Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1917, p. 1

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Ei te idea a haat J 8 PAGES KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MONDAY, JANUARY 15, 1917 : i LAST EDITION WEALTHY LUMBERMAN | FORCE GERMANS BACK | PREMIER NORRIS A PATRIOT. GOVERNMENT TO ronoven amis BRITAIN NEEDS -« miczsow |THE MERE FACT |" Session HOT PRESSURE Between Monestirka and Koch- | inmipos. dane 1B é APRS Had Large Timber Interests in inul in Rumania, it Is Of- | es. dan 5 Danton, OF TAINTY Ottawa Valley and British FROM ' ficially Announced. y a Oa - L | Columbia. ---- ---- ip : rm YEAR 84 -NO, 32 | | Manitoba Patriotic Fuad, of which he Renfréw, Jan. 15.--Alexander (Special to the Whig.) 3g, 0 Petrograd, Jan. 15.~~Russlan and | {is president, sald Friday night: "It is i ay Barnet, f Renfrew, millionaire Strong Action AC Fernie is Certain Unless Rumanian forces forced back their {On the Western Front 10 Smash Cermag backing up of such mien as Premier In West Simcoe Flction Demensirates lumberman, died at "his _-- Likely to Have its Effect on German Pre- {Norris that has helped 'us to get this Friday after.d brief illness. He had (Rumania), to-day's official state- | | Those immediately in dharge are feel- to Wednesday, when he caught a Ge ackers th ile | § ; Operators Give Way. hetween Monestirka and Kachinui| «Liles Ad End War. rand. now oven. tr laion Sl Good Liberal Campaign. BIE Bre a en. He had fess | ment asserted, ing the debt they owe the Premier. cold, which developed into pneu- ---- EE ' -- 9, | "In this region," the statement | The support of Govern: t has done jo: J monia. THE MEN S CAUSE UPHELD said "the Rumanians after a violent | more than any other single thing to Mr. Barnet was born on a farm in | bayonet encounter, threw the enemy | {assist us. Indeed, we, have here : Renfrew County in 1840 and in 3 i back 3,500 feet southward, and later, | | gentlemen, [Aneel the bravest politi- 1563 helcaue a resident of this town, : 3 5 ' op | ehemy detachments which assumed ¢ ONE DEH a : a , {cians from Halifax to Vietoria, a man RBARIC SCURRILITY MARKED| remaining here ever since. He had | THE GERMAN LINES AND POSI- OF FRATORS FAIL TO REALIZE | the offensive were forced back more ON ONE DECISIVE FRONT OF ALI iwho dares to come out and say that BARNS LT PLANS business interests in different parts TIONS WERE TAKEN WAR'S OBLIGATIONS. { than a mile, with the assistance of | SCATTERED TROOPS. anyone who does met support war Sy pun of Oanada, but mainly in the Ot- SCs it -- | Russian forces." id Abi | meastires of the Government of Can-| efi awa Valley and British Columbia. : : The Minister of Labor Holds the Op-| The report said in the reglon of | Numbers Alone Can Annihiiate--The |ada should go t fail If we only had | Matters of Fundamental Interest 0 Por several years he was a director] That Had Beem'! erators Responsible for the Trow.| Vedenl an enemy regiment, which| Necessary Men Exist and They men of such it at Ottawa we| the Farmers Was Brought Vividly| of the Merchants Bank. He was a ble and They Will Pay the Cost. | took the 'offensive, forced a slight | Should Be Used on the Western | would have littl trouble." to Public Attention ---- Liberals! Presbyterian and a Conservative. v f ssi f : h-| - a Surviving him are his wife, four Ottawa, Jan. 15.~If government | ithargwa) of Russian. forces north { Front, Score a Big Win on' Their Nickel Ganghios and - two sons, The action is necessary to prevent suffer. | gu Se London, Jan. 15..The Times' | Peles: 3 daughters are Mrs. C. R. McAllister, (Special : Ww ing in the prairies and to keep the | STEMI 100+H0 008 Lmillitary correspondent, writing on | ; E Torores Tan te Nhs) (Mon. of New Westiinster, alk. Mrs, London: Jan. fre Ruigs oa smelters supplied with coke, action & TWO DIE SUDDENLY *| the situation caused by the failure of ? flay) sees the close of the particularly ML Code, at p esent' fn England, erting such tremendous pressure on will undolibtedly he firm and vigor-| AFTER SHOVELING. ¢| peace talk, emphasizes what fs peces- | ; m hs citing campaign in West Simecoe.