THE DAILWBRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 1916. PAGE FIVE Out of the High Rent District O'Connor's Ladies Exclusive Return - Gifts . Or Gifts for Friends You May Have For- gotten at Christmas. CLEARING PRICES ? All this week, on all odd lines of Hand- kerchiefs, Neckwear, ~Tea Aprons, Bou- + doir Caps, Kimonos, Waists, Etc, Ete. Big Bargains in Coats and Dresses. a re pe T.J.O'Connor | 260 PRINCESS ST. PHONE 800. . Higher Up Street but Lower in Price. SA gs THE NEW ER/ "FRENCH REMEDY. or New Year's 5; N a 10 : THERAPION M.7% 2 THERAPION #7 $ DEY LFA FRE We have a large and new assortment of mixed can- dies, creams, chocolates and candy canes, etc. WE RAP ~ INK PACKE TS SB iT ED TO ALL NEW METHOD hi i | | Cleaning, Pressing, Grapes, Dates, Figs. re and Repairing. Geese, Turkeys and Chickens. J. R. B. Gage, 254 Montreal ag Phone 549. Anon min, me Need) YE ERE EE NOTHING LIKE A GOOD HOT WATER BOTTLE We make a Work Neatly Done. Specialty of Ladies' M. F. Patton, Prop. 119 SYDENHAM ST. nity Princ ess St. Phone 214 tt === N I For the sick room. All prices from 85¢ | to $3.00. AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal, Streets. Telephone 41, Clearing Out Gdd Pieces During the month of January we en- : deavor to clear out 8 all odd chairs, ta- bles and dishes -at dsufficiently attrac- Bitive prices to make it worth while from the customer's point of view. We have hundreds of pieces of furniture at old prices, due to wise buying mon- ths ago. An Edison Phonograph in Your Home This Winter Will Be a Source of Great Pleasure. We are Ageats for This District. T. £. HARRISON CO. LORD wr pes ENTS 21 UPON But a | Dee $ | nation made them wince { test city i Ms ATTACK BY PROF. THILOR THF MM: IAYOR OVER CHIL- DREN'S AID MATTERS. Ai Hughes Was a Co-partper favor In This Regand the I ails, gwood street, Kingston, | I'o the Editory: Several | wrote to you a letter of | ainst the action of the! Kingston, and a band of} itizens in raiding the an-| cting of the Children's Aid| :ly thrusting out its ex-| appointing one from That letter voiced | ent of a very large body 1s--mounlers, forgers, print- men,' merchants, lawyers, ssors, soldiers, ministers. But never been answered, The] Kingston strode down, de- an explanation of their] But though his noble indig- they have | answéared him. To all the pro- of the old executive they have Ted their ears. Kingston is a marked place be- cause of the memories attached to it, because of its commercial and mili- tary and educational importance. No in Canada has so long and so | | prov ud a record in national and muni- | cipal poli It must in the future | add fo'its fine traditions, not merely live upon them At the present fell moment it must stand begirt with all | its ancient glorious strength. Now, to attain these high ends, it requires| a good and wise man .at the head of | its affairs The present mayer is not much, for, rot only did he, like | an automobilist careless of the public] welfare, run over the old Children's Aid Society, but without an explauna- | tion cailously hurried on, leaving it| mangléd on the roadside. Yours tru- | Iy,W. D. TAYLOR. | of the Attach 169 « rude 'mselves of manding deed not ties Hughes, the other | mayoralty candidate, was one of the' sixty-two who "stormed" the Chil-} dren's Aid meeting, and is also one | of the members of the new éxecutive, | along wifh the mayor, the Whig fails to see that any case is made out | against Dr. Richardson. The latter will no doubt give a full account of | the Children's Aid affair at the pub- lic meeting of citizens in the City Hall on Thursday evening. As Ald. J. M Cataraqui Ward Complaint. Kingston, Dee. 27 (To the Edi-! On the eve the municipal elections I am taking the liberty of voicing some of the thoughts of 'that wuch-neglected ward, Cataraqui, pur wish to tell the candidates that their watchword should be, ""A Little More Care," if they do not want a load of trouble to fall on their heads We can not understand why this ward has been consistently neglected during the past vear, gnd on Monday are go- ing to show our disapproval at the poll To give a very few of our many dauses of dissatisfaction would require a deal amount of your space, but some of them might be mention- fed in a few words. I would ask: What about the road om Rideau street in front of the tannery, which our representatives 'have been anany times asked to have repaired?" This | road is heavily used for traffic to and {from the station, but it still remains {in a disgraceful condition. 