BETTER THAN THE \BAKING POWDER YOU HAVE BEEN USING RETURN IT AND - GET YOUR MONEY BACK BEST BY TEST . PARLOR FURNITURE Special prices on these suites. 3 piece Mahg. Suites $25 to $125 5 piece Mahg. Suites, $25 to $35 40 Suites to choose from. Tables, Cabinets, Jardinieres, Pedestals. Agents for Pathe Freres. Absolutely the Best Machine Made. Jd. Reid, Leading Undoaker, A Robt. Phone 577 2 Kingston's Electric Store Now is the time to get your house wired. Let us give you a price. House Wiring Our Specialty. H.W.Newman Electric Co. Phone 441 79 Princess St. Rich 'in Butter-fat The wise farmer weighs and tests the milk of every cow on the place. Only cows that give a plentiful flow of mitk rich in butter- fat pay for their keep and yield a profit. All others are "star boarders" and will soon eat their heads off unless he gets rid of them. The London Life Insurance Company Talketh like a real When taking out one of our polidies follow the example of the wise farmer, and put it to every test. Past pérformances show that policies of the London Life Insurance Company are rich in golden butter-fat--in fact, they show forty per cent. more of it than we promised in our original estimates. Send us your name and address and we will tell you about it. London Life Insurance Company London : Ontario : WM. WALTERS, Supt. iy Selden Lion Block, Kingston. Canada 82 Ne ames © nr Ar tA cP Gananoque (From Our Own Correspondent) J:ga. 15.--Mrs. Arthur Dyer is con- fined to her home with a broken | wrist, the effects of a fall on the icy | pavement near her home recently. Wellington A. Peck has been confin- ed to his home for the past week by illness. Gananoque Lodge, No. 14, 1. 0. O. F., which recently decided on the; purchase of the store occupied by Kelly & Bulloch, grocers, James Donevan, hardware merchant, will, at its meeting on Jan. 22nd, move to rescind the motion of pur- chase, and instead purchase the Turner block, adjoining the Bennet block. Administration of the estate of the late Peleg Churchill has been grant- ed to his daughter, Miss Mary Churchill. The funeral of the late Charles Butler was held yesterday afternoon to the vault at Gananoque | cemetery and under the auspices of Court Thousand Islands, No. 66, C. 0. F. Following instructions from the council, Town Clerk McCammon has advertised for applications for the position of road smaster and care- | taker of the town park. In the sur- | regate court of the united counties of | Leeds and Grenville probate of the | will and one codicil of the late Phil-} ippe H. Lariviere, been granted to John McCormick, Plantagenet; George Funnell, Gan- | anoque, and Stanley Meggs, Ganano-| { que. Messrs. Street and O'Brien have a gang of men at work at thelr quarry, a few miles north of town, getting out a quantity of paving blocks and monumental stone. At the annual meeting of the Gananoque Board of Trade on Thursday evening last these officers were elected for| the ensuing year: Hononary presi-| dents, Sir W, T. White, Hon. Senator George Taylor, Charles MacDonald, C.E., E. L. Atkinson, Frederick J. dent, George K. Taylor; second vice- HELEN -- The Late J. Wright. After a lingering illness in a hos- pital here, Joseph Wright, e well known Fraserville farmer, away on Saturday. The econset was born at Fraserville fifty-two years ago. The remains were sent by James | Reid, & Co. to his his late home for burial. The Late P. Jamieson. As a result of a paralytic stroke, Péter Jamieson died very suddenly at the Hguse of Providence on Satur- day. The deceased was born in Kingston seventy-six years ago, but had spent most of his career wander- ing through the country. He was in the American army for a while, and was engaged in many branches of employment. In November last he came to the city and entered the House of Providence and has been living there since then. -- The Late George Keen. An aged resident of the city passed away on Sunday, after a short illness, in the person of George Keen. De- ceased was born eighty-nine years ago, and death came from old age. He was an Anglican in religion. Rev. T. W. Savary will conduct the ser~ vice at his late residence, 127 Col- { borne street. The Late Miss Doherty. Miss Gertrude Doherty, who lived at 317 %rock street with Miss Helen Carroll, died on Sunday in, the Hotel Dieu. The deceased was brought to the hospital a few days ago suffering from paeoumonia. She was born eighty years ago, and had lived the greater part of her life in the city. MANIFESTO TO MARK BIRTHDAY OF KAISER Enemy Rulers to Join in Blam= ing Entente for War's and | Gananoque, has | Skinner and Alfred W. Taylor; pregi-| dent, C. V. Ketchum; first vice-presi- § Fropiately engraved, was presented president, F. W. Bell; secretary- treasurer, Charlies A. Watt; auditors, H. W. Cooper and R. H. Gould. * Probate of the will of the late James A. Acton, of the township of Leeds, lighthouse-keeper, has been | granted ww W. H. Acton, or this tovfa. | On Saturay night an Sunday morning one of the heaviest snow falls of the season occurred; about a foot fell on the level. