Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Jan 1917, p. 10

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1017 "Astonishing how my Strength and Fitness came back," says Mr. Inman, a Winnipeg FOR YEARS OF ROXANE (By. Frances Walter) THE CON HARRY LIES, BUT NO GENTLEMAN. Bronchitis comes from a neglected | Londo ail cold and it, if neglected, will surely Hitlferto British farmers have turn into pneumonia. : The first been willing to employ German pris- symptom is a short, pminful, dry!/oners on the land because of the cough, accompanied with rapid | difficulty of guarding them agd be- wheezing and a feeling of oppression ' cause of the want of elasticity in the or tightness through the chest. regulations. They will observe that The phlegm raised from the bron-|in France the farmer who cannot chial tubes is at first of a light color | obtain the help of a gang of prisoners but as the disease progresses it be- esteems himself an unlucky man. HIKE A| 'And I guarantee that Harry will not be there to disturb you," said Arthur. "I shall take him off to the office." "Agreed," said Evelyn, "Take and fill up the syrup jug with (Copyright, 1916, by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate). CROWN CORN: The "Kiddies" want 'Crown Brand' nner. Everybody likes this delicious table Arthur's proposal that we wind up our tour of the slums with breakfast and the appearance very soon of an appetizing meal served to revive our drooping spirits, but there was mot enough vitality left in any of us for the least show of enthusiasm. Even Arthur, who had been the most talk- ative of the four, was showing signs of fatigue, and Evelyn was all crum- him away by all means and Roxane and I will try to get enough sleep for all four of us." Harry appeared in the distance, an air of triumph on his face. "It took some lying, but'I tink 1 was equal to the occasion," he de- clared. "My respected father-in-law still thinks we are mice, well be- haved children who have spent the or and is very often hard to raise. bronchial tubes. { Mrs. Chas Brean, Amherst, writes: "| with bronchitis, and could not find | omes of a yellowish or greenish col- The Germans are found to be al- most indispensable. Dr. Wood's Norway is just the prisoners are concerned the French remedy you require as it loosens the system works well. phlegm and heals the lungs and | fer labour on the land to idleness in | the camps. N.S..|a good spirit, a mild but effective was troubled for years| means of disciplining them is provid- ed by a reduction in their rations So far as the The men pre- When they do work with and filness came back," says Mr 6G 6 INMAN, of 33), HARCOURT . STURGEON CREEK, WINNI- PEG, years a well-known business man, cured by Dr. Cassell's Tablets. fact, pointed to a nervous breakdown, It was then a friend told 'me about DF Cassell's Tablets, and I got some te try. The first result was that 1 could sleep at nights, and then my health "It was astonishing how my strength for many rapidly improved It was really aswnrshing how my strength and fitness came back. "I may add that some time ago my mother was veryall with pernicious anemia. 4 urged her to take Dr. Casséll's Tablets, but she would not, so I crushed them down and gave them in food with out her knowing. She was confined 2 Ao to bed before she had the Tablets, and now is about sgam well and bright." pled up like a wilted figwer. Harry's grouch had become pronounced that he had ceased to speak, and my own frame was so weary that I did not care to indulge in Jjthe *super- fluous exercise of conversing. "All of 3 tired out?" inquired any relief. 1 was especially bad on; This acts with surprising speed. a damp day. 1 went to a druggist ---------------------- it id and asked him for something to stop | I of Canada, Mr. the constant tickling in my throat.