WE EXTEND GREETINGS and thanks to all our customers and friends for your patronage during the | past nine months, and our wish is | Municipal Elections. The labor men stuck to Dr. Rich- that we may serve you better during | 3,45on last January and they will 1917, | give him strong support again on May you have a happy and pros-| yi,ngqay perous New Year. The BON MARCHE Cor. King and Earl St. Caverly and Bradshaw 'Wood's: The Great English Toues sod invigorates Se an, Lures Nervous of Eneroy, Palpitotion Drug Store The Popular NEELEY Ir, M. 0. D. 0 OPTOMETRIST AND OPTICIAN, 236 Princess Street. 8 @oors above the Opera House XMAS SUGGESTIONS FOR MEN. Beautifully boxed ar- ticles: Linen Handk'fs, hand initialed, 6 in box, $1.50. Mayor Richardson, as president of { the Children's Ald Society, does not Phone 1844 | propose to treat unfortunate fathers / and mothers as if there was no hope | for them, when their children are | taken from them. That was a happy scheme of Mayor Richardson in saving the city fater- est on $56,000 on street lighting, wasn't it? And some people have the audacity to say that the city needs a "business" man for mayor. Kingston does not want a "busin- ess" man for mayor who stands by and sees the city soaked for over 1 $330 demurrage because he failed to | arrange for the unloading of a coal vessel. That was Ald. Hughes' idea of a good business. Electors of all wards should steer clear of candidates who would vote to spend thousands of dollars in ex- pensive street paving in these war times. Ald. Hughes is a street pav- jing enthusiast and Kingston cannot stand for road luxuries at present. - One of Dr. Richardson's ardent supporters is Ex-Mayor Graham, who will work in Rideau and Victoria wards for the re-election of the pres- {ent mayor, who, he believes, is the man the people should elect, because he is of the safe type to be at the head of affairs. The people of Rideau and Fron- tenac wards promise to give Mayor Richardson good majorities. The other wards will also help in the good work. ¢If a fifth man had stood in Rideau ward, Payne would not have a sup- porter in Council from that ward. Payne is linked up with Laturney, and the Rideau ward eléctors should get wise to this, Anglin, Norris and Polson are the representatives Cataraqui ward are sure to choose on Monday, "I am working to elect Dr. Richard- son as mayor," said C. J. Graham to the Whig to-day, "and 1 hope to see him win on Monday. He's the right man for the position, and I'll help him all I can.' The public school voters in Rideau ward should give Norman Smith a chance to represent them on the Board of Education. He knows all MORE CHRISTMAS EVENTS CHILDREN AT ST. JOHN'S CHURCH PORTSMOUTH, ENTERTAINED. Annual Event of St. Andrew's Church Was Held on Friday Night-- Chalmers Sunday School Also Had o~ : The Christmas tree and entertain iment for the children of St. John's church at Portsmouth was held on Thursday night, and it was a happy event. The children were given a supper at 5 o'clock, after which there Was a programme, in which the child- ren took part, and following the pro- gramme the presents were taken from the tree, Frank Nicholson filling the role of Santa Claus. The rector, Rev. J, O. Crisp, pre- sided, and J. B, Walkem preseated the prizes given for regular attendance at the Sunday school, This year, on ac- count of the war, the scholars did not have their usual treat, devoting their money to the Belgian Relief Fund. ---- i Chalmers Christmas Event. A 'splendid entertainment was held in Chalmers church Sunday School when Prof. Henderson showed some good views of the Rocky Moun- tains and gave a most instructive address to a large audience. The entertainment was augumented by musical items' that were well re- ceived. D. J. Laidlaw presided. It will be remembered that instead of the usual Christmas tree and enter- tainment this year the gifts were presented to the children before Christmas and this event was to take Sydenham Street Methodist, The primary and junior depart. ments of Sydenham street Method! Church Sunday School Suspenders, arm bands | christmas and srs, 75c and $1. Sik Scatfs, 25¢, S0c, : $l up ta, $1.50 to 00 2 Shirts, soft or stiff cuffs, $2.50 to $3.50 Pyjamas in silkein and = $2 to $3. 