Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Jan 1917, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR patrols the ocean, but its guns are} -| silent. Therefore the British muni- tion shops, employed in the produc- tion of shells for battleships; Is at liberty to give thé -Americans tho munitions they want and at a' mini- mum of cost, President Wilson has made an ap- peal for aid in behalf of the Red Cross Fund. Since the war began America has contributed $2,000,000 in Red Cross work in all the belliger- ent countries, A CALL TO HARMONY. The tour of the Quebecers through Ontario, and Incidentally the ac- centuation of opinion, Is very sug- gestive. Our public men, represent- ing two provinces, of different na- tionalities and tongues, have been expressing sentiments of the most aceptable kind. They have been Published Daily ih eX! giving : evidence of the spirit that C0, dominates them, a spjirit that moves I G Bllott ............... President|them to unity of action. Nothing oman A Gulia .. Mandélis Dizestor could be more appreciable than the : testimony which they have been Business oma imhemens. bearing to the service of the Cana- Paitoria k 23% dians at the front without distine- tion as to nationality. The men in arms, and in the fight, tional or racial feelings. They have struggled side by side, having but one aim in mind, and that is the sue- One year. cess of the Allies 'and the cause One , 10 United States YO Sammi Weekly Edition) One year, by mall, cash $1.00 y no d in advance $1. One Fear: 20 Boltie Sires Suse have not been influenced by any sec-' -__ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY JANUARY 10, 1917. Bibbys January lic,opinion. This seems remarkable, | » éince the deputy minister of agricul- CLERKS QOING . ture said the press had supported the INTO OVERALLS change, and the press is supposed to! reflect generally the mind of the | su : people, Evidently in this case the Toronto Star. press was what used to be called "a! It is said that wages paid in muni- : » tion factories in the United States itrte previous, - o are so good that they tempt clerks EDITORIAL NOTES, . The liberals of West Simcoe are pave heen drawing more than twice' working for the election of Mr. Seott, las much in powder works, and will a life-long temperanee man. The S00 he duing Whatter than that. . os ere are, however, some objec- Rowell party, pledged to prohition, | 100 to the change, other than a away into overalls. Two youths who! drew $10 to $12 a week as clerks Ji are supporting him. | craving for good clothes and gentil- {ity. The work in the factories is 'German bonds are being brought fo | too hard for men with soft hands and America by the Deutschland for sale] soft muscles. The employment is precarious. It will cease when the to the extent of $25,000,000, borers than for those in clerical posi- that menaced the scheme by the legis- lation of last year. | U. 8. the workers are unemployed on {the average one-fifth of the year. It is a question whether any infor- | mation leakéd out of the White! ¢ i Coal. House and caused the flurry on the | ronto The Price of Coal stock market recently, It is not im- The people of Toronto and Ontario probable that something may have|are interested in the mews from : { Washington that the Government been stolen, and the thief is not £%°| has discovered indications of illegal ing to conYess his sin. said that dealers are withholding x and three months pro re which they defend. The spring of Attached 1s one of the best 3ob| greatest enthusiasm was struck when erinting offices in Canada. Mr. Rowell read the letter of one Pe Ontario officer who paid tribute to he i of t's, BRITT the gallantry of a French-Canadian ABO regiment. It had stood its ground Audit Burean of Clrculations against great odds. All but a handful of the men had been cut down. Nor the men had been cut down. Nor There Is a new chapter upon the| Was this all. Though relleved of Ros rifle, and it comes from Ottawa. | uty, after a storming the most dis- It is to the effect that the govern-|astrous, the remuant offered to stay With their relievers and fight it to the end. WHAT ARE THE FACTS? ment papers have been entirely wrong in attributing to the Laurier government the blame for prodvcing| In the face of such bravery, the re- an arm, whieh, in service, has been | ital of which called for a tremend- found so faulty and so unsatisfac-|OUS ovation, it is deplorable that tory, The Laurier government did|2BY One dare reflect upon the pat- have manufactured for it a certain |TiOtSm of any class in Canada. The number of Ross rifles, These were| Bonne Entente is something which regarded as very superior at the| deserves the warmest support of time, especially by