[ and Miss Grace Barnet, at home |the German line south of Riga that ous. In view of the. financial] & -- 5. Vex. 51 ty 1g make good the will to 'von-| Bat the result will be one walild be| The sons are Capt. Thomas F. and | it may conceivably have its effect on strength of the mine owners, govern-| ® Port Hope, Jan. 15.--VYes: #| quer. He says: "We ought to see oR {foolish to predict, but the mere fact|J- George, both 6f Renfrew. the German progress in Rumania. At t ile William Perry, i a ete py ment action, if found necessary, will! 3 'erday while William Perry, one # | jjoaely enough now if we did not see | i "1 [that there is this uncertainty shows PLANNING TO CUT several places the Russians hive + of the town's most highly re- #/| it bef, hat Hitary effort i no doubt be carried out at the ex-| o apected and best known citi. #1 Opé that our military effort on on FN that the Liberal campaign has heen INAUGURAL'S COST broken through the German lines, A and the positions they took were heise of fue Bpcralon. : 2m, as shoveling a off 4 and, epecialiy in the Suiits West Shu well conducted and 'that fu'a tradi. iis radical proposal was announe- | € walk in front of his prem- #| ern front, has not heen adequate to} |: si & eas those ¢ ' ed in an official statement issued hy | & ites; he fell dead. Ho wis 75 & | seenps.a decigion. cron te fom ih J tionally Tory constituéncy there is No Silver or Bronze h © constructed gin the Teutons ROT OIDIR dv In a , ol | : ¥ : doubt as to the resalt. twelve mouths of occupadey. The the government to-day in connectjon | # years of age, { Some of our friends dbroad hoast| |: £ 3 When President Wilson with the strike trouble at the Fernie | -- Saws a . ' : Whatever .the poll may show, the Russians advances were made also coal mines. Government 'operation of | # Elmira, Jan, 15--David * D. # | With & tendency to exaggregate that Liberal party has gained greatly in Is Sworn In. despite heavy snowstorms, freeing these mines now seems certain. The | + Ratz, nianager of the local + | we British have 2,000,000 men in ; this Bye-election cold weather and great stretches of operators have refused to grent the|# banch of the Royal Bank hete, + | France, and we suppose we shall ¥ : An the frst pla Washington, Jan. 15.--The inau-| marsh land. The Russians have taken mer an increase in wages, and the! + dled suddenly Saturday shortly & soon win through. We might say | |: X p Sy ot he * place, it has gained be-| gural guarantee fund is something | fifty machine guns, thirty cannon and miners have intimated that unless|# after re-entering the house af- + | A : in' cial y Of the 'contrast. between its) more than $43,000. 8 vast amount, of material, including their demands are acceded to they|# ter shoveling snow off the side- % | 180 that France has 3,000,000 men r ment. Parad that of the Govern-| phe. big silver-and bronze medais| 100.000 bottles of brandy, ° will go on strike to-morrow. The op- ¢ walk. # [in the field, and will also soon win - meut. Barbarie scurrility has mark- usually distributed among the inau-| Already weakened at several places orators are still in'the eity, but the o «| through, But statements of this nes of the Gavernment Hue of attack. It! gure) "committeemen wil, not be by thie battering of the Russian as- representatives of the men have gone | es scha = ture serve rather to obscure the 'jas ipes that the Suveramani them-| trek off this year, and $3,600 will | sanlts, it is believed -here the Ger- ¥¢s cohsideréd the NOL} thus be saved on inaugural expenses. | Mans' must mage early reinforce- home. 