STOP A COLD IN ONE NIGHT Take VENO'S LIGHTNING COUGH CUR v aann. * - & x s and La Gripy i A a ea retest nit A RE. Taken by T, F. s [A DANGEROUS AUTO TRIP (OVER CALIFORNIA VALLFY CANYON AND MOUNTAIN Down South on a Health Mr. Harrison Writes Vivid seription, T. F. Harrison, formerly j ton, who is in California | trip, writes as 'follows | from Jl Centro: . The Southern Pacific take | visitors to the health-giving Imperial valley of Southern California from the east, but being already west, and, istening to the glowing terms of the routes, we decided to take this hundred and twenty n | valley, | Slag one 5 ol | For about one-half that distance life and its terminus are less than half a yard apart, and this little space, with {all its possibiMties, all depending. on {the eve, muséle and brain of "Shor- ty," the driver--*"Shorty," a suitable nickname from appearance, but for- unately for us, he was long on skill and euution, else we had not enjoyed Harrison, Who - Is Trip-- De- canyon and mountain by auto. | ends at thousand giving s {off for Centra, with i nlation and } ne and dust cor x 1- « HRINTMAS TREE. Sunday School. day afternoon th aners' and pr he Queen school tertainment he joliest t has taken pls 1 connection w There were : ent and attended wehers and friend ent began with 15 follows: ne Song, heginnear cla recitation, ar On W are of PA thodi Christ large the k | sehool ldeparu: {ehildre {of th | ends grar W " {derson "Wel | ay 100 ! rd he pro- { wo | eeting3," Siu t An-| ome Song," primary elass { Ray BEdlis, z and reeitation, Beatrice King Little Bunnies, { roll somg, nd Song, jprimary. rs , "Christ Was Onee a 3 ese | Be Cast nar {stabli I look after f [IF THEY COULD ONLY STAELE ACCOMMODATION Happy Event at Queen Street Method- [say Phat Question is a Serious One | I and Should be Given Some Ait tion--ilardship on. the Horses. a lack of e Wind [I wean tablin ! or Hotel h hat i \ matter prominent Whig an all the y man i Wedn al | now, :awho will he Cems per team tinued, ° this oud. price I think would pay ibles in onvenient spot 3 trade. If the farmers t the proper aceom- will be the means t deal of business ard not able 10 modation, I think driving from the city.' WoO more ot FARMERS WILING T0 PAY GET! wills for amd I think| person to open up 10; Se | ! WISE \ STAMP Double Probs: Fair today and on F riday; becoming colder. Discount famps To-morrow J L : in the eity will he and jelosed in the course of a few months, and when thesa situation j that fine dinner in El Centro of the |p Jean Hunt, Ruth i I Raby, Hunt | Imperial Valley, Willow Jones and had it not heen | {thar old Mother Earth had at some closed the at WO are will he worse than the {early period used her forces and heaved and pushed her- | self up, until she succeeded in press- ing the old Pacific back for hundreds of miles, the Imperial Valley, tall its fruitfulness, would not be, and bad remained only as a bed -upon which the "restless sea and toling ships troubled along through ages past and yet to be, | But what a mess she made of ff. { For the first sixty 'miles it's not so bad. The fogs, salt-laden and in- | ward driven, have produced a slight growth, which, with interest com- \" al 1&1] YNNOT SEE ) pounded through the ages, is suf- ficiently strong to bear on iis sur- face and in its crannies cacti, sage, juniper and dwarf pine, and where occasionally a valley was dropped down between two great guardians, some daring pioneers, reckless ~of world intercourse, have wrought it into a garden, where the Spineless Cacti of Burbank fame, along with the ever present alfalfa flourish. Leaving the last of these our stage is stopped by a woman waving a let- ter. It's a call to a doctor sixty miles away It's a story soon told, | poverty, hushand stricken and like] to die. three little children, no neighbors. Oh! the tragedy of it. Ten or twelve hours to wait for help, for the help that may comé too late. We allowed that "Shorty" might hasten a little; he only sheok his head. Over twelve miles per hour for the next twenty would only add to the toll of death. Later we agree with him, as he dexterously guides our fifty horse-power on to a narrow shelf of rock, wide enough for one driving carefully and for two on oc- casions to pass. We are rising zig- zag, horseshoe, spirally, any way at all, to>get over the awful thing. Vegetation gone--one feels as though it were years since any had beén seen--no grass, no shrubs, not even a cactus, no water, no birds, { number | KEELEY ir, M. 0. D. 0 236 Princess Street. 