EMBER 28, 1916. COUNTRYSIDE THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, DEG PIPPI III PIRI VI III000 | a sae . Surprisingly Good 3 'Q + Cough Syrup Made af § | Home 4 Lastly Made, Elective 9 » - . - > y IMPERIAL MUNITIONS S8oAmD OTTAWA Bohedek man SNOW Stor Deoember Z7th, people tur ads is « RK Swen: '} i 70 THE MUNITIONS WORKERS OF CANADA. Ie | weather tae Coste Very! tic uud Bat is Mowmarhabiy CEC LAC eE be PrP Ore Ieee b i op | [re ompson as teacher $ Je spending her holidays i F k {ho Mountain Grove. T! nuni- | i ron enac |eip t is boiling, with John Ball] Lo a [and audrew MeFadden running for | ree Many from here attended the GLENDOWER. ( 14% tree at, Battersea, and was Dec 24 T $ ung at wel! pleased with the entertainment [ home The mail made his {M < Mildred and Pauline Anglin, of | round trip after the m. The [Sydenham High School, are enjoying | ned out and oke the iolidays at home. William Mrs. Gowdy preached in the [Dixon and family spent Christmas atl Friends chur last Sunday morning. | William Sleeth's, Round Lake. Rev. | School { tor the holidays. B Stewart preached here Sunday | Babeo home 3 : ning to a large congregation | k -------------- FLORIDA Owing to the stormy | Leeds Christmas entertain- | ment which was to be held at Wilton 3 'on Friday evening was postponed x The _ Imperial Minister of Munitions has ntil Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, R WESTPORT. Det. ShnRer. Fu bee Garvin said entrusted to the menufacturers of Canade and their Standen spent Wednesday at Collins i for generations for thr chest ailments lisappointmaent bv asking vour unces of Pinex with at and donut accep abso! mptly refunded, tion The Piuex Ling « \ Juarantee of isiaction Ce loront 'Hire ! Bay. James Wallace is still confined to his bed There. is little hope of his recovers. Mud Lake is safe for pedestrians James Webb and fam- 1¥ of Mount Chesney are spending + few days at D. Babeoek's ELGINBUCRG Dee. 21. --The Ladies Aid met at the home of Mrs, Charles Irvine this week and presented Mrs. Codling | with a handsome quilt to show their appreciation of her work here. Mrs. Codling, though taken by surprise, replied in a pleasing manner, and his first mass in St. Edward's church | on Sunday last. Misses Marguerite | and Jule McCann are spending their | holidays with their mother, Mrs Thomas CecCann. John Hazelton of Porcupine is visiting his sisters in| town. Charles Egan, of Toronto, is i home for his holidays. Miss Nettie | Taggart is spending the holidays | with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J M, Taggart. Miss Loretta Foley, who has been a patient at Hotel Dieu, Kingston, returned home last work people, the production of an important percent- age of the shells which will be used at the front. It is vital to the 'successful prosecution of the war that these munitions de delivered weekly as promised. The present delivery of shells (save, in one size) ie below the promised quantity, and the shortage has become so serious that it causes grave anxiety." If we, who produce munitions at home, are to be worthy of the men who 'have gone to the front, we must set aside comfort and sald how much she afipreciated the Closed and Open Auto- gif \ number from here attended mobiles he meeting at Glenvale The Sun- Two Ch 1 Cars. For Sale or 12y School tree has been postponed Exchange. wat Wednesday evening Taxi Stand, Phone 201. Reo Automobiles » Also Dee cent snow storms ive roads in good con- dition FE. Martin made a business trip to Clarendon on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. S. Baldwin spent' Boyd's Garage Sunday at E Martin's Miss Mable 129 Brock Street. Vilneff callgll on friends at Plevna - X y © recently Ir. and Mrs Edward PARADIS GARAGE Thompson ffspent Sunday evening at " F. Vilnen® G. Salmond, E. Thomp- FOOT OF RROCK STREET on, C. Fli§elér and 8S. Lyons have Phones: Ofce 222, House QI1, prchased mew cutters, J. W. Kring : spent the week-end at Fred Vilneffs' Auto Sapplics, » Gasoline at te. Meteor OL. Cars for Hire. made the GLENVALE Phen 2s One of the most sue- essful Christmas trees ever given in Glenvale was held in the Presby- terian Church Wednesday evening Dec. 20th, The excellent programme was thoroughly enjoved. Miss Hus~ hand ably "trained the children. Miss Mildred Orser Sunnyside, is spending her holidays at home, Miss Edith Curl has been very