'Sport pic sate Si ---- BOXING GOSSIP. ing $ + } impressario He is Mike Donlin the Polo Groutds fied with' Grant Hugh Henshel, who have 'uban Exposition Com promotion of sporting Havana A plant is nstrue n in that city in boxing t races ball game and has been ar- players now ches, horse held, stoned to ball ma will be commis bouts and engage latest the report as to Les Darcy that Jimmy Dime vill manage th Australian in his American tur Dime had a hance to talk with Darcey veral ons before the champion levant said they came to an standing Dime is n on the east from the were h and Chip landed a few da agn effect on s¢ occas ed. and it i inder way Bob McAllister whose weight Crampons hip rudel ked by a two-round t at the hands of Mike Gib taken on a new cargo of headed for New York middle- aspirations nny Dundee making ms to have money during vear Monteith, the Italian's manager, announces that since Jan. 1 Dundee has taken part in twenty contests which have returned him $23,000 se lots of past Scotty Sam hecause Bill bit at their will find it hard Sam knocked out Johnson when they met Louis last week Dick Curley, matchmaker | Clermont Athletic Club, is going after some big matches. is backed by Jim Buckley, the | wealthy New York promoter, who! | will give Jess Willard $30,000 to box | ten rounds with "Gunboat'" Smith. hose wha thought that | Langford i slipping Tate roughed him up a | meeting at Svracuse ito explain how | Battling Jim in St. for the| of Brooklyn, { He| MORAN NO LONGER | Considered in the Champion Class of Pugilists. | not be surprising if |HOCKEY A MINIATURE VERDUN. According to Detroit News--Gaining Favor in U.S. etroit News prints the fol- Hockey isn't a sport; it's Verdun," comments a citizens who- recently first ice battle. But the Hockey a sport spiced with danger, tilled with dash, speed and thrills, a game that ent} and entaralls And now Nock promises to come into its own in e United States, due to the buildi f indoor rinks in all the Jargest citi n the country. The winter game has flourish- ed many years in Canada, where consistent wintry weather gives alls But until "ice pal- spri 18 up in Uncle s domain has it been pessible play hockey games on schedule. Detroit now has one In the past few years the has developed some But -wonderful as they fature peace-loving sat iN at his nian was wrong a real one is great for eason ice began lammy aces' United great are, States stars adians, who have detail of the game the standards by w kevists must who have ich all other be judged become ro TWIRL FOR CHICAGO, This Makes His Third Majors. Presider McCaffery, Trip to ounce the sale of Nat club to § Tizue to the Chicago e Toronto ind a ea the port-side twi McTogue was the best ty Leafs had last with ception of Urban Shocker, ecalled after cord .b) the : oni Club. T} players considerati the ex was making a brilliant re- New York American I.eague club McTigue was frequent- ly palyed in the outfield, a< he was a fir fielder and a good h r McTigue went from Montreal to the Boston Nationals, but was then sign- ed by Manager Clymer for the Toron- to club Detroit him from the Leafs and later returned him back. He has pitched excellent ball for To- "ronto since that period. and -it would he should be a on his second appearance in a Tener outfit season, who got success Quebec Race Tr ack. LES DARCY EXPECTED TO LAND ON TUESDAY Tex Rickard Said to Be Wireless Communication With the Australian Unless storms and shipwrec in- tervene to wreck his boat and cast him upon a desert island, Les Darcy the mystery of the Atlantic, will plant his feet in New York some time next Tuesday Rickard has been in wireless com- munication with Darcy several times since he started the wild scramble for bouts by announcing his inten- tion. to match George Carpentier with some one. He knows the boat on which Darcy a passenger or a sailor, and says that when the pro- per time comes he wil] let the publie in on his secret. Considering the number of self- confessed managers for Darcy, it is in ks is . { should bec tirtey must yield top rank to the Can-| mastered every! hoc- | | too bad that the day of his arrival one known, for the Anti- podean champion