'Ten days ago a conference '" Te ---- TT [a than to MHuminate them. It § y opecued between the operators and | | ought to be known and admitted that f only in West Simcoe, bat in the whole Instead of the big metal medals ments of their lines in this theatre or the miners with the government as| WILL NQT RECOGNIZE the aggregate ' strength which * in- Provincial field, of a desperate char- the inaugural chairmen a -| undertake a general withdrawal. intermediaries, but' all efforts to KINGDOM OF POLAND eludes reinforcements at depots," la- ; © |acter. and it was under the influence teemen pina will" 3nd commit reinforcements are siven It is on reach an agreement have failed and bor battalions and establishments of Fames Re X of fear that they adopted such a vio- graved certificates lieved. they will be taken from the tue beginning of a strike th-day =p- all sorts, does not express the real | rhe recently elected ehair lently personal campaign. in 3 Rumanian front. -- : n There will be $4,000 worth of fire: : day 2p- pal | : The Liberals have alse bro con pears to he unavoidable. If a strike COnsui=General al Warsaw | value of the fighting armies. We all] Board of Education: vividly - PON A 2 he ought works on the evening of the {nau- RN War Tidings. The fall of the Rumanian port of is begun. it will not he of | lura- ought to count bayonets and guns in | Sey df ptassce of iong dura Notifies Consuls of All ng Prvigi 5 CANADIAN matters of fundamental interest to|5uration, March 5th. the farmers pf th re. PY BC roa aa . pf the province. They |p ypp pros ON OUR CHILDREN." | Galatz to the Gernins Is believed im- tion, hewever. | The people of the order to ascertain our chances of vie province cannot go without fuel, and Neutral States. tory. The truth of the situation in the Goverument will operate the! the west is Germany has 128 givis- have discussed agriculture im various nent mines if the aperators do not. | p london, Jan. 15.--The Morning, ions opposed to us. The numlier of | Sep phases and havé émphasied particn- Ne m'nent, : In the view of the Minister of La-| Post's Amsterdam correspondent French, British and Belgian divisions | p larly sométhing whieh is bound to|APpeal of Wives of Employees of] Italians captured two submarines hor the operators are responsible for | 88¥s: The Czas newspaper of Cracow is not yet such as to prolaise a decis- have important effects--the under- Vienna Tramway Company. from the Austrians and wre using the 'trouble. and they will pay the reports that fhe Consul-General of | fon in an offensive war. Before the ; . representation of farmers in the| ' London, Jan. 15.--The Arbeiter them in Italy's navy. cost either'dire yiv or indifctly. | th® United States at Warsaw invited | war we supposed two or evex three or Legislature. | There are only seven-| Zeitung of Vienna published a letter|, TDe Italian War Office admits the {211 the Consuls of the neutral States |to one superiority was not too great | pT seen farmers out of the 11 members. |, .o burgomaster from the wives ot | IrOWniaE of Lieut.-Gen. Bandini in a : residing in that city to visit him, and | for attackers. it must be repeated | London, Jin. 15.