PAGE TWELVE TY You Must Save Money This Year. Why Not Start Right. We Sell McCORMACK RECORDS, 11-in. for $1; 12-in. for $1.25 -- double sides. What Have You Been Paying? THE rN CR Sn FULTON IN LINE | @ives Him Chance With Champion. Fred Fulton, of Rochester Minn, knocked out Tom Cowler, of Eng- land, in the first round of a ten- round match in Brooklyn. Fulton weighed 218 pounds and Cowler 208%. Fulton did « very effective work with his left, scoring hooks and jars to the face.- Cowler sent in several hard body blows and brought his right to the head three times. Fulton, however, kept on the aggressive, and with a left hook to the jaw floored The Eng- 2... |Cowler? ix. Columbia Records, the finest in the world. Given | oF Tet Of S52, aye Eng. gold medals by the best judges in the world, sell at 85¢ for 10-in.; and $1.25 to $3.00 for 12-in. Try a few--you will be satisfied. another left to the jaw ended the contest. Cowler recently beat ""Gun- | boat" Smith. He is a protege of Jim | Corbett, who considered that he had a good chance of wresting Willard's laurels away from him. Fulton, who is almost as tall as the chanipion, has been fighting successfully of late and | there is much liklihood that he will | be matched with the title holder in . -. i Treadgold Sporting Goods Co." readgold Sporting Goods Co. == 88 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. | Number Arriving From Toronto and | Elsewhere in St. Catharines. St. Catharines, Jan. 11.--About NG. girls are' expected to arrive a ---- ETT in a wunition factory. here this week from Toronto to work One of the PARLOR FURNITURE Special prices on these suites. 3 piece Mahg. Suites $25 to $125 5 piece Mahg. Suites, $25 to $35 40 Suites to choose from. Tables, Cabinets, Jardinieres, Pedestals. Agents for Pathe Freres. J Absolutely the Best Machine . Made. J. Reid, Leading Undertaker | Re hhiLLL + Home Defence! Men Wanted for. the NAVY R. N. C. V. R. Atlantic Division Th increased German submarine activities in the North Atlantic eall for increased cruiser protection for the shores of Canada and the trade routes. Men up to 45 years of age of previous sea-faring experience will be enrolled at once for the NORTH ATLANTIC PATROL SERVICE PAY: Seamen $1.10 Stokers $1.20 ation 'wance $20 Applicants must be of good physique and character and not over 45 years of age. BOYS TOO Also a limit®l nuniber of boys from 15 to 18 years old will be enrolled for the home defence service, receiving pay at the rate ofi 50c. per day. to Apply COMMODORE £MILIUS JARVIS Naval Recruiting Officer for Ontario Jarvis Building TORONTO WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE Steam Vulcanizing | large hotels of the city Has been fitt- ed up as a hostel for female help coming from other centres. A num- ber of "girls of good families in St. Catharines are accepting positions as shell inspectors in munition plants to relieve men. One large factory is changing its machinery so that girls may do nearly all the work. woud DOOLIN TO MANAGE. Former Major League Comes to the International. the Phillies and formerly with Baltimore and Chicago Federal #| League clubs, has signed a contract {to manage the Rochester Interna- | tional League club. - He has been | with the New York Giants since the | Federal League went out of exist- | ence, ---- Wilde Coming. | Jimmy Wilde, England's sensa- | tional little boxer, intends to migrate { to Canada. Several fine offers have | been received by him for bouts and | he wants to accept them. He has | tried many times to go to war, but he has always been turned down. | Wilde weighs only 98 pounds, but it | is said that he hits like a lightweight. i | Henley Regatta Awaits Peace, { W. D. McKenzie presided at the an- pial meeting of the Henley Royal Regatta Stewards at the Leander | Club. The Committee of Manage- { ment, of which C. Gurdon is chair- | man, .was re-elected, but owing to the war no proposition was made in regard to fixing the date for the next regatta. FOR JESS WILLARD : i * Easy Victory Over Cowler|+ Shortstop Mike Doolan, former shortstop for the LADY CURLERS TO QUIT GAME FOR RED CROSS. Peterbore ' Ladies' Curling Club, who looked forward to a tsg season this winter, with club matches and occasional fix- tures with ladies' clubs fromg other cities, have decided to abandon the game entirely this season. The members are unanimously of the opinion that it is prefer- able to devote the time, money and energy which it was intend- ed to expend oh the roarin' game to the purpose of the Red Cross, and have planned a busy winter in that patriotic cause. LEE EEL EERE RE XR REE | | berber e ere SSb bret eee Ex-Jockey Frank Laudry is now in the automobile business in New Or- leans. Laudry now weighs 165 pounds. Cass Hale, one of the old guard of race-goers, and known on every course in America, died in New Or- leans this week. Now ARROW dmJit COLLARS are curve cut to fit the shoulders perfectly. 