doesn't like crowds and "crowd" would be a poor. de- scription for, the gathering that will be on hand to look after Darcy's interests Rickard is uncertain as to the bable opponent of Darcy. The per- formance of Jack Dillon and Billy Miske Tuesday night left no choosing between these scrappers, and Rick- ard believes Mike Gibbons would be a splendid adversary for the visitor pro The Giants finished last in 1915, although they had the champion batsman of the league in their lines up, this being Larry Doyle. Last season, Cincinnati had the boss swatsman in the person of Hal Chase. Still, the Reds' best was to tie for the cellar position May be if it hadn't been for Messrs, Doyle and Chase, the Giants and Reds would have fallen out of the league. ------ M A-D-E IN C'A NADA Send Your Relatives and "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Head Office, Royal Insurance Bidg. / MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. TENNIS ON SKATES. Meets With Success in the First Test | Made. that's the latest in sport. | This form of competition was tried| out for the first time in this country at the Ice Skating Palace, New York, and was voted a success Two of the first ten rgnking play ers are ameng the contestants They were Watson M. Washburn and Dean Mathey. The other three who played were Frederick B. Alexander, who suggested the game; Theodore Roose velt Pell and Francis T. Hunter Washburn and Mathey played several sets of doubles against Alexander and Pell and the honors were even, for no score was kept. The matches served to prove that ice tennis is not ony fea:zible, but that it offers opportunity for an exciting winter pastime. Skill in skating is, of course, a necessity, but it was evident that tennis skiil of a high order could be developed the ice game The players serve drove and volleyed with much of same dash and skill: which they dis play on dirt or grass courts, the of being on skates hindering them only now and/then The court on which the men played was marked out with painted black lines, and the regulation tennis ball was used It was generally agreed that singles play was not feasible, but that double held many possibilities Ice tennis, 1 fact ---- -----~ F fiends at the Front, or For Christmas, Their Favorite Brand. Milo Put Up In Boxes 10,25, 50. For Sale at All Tobacconists and Druggists. a a a a PARADIS GARAGE FOOT OF BROCK STREE Phones: Office 322, House $11 We furnish: Aute Supplies, Gasoline at 33e. Motor Oil Cars for Washing Cars: Large, $1.00, --# Small, Tbe. - Efficient Service guaranteed. Give us a eall E. PARADIS, Prop. No rs A For Prices and terms of sale of the following brands apply: -- MAIL ORDER DEPARTMENT National Breweries Limited 31 36 Chaboilles Square. MONTREAL. W*DOW INDIA PALE ALE CROWN STOUT PALE BITTER ALE DOUBLE STOUT _ MALT MALT EXTRACT Dawes EXTRA INDIA PALE ALE LACK TRA STOU OUT BLACK HORSE PORTER Lagers --KINGSBEER CUUB SPECIAL HOMEBREW -------- INDIA PALE ALE RTER BOHEMIAN LAGER The above goods are all full strength and are supplied to consumers direct from the Brewery ONLY in localities where no licensed traders reside. Auto Tube An important change was made in the Quebec bill concerning the tax on race tracks. Instead of a 4 per cent tax, the government has decided to apply the following rate of taxation: $1,000 per day each day of racing on each race track in Montreal, $500 per day of racing on each track out- side the island of Montreal, and $300 Frank Moran is no longer to be con sidered as one of the contenders for [11 he heavyweight title. With Willard |threatening retirement Moran would Ibe in a position to battle for the Auto C crown, even though he did make a JE | poor showing against Dillon He THESE SKATES ARE THE WINNERS fis ©, eto boi) oi Ithe geant killer His showing [against Gunboat Smith, however, | per day of racing on each half mile | seems to be conclusive proof that the track where the entrance fee is only | Dillon fight was a real tip-off on the| fifty cents. [heavy weight. Smith dropped out of | "me |the front rank of heavyweights some | time ago when the knockout punch of | | his once powerful right hand desert-| {ed him. Since that time he