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Haines, St. Mary's, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Louch, Syden- ham street. Mrs. Haines at the even- ing service in Grace church rendered an excellent solo. John Gould, of | the C.2'. R. express office, Brockville, | spent, the week-end in town with his {mothér, Mrs. Kate Gould, King street, and returned to his duties this morning. J. M. Walker, who has been spending the past two' weeks in town, returned to his 'home in Perth on Saturday. Miss M. Shields, Syden- ham stry:t, left for New York the Iatter part of the week to spend the 4. | winter. Mrs. C. C. Skimmer, Church street, spent a few days during the past week in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs, Rex Taylor, Quebec City, en route for To- ronto, spent a few days during the past week with Major and Mrs. How- ard Taylor. Lieut. Somers O'Connor has returned # Kingston to resume his duties at the Royal School of Ar- | tilery. Mesames F. J, Skinner and A. W. Taylor spent the past week in I Toronto. Presentation to Mrs. Watt, Renfrew, Jan, 15.--Mrs, E. J. | Watt, wife of the popular eommand- ing officer of the 240th Overseas Battalion, with headquarters at Ren- j frew, was taken very much by sur- prise last Friday evening when she was summoned to be present at a | banquet in the ecommodious Hotel Renfrew. The banquet was arrang- ed by the officers of the battalion, without intimating to Colonel or Mrs. Watt the objéct of the gathering. At | the conclusion of a splendid repast,; | for the serving of which the Hotel Renfrew is favorably known far and | wide, a beautiful silver service, ap- to Mrs. Watt. [SYRUP OK FIGS FOR CROSS, SICK, | FEVERISH CHILD It Little Stomach, As Torpid or Sour, Liver wels "California Syrup of Figs," because | in a few hours all the clogged-up waste, sour bile and fermenting food | gently moves out of the bowels, and | you have a well, playful child again. | Children simply will not take the time from play to empty their bowels, and they become tightly packed, liver gets sluggish and stomach disorder- ed. When cross, feverish, restless, see if the tongue is coated, then give this delicious "fruit laxative." Chil- dren love it, and it can not cause injury. No difference what ails your little one--it full of cold, or a sore throat, diarrhoea, stomach-ache, bad breath, remember, a gentle "inside cleansing" should always be the first treatment given. Full directions for babies, children of all ages and grown-ups are printed on each bot- dle. Beware of counterfeit fig syrups. Ask your druggist for a 50-cent bot- tle of "California Syrup of Figs," then look carefully and see that it is made by the "California Fig Syrup Company." We make ng smaller size. Hand back with contempt any other fig syrup. Clogged. ed | Mothers can rest-easy after giving GUARANTEED We guarantee Goodyear Wingfoot Air Heels to out- wear any other rubber heels CENTS & pair, put on; black or choc- you have ever worn, or any others you can now buy. Should they not meet this guarantee, return them to us at Toronto, or to any Goodyear Branch, and get a new pair free. The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co. of Can- ada, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Only the best heel can be a Goodyear product -- only the best heel can command an extra price Just Received a Fresh Shipment of FLAKED WHEAT, FLAKED OATS, CREAM OF WHEAT, GRAHAM FLOUR, WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR at the = UNIQUE GROCERY | 490-492 Princess St. C. H. Pickering, Prop. SN Worth Remembering If you want an up-to-date Photo taken, vain or shine, or Saturday night; a picture, or picture framed, call on D. A. Weese . 168 Princess Street. Photos, Frames, Pictures, Pianos, & L STEWART, Opt. Sp, as always ready to obli with the best dance musir; that plays itself and per "mits every that keeps right on playing long % you Want to one to dance; a Victrola of Ss 'or 4 Soper We are showing some new styles in PATENT AND KID EVENING SLIPPERS that are entirely new and up-to-date. We Jill bo pleased d to show you these models ty shoemaking. $5.00 and $6.00 J. H.Sutherland & Bro. - A GLOVES FOR MEN 50c TO $3.00 NEWEST NECKWEAR 25¢ TO $1.00 FINE SHIRTS and PYJAMAS $1.00 TO $5.00. LOUNGING ROBES $4.50 TO $12.00 SWEATERS FOR MEN $1.00 TO $10.00 HOUSE COATS UP TO $12.50 Roney s