15 cots cach, § forgor CLUETT. PEABODY & CO: INC Makers DAILY BRITISH WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1917. "RED" MURRAY GIVEN OUTRIGHT RELEASE Former Giant Outfielding Star Retires From Game as Active Player. John "Red" Murray, the former New York Giant player, who last year held down one of the outfield posi- tions for the Leafs, has been given his outright release by the Toronto club, and will act as manager of the Elmira, New York State club, the coming season. Murray was a free agent when secured by the Leafs last summer, The new Elmira manager, accom- panied by several of the directors of that club, arrived here yesterday and met President McCaffery in a" con- ference. The later had no inkling that Murray was contemplating being a manager, but immediately gave him hig release when confronted with the fact. Too Often to the Well, The Toronto Globe says: Tommy Bawlf made the mistake of thinking there was no limit to the gullibility of New York hockey managers. He got away with the story that the Pittsburg team was an amateur or- ganization, made up of young gen- tlemen friends of Tommy Ross, who just slip down from Canada and pay their own expenses, because the'ice is better on the banks of the Monon- gahela River than around Ottawa apd Buckingham. The tale, though, that the Toronto team in the N.H.A., was on an amateur basis last season was more than they could swallow, and Tommy got the gate. The skate- sharpening lads are retained, though, just to show there is no real feeling in the matter. Bawlf could make a place with the Ottawa Aberdeens now, In the World of Sport Get Back of a Milo . Start the New Year right by smoking MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Kingston. G. A. McGOWAN, Manufacturer, Kingston. --------) Kingston's Electric Store Now is the time to get your house wired. Let us give you a price. House Wiring Our Specialty. H.W.Newman Electric Co. Phone 441 79 Princess St. ARTIFICIAL ICE ARENA IN MONTREAL AFTER WAR Spectators Will See Games Through Windows of Heavy Plate Glass. Sporting people with money are al- ready discussing "after-the-war™ plans. These include the oft-referred- to new hockey arena and a new club- house for the Royal Montreal Golf Club. The arena, for which plans are said to have been made, will have teresa g opera chairs and plate-glass enclos- ures for the spectators, which, as the plate-glass will be removable, will turn the new building after the winter is over into a first-class amusement building, Used Skates 100 Years Old. Yesterday Wilson Chambers, aged over seventy, skated up Chippawa Creek from his home near Welland- port, Ont,, to Niagara Falls on a pair of Duatch skates more than one hun- dred years old. He has skated for more than half a céntury. If You Are A Shrewd Buyer, A Close Buyer, Here's Your Chance to Practice Economy. & sonable price are appreciated. tunity timely and money saving. thing House. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS BUT ONCE CANIN ANIA Aan Sp TAN The way in which the public has responded in this great Clothing Sale has again demon- strated the fact that the Lion Clothing House efforts to supply reliable merchandise at a rea- Come, be numbered among the many who find this oppor- Our sale prices are a source of wonder to all. handing down some values worthy of your consideration. Come and have your share. Everybody is going to the Lion Clo We are Everything is marked in plain figures and one price to all. Boys' good strong school suits. Sizes 25 to 34. Sale Price .. .._ $3.19 CHILDREN'S SUITS SALE PRICE .... 2.75 Men's Good Overcoats Sizes 38, 40, 42. Sale Price .. ... $8.00 We are still selling that good fast indigo blue serge suit, Regular $25 value. Sizes 35 to 44. Sale Price .. .. $20.00 Our space will not al- low us to quote all the numerous ins. We are still selling Men's good Working Suits; sizes 38 to 44, at Sale Price .. ... $6.00 Big Men, Look! Dress Shirts, regular 75¢ value; Sizes 16 and 163. SALE PRICE . . . 53¢ If for any reason an article fails to give satis- faction, return it and we will replace same cheer- fully. - Children's Overcoats. Sizes 21 and 25. SALE PRICE . . $3.50 $22.00 Overcoats, SALE PRICE . -. $16.50 House, 347-349 King Street Call - re AN san get our elsewhere. First class work ana res~ F. J. Pearson & Co. Cor Queen and Bagot Sts, ONE HAS TO USE A DIFFERENT ARGUMENT TO SELL TAPE THAN TO SELL SILK. \ THATS NO EXCUSE RoR LOSING a) s, YOU Always want 1g | WE EM SOME €xCUSE, Some REASON FoR THE PRICE Bene Ra Sort Bei Soty "Nervous | | I The Lion Clothing . The Bargain Spot of Kingston. In Rodger's Old The well-known Canadian boxing champion who has been killed tion. in ac- By BUD FISHER. QUITE TRUE, MADAM, THIS TAPE 15 Gg Hite THAN LAST monTH, BUT TERRISG EQunacTIaL BuT I Cet some TAPE Exalroy URE THIS LasT MONTH ROR S¢ WHAT You Sav .18 TRUE, MADAM, THIS SILK 1S a DOLLAR MIGNER. BUT SIR, SHE SAID SHE GOT [INiheR. WORK Today MUTT srr mag! NUK XT JST got a Jo aS SERR iv a DRVGooDS STORE. XY Smarr To Hance, 30 sa N ta T SAY AND Youll GET | VARD CHEAPER, | NOW Yo Mane T TIN ETT " Bam uawer a TT » NOW TNE NEXT CUSTOMER THE SAME sik {| wo COMES IN TU HANDLE AND You usTen TO wHAT 5 & A YARD and now 11 STORMS Have Ki ed YOu Ask. 1Q¢ ALL THE pg