low "| the last few days. Mrs. Keill and i fon, Montreal > guests of Mrs | Annie Gordon 'liss Rose Cramer, | | Toronto, and Master Joseph Cramer, | K.C.L, are holidaying at home. Miss ! Husband is spending her holidavs at ier home in Newburgh INVERARY 22. Owing 0 the severe | tof today the Christmas tree | had to be postponed until Saturday | night Miss Effie Hunter, who has A A ARAN AANA. 0 A cl ~|spent two weeks in the west with her uncle, Dr. Hugh Cochrane, has returned home accompanied by hep JOHN M. PATRICK brother, Charles, who has also been a resident of the west. Word was Rewing Machines, Um- brellas, Sait Cases, Trunks, received from Archie Kish, who is doing his bit in France, He writes repaired and. re-fitted, Haws filed, Knives and that he is enjoying good health. The factories have all closed. A few Scissors Sharpened, Razors honed. Al makes of fire. farmers are drawing their milk to arms repaired promptly. Sunbury Miss Margaret Arthur has again headed her form in Syden- Locks repaired; Keys fitted. All makes of Lawn Mowers {ham High School. Bert. Johnston, who was successful in obtaining his sharpened and repaired. degrees ar Queen's, has enlisted and will go overseas 149 Sydenham Street | em aia BATTERSEA Dec. 16.--The Ladies Aid met at 5¢ the homig of Mrs. C. D. Lake, on Washing Cars: Large, 81.00, Small, The, FMclent Service guaranteed. Gilve us & call. E. PARADIS, Prop. VY mle boars the Bane Se Deware «/ connterfeits ~~ nc mp om 3 AVNET} the ome of irs. €. D. La 'ednesday. After e regular bus- Se iness meeting at which $25 was eo Fe = voted for Belgium Relief and $5 for y the Deacon's Home of Montreal, tea was served by the hostess and a week. Miss Lillie Butler has réturn- ed to her home in Arnprior atten r- tending the Forester-Butler wedding The many friends of M. J. Mulville | were pleased to see him in town last week. Miss Myrtle Whitmarsh re- | turned home last week after spend-| ing the past three weeks in Toronto. | Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sharpe, of Ottawa, | spent Christmas with friends here. | Mrs. Steve White, of Toronto, spent | Christmas with her parents, Mr and | Mre. W, J, Wing. | FRANKVILLE Dee. 23.8. S. Holmes of Toronto, spent last Sunday with his brother Morley . Holmes, Lehigh Corners Miss Mary McDonald of Brockville is visiting at Fred Price's. Lehigh Corners Mr. and Mrs, Wilford Hewitt are at North Augusta, spend- ing Christmas with her mother, Mrs Norton Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ron- soma of Belleville, are visiting his morher, Mrs. Ronsome, and sister Mrs. P. Hanton, at Lehigh Corners. Miss Ethel Brown, teacher has gone to Athens to spend her holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Brown. Mrs. Frank Stewart and daughter are visiting friends here Miss Grace Cannon and Miss Pear! Moran are spending Sunday at Ad- dison. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pattemore of Smith's Falls, are spending Christmas with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Holmes, Lehigh Cor ners ---- CHARLESTON. Dec 26 The school concert, which was to have taken place on Friday evening, Dec. 22nd, had to be postponed on account of the storm. gratification, and munitions output. his New Year's D men and to the women e in Canada, to instant, and Monday, at their work. who make it will charged a clear obligation. ease and personal give undivided attention to From a personal knowledge of the need, and personal contact with the su of the men in the trenches workers, whether in the st to devote ffering and the heroism » I urge the munitions eel plant, themselves with increased energy and unstint- ed time to the task of additional output. or in the factory, Neither the soldier nor the sailor will have forego Saturda ay free from duty. I appeal to the ngaged in munitions production y afternoon, the 30th New Year's Day, and to continue The sacrifice is small, but to those come the satisfaction of having dis- Yours trjly, The little folks, who were much dis- appointed, were informed. that it was too stormy for Old Santa to come and that the concert would be held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 2nd. Miss Helen Troy, teacher, is spending the Christmas holidays at her home in Fallowfield, near Ottawa. Miss Sarah Hudson is iM of grippe. Miss Nellie Hudson, Brockvile, is home for the holidays. Miss