Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Jan 1917, p. 3

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Of course, you can buy cheaper teas, but SALAD is undoubtedly the most economical and what appears to be 'cheap' in price will prove to be vagant in use. The fresh young leaves of "Salada" will yield you generous value for your money, B11s . hy -- a ------ Purity! Purity! Purity! The one dominating note that runs all through the making of Sunlight Soap is Purity. The $5,000 Guar- antee you get with every single bar is not a mere advertisement. It marks a standard set for the buyers who select the choice Sunlight Soap materials--for the soap boiler--for the expert chemists--for the girls, even, who wrap and pack Sunlight. All are mindful of the Guarantee --it is a source of gratification to -- all the Sunlight workers. Head Office, Royal Insurance Bidg. MONTREAL PERCY J. QUINN, Manager, Ontaris Branch, Toronto W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, An unbridled passion sometimes & Teads one to the halter. PPP pr Tones FOR OUR READERS | PRESENTED IN THE BRIEFEST POSSIBLE FORM. The Whig's Daily Condensation of the News of the World From Tele graph Service and Newspaper Ex- change. It is reported that a new com- mericial treaty between the United States and Russia will be formed. At Philadelphia on Jan. 11th Miss Margerita Washington, a great-great. grand-niece of George Washington, died. Hamilton council at a special meeting consented to make a grant of $8,000 a month to the Patriotic Fund. At London, it is proposed to es- tablish a daily newspaper for the benefit of Canadians serving in Eng- land and France, In an explosion in a Fushun, Man- churia, colliery on Saturday 900 Chinese miners were buried, and 770 perished altogether. James G. Cane has definitely de- cided to be the Liberal candidate in North-West Toronto against Hon. W. D. McPherson, M.P,P, At the nomination of the Hamilton Board of Trade, G. C. Martin was the unanimous choice for president to succeed Walder Parke. Count Alexandre Constantinovitch Benckendorff, Russian Am sador to Great Britain, died on T rsday. He was born in 1848, There is a coal shortage on the Intercolonial Railway. Supplies must be purchased at $10 a ton, three times the usual price, Fire, followed by an explosion, caused a loss of $600,000 to the plant of Charles Besley { Company, tool manufacturers, Chicago. At Saskatoon, Sask., Manilla Hus- ton, found guilty of manslaughter by a supreme court jury, was sentenced to one year's imprisonment. Application will be made for the incorporation of "Alliance National," an insurance company, already in- corporated under the law of Quebec. The appointment of Gregory Bar- rett, Carberry, Manitoba, to be Judge of the County Court of the Central Judicial District of Manitoba is gaz- etted, Hon. Albert Sevigny, the newly ap- pointed Minister of Inland Revenue, will be opposed in Dorchester county by Lucien Canon, M.P.P., Liberal, for the same county. Amy Beatrice Mathews, West- mount, Que., has given notice that she will apply next session for di- voree from her husband, Ernest Hil- ton, of Montreal. | Betause of a warning that ballot stuffing may be attempted in the West Simcoe bye-election to-day steps are being taken by the Liberals to prevent election frauds. The United States Administration plans to strip the border of its militia guard before March 1st. Such ac- tion will be taken after Gen. Persh- ing's column is withdrawn. Sir Thomas' White, Minister of Finance, and 'Hon. Rodolphe Le- mieux will be guests of honor of the Canadiap Society of New York at a banquet 'given on Jan. 27th. Paris postoffice authorities in or- der to save fuel have stopped the pneumatic tube service in Paris. Parcels and messages hereafter will be carried by bicycle messengers. Lieut. J. K. Bolton was killed and Lieut. J. R. Henley was wounded re- cently by shots , fired at a landing party of United States marines by a native boy at Macoris, Santo Domin- gO. Postmaster<General Blondin has rescinded the regulation sending all letters addressed to Berlin, Ont., to. the dead letter office, Letters for Berlin will go as usual to Kitchener, Ont. dict that the season of 1917 will see 2 very large increase in the number of American sportsmen huniing in the Yellowhead Pass region of the bE hy don mbassador h he German Am or has re- lieved from duty Franz Bopp and E. H. Von Schack, respectively, consul- general and vice-consulat San Fran- cisco, convicted of violating the neu- trality of the United States. The first pair of hospital cars made in Canada have had their first trip, cafrylng from Halifax to To- ronto a group of seriously disabled soldiers from overseas. . A whole train in Pin) is ior Hans THR DAILY BRITISH WHIG Grand Trunk Pasific officials pre-|' ECZEMA ON FACE Was So Bad Had to Stay in House All skin diseases such as eczema or salt