| hinat Jom yes; He gave me a bottle of Dr. Wood's! } Is about sired Norway Pine Syrup, which I found Jeary aN eo . | gave me instant relief. I think it ww Ts ih a ; Ss sell's Tablets, I . r is the best medicine for bronchitis was' terribly run { know of. I now take care that I down ay weak, always have a bottle off hand. { Sometimes 1 feit I "Dr. :Wood's" is the genuine, put! should have to leave up in a yellow wrapper, three pine! uy Bonde, my fn ) as § a trees the trade mark, price 25c¢ and effort to ne 3 - ile, 5 little, I lhad no Manufactured for the past 25 years appetite, and ' I by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, To- | suffered if I forced ronto, Ont. | myself to eat. "My nerves course were m sleep very distur night at the home of our good neigh- man in the business bor. Under those circumstances we can go in peace." \ Arthur's plan to take Harry away to the office as soon as they had their baths received a setback when Harry, soothed by the stream of warm water which flowed over him, selected the most comfort-looking bed in the house, locked the door of the room pulled the cover snugly up to his chin and went to sleep. I assigned Evelyn to the next best room 'and prepared my own bed for its long awaited 'occupant, Arthur, true to his promise, took a cold plunge, then a colder shower, and was off for his office, pink and fit as ever, It was late in the afternoon when I awoke. The house was very still, but could hear the dull roar of the Street traffic many stories below. My head ached térribly znd my mouth was dry and parched. Surely 1 was not going to be ill? I started to roll over in bed, but stopped midway and put my hand to my head. How it ached! Why? 1 could not explain, I reviewed the events of-the night and could remem- ber taking only a little wine out of each bottle. Was it possible that I had taken enough, all told, to give me the proverbial morning-after feeling in the cranfum? If so, what must Harry Pendleton"s head feel fry ting. of choice recipes, "Deserts and Candies" mailed Ek from our Montr a TE CARA STARCH 00. Listed womTARAL, CARGEAL, sasnrrons, 229 rout wisi. Ladies' Suits ! By placing your order now for your spring suit you will save 25%, Algo skirts and Dresses to mea sure for very low prices. New York Skirt & Suit Co. 208 Wellington Street. AN EASY WAY TO GET FAT AND BE STRONG The trouble with most folks ho "Wish to gain weight is t they w insist on drugging thel s or stung It wi i focds; Tabting on use low. 95 some foGiish phys stunt, lle the real cause © Lid untouched. You cannes fat until our digestive tract lates the 00d you eat. . There is a preparation kmown to re- lable dar » Almost everywhere poem ap the missing Arthur in affatherly tone as he sur- veyed the gfoup hunched around the table. "Never mind, 1 have ordered a fine porridge. It will brace every one of us up." The porridge came finally, but none of us really wanted it. Harry declined outright to taste it and in- sisted upon having another bottle of wine. Evelyn sampled the mixture and then sank back in her chair, "It's of no use," she declared, ret signedly. "I can't eat it." '"Nonsensé!" exclaimed Arthur. "Make up your mind that you will and go ahead. Treat it like med- icine. It is just the dose you need, even if you have no desire for it." "Let her alone," objected Harry crossly, "I don't blame her for not wanting it. 1 wouldn't eat it for a hundred dollars. What she needs is a glass of wine to straighten her out." "Your diagnosis is all wrong," re- torted Evelyn. "I do not want the porridge and I certainly couldn't drink another glass of wine, I have a suspicion that what I want most is a good, soft bed, with some nice, clean sheets, and about twelve hours of leisure in which to sleep. If I|liKe, and what a splitting must be in had those. things I would be supre. |store for Evelyn's head, for Harry mely happy just now." R bad taken an unconscionable lot of "Let us go home, then, immedi-] Wine, and Evelyn almost as much. ately," I urged. 'We can have some| I wondered what men did for head- porridge when we awake tonight." |aches under such circumstances, and Arthur looked at hjs watch. thought of stories in which I had "I am due at the office in an hour. | read of revelers wrapping their I shall have just enough time to take| crowns in cold towels. The very a bath and get there. What do you [thought of cold towels was refresh- say, Harry?" ing. Indeed, they must be excellent "I say it is all right, except the|Il the mere suggestion could bring office part of it. I am, of course,| relief! not going to the officé today. I shall Determined not to permit the serv- be too busy trying to recuperate. |2nts to suspect anything, I scrambled