Chlevera Halliday, Toronto, is spending the holidays under the parental roof. Harry Botsford received as'a Christ- mas gift a very handsome pipe from his" brother, Pte. Gerald Botsford who is in camp at Bramshott, Eng- Miss Jennie Eyre is home for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Crozier and children spent Chrisvnas with friends at Lansdowne. Mrs. Mul- venna and daughter, Miss Hattie, have closed up their home here and have gone fo spend the winter with friends at Brockville, Lyndhurst, Lansdowne and other points. H. Tye is moving to Oak Leaf cheese factory, Ohio, spent Christmas at her home here. ing Business College came home for the holidays. in Ottawa, here. The annual meeting of Lom- bardy 'cheese factory will be held in inst. J. F. J. Cauley, Carthage, N. Y.., and A. A. Cauley of Queen's Uni- versity, Kingston, are spending Christmas with their parents here. The South Elmsley Telephone Co will hold a meeting in the Town Halon Dec. 27th inst. School closed er, Miss Tobin, left for her heme in Westport, ATHENS. Dee. 26.--The 1816 council been re-elected by acclamation. has The Holmes (who has held this honor for council, Ernest Taylor, who is attend- | Misses ! Margaret and Annie O'Mara, of To- | ronto, and Miss Rosella O'Mara, of Ottawa, are visting at their home | the factory on Friday evening, 29th on Friday, 22nd inst, and the teach- personnel is as follows: Reeve, M. B. | very pleasant evening was spent. A twelve consecutive years); | 1916. W. C. Dowsley, 1.P.S., Brock- | ville, has been paying an official visit | | to the local public school. Public | School Principal Nichol and Mrs. | Nichol are spending the holidays at their old home in Cobourg. J. E | Burchell, B.A., high school principal, | is enjoying a holiday visit from his | mother, who resides near Prescott. Ross McLaughlin, a local high school | graduate, has passed his final exam- ination at the Dental College, Toron- to. . He has bat recently returned from overseas. An event of interest to Athenians occurred on the 23rd inst, when Capt. Beaumont S. Cor- nell, M.A, sou of the late Dr. 8. 8 Cornell and Mrs. Helen Cornell, Main street, was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Wilson, B.A., Au- rora. The groom will leave shortly with the Medical Corps tor service (overseas. Christmas entertainments are the order of the day, and have been held in adjacent school sections and by the Sunday schools of the | Presbyterian, Baptist, Anglican and where he is engaged to assist the pro- | Methodist denominations. A social ~~ athieu's SYRUP oF TAR & Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH Sold in gencrous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q. ° Makers also of Mathieu's Nervine Powders the best remedy for Headaches, Neuralgia, and feverish colds, ory prietor for the season of 1917 {| W. H. Jacob, G. D. McLean, F. Shel- ! aud music afterveon is to be enjoyed humber from here attended the ba- don, N. E. Smith. Tbe surrounding { by Women's Institute members next Zaar at Sunbury. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hanley and Gardiner have gond to Kingston to reside for the winter. The Sunbury Ladies Aid wet at the Methodist parsonage here on Wednesday afternoon with a large number present. Miss Harris of 1da Hill, spent the week-end with | Miss M. Anglin. Nr. Compton of ! Kingston, who has been, spending a few days at the Granite, returned to the city this week. Ar A A A SA AA i SANGSTER. i | Dec, 26. Christmas entertain . ments are quite numerous in this vies Xmas Necessaries {inity. John Shain had P. McCann, of You will all weed boots and Westport, drill a well for him recent- shoes before Christmas. Why ly. James Murphy a sister Kate not get them at the \ Spent Shristiias wih their parents here. Miss Minnie Young spent Sun- Model Shoe Store Ja with Miss Anna Ono Mr. We have a very heavy stock Hllang Mes. M. J. Cochrane, R. O'Con- of all Kinds and can suit all nor and P. Daly paid Kingston a visit tastes in ladies' men's and on Thursday. Mis. Margaret and children's boots and shoes. i Miss Helen are at William = Ryan's. {| Mrs. John O'Cotinor is at Mr. Burns, Burnside, Mrs. T. Barret at T. Young's. W. Condon is engaged working at M. J. Cochrane's. Mrs, P. Egan is at J. Breanan's. James Lee- man, Bedford Mills, at James Mur- iphy's: Miss Lema Young at "T. Bab- cock's: John Mury at