marksmen in the |®¥ery Canadian, and the pity is that shooting matches. the campaign of a few days could The Ross riffe, at any time, was| 20t be extended to a campaign of the product of the government, and | 5¢veral weeks in order that every was made by Sir Charles Ross at his| Part of Canada, in which there are factory in Quebec from specifications | different nationalities, might see that were supplied to him. The Bor-| BOW cordially men can co-operate in den government amended the speci-| the test of ail movements, fications and. ordered the rifles which| Those who suggested the Bonne were given to the Cahadian soldiers| Eutente can afford to ignore the su- __when they left Valcartier, and after-| SPicion with which it was at first re- | S------------ Why are the liquor men still deter | past trom the market and making as the Hearst government? Because it [high as $150 on a carload of anthra- Such returns are exasperating clare. They do not expect to see a of Ontario depend entirely upon the s vernment re-established, | American mines for their coal they lsanse govern . bal a are helpless so far as regulating but they do expx:t to balance a i prices is concerned. They should, counts. however, benefit if a reduction in e---------- | quotations is forced across the line: The members of the second com-! mission, appointed by Sir George dearness of labor wholly accounts : = ig | for existing prices. One abuse is Perley to {eview the Bruce commis | the control of mines and railways by sion's report, do not dispute that | te same groups of eapitalists, who there were undesirables among the have a double opportunity to get the medicals appointed to serve in the | better of the public. war. # cays the proportion was note tul incentive to the people of this unduly large. Should there he any | province to support the Hydro-Ra- proportion of doped and intemperate | dial project. Once the problem of men in a service so important? | cheaper electric heat is solved On- Hon. Mr, Blondin becomes the post: i ay al lost in securing control of Master-general of Canada; Hon. Mr. | a5} sources of supply and all operat- Patenmauwde becomes the minister of ing plants. inland revenue; and Hon. Mr. Sevigny Jee becomes ,the secretary of state, All GIRL DIES AS RESULT these are nationalists. All the re- OF SUICIDE PACT presentatives of Quebec in the Borden ---- government, excepting one, are of the | Hep Sweetheart Fails to Keep same party, The nationalists are, Agreement to Swallow therefore, the strength and hope of Tablets. the present government. ---- ss Baltimore, 'Jan. 10.-- Esther An- wards. These rifles and the ammuni-| 88rded' by Some misguided people. tion that went with them did not|The Entente has behind it the strong. work, and it was only after-the rifies| ®t Of public sympathy, and the or- had been condemned by successive|Sanizers Bt it have the very sincere British officers, in charge of the Ca-|tbanks of the Canadian people for Dadian soldiers, that they were aban-| the gdod they have already seccom- doned and replaced by the Lee-En-| Plished. 2s field rifles, t eT ------ee The whole story about the Ross| The colonels and others who are rifie has not been told, and will not| *"628ed in recruiting, or jn any be, until it has been released by the| ™Iltary service, should keep out of censors; but one thing is certain-- [the elections. The ordinary laymen the statement of the government| an bandle loeal issues without their press is not correct. There Is noth-| 2d ' I ing to justify the attempt which has been made to show that whatever be AUTHORITIES WILL. DIFFER, wrong with the rifle it has its origin The meeting of the Dairymen's with the mismanagement and mis-| Assoelation of Eastern Ontario led direction of the Laurier ministry. to some serious differences of opinion The Laurier government had nothing among the delegates upon certain Whatever to do with the Ross rifle Questions. One was the payment of which went into the war. the patrons of cheese factories for It was Mr. Rowell, who, in. the! he quality of their milk, rather than legislature, last session, moved that 'M® 9UABMty of it. The point was the municipalities have control over ae aa banquet of the Holstein the dew power development scheme of that the Holstein cattle . the Ron the yest. The government voted thi doy this, vor quality of milk, and the more of pro tion down. it, and the revelation came from an AIDING THE AMERICANS, expert of thé Experimental Farm at The American manufacturers have Ottawa. not ceased to be astonished over the - Now come the makers of butter competition of the British shell i and cheese with a distinct difference makers in ynderbidding them for tha; of Opinion respecting the valuation of last big order