By the way, Evelyn, what will Mt. |out of bed and made my way into Phillips say if we go home at this|the bathroom. Joy! It was a speci- time in the morning?" fic! The throbbing did not stop al- Evelyn started and turned a blank | together, but the pain lessened, and face toward her husband. I wasmble to thing connectedly. I of a bad way, snd bed. nw | my own room to follow the instruc-| Everything, in tions myself. In less than an hour Evelyn and I faced each other in the Mr. Inman is nbw in England, having had to return there . LADY BEATTY ife of Sir David Beatty, RK.C.B, O., D.S.O., Admiral of the Fleet. --- Weather Kind to England "oN Weather, which is again hamper- ing the operations of our armies, has in all times influenced the course of battles, observes The London Chron- icle, Its effect, however, has gener- ally been one-sided, and some past examples om a hopeful precedent. "Let us not waste our sympathy," | At Crecy, for instance, the "great I replied coldly, I did not like the|T2in." which Froissart records, rem- "Poor boy" expression and took no | dered ustiets the Jowstings of the pains to hide my impatience. "I told ef ere, ut, the English the maid to serve us some fresh eRe | ed ng opt in cases, were not and very hot coffée, Perhaps we can ey hard ey, tes, a heavy see some joy in life after 'they have powder to. na) Aged the stemy's been devoured. fire slackened, and Clive was en. As we went out to the belated abled to avenge the m of the breakfast it occurred to me that th Black' Hole. Bad 3 mussge pif only sympathy she had expressed was Iy contributed to the failure Aerials for my husband, She apparently had poleon's expedition against Russia; none for Harry. "We must telephone him imme-| moisténed the towel again and gave } and the Austrians, in the retreat at dlately that we spent the night with my head a second application, and {Te Bo Qontinued.) 4 Were saved from annihila- the cost qf friends," Evelyn declared, bending|a little later I repeated it. By that ' urricane so fierce that, ac- forward in her eagerness; "I never|time the throbbing had ceased al- cording to the Moniteur of that day, Cleaning told him we would be away all night, | most entirely anda my sense of hos- nothing could any longer be dis \ tinguished on the field of battle." a hy Roa mm ranl ee Soren |r ws aero don Rr 2 eras =] | J .| FULL WEIGHT PACKAGE convey to her the secret of my rem- A Barberiess Land. | Harry did not move, There are no barbers in Spitsber- Why pay more! "1 don't mind lying," he declared, gen, says Alfred C. B. Fletcher in Send for Premium Catalogue to | -- FREE SAMPLE. On receipt of § cents to cower mailing and packs ing, a generous free sample will be sent at once Address: Harold F. Ritchie & Co. Ltd. 10, oCaul - street, "Shall we arouse Harry?" she ; : asked, "I think I hear him snor- ; ; . = S » narder time than either of us." { . a Ch Bb 4 $ Cassell NS) "Poor Arthur!" she exclaimed, | F AIR - : "I don't think he deserves much | =e i ablets sympathy," I replied. "He did not deserves whatever headache he has." " b . \ Evelyn looked at me quickly and Nerve Paralysis Anamia 'Wasting Diseases disapprovingly. Infantile Weakness Kidney Trouble Palpitation "You are too hard on him," she said. "Poor boy, he must be suffer- ing terribly!" by the digestive or- . ort food Imto T! modern has library, both sadder, but both wiser some little time ago to take control of the well-known firm ing." suddenly. '"To think that he went | have to go, and, besides, he did not! . Dr. Cassell's Tablets are Nutritive, Restorative, Alterative, 'his Neur Dy Vital Exhaustion for our night's experience with wine, | of A. W. Inman and S. Printers I Publishers, Leeds. women; men, song and dance. | 5 Letters: will A him there "Let him shore," I returned. "It will do him good. He had a much to the office without a wink of sleep! | He must be made of iron." | have to drink such quantities of that horrid wine last night. I think he and AntiSpaemodic, and the récognised remedy tor Nervous Br 8 Mal-nutrition Specially valuablé for nursing mothers and during the Critical Periods of 'life. ol and t ® flesh- builders. Sarge! wims through regen- erative, re- ve wers to coax the atamaoh Sie ate iiines to ters ally soak up the ning elements