ia PAGE TWELVE You Must Save Money This Year. Why Not Start Right. We Sell McCORMACK RECORDS, 11-in. for $1; 12-in. for $1.25 -- double sides. What Have You Been Paying? Columbia Records, the finest in the world. Given gold medals by the best judges in the world, sell at 85¢ for 10-in.; and $1.25 to $3.00 for 12-in. {1.+ Try a few--you will be satisfied. Treadgold Sporting Goods Co. . 88 Princess St., Kingston, Ont. 0AM | SOI AR. | Tigers Kingston' s Electric Store Now is the time to get your house wired. Let us give you a price. House Wiring ¢ Our Specialty, H.W.Newman Electric Co. Phone 441 79 Princess St. "Ranks with the Strongest' HUDSON BAY Insurance Company FIRE INSURANCE Scissors Sharpened, honed. Al makes of fire Head Office, Roval Insurance Bldg. Locks T Fim PERCY J. QUINN, repaired; s fitted. Manager, Ontario Branch, Toronto , W. H. GODWIN & SONS AGENTS, KINGSTON, ONT. ® | HOME DEFENCE! North Atlantic Patrol Service A largely increased cruiser fleet is necessary to protect Canada and-the trade routes against the renewed Ger- man submarine activities.. Men up te the age of 45, with previous sea-faring experience, 'will be enrolled at once. MEN WANTED Pay: Seamen, $1.10; stokers, $1.20; separation allowance, $20, ' R.N C. V. R ATLANTIC DIVISION # BOYS TOO A limited number of boys between the ages of 15 and 18 will also he given the oppor- THE DATLY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. SRE a = In the World of Sport] ever 10 go into active training early summer, with the purpose of in the SPORTING NOTES retrieving his lost laurels as dis- | 0 tance chgmpion of the country. Sane Chicago's third annual six-day bi- cyvele race will be held Feb. 11th to 17th. Twenty-two riders, among them the stars of the sport, have en- tered, said to be the best smooth- coatefl St. Bernard bitch in England, has Been purchased by £ol. Jacob Ruppert, part owner of the New York { American League Baseball Club. -- fe * Having released Pitchers Chalmers Among the players who will beland McQuillan, Manager Pat Morgan taken south hy the New York Giants) of the , Phillies looks to Oeschger this spring are Joe Rodriguez and|and Pincup to give him some vaiu- Portia, Joe Shoebern, both infielders, who |able assistance next season. are the property of the Rochester ---- Club. Tris. Speaker and Bobby Roth, NA AAA Ted The Western Baseball League has shortened its schedule, and gill play only 112 games this season, instead of 126 games as in 1916. | Bruno Hass, former pitcher with | the Athletics, who gained the name of being the wildest pitcher in the American League in 1915, will be giv- en a trial by the Chicago White Sox this spring. Because they played in a football ame at Providence, R.I., on Dec. 9, in violation of the eligibility rules of the University of Syracuse, eight members of the 'Varsity football team at Syracuse have been declared | ineligible for athletic competition at the university. " Manager Jennings of the Detroit is said to be angling for the | services of Pitcher "Dutch" Leonard, of the Boston Red Sox, | | middleweight {is reported to he on the high seas |bound for America. He is "Mick" | King, who was quite a sensation in the Antipodes before the rise of Les] { Darcy. i Son Another Australian DAVID 1. FT'LTZ Mayers' . President of the Baseball member of | Fraternity, At NAP Walter Rehg, former the Boston Red Sox, was held up in] (Kansas City recently. The bandits | got a $200 diamond pin, a gold watch fand $23 in bills. | Cincinnati boxing promoters are {kicking to the police chief because 80 many members of the foree attend {the bouts in that city and are ad- imitted gratis. The same goes for | the fire department. They make {crowd in themselves, Jess Willard is under contract to fight in Mi]Jwaukeee whenever his ser- vices are demanded. Tom Andrews has arranged for Willard to appear! there avith some big man late in! March. Sport in England in 1916 under- went severe curtailment, but a rapid glance back at the year reveals some very interesting features. Chief | among them is the fact that English sportsmen accepted disappointments | with good grace and few grumbles; | with them, as with all patriots, it! is the winning of the war that counts | before all things. Quite the out-! standing event of the year from a! purely