---The Canadian The Liberal campaign has driven this the city tramway employees, who | Me, aking of a warship, NEW. YORK STOCKS. | informed them by order of his gov- again and agaiv we have nothing like | Red Cross is overwheltied with par-! fact home, and whether the Liberal have been called. to the Py abneal A Russian naval squadron raided Zi | ernment that he gould not officially | this saperiority. Victory depends on | els sent for pr fromm Canada. | candidate, a farmer, wing to-day of | a¥e hes a letter savor raw, | the Anajolian coast, sinking forty The Prices Offered aud Sales Made recognize the kinghiom of Poland une| OVtAling it. Over aad over again} Nn, ay | loses, agriculturists alk aver the LUC (OF TW DAI Eo loiter says: "We | ouvily" ladon. sailing. vosmels bowas on Kxchange. | fi the end ot the war,sbut neverthe: | i. this war ike Nelsoniau that | ads that such ane ha oprevince have had their eyes opened 5s is frightful and our child-| "Oppo pani nople. a } " P 3 y 4 1 Dloyésswho have not bee called 10 or san orn. cian States would-tonter| alone eae tically psy he | re : EY ay oo: and that (his organization | The Liberals have also scored a the colors have received Increased | On, Other ¥ og e-- the United a Now York Htou oh io | with che Polis State Council on been shown correct," - pen. 2.30 p.m. | purely political matters, the same as ai \ nk. Aiheake ius LL HAT 1445 | the representati ' Urges Concentration. 18 only allowed fo send thirty pounds | hig win on their nickel policy, This| "e ; u Seaplane carrier was sunk. Atehison .. ... ... 104% 104% | count fives 'of the European The writer urges the concentration | Per fortnight to each mian.. The cou- time. on the 'taxation Tae of it. |Pa%: Shey dre SWrviag in spite of it, | Several American families, driven Baltintore & Ohio - .. 83% { on & decisive front of all scattered | Sequence is that a popular man may | They have revealed the illegal agree. | 204 How must #t be with us poor| from Rumania by the advancing Ger- CPR... 160 re troops and proceeds: "Lord Kitchen-| have something like a hundradweight | ment made by the present Prime] CTeAtures with our half pay. Our| man armies, reiched New York on NYC psa er proposed 0 cgtinue day after | of good things sent to him, whereas Minister when Minister of Lands, | Wretcheduess is great. On our knees| Saturady. One woman died as a re- EM oc. aan day, year after yegf, the development | another with less friends will get! Forests and Mines, with the Interna | We entreat Your Excellency to have sult of privations, and several are Etlepta. ., .. .. ... . ; of resh forces, whereby he antici- | little or nothing. Further, parcels tional Nickel Company, whereby that | Compassion and grant us full pay. Do|very ill. : Pennstivania wah pated when other powers were ex-|in many jnstalices oy to Je corporation secured unlawfully, from HOt i ithdon us. Take pity on our ra Sate a hausted we would be the most cap- | much damaged. e labor of re- the Government, a flat rate of taxa- ren. DAILY MEMORAVDUM > tion, The Government now says they - x SL Pat .. vain '4 able of continuing the war. This! packing is a prodigious matter, be- ' : Unjon Pacific 3 Th Arms Slasped A bout Her, plan has gradually lapsed for many coming so serious that it is likely are going to collect more taxes. The TO WORK ON MUNITIONS, x. Sou som tonight Bethlehem Steel .. .. reasons, 'the chief of which was thelit will be necessary to seek the Can-|fact that the Opposition has driven } U. 8 Steel ., ,. .. 111% | mits rj recruiting muddle, which even at the | adian Government's aid in prohibit-{ them to this stand is a victory, not | Ministers Expert Knowledge Will be Hockey, Frontenads ve. Batteries, Anaconda .. .; .. .. 83 {Special To The med. present Nay is far from heing clear-| ing the indiscriminate despatch of |only for the: Libera party, but for of Singular Value. Bee top of page 3, right hand corner pup, Loe, 00... 78 | . Winnipeg, Jan. 15.--The of aa. parcels. The friends of prisoners the people of the. province, irre-| oo Jan. 15.