o our food and them into the lood, where they are carried to the rved, en-down cells and tissues You can readily produce as w. weight the cheeks fll out, hollows about the neck, shoulders and bust dis- a r and from 10 to 30 pounds of 80! heathy flesh Is added to the body. 8Sargol Is absolutely harmless, inexpensive, efficient and all leading druggists of this ycinjty have it and will refund your money if you are not satisfied, as per pffusrantes fou in every pack you find a di who is unable to supply you with r= sol. send $1,00 mone; *° Sold by Druggists and Storekeepers throughout Canada. Prices: One tube. 50 cents; six tubes for the price of five. War tax, £ cents per tube extra 1. Sole Proprietors: Dr. Cassell's Co. Ltd, Manchester, Eng.' Babbitt's' Cleanser Reduces Rr rT eo Ie a a ® SAVE THE TRADE MARKS re tion by a i at ment will be n you, postpal plain wrapper. Slipping on a kimono, I opened the door and peered out into the hall way, The servants were in the rear. 1 could hear. their voices, I knew that they were talking about Arthur and me, but the thought did not worry me. The rest of the house was quiet except for an intermittent roar which came from the room which Harry had appropriated. It was surprising that he could snore after having been so long in bed. If it was true that a man snored most during «first period of his slumber, then Harry was certain to sleep about two days more. I glided past his room and gently ogened the door of the chamber on the opposite side of the hall. It was Evelyn's room, and Evelyn her- self was sitting up in bed, her head resting upon her knees and her hands buried in her hair, "Oh, it is awful, Roxane!" wailed. "Does your head hurt 1i this?" "Not now," I replied, 'but it did a few moments ago. I have discov- ered a and have come to im- part the information." 3 "What is it?" she cried, without so much as glancing up, "Tell me quick, before it bursts." I ran to the bathroom and moist- ened a towel in the ice-cold water. "It is 8 Jure cure," 1 told her and 'but I must lie consistently, We must make up a connected story and each of us must adhere to it, In the rg Nas. World Magar first Place, where did we spend the the ship I allowed Superintendent night?" ; he Sip. 1 allowed Suverihtendent 'Why, at Roxane's of course. of clippers provided by the company. Where else would we have spent it- I didn't realize how intensely cold Isn't Roxane our partner in crime?" it was until the sharp currents of the "Certainly," agreed Harry. Then { arctic began to circulate around my he went on: "So far so good: but ars in the paths made by the mov- why did you not telephone your fa- 3 hand of the superintendent, ther last night that you would not One complete run of the clippers up the back of my head was all { could be home. Was it because his tele- ; Phone line apparently was busy all stand at a time, and ther I would In a minute I would night? "Yes, yes," muttered Evelyn hur- riedly. 'That was it." return to let the work continue, only "In spite of our inability to notify to speed back to the stove again. him, we decided to remain at the Dinner was on the table and the little ome " Mr and Mrs. Pembroke. 1s a barber's _-- Aor heat an Fi at correct?" A "1 1s. the job was finished. It was Gilson's "Very well. Then when 1 tele- first attempt at anything in the ton- ig a be from the Pem- ror to se "the a a mir o ce," that he should have been a maker of winding stairs. The most skilled me- "Of course." "But suppos uu © he already has tele- chanie could not have made a.more perfect set of steps! phoned ithe Pembroke residence and has learned that we did not spend Tank Heroes Rewarded, "Tank" heroes figure for the first the night there?" 