T. Barrett's: John - Daly at Martin Cochrane's: Maurice Shain-at N, Murphy's, . WH. ROTGAUZLE, Prop, COATS your winter coat made with choice of money than Also. suits, skirts, and dresses for very low prices, New York Skirt and Suit Co. 20% Wellington Street, KEELERVILLE Dee. 26. The reads are after the big storm lag Charles Clark and family Christmas at _Thomas Clark's, 'Cedar Blake. Edward Sleith and family at Wilklam Sutherland's, Batrersea. James Boal and family at Robert Boal's, Cédar Laka; W. J. Anglin and family, of Battersea, at J. E. Anglin's; 1 Mr, and Mrs, Alpheas Caird at Ales ander Jackson's for Christmas digs ner. Miss Mildred Yateman: Seeley's Bay, spent Christmas with all broken Friday. spent Ser to. measure ofl 3 township, Rear Yonge and REscott, WASHBURN'S CORNERS | has also re-elected the council of Dec, 22.--The Christmas enter- tainment held here on the 20th was a decided success. Among the grad- uates of the Toronto Dental College are Ross V. McLaughlin a former Athens boy and graduate of the A. H.S. Mrs. Charles Henderson of Memiskam, Alta, arrived recently to ¥isit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lett Kelly of Athens, A patriotic assem- bly was held in the Athens hall on Friday evening last and was excep- iomally well attended. Mrs. John Lovern is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Robert Preston of Chantry. Mrs. R. Gainford is ill at her home on the Oak Leaf road. Mr. and Mrs. Wi Webster of Bellamy's were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Moulton recently. Mrs. John Wil- son of Ogdensburg, N.Y, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. Davis. The tea held in thé Presbyterian church Athens on Wednesday evening was largely attended. Lieut. R.{ Webster is visiting at the home of Mrs. B. Livington, Athens. An aged and re- spected resident of Athens passed away this week in the person of Ed- ward Wiltsee, aged elghty-three 'years. The concert held at Plum | medicine, - Hollow on Wednesday nigh: was a! ha decided success, el LOMBARDY, Dec, 26.--Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Blacher, of North Lancaster, are home for the holidays. The Metho- dist Sunday schoo! entertainment was beld in the Methodist church on! Saturday evening. A very large; enjoyed an| PERFECT HEALTH IS EVERY WOMAN'S BIRTHRIGHT. crowd wag present aud t programme of vocal musie, . recitations, ete, after which Santa Claus appeared and dis- Hous ete jhe little ones. Nr. and Mrs. M. . wn, NY. and hay her parents: Mr. Yateman. The annual school meet- ing will ba held in-morrow. 8 reopens next week with Miss Wini- Rometimos a woman refyses a secret. because she the details, ta doesn't nd M wiSitor at 5, Derimady's g @ rs. Samuel | at §, Y's. Miss Helen IDoaher, Detroit, Mich. is visiting hér parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. Dooher. Miss Margaret Hughes, Cleveland, w | Poland, and Mr. | Saturday afternoon. "Changed World Conditions After the War" is | the supject of a talk to be given by | Mrs. William Towriss. The local ! dramatic club is arranging for a + drama, "A Pair of Idiots," 'to be put on soon by local talent. The pro- ceeds will be devoted to the Public Library fund, he annual meeting of the Library Board takes place early in the new year, when the re- port of the delegate to the recent con- vention in Ottawa will be given. HAVANT STATION. | Dec. 26.---Elkins Jacobs, of To- | ronto; Arthur, of Roblin; Bradley, of {St. Catherines; Mrs. George Parry land Miss Hilda, . Ottawa, spent {thelr Christmas vacation with their mts, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Jacobs. . amd Mrs. R. J! Whson, of La- chute, Que., and MY. and Mrs. Norval 8. Lee, of Lanark, were Goliday | €sts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. homas Lee. 'Mr. MeCrae, student of Queen's University, is condueting the Sabbath services here during the holi- (days. Mr. and Mrs. George Sproule were in Kingston a couple of days spent od with Miss Edith Camp- bell. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Horne, of 3 le, of Mundejl's, enjoyed Christ- Was at the home of Mr. and Mrs, {George Sproule. | Civilization has done a great deat] for man, but it hasn't been able to Bhavan his stopping to look at a dog Tt is ihe mau at the litle end of the horn who it either applanded or h id by the audience. Use For Over Thirty Years