8 @oers above the Opsta House. XMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN. Beautifully boxed ar- ticles: Linen Handk'fs, hand initialed, $ in box, $l. 304 nders, arm bands te 75¢ and $1. Silk Scarfs, 25¢, 50c, $! up to $5. Wool Scarfs, $1.50 to| $2.50. \ Silk lined grey gloves, $2.50. Dent's lined gloves, $1.75 and $2.00. 2 Shirts, soft or stiff cuffs, $2.50 to $3.50. Pyjamas in silkein and Hannelette, to $3. Neck ties, 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00. - Our boxes, being the best, are always appreci- ated." - | } i | | It's always the West plan to keep the courtesy habit always in good 1 ed rock, with great { remind him of the sick man and the coyotes or gophers, only us, and five of us were almost wishing for the days of our innocency; two of our Mexicans (we were sev- en) were beyond all care. The flask they had emptied put them into the land of forgetfulness--lucky hogs. "Shorty" did not take any. He says there are rattlers in there, and he didn't wish to see them. And still we're climbing, 4,500 feet is our objective. We're getting accustomed _to this death-hugging game, and look around---and such a sight--one would not call it scene or vision, it's a sight, as you look down into the canyon and away for miles until the eye wearies and hurts, at the sight of masses of tumbled and jumbled broken rocks, and piles on piles of loose stones and boulders, as far as the eye can see a great val ley floored with a mosaic of crush- caverns, which even the sun disdains, with little hills, big hills and mountains, look- ing as though the Almighty had recklessly emptied the last of his cloud aprons into the great ocean bed, out of sigh¢, but in later ages old mother earth, burning with the fever of repression, heaved the wa- ters back and left exposed all this debris of creation, and when men of the east, adventuring into the desert, were fortunate enough to escape the blindness, starvation and insane fevers of the sandy plain, still beck- oned on by alluring mirages and stumbling into this valley of death, its very awfulaess was their destrue- tion, But while we have been talking, Shorty has run us down and out, on- to a teh mile tug-of-war with the shifting sand, and then on to an as- phalt roadway (not Trinidad, that would melt here) and we venture to children, but he needs more, and the invincible | with | Recitation, "Evergreen Troe," Cec {Shurtliffe. £ | "Rbek-a-Bre i Baby.' { beginner Ciass Recitation, Dorothy Burns. Recitation, Margaret Shurt | Ford Davy and Harry Orr Piano solo, Pussy Cat Waltz {lyn Lawler. Song, "Luther's iprimary. Recitation, Hill Sone, Ewen. 5 Recitation, Dorothy Tullock Recitation, Dorothy Burns. } Song, "In the Silence of the Night," primary. Song, "Jolly Ola scholars. After the recitations - and music there was the usual treat, followed by the appearance of Santa Claus and the distribution from two beautifully lighted trees of his gifts fog the child- ren. The whole was a very pleasant entertainment and one which will be remembered by-those who took part ite, | fe, Eve Cradle Song,' "Xmas. Eve," Alice! May Ruffle and Olive Me-! {¢t. Nicholas," 8 | LANSDOWNE NEWS BUDGET. Many Visitors For Christmas--Keat- | ing-Williams Wedding, Lansdowne, Dec, 27.--Holiday visitors include Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Weir and son, of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Greer, of Lyn; Mr. and Mrs. Cherry White, qf Mallory- town; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Peck and Master Gordon Leverette, of Brock- ville; Mr. Deans and son, Adams- ville, N.Y.; Mr. and Mrs. Valentine Mitchell, Toronto. Misses Jean and Minner Mitchell and John G. Mit- chell, Ottawa; Miss Mayme Done- van, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs, James Lornner and sons, Brockville; Johu T. Louis, Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. N Kelly and Arthur Kelly, Escott, Mrs. Annie McMum, Ottawa; Miss Phillip, Carleton Place; Miss Elva Moore, Singleton; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sum- mers, Elgin; Wilmer Grothier, Nap- anee, Those spending holidays away in- | cluded Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Freden- burg," at' Brotkville;" Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Sheppard, at Carleton Place; Mr. and Mrs, Walter Patience and daughters, at Smith's Falls; Mrs. Mrs. Shaw and Miss Anna Shaw, at Mallorytown; Mrs. Thomas Isbister and son, at Montreal; Rev, (Dr.) Cooper, Mrs, Cooper and daughter at Iroquois; E. EK. Warner, at Iroquois; Mr. and Mrs, E. Dixon and son, at Brockville; Lorne Austin, at Totten- ham. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Horton, Dulcemaine, on Dec. @ son, Mrs, Hugh Rumiong is seriously ill at the home of her son, Richard. Miss Marjorie Bradley is convales- cing. Rev. Mr. Toole and Mrs. Toole en- tertained the Sunday school children on Tuesday evening. Master Greer Johnston is spending a few days in Lyn. The Preshytérian and Metho- dist Sunday school entertainments were a great success. The VY.P.C. of the Methodist church met on Thursday evening, Dec. 21st. Papers were given by Giles McRae and Miss E. Bigford on "The Spirit of Christmas and "Christmas in Other Lands," respec- tively, and J. H. Warren contributed a solo. \ Mrs, William Dizon, who has been nursing at Mrs. Wesley Foley's, is confined to her bed with grippe. Miss geile Willlams and L. Keating were quietly married at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, Rich- | ard Williams, on Wednesday, Dec. 27th. Rev. Mr. Beckshat officiated. ¥ next thirty miles became a fleeting memory as we rushed through miles of cotton, white unto the harvest, through forests of orchards, and fields of alfalfa, all proclaiming the! power of man to make the desert to! blossom and bloom as the rose. The real estate agent proclaims himself | in booming advis. at every Cross ; road, and tells yoy that this land, | that stenched and killed fifteen years ago, is the ouly land where heaven below, can be realized at | short notice. Our eiglit hours' ride | increase their energy. - SCOTT'S is helpi thousands wily not you? working order before the children heen close by the Presbyterian and Mrs. C. George Clow, Patrick Connors, David for the past month, left the Montreal General ly recovering, and it is expected that within a week or two. NN ANI NN ANNAN IMNENANINNEN Ns l present time "Now that d having should help the the said another v few of the hotels wople who were in « bar trade cut off rmers in getting all n° they require." "1 don'tiwant to I do not think . deal to cut the way.' eq favor of aceommosda art 1. square n Al see liquor sok wit that is a farmers off "1 see that offered farmer said anothe i 1@ use of his yard," armer. "This is very good on the part of Ald. Couper, but of course in vhe cold weather a horse should be sheltered in a stable." MALLORYTOWN TIDINGS, A Horse Killed--Christmas Events and Visltors. Malarytown, Dee. 27. --Nr. and Mra. C. EF. Cook are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Jordan, during the holidays At the annual meeting of the public school James Guild was elected trustee. - Mr. and NMirs. CC. O. Guild were guests of Mr, and Mrs. John Dickey, Rockport, on Tuesday. leary Andrews, of Pres- cott, was visiting his relatives at Es. cott. Mr. and Mrs. Albertus Poole and children, of Montreal, returned home on Tuesday after a short visit with his parénts, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Poole, Poole's Resort, Dr. E. Bissell, who has been on medical service duty overseas for over a vear, has promised to give the Epworth League. an address on Thursday evening. Jan. 4th." Dr. Bis- sel hag been in all parts of the battle- field and even in the front line of trenches A dance was held in the Odd Fel- lows' hall on Tuesday evening. Miss Gladys Morrow and Clarence Com stock have reutrned from the Brock- ville hospitals, where they have been receiving treatment. Ira Miller was taken to the St. Vincent de Paul Hospital for an op- eration on Christmas day. He is do- ing as well as can be expected. A. E. Summers spent Christmas at Ottawa. C. E. Tennant has received hig car of coal, and many of the vil- lagers are happy. The Christmas entertainments held Sunday school on Saturday evening and the Me- thodist on Monday evening were well attended. Ivan Heaslip had a horse killed at Yonge Mills by a G. T. R. train the other evening. A few of the visitors to the village during the holidays were: Miss Jennie Guild, Kingston, at W. A Guild's; Miss Dollie Mallon, Rock- port, at Peter Malloy's; Miss Hattie Hollingsworth, Toronto, at Mrs. S. Hollingsworth's; Wallace Guild, Brockville, at 8S. A. Guild's; Fred Nowlan, Lansdowne, at