'Neck 25¢, 50c, ¢ are always appreci- oF x 5 SHEEN the place of the usual entertainment. | o about the needs of the kids and is a popular resident of that ward. It will be & great race in Sydenham ward, but something will have gone wrong if the ward does not elect Black and Millan. The popular trio in Frontenac ward are Corbett, Smith and Wright. Ald. Peters has fallen from grace over the fair grounds matter and getting that job for Contractor Payne. | inthe Cie Moma. | CANDIDATES WHO SHOULD BE ELECTED. Mayore-- Dr. A. W, Richardson. Aldermen-- Sydenham Ward. Dr. D. Allen Black. D. J. Millan. H. C. Nickle or T. J. O'Connor. - mr ------ Clugston and Couper are aldermen to whom Rideau Ward electors pip their faith. Pjth are good repre- sentatives, The Weekly Bulletin says: "There will be no work on Monday at the Locomotive Works. all hands will join in rolling up a big majority for Dr. Richardson." Major Richardson saved the citizens from having to erect an unnecessary OChiMren's Aid shelter, which would have added two mills to the taxes. Keep him in office, "Remember, Dr, Richardson has been one of the best mayors that Kingston has ever had. Did you ever hear him speak? He is a daisy and an ornament to the city. Vote for him on Monday." This is the ad- vice given the people by Editor Daley of the Kingston Weekly Bulletin. Ln UTILITIES COMMISSION HOLDS FINAL MEETING Davis Tannery V Wants Power. Commission Concludes a Most Satisfactory Year. The Utilities Commission held its last meeting of the year on Friday afternoon, with Chairman T. J. Rig- ney and Commissioners Toye and El- liott and Mayor Richardson present. Elmer Davis, of the Davis Tannery Company, asked the Commission to quote a price for power .supply. He was not in a position - to say how much power would be needed nor when he might require it. The Com- mission instructed the manager to report on the matter, A statement was received from the city treasurer with regard to balances on hand, but more detailed informa- tion will have to be given as to"the nature of the balances. The Commission will be unable for some time yet to announce what its profits for the year will be. The Commission has concluded the most satisfactory year since the city took over the electric and gas plants. 900 000000 200000000 0000e + PHONE THE RESULTS + + T0 WHIG OFFICE. ¢ * » 4 Supporters of Dr. Richardson ¢ ® would do the Whig a favor by + # telephoning the results at their ¢ + polling sub-division as soon as + 4 the count is made on Monday + + evening. Telephone No. 243. + + The aldermanic results will also + # be eagerly awaited by hundreds + © of people at the Whig bulletin. + 'Township of 'Reeve---R. 'W. Longmore, Deputy-Reeve---Peter Weese. 1SUEET, "Was hostess at * ander PAGE SEVEN Mrs. D. B.' Murray, Kensington avenue, entertained at a jolly Christ- mas party oi Wednesday evening in honor of hes children, the Misses | Marjorie, Dorothy and Jean Murray and Master Willie. 'Among the guests were many little Kingstonians. -. * Ld Mrs. R. Easton Burns, Frontenac a patriotic bridge on Thursday afternoon. There were ten tables in play, additional guests coming in at the tea hour. A most satisfactory sum was realized for the Red Cross Fund. * - * Mrs. W. L. Goodwin, Alice street, was hostess at the tea hour on Fri- day. * Ld * Mrs, John McKay, Sydenham street, entertained informally at the tea hour on Friday afternoon. - . * . Miss Cooley, New York, who is with Miss Edna Booth, is a much-feted guest in town this week. 3 » » Mrs. H. E. Day, 271 Alfred street, will not receive again this winter. . . . Mr. and Mrs. George Bickham and Wallace Bickham, Montreal, spent Christmas with their mother, Mrs, James Bickham, 37 Charles street. Mrs. Cawthra Mulock, Mrs. W. Mu- lock and Miss Johnson, Toronto, were at the artillery dance on Thursday night. Mr, and Mrs. W. Wendling Anglin and wee baby, who spent Christmas Fwith~ Mrs. "W: G. Anglin, Earl street, returned to their home in St. Cathar- ines on Wednesday. Mrs. Martin Gordon, military nurse in the Kingston Convalescent Home, is spending a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Graham, Ottawa, » * - Mrs. J A. Gould and three daugh- ters, Kingston, spent Christmas at Mrs. J. H. Clapp's, Napanee. Hon. Martin Burrell, Minister of Agriculture will be the guest of A, T. Harshaw, Napanee, during the Dairymen's Convention next week. Miss Josephine Loucks, Water- town, N.Y. and