rheum, itching or burning rash- es, eruptions, ulcers, boils, pimples, ete., are, all caused by bad blood, and while not usually attended with any fatal results, may sooner or la'er develop into some serious blyod trouble, and the entire systé¥m le- come affected. Burdock Blood Bitters, that od and well-known remedy, will c'¢anse the blood of all its impurities, and by this means cure all skin disea.es an® other blood troubles, Mrs. Ernest Andrews, Hamilton, Ont., writes: "My face was covered with eczema and was so terribly bad I had to stay in the house. I bad ten different doctors but got so tired of their treatment that 1 went and bought a bottle of Burdozk Blaod Bitters, and it helped me so | kept on taking it. Now I am cured, and have a lovely skin. "People who used to see me when I was so bad and see me now will not believe it, but I always tell them that nothing cured me but Burduck Blood Bitters." B.B.B. is manufactured: only by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toron- to, Ont. 3 David R. Francis emphasized the im- minence of a new commercial agree- ment between Russia and the United States in a speech which he delievred Thursday at Moscow before the Rus- so-American Chamber of Commerce. At San Francisco, conspiracy to use the United States malls in fur- therance of murder and arson will be charged against Franz Bopp, Ger- man Consul-General, and four aides if their conviction on charges'of con- spiracy to violate American neutral- ity is overturned. Efforts are being made to squeeze Hon. Robert Rogers' interests out of the Winnipeg Telegram, which con- trol seventy per cent. of the stock. W. F. Maclean, M.P., Toronto, represent- ing eastern interests, which desire to MONDAY, JANUARY 1 January (learance t) PORTRAI [NLA Of yourself, father, mother, friend. Bring in the photo and sale i take over the paper, is in Winnipeg] to further negotiations. The reorganization of the Canadian and British forces is proceeding The appointment of a deputy minister, who will act ag chief exe- cutive officer, is still undecided. The} Statements that Gen, Carson had been oppointed were premature. The choice is between Carson and McRae. NEW RECTOR OF ST. LUKE'S INDUCTED OF BISHOP BIDWELL ON SUNDAY EVENING. Rew. J. W."Storle, of, Spencerport, N. Y., Preached Interesting Sermons || in Bethel Church on Sunday. Rev. J. de Pencier Wright, former ly of the parish of Elizabethtown, was inducted as rector of St. Luke's church on Sunday evening by Bishop Bidwell. The service was a most iy pressive one, with suitable music the choir. The Bishop took as his text II Cor. vi, 1: "We then as work- ers together with Him beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain." The Bishop spoke of the excellent work that Canon For- We guarantee safe ret the enlarged size: our pattern counter. pr neri had done for St. Luke's and the difficulty that Mr. Wright would have in following in his footsteps. He was sure, however, that the church would continue to prosper with such an ac- tive leader and the unreserved assist- ance of the people. Look For Returns. "A great many people treat Chris tianity from the standpoint of what they will get out of it," said Rev. J. W. Starie, of Spencerport, NY., preaching in Bethel church on Sun- day morning, "They will ask the question, 'Does it pay'? Their atti- tude towards Christianity is largely that of the business man, who will not embark on any enterprise until the financial returns will be ample to give him a good profit. "Christianity will bring large re- turns. No person who follows Jesus Christ will be at a loss, It does en- tail self-sacrifice and Sutfendep-thie giving up of many things that per I to what we shall Den a STEA This extraordinary off take full advantage of it! | soldier brother or a near and dear have it enlarged during this great in size 14 x 20. This is an exceptional offer an tage of it -- the regula to $3.00, all over Cana Sale starts tomorrow. The Woman's Hair Coming Out? ruff causes a feverish {rrita- i Dand: tion of the scalp, the hair roots shrink, loosen and then the comes out fast. To stop falling hair at once and rid the scalp of every] get a 25-cent || bottle of Danderine at any drug |i of dandruft, store,pour a little into your hand and rub it into the scalp. After a few | applications the hair stops coming Of the cause should | ~ be sulficient to win our service. There are who walk the streets om the Beaonth » do not attend dhureh, | |and who do ot 4 ppe i aon t hg about the problem re life. i never 2 spoke ixhile EE on aie, r price for Store of Cob RA We have no canvassers or agents outside of store! eris for a limited time only. Don't fail to Ki . EGR laed urn of photo and an exact reproduction in d we want all to take full advan- these enlargements is usually $2.25 Come in and see samples of the work at CY 's

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