'Then the one-plank walk along it is continuous | only on the instalment plan---one plank and skip two. "What about those everlasting burdock: that deco-| rate the street railway tracks?' Last year they were a panticularly good | erop, which was never harvested in an attempt to improve the scenery along Montreal street, Then there is the way the autos speed along Montreal street to and from the station. It is glorious for| the drivers, but not qui s0 nice for those who have to\kaf thyir peck of dirt in this way. I might go on any ention the garbage tax of a mill) and we do not | know what color the garbage wagons | are painted-- we never see them---but | all this would be useless. | In view of the fact that one alder- man (Major Stroud) was serving his counfry by recruiting and the other spent most of his time in the western states ldoking for broom corn, we! have been very badly used, and my only hope is to see a big change for our ward in the year to come. MONTREAL STREET RESIDENT. of TANNERY BEING BUILT. { ae Kennedy Bros. Starting New Industry | on Montreal Street. \ Kingston is soon to have a new tan-| nery to be opened by the Kennedy! Bros. in the building now known as| the Depot Separate Sahool, This | building, which is across the C.P.R. tracks; has not been in use for some] time, and will be entirely remodeled has sent to F. to meet the conditions of a tannery.{can consul, a Ba Both of the brothers are experienced | tanners, and their enterprise in start. ing this industry should be commend- | ed. They are both Kingstonians, | 'Midhael Kennedy now living on} Cherry street and J. Kennedy on' Montreal stréet. POLICE Lack of Facglities rar Joviality | got what they were looking for. | far less work for i the law, | friend would & | more before start | him to meet friends, and they would { done | thews, json, American Papal Ruccives Picture of | Canadian of War WAS A SOBER CHRISTMAS HAD FA EASY TIME co | PARED WITH OTHER YEARS, Rew | #35 Work for the Con- | losing of 'the Bars is hg far Kingston Christmas, as tue toncerned, / @s not one drunkénness was reported, | In fact, there was not a case of any | kind before Magistrate Farrell. This certainly speaks well for the Ontario Temperance Act Lack of facilities for joviality ecer- tainly resulted in less work far the police. The public anticipated aul] and uneventful Christmas, and thay The resulted in of a "strictly ener] police were case of| s has the custodians closing fF the bar In years past, at Christmas time, men became intoxicated as a result of an overdose of "good nature." Many a man would go into the bar have ong drink, but meeting a perhaps a dozen ing for home. The Christmas season was an excuse for { keep on treating until they would be- come intoxicated However, cutting off the bars has away with this practice and now it is not so easy for a man to celebrate. In former years the pris- oners' deck at the Police Court would he filled with tipplers the day after Christmas. In fae*, after every holiday, the crop of drunks was very large Mk i MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS, Village of Hastings. Reeve--Walter N. Fowlds. Councillors---J. J. English, Charles R. Fowlds, P. M. Howard, Charles| Plant, all by acclamation. Villuge of Tweed. Samuel Benjamin Rollins. | <David Beatty, W, Ed- James Murray and Ed-| All by acclamaion Reeve Councillors ward Gartley, ward Wright Village of Stirling. Reeve--R. Coulter, Councillors--L. Micklejohn, T H. Cook and B. Belshaw by acclamation. Mat- All| Township of Hungerford. Reeve --J. H and Stokes. Deputy reeve Newton. Councillors--J. W. Carleton, Thos. H. Monck, R. H. York, C. Guinard, Jezeph Taylor and A. H. Tufts, G. H. Clare W. E. Graham and Township of Barrie. Reeve--Charles MeGregor. Counecillors--B. Ww. Hawley, George Head, Walter Cuddy and R. Bauder. All by acclamation. Township of Bedford, Reeve---John A. Kennedy. Coungillors--William Lee, Nat- hanfal Shillington, Jno. Jennings, William Patterson, Thomag Cosgrey. All by acclamation ' Front of Lansdowne, Reeve--D. Dempster. Deputy Reeve---B. Cook. Council---J. Bell, J. H., Moxley, Steacy. All by acclamation. G.| w Township of Augusta, Reeve~--James White. Deputy Reeve--A. J. Bissell. Council--E. A. McKimm, R. K. Hough, James Kelso. All by accla- mation, {GAVE INTEREST ON WAR BONDS TO BELGIANS More Subscriptions Received *by President of Board of Trade | for Fund. season of the vear is # good time to remember the Belgians. Charles and William Bartels, sons of Oscar Bartels, city treasurer, each ave $2.50 to the president of the Board of Trade for the Belgian Re- lief Fund. They received the mondy as inferest on Dominion war loan Londs. Other subscriptions received for the fund are as follows: Mrs. M, J. | Reid, $3: Mrs, (Rev.) John Fergu- $2.50; J. Saunders, $2.50. This SENT A PICTURE. We are well stocked with SNOWSHOES, HOCKEY BOOTS, MOCCASINS and CURLERS' BOOTS Something Good for Every Kind of Sport. . Setts and single pieces in the popular furs, and in the styles fashion demands. Don't spend a cent for furs this season until you've seen what we can do for you both as to style and price. Men's Gloves We sell Dent's Eng- lish make. TIT ET When Ordering Your Chocolates Call and see our big variety in fancy boxes and baskets. Sakell's Next to Grand Opera House. Telephone 640. I Men's Winter Caps from 50c up. Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. PERFUMES 25c¢ to $5.00. LADIES' MANICURE SETS, $3.50 to $15.00. HUYLER'S CHOCOLATES inl, 2,3, and 5 pound boxes Prouse's Drug Store Phone 82 Opposite St. Andrew's Church Corpl. J. Tawi 48th Highlanders, 8. Johnston, Aweri- \ n-------------- fine picture of some of the prisoners of war at {Stammlager, Preussiasch, Germany. The picture shows the good condition the men are in and the uniform they wear. Other cards that were seft in acknowledgment of parcels received there cage from: E. W. Wilson, 13th; Depot Brigade Seems to Have Mae H. A, teams, are out practising re- DEVELOPING WELL. --lb terial For Fast Hockey Team. The Depot Artillery Brigade, O. Suitable Gifts Something for every member of the family; useful and acceptable presents. Boo Slippers, , Overgaiters, Hock Boots, - Overshoes, Moccasins, " 'Evening ~ Slippers, Rubber Boots, Dress Shoes § $32 IS DONATED. 4 Surplus of 146th Colors Fund Given | for Prisoners of War. | The sum-of $52, the balance left over after meeting all the expenses of the 146th Battalion colors fund, has been turned over to the American consul to expended for the Can- adian prisoners of war in Germany. The committee in charge of the fund, afte' considering all of the various {ways in which the amount might be | nded for patriotic purposes, fin- | chose that ef the prisoners of | . American Consul Johnson is {very gratified with the splendid dona- [i tion. | ht | Five Mail Bags. | Five big mail bags, goods for the {German prisoners of wa interned in H enry, on Tuesday at | Al n consulate Tor examina- tion. ° They books, news- , tobacco, Ii Thies and dred af vithe: atticles, 'The goods mostly from friends of the prisoners who ie in the United 'States, - gularly. This team is being well thanaged, and each battery is doing its utmost to make the brigade team a success. New players are coming A. J. Sloane, 3rd: Lance-Corpl. A. H Young, 15th; Pte. F. W. Dunn, 5th; WwW. E. Du (a Renghivniany; Gor- A , 48th, .0.C.; An ee Donaed, Pte. H W. Wilijamson, out, and it now looks as if this team Corpl. R. Barclay, 3rd; Pte. C. Col-| Will be one of the fastest in the ser- man, 15th; H. Clifford, 14th; R.|ies ' s Simons, F. Matheson, 48th Highland- TT Presentation to ers. A On Christmas evening Sagrien the mem- bers of the Girl's Bible clgss of St. George's cathedral presented their teacher, Miss Laura M. Ryder, with MacDonald-Fairlie Wedding. A quiet wedding was splemnized on Tuesday evening at the-home of the bride's parents, 480 Brock street, when Rev. John Fairlie, assisted by Rev. J. W. Stephen, united his daugh- ter, Anna tyne Fairlie, in mar- riage Rev. J. A. MacDonald, Gore Bay. T. Urquhart Fairlie, bro- ther of the bride, gave her away. The bride wore her travelling suit of dark blue broadcloth with hat t6 matgh, and carried a corsage boug violets and i roses. * Folio' the ceremony, Mr, and Mrs, ald left for a trip in the east, and ] their return will 1 reside at Gore Bay. ------------ai- At Toronto there is a serious tie-up uch thanked the girls in 'a few well chosen words for the gift and the spirit manifested in the address. of the Hydro light and radial system as a vesuit of the storm. The city is} . Draciealiy 4s Warkaess (hia oraing, FRIENDS & PATRONS Sufficiency t is Enough « re Service and Quality is Considered as Our No Order too large to fill or too small to have our prompt attention. James Reid's The Busy Store with the Large Stock. Phone 147 for Motor Services Farms for Sale We make a specialty of selling farm properties and have at present a large number of farms for sale. values in Kingston district. .If you wish to buy or sell it would be to your advantage to consult us. I. J. LOCKHART and Wire Work of All Kinds to NON ller Patridge Sons ORSSCENT WIRE WORKS Phone 350 TO OUR The year 1816 is nearing ~ an end, and we sincerely. thank you for your patron- age and co-operation dur- ing this year of stress and anxiety. May the dawn of 1917 usher in' a new era of peace, happiness and perity to all, binding sti more firmly our. business relations. and bringing to . everybody a brighter and more prosperous New Year. Henderson's Grocery, 59.61 Brock St. > A I EEE wx will cure, $5. One .; druggists or in plein hie