has been having only a fair amount of success, | [but he was able to outpoint Mqran wh ith something to spare. Less than! T THIRD MINTO CUP TRUSTEE O O K E Bir Richard McBride Taking it C O L L A R S With W. K. George. Approving the suggestion of a 15 CENTS EACH third trustee; to be named for the board of the Minto Cup trustees, and TOOKE BROS. LIMITED MAKERS - - MONTREAL 7C Ponctoes Als ----n Am on on PRR ~ utitil after the war, Sir Richard M: Bride writes Trom London that hei taking up with W. K. George the Toronto trustee, the question of the immediate appointment of a third man. commending the British Columbia Lacrosse Association for its stand in cancelling all championship series There Are Still Some Good Pickings on our Xmas Turkey YESTERDAY WE PROMISED YOU BARGAINS EVERY DAY THIS WEEK. HERE ARE THURSDAY'S HOOK ON TIES, THURSDAY ONLY, . MEN'S CHRISTIE HATS, THURSDAY ONLY, odd sizes, reg. $2 and $2. 50 hats . $1.35 LITTLE BOYS' SUITS . .. $3.25 to $3.95 Greatly reduced, beautifully 'tailored, kiddies suits, in n fashionable tweeds, brown and grey, in Buster Brown, Norfolk and Russian styles. ALL THIS WEEK. Get that Overcoat today. $2.00 off every man's overcoat in the store. ALL THIS WEEK. The boys want warm overcoats too, so we have reduced these also. Boys' blue chinchilla reefers, sizes 24 to 29. A . $3.95 Boys' ulster overcoats, splendid warm coats, sizes s 21 to 26. vere . $3.75 BOYS' COATS REDUCED ALL THIS WEEK. Get that overcoat NOW. THE LION CLOTHING HOUSE The Bargain Spot of Kingston. In Rodger's Old Jewellery Stand, King Street. by 2 for 25¢ 18 H.W.Newman Electric Co. Phone 441 79 Princess St. -- A ee tara rt a aati Announcement comes from the Club, Pacific coast that Swede Risberg, Francisco and may 'decide to quit who was secured by the Chiento} baseball Spring probably will find White Sox from the Los Angeles | him changing his mind a ---- a A A et a at A att a at aa has bought a business in San red some day the magnates. The| | emery ball was barred last season | and the use of rosin will be prohibit- ed next year It is only a question | until the pitchers will be allowed to] 1916, and wish you all a very prosperous - 4 -------- | Word from Larry Doyle, down in| | Jacksonville, Fla., that he has | | thrown away his crutches and is walking about on the ankle he broke! le. Jesse Burkett can't keep out of | baseball. After quitting the Eastern | League he secured a position in a Worcester brass factory and an- nounced he was done with the game. | ~ | Ce vou DIA ESTERDAY vuAT HE "Found" ( | A Boon, ™ C use only the ball in making their | | as good as ever Doyle seems to | And the first thing they did was to on HERG ANGE: R. "wey a year ago Moran was regarded as! having some change against Jess Wil-| [] gold porting 00 S 00. Ii and Smith was not considered | To-day Moran is regarded as no bet-| 88 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. i: . " i bout with aks Sh | 3 H th y hi ler 0 jon How [Ie nigh Pave fallen RE TR I Ra, Would Bar the "Spitter." UR 0 $ & FR ENDS delivery There are matters that| | have long been discussed by base-| ball magnates. All artificial methods | of deceiving the batter should be ell- | have had a long siege of it, but it is| | just as well that he .took his time | about letting the ankle mend. He] | is one of a number of players who make him manager and coach of the shop baseball league. ~~. Fr YOU GOT TO HAND IT TO MUTT FOR STRATEGY AT THAT. Same ASOT: Now you go ¢ SN et DEscRIBe 1 J De The "spit ball" is sure to be bar-| We thank you for the splendid trade of minated at the earliest possible date. are wintering at Jacksonv 2 MEDIWM coat: va NLY IF MY coaT Saas OI EviDENTLY TH A ME Dima Dana. } > NOT Your (CAT, THs Tl CAT CUT Men, | oir 3 FOUND 15 PEARL GREY v | WITH FUR coLLar. ang AYE" ~ Hira ME Dim, AND WAS 0 Curry CAN Maye {Ture est aR . T\ Dousie BReasTeD COE, { TT wastes ha 4 OS€ FITTING. + WHEN HE AYKY Ye [1] sin SXACTLY | Lo CRIBE » ° J | GLE BREASTED wy y * OR. DouBLE BRay rey) UA, A oL.umng NOW Ty WEL, iT was PEARL GREY WITH FUR. CoLLar and ~~ CURES IT was DOUBLE BReasTed anp CLOSE FITTING. { THANKS, Teas 8. OF | ProF es; ow N-- ND) A | ANE Q ! PROE w i MEDIYm.