Miss Gertrude Rog- ers, Napanee, spent the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. -J. B. Rogers, Kingston, Mrs. R. F. Segsworth, South Drive, Toronto, will spend the New Year's holidays in Kingston. R. F. Corbett left for New York this week after spending Christmas with his parents Mr. and Mrs. John Corbett, Alfred Street. * - ¥ The first Curling Club tea of the season was held on Wednesday after- noon, when the hostesses were Mrs. W. R. Givens, Mrs. R. 8. Wald- ron and Miss Lettice Tandy. The other guests included: Mrs, H. L. Ash- by, Mrs. Norman Fraser, Mrs. Elmer Davis, Mre. F. R. Phillips, *Mrs. M, T. Wheeler, of Ottawa; Mrs. John Mac- Kay and Mrs. Harry Mooers. Miss Willa TyTron, of Ottawa, is the guest of Mrs, Lindsay Malcolm. Al- bert street William and Edward O'Donnell, New York Ctty, spent Christmas with Miss Florence O'Donnell, Arch street. - . - Miss Marguerite Bellhouse, Mont- real, arrived in town on Friday, and will be the guest of her mother, Mrs. W. A. Bellhouse, Earl street, until after the New Year. v Lieut. M. Howard Penhale left on Friday to spend New Year's at his home in Sherbrooke. " Mrs. M. T, Wheeler, who has been Coutts in Toronto, spent a few days this week with Mrs. Francis Phillips, Johnson street, before returning to her home in Ottawa. . + of in Toronto with Charles Coutts, has returned to town. Mrs. James Rigney, George street, left to-day for London, where she will spend a month with her mother, Mrs. Regan. Miss Mattie Robertson, who spent the early part of the weak with Mrs. R. Uglow, "Barnle street, left on Thursday for Peterboro to visit friends before returning to her home in Fenelon Falls. Mrs, J. K. Stewart, Ottawa, arrived in town on Friday to wisit Mrs. Alex- Magkio, Clergy street. Migs Mary White, Toronto, is the Guest of Miss Going, University avenue, for over the holiday. is 3 F. Anderson, Niagara Falls, is the ot Prof. ant Mrs. T. 8. Scott, 18 while she is in the chy. son ill fo the General 'M. Oldham, Desboro, M. Boyd, Sydenham street. the guest of her brother, Charles] STORE OPEN TO-NIGHT UNTIL 10 O'CLOCK with GREAT LISTS OF "DOLLAR DAY" BARGAINS Thank You! OEE AEA OER SEAOOEERAORRRS RET OAAORARER OE We wish to thank you for the confidence you have had in this store as exp by your patronage during the year. we are pleased with the material success of our endeavors. Nahuwallv, It wou be rank affectation to deny it; for this store, like all others, is primar- ily a business proposition; and it is only sheer common sense to make it as attractive as we possibly can, to make its service as pleasant, courteous and efficient as it can be made, and to offer as good mer- chandise for as low prices as experience, hard work, wise planning and ready cash can accomplish; in order to-make it a successful busi- ness proposition. We are sincerely glad that we have succeeded in doing things suf- ficiently well to win your approval, to the extent that we have and intend to keep on doing them better as far as sustained effort can ac- complish this purpose. May the New Year bring to us all Peace with honor, happiness and Prosperity. Ms J w Fraser, Barrie street, has returned to Belleville. Mrs. P. H, Rew, who has been visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Gamsly, left yes- Harry Wade, who spent Christmas | iag the holidays with ber aunt, Miss | terday for Montreal, where she will spend a few days with Mrs. Robert Armour before going on to her heme in New York, Hector Watts, Detroit, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Watts, Stuart street. . . - Miss Wilson, of Edmonton, who is at present visiting friends in Belle- ville, is expected in town next week to be the guest of Mrs. Constantine. F. C. T. O'Hara, Ottawa, was in town for a few days this week. Major and Mrs, Carr-Harris, Barrie street, have returned from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Baker and child- ren have been visiting Dr. Baker In New York, and will return to thé city after the New Year. Miss Edna Alken is home from To- ronto, and is with her pareats, Mr. | Mrs. R, C. Alken, Unton street Miss Margaret Dunnett is spending afew days in the city. Mrs, William Dunnett and Master Kenneth have gone to Athens on a visit with friends. ? x ah \ 3 # MAY THE NEW YEAR WITNESS THE FULFIL MENT OF MANY A LONG CHERISHED DESIRE. gs Sw $ tore