for the navy. It rep-| milk, and resents many millions of dollars. On the 16-inch shells the British ] company bid $613 each for an order| change.in valuation. It is of 3,000 shells to be delivered in six-| od by Mesars.'Zufelt and 'een smonths. This was more than Kingston; whose standing in 3200 lower than the best American| business ig unchallenged. They bid. There was a similar disparity that the law is a good 'one, between the Hadfield's bid on 14-| men can "jdersony the 16-yeaivbld girl who last Wednesday night swallowed three great work being defeated in the Pro-| tions. People talk in 'awe-stricken Hi] vince. It is the government of On- | tense of mechanics ea vping five dol- }i tarfo which the Telegram supports lars a day, but they forget the many! i Says of enforced idleness. The fact iH is i . : o | cite. took their money in the last election | o householders who are paying and then sold them out. So they de- from $9 to $10 a ton. As the people Is not likely that the scarcity and!} { The high coal Il} prices of 1916-17 should he a pow- tario will' be independent of Ameri-(}i As little time as possible] 11] 3 to German sympathizers. They are | Bre: 15 DVR the vocasional Hi! being peddled out most secretly and | worker who 1s not a skilled mechanic Ji { may have difficulty in finding another Ji ---------- { Job. || The Toronto Telegram is troubled Long periods of unemployment are 4 over the prospects of Sir Adam Beck's | lore common for mechanics ani la- Hl that in the basic industries in the Hi | manipulation of coal prices. It is Hil Regular $1.00 and $1.25 values. Sizes 14 to 17, for \ These Shirts will Not Be Shown In Our Windows. $4.00 and $5.00. tinue selling them Men's Shoes Tan, black and patents; all new and nifty styles. Special values While our present stock of at Old Prices men's fine shoes lasts, we will con- at the same old prices, $4.00 and $5.00. Try Bibbys $1.00 Rubbers. HOUSE and STORE LI STOCK OF FIXTURES IN KINGSTON EVENTS bichloride of mercury tablets as the result of what she said was a *'sui- cide pact" with her sweetheart, An- drew Kuhn, 17 years old, died yes- terday. Kuhn was not looked upon * 25 YEARS AGO. Jwith faver by the girl's parents, aad Mayor-elect Donald Melntyre has finally had been forbidden to come to Promised the mayor's medal for the house. ' Queen's for this year, Kuhn had given her three tablets, Prof. Marshall has been appointed | saying that he would take three also DC IT ELECTRICALLY -- LET US WIRE YOUR HOUSE NOW -- SHIING A SPECIALTY. LARGEST CITY. SEE OUR NEW DESIGNS. Moore's Electric Shop Queen's delegate to the bi-centenary land that, since they could not be to- festival of Trinity College, Dublin. gether in life, they would die to- It has been decided by the Privy | gether. She swallowed the three tab- Council that Lieut.-Col. H. R. S + {lets, she said, but Kuhn, after tasting deputy ser t-at-arms, is to s@e- fone of his; spat it out and complained ceed Lieut~Col. Macdonald as ser- that it was bitter, It is thought, geant-at-arms in the House of Com- however, that he did swallow a por- mons at Ottawa. tion of one of the tablets. + ruE PEG TOOTH in a short space of. time and, when The Peg Tooth is an infirm substi- not used for chewing purposes, will tute for the real article which is kept last as long as the glue does, The Pag in place by hope and a poor brand of Tooth can be had in any desired glue. color, and will improve the personal 4 teeth are justly considered a appearance of anybody who has gone séourge to humanity than the without two or three front teeth for double-tongued & couple of months, youth to old Owing to its frail nature, nobody than can rely upon the Peg Tooth with any ( Alkali In Shampoos Bad For the Hair If you want to keep your hair look- ing its best, be careful what you wash it with. Don't use prepared sham- poos or anything else, that contains too much alkali. This dries the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and ruins it. The best thing for steady use is nw (Just ordinary mulsified 'cocoanut ofl (which is pure and greaseless), and is better than the most expensive Soap or anything else you can use. One or two teaspoonfuls will cleanse the hair and scalp thorough- ly. Simply moisten the hair with wa- ter and rub it in. It makes an ad- undance of rich, creamy lather, which rinses out easily, removing every particle of dust, dirt, dandruff and excessive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, fluffy and eagy to manage. : You can get mulsified cocoanut ofl at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, and a few ounces will supply every member of the family for months. Am a y swore off; they ASTEURIZATIO

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