'He an a know he didn't. arry, you orrid!" "I admit it. Furthermore. I fell time among awards for conspicuous " S : gallantry in action. Cuptain A. M, "Go, telephone Him." Inglis has received the D.S.0. for "With epliohe Tin. bringing hig "tank" Jor ward over 'Whil was { Arth very difficult ground. Although ome his ae a erent to pd iy of the wheels was blown off, he shes "You must come with "Ta ceeded in reaching his objective and "I will make you pis Po AR, ald. manoeuvring throughout "the whol remainder of the day and s Be sperations, The other. "tank" hero go home this event ir v Jou " is Second Lieut. G. O. L. Campbell, . ng if you wish. who has been awarded the Military H Cross. Whe his tank broke dowa he sent his crew back and removed all his guns to his commander's "tank," remaining with him through: out the enti:e operation and person- ally taking charge of the guns. he Gary & Practical FE ome Dress Making|- Lerrons Prepared Specially for This Newspaper CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How To Get Relief from Head-Colds. It's Splendid! BONA WALTON Who plays Judy in "Daddy Long Legs," the greatest comedy of the day, at the Grand Opera use, on Monday, Jan, 22nd, matinee right. In one mirute your clogged nos- trils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you cap breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dry- ness. No struggling for breath at night; your phd or catarrh will be gone. @ . ._ Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream ~; Balm fromy your druggist now. Apply <a lttle of this fragrant, antiseptic|it "' healing cream In your nostrils. It pen-| etrates through every air passage of the head, soothes. the inflamed or swollen mucous membrane and re- lief comes instantly. + It's just fine. Don't stay stuffed up with a eold or nasty catarrh-- Relief comes so quickly. ' By Pictorial Review - Modish Costumes in Ruby Broadcloth. reiterate its PTE. ROSS INVALIDED. Enlisted to Avenge Death of His Son Killed in Ypres. Belleville, Jan. 16.--Pte, James D. Ross, who enlisted with the 53th Bat- talon last spring, shortly before it sailed for England, has returned home. ' He lost his son, Gunner Leo Ross, on May 1, 1915, who as killed by the explosion of a shell at Ypres and enlisted last spring in order te get revenge, Quite a few months ago Pte. Ross was wounded in the back by a shell, and at first was thought to be in g rather dangerous condition, but vered somewhat an has been invaliged. geeat importance, for well-dressed women) are convinced that it is one of the most important it&ng in the season's wardzobe, Ruby. colored bLreadelsth is used to make this pleasing model, which has the front. and back bosplaited and at- tached to a square yoke. The open neck is finished with high flaring collars, The sleeves fit sougly to the wrist, where they are stitched with bands of seif material and trimmed with buttons. Beading ornaments the front of the belt. In medium size costume requires 43 yards 54-inch material. To ent the m | first double it want to recover immediately." 1 doc her as best 1 could, pre- scribed a cold bath and then went to SOME REAL SLACKERS. 3 Se ------ The Wearers of the King's Uniform Often So Termed. Toronto Telegram. The impression that prevails in some classes that taking an officers is generally admitted that a six- Ay military matters does Mercy Seasoms Justice. Cobourg, Jan. 16.--J. H. Hartley, chars of Saving Ihues In ms avi $ posses as So of Saving lgndc bn, his passes 20, has been released in accordance with an order from the Attorney- It is said that he was part- of Dundas, an elderly man, who was] to talk about? girl we both knew Fine Subject. When you took the Jong walk Dolly br w did you find so mueh "Marjorie--We happened to pass a evenly in half a y smoothly om the cutting table. Plgee the® front section into position first, resting the straight line direetly on the selvage © The. piecing is laid near the edge the fold, to the left of the { y back is laid directly on the lengthwise fold of material, with the yoke ubove it, resting on a length. wise thread. To the right of the hack '4 you an tor en- little t of the law, and his friends the collars, yoke 'and belt are pleeed, themselves in all on the lengthwise fold The poe- ket is laid abova the collar marked "IV, with the sleeve nett to it and these two séetions are on a leagth- wise thread of the broadcloth. Broadeloth comes this season in BATIOW Stripgs as well as plain col- and may be had in a number of shades. No material is in greater fof one-piece costumes, While trimmed in many instances with bre beading, broadeloth is Siually Swart with no other decora- 180 "its own bands or buttons. eral. -- i - - rarer eview Costas Ne, TG. Bites, 3 Tobar Bar Fie | = Four » pid A > ;

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