--Th _| for probabiities, Inter. Nickel .. {four school children were found| "0 outlining ways of speedily would be well advised to send money | spective of politics. And those peo- 10 AB nS. Hs "s: ch : pongraga » Jecture by Prof. Macdonald on {frozen to death early to-day neat oblate more men the writer pro-| to the Red Cross Prisoners' Funds. |Dple will see clearly enough that it is [1/08 Of St. Andrew's church at the. jects Masefield," at the ¥. W. C. Canadian | Cadillac, Sask. Two little boys left] sede: "we need another sixty divis- a strange thing that the Government | *iRual meeting gave acquiescence 10] A. at 8 p.m. 14 | school on Friday afternoon during a fons jupthe west. The necessary men > itself cannot, or will not, do right or |the request of the pastor, Rev. A. J. Council 20. C.OC.F., meets tomorrow \ | terrible blizzard. Their sister, aged exist, is every probability the 3 enforce the laws of the province un-| WH30R to devote four half days week- night, Installation a8 ullice jaiditory N.S Steel..." o.. 4 | thirteen, and another boy went in| appearance of these new divisions in U Tn : less they are goaded to do their Iy to expert employment in the local . me Ph i te 1 | he et ad wo of he boss in er | "0 1614 YUL Aeckd® the wi ars cL the whole of German wi |b 1 Aliacks of the Rog TR rr oder od Dy Abed » eT i wo of the s in ber ' ------ . It is the same old story, the funda- ed v i bominion Steel .. .. 68 66Yy {arms and the fourth child was found LIEBKNKCHT SENTENCED. so0u be fad kn Pubile; Heh and par mental indictment of the Hearst goy- tic funds. Mr. Wilson in his early DT Sunaay. I General Bleetrle © ..111 Bid a short distance away, BORNE net jE have D soup ernment--a lack of strength and fol-|days had experience which specially| Sunday. Lun J Given Hard Labor in Jail--Expetied| tiative, a lack of ability to do things [tits him for this service. This yn-| Tyo Mrs MH Fx themselves without being forced "to |d: ng. which entails. double dty, was rly N From Bar. ' . Smeg % in order that he may do national ser- of Kingston. : to Bail. it by the Opposition in i he Whig.) LE a most «| HU n Kingston, on Zurich, Jan: 15. Karl Lisbknecht,| Brockville, Ot., Jan, 15--W. H. Loe 41 this Sint Sai, 1s most com 7. to eis of Ser of Serer. | s mendable, and may be an example Johns ! ; Storey, charged with caus bodily h. } Geringn Socialist leader, a Be eo Ang A Battle Cruiser Faploded. and an incentive to Many others. Bon. || iniprisonment at hard labor and ex-| Of his autom was admit Puig vb Fash rpg 1 RY 0 HELP BELGIANS Julsian from the bar, according to $3.000 bail battle cruiser Taukuba, 13,750 tong, : ; : te - ST in advices fo-day. sunk in Yokowuka Harbor from an ex- a Ls on -- RH 1 ere Tost. 3 i : British. few additional prisoners were se- ebknecht has been in almost con- | ; . iosion-and nen were : 1 London,' Jan, 14.--The War Oftice| cured in the course of {hese two en-|stant trouble with Gegman authorities : x OED _ i ¥ Smbrks, Jan. in Pembroke by communication isstied this evening outers. ME. thé 'on pr anti-war and ist speech- " ¥itis . He The Government has issued a warn- re anne: In. Pe are to be| WHSON says: 3 morn! e enemy explod- both . "pi h = "Early last bight a hostile party ed a small mine north of Guinehy,| stag. The» paisns. si RN LE ae firth hace to ig in the olf endeavored to raid one of our posts | ho » heing done to our tren- |arres nd i ore teen of Sites women northwest of Gueudecourt. The' at-| bees. We carried out gitective war y children Jawmpt failed completely, 'the enemy = ' of the A ' being driven off with losses.. During points > the night our patrols carried out sue-| ROFth of the Somme and south of Ho Ni . Chana ong hhaf Nun ares trench mortar She ood of Neuve e and Armen- lery tieres, tivity continued. % "We bombarded enemy tremches northwest of the Ancre this after- , French. 2 noon with good results. Paris; Yon. official state- "Elsewhere there was the usual ment jssu War Office Sun- | thi artillery wetivity, which was most - ; ! Kd St Lake's: "4 "Nures: { Random

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