Daniel Now- lan's; C. B. Gibson, Syracuse, at John | R. Gibson's; Charles W. Mallory, | Kingston, at Thomas Mallory's; Mr E. Cook, Morrisburg, at| E. Jordan's. The township conuncillors and reeve were elected by acclamation, vik, Reeve, 0. L. Buell: councillors, S | A. Haws, Abel Cughas. The funeral service James Mallory was held at his father's home Friday afternoon as | soon as the train arrived from thej east. for the late Bishop Farthing Getting Better. Bishop Farthing, who has been ill Hospital on Saturday for iis home. His Lordship ic now rapid- he will be able to resume his duties ' ave (Dan) Couper has! | terms. {anniversary on Christmas "wi December and | 3s, 1016, and Jananry ist, 1917, valld | January HAT TRADE MARX AAI LIE MEL LM rrr a ater ge tos rT apr What They Are Fighting For, St Po. President Wilson wants each of the belligerents to tell what he ja fighting for. If the objects of war- fare dre thus formulated he believes that there will he laid the founda- tions for peace, | Great Britain--For the balance of power in Europe and safety against German military power. | Geérmany--For the best terms it can make, consistent with national honor. France--For existence dependent nation and aggression, Belgium -- For Belgium. Italy--For Trentino Russia--For Constantinople Bulgaria--For Serbia. Japan-- For Kaiju Chau Portugal--For Germany's colonies in Africa. Serbia--For life. The Austrians, Rumanians and Turks could, if they were candid, formulate their demands iw. simpler They entered the war in the hope and expectation of territorial gain. They are fighting now solely because they can't let go. They would welcome any old peace. racuse st-Standard as an in- safety from the recovery of Celebrated Golden Wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Benson Buck, of this city, celebrated their golden wedding | night at| their home, 66 Victoria street. There | were about twenty guests present Dinner was. served at 6.30 o'clock, | and a wery enjoyable evening was | spent. | Miss Bessie Greufield, professional nurse, who has been visiting Mrs. | Bloomely, Albert street, for the past week, has returned to her home iu! Toronto. RAILWAY SYSTEM Christmas & New Year's Single First Class Fare Golng Decembe 4th nu for etry an Dectrbur oa Sheth for return wath 2nd, 1017. $ ¢ ] First Class Fare and One- Gelag December 21st to December Inclusive, valid for return Dee 16; alse golax i December Zia, 1916, until January 3rd, 1947. Bot good oun trains | and 14 rente -- For PAllmAn accommodation, {ickets. and all Gther information, a 10.3. P. | Hanley, gent Corner Johns n and On- 4 streeg t ! Le tor ali. Ocean Steamship: Fines. naa ony. {Ring ®:. © . The last Friday of the year will be marked by this extra special attraction -- and should prove an advantageous occasion for the New Year gift giver, as well as every bargain-wise woman who has house- hold necessities to purchase. Save 10 Per Cent on All Cash Purchases BY SHOPPING HERE TOMORROW ! Something Special for Saturday AT DAVIES Fresh Pork Liver. . Hearts . Kidneys . =.= Side Ribs, . . .. Sc lb. 123c Ib. .. 15¢ Ib. .. 16¢ 1b. FOR DAINTY PORK PIES Fresh Pork Pie Meat, . . 16¢ Ib. solid meat Wm.Davies' Co., limited, Phone 397 "THE RIDEAU" A Convenient Train. Leaves Kingston 5.40 p.m. Falls, Merrickville, Kemptville, Etc. Perth, Smith's Arrives Ottawa 10.00 Sparks daily except Sunday, for p.m., Central Station, Street. HOLIDAY RATES 'F. Conway, City Passenger Agent, Cor. Princess and Wellington Streets. Phone 1197. A DEPENDABLE DAY TRAIN Between Kingston and Ottawa Lv. Kingston ... Ar. Ontawa (Daily Ex. Son.) Lv, Ottawa .e . Ar. Kingston a 'en Ba Datly BE % | Library -Ohservation-Parlor ars tween Herrowsmilh and Ottawa £1 is he. information apply to . Taronta, Ont, Axey, Station: Agent, or M. CO ty Agent, or write ta BR 1 Fairbairn, General Passenger Agent, 6§ 4 For Tickets and E. The prayers of somes Christians + have not circle enough to take in any but the immediate family, CANADIAN PAaciric. still your best friends. YOU CAN VISIT THEM BY " NEW EXCURSIONS J 2 FARE 'AND ONE-THIRD -- Going December 28, 20, 30 and 31. Return limit, January 8. Purchase in advance. Tickets now on . F. Conway, C.P.A.. City ticket office, cor. Princess and Wellington Ste, Miss M. A. Storey, eighty years old, jumped from a moving train at Uxbridge, was drawn under the car and fatally injured, on returning from a Christmas visit. :