sporting point of view has! been the organized effort by. the! gportsmen at home to raise £40,000] for the provision of a hundred mdtor | ambulance cars for service on the | Allied fronts. In six months the! British Sportsmen Ambulance Fund has raised over half the sum aimed | at-- a splendid' tribute to English sports and to the earnest en- deavor of Lord Lonsdale, the presi- dent of the fund, and his committee. Del. Baker, the Oregon lad who has been starring behind the wind- pad for the past several years for! Detroit, may be turned over to 'the San Francisco club next spring. At] least, so says his running mate, "Tub" Spencer. FIFTEEN CENTS » Les Darcy isn't getting the most desirable publicity in New York these days. The Gotham dailies re- fuse to place a halo on the brow of the Australian. Rather are they in- clined to assail him for being a "slacker." Albie Smith, a well-known Aus- tralian rider has applied to the New York Jockey Club for a license. Smith, who is now in England, will arrive in the United States in time to accept mounts at the Belmont Park meeting next spring. Grant Hugh Browne has notified | 5 the New York Jockey Club that he has selected the name of Les Darcy for his English-bred two-year-old bay colt by Hellotrope-Norma. Hannes Kolehmaiuien, the Flying Finn, has hung up his shoes for the} tunity to participate in this service, Pay: 50¢. per day. pply to COMMODORE EMILIUS JARVIS Naval Recruiting Officer Jarvis Build for Ontario * TORONTO BRINGING UP FATHER EH : winter, and will not run in any of the indoor meets. He plans, how- 3 8 22 3 . Cleveland's great star and nearly- great, respectively, are working on Owner James Dunu's railroad in or- der to keep in condition for next season. For devoting eight hours of their energies to railroad they draw the sum of three dollars per day. Connie Mack plans to use Jack Nabors as one of his regular pitchers. Yet records for the 1916 season show that Nabors was absolutely the worst pitcher in the league Ile completed the rather unenviable record of hav- ing won one game and lost twenty for the season. -- nominations were re- cefved for the Futurity of 1919. This total is the largest that has been tendered for the big two-year- old race in all except seven years since the Futurity was instituted in 1888, In all 942 The Dayton ball p park, home of the pennant-winning Central League team in that town, was destroyed re- cently by fire. Much mystery sur- rounds the origin of the fire, WILL "BUST" FRATERNITY. Dave Fultz to Be Driven Out of Base- ball, Threats of David L. Fultz, presi- dent of the Baseball Players' Fra- ternity, to call a strike of between 600 and 700 payers unless their de- mands are granted before the begin- ning of the 1917 season, were answ- ered by B. B.)Johnson, president of the American League at Chicago. President Johnson in a bristling statement declared that Fultz would be driven out of baseball; that the Fraternity would be crushed, and that every plaver in the American League would be obliged to sign a contract before going to the spring training camps. The American League, Mr. Johnson said, is through with Fultz, Phone 577 2 po stp I Get. Back of a Milo Start the New Year right by smoking MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Kingston. G. A. McGOWAN, Manufacturer, a, "PARLOR FURNITURE FURNITURE Special prices on these suites. 3 piece Mahg. Suites $25 to $125 5 piece Mahg. Suites, $25 to $35 40 Suites to choose from. Tables, Cabinets, Jardinieres, Pedestals. Agents for Pathe Freres. Absolutely the Best Machine Made. J. Reid, Leading Undeakor \ Robt. 150 Wellington Street. | Blakemore Studio Enlarging and Copying, Hempiortraiure All work gua eed. Over Royal Bank Chambers > J Commercial Photography. Kingston's L it Photo Studio. wall lacrosse and hockey player, has won the military try on the field of action in France. BAA i rd srt During a Canadian attack on Nov. 18th last Guy showed such bravery that he has béen decorated, Guy played hockey with Russell and lacrosse with the Tecumsehs in the Big Four. I Guy Snifth Decorated, Guy Smith, the well known Corn- medal for gallan- - : 3 3 HH a TC oe By GEORGE McMANUS ILL SET ALL ORESHSED up AND JIGGS IN NEW CLOTHES! | DON'T SEE | 1B ANY THING To i AN LAUGH AT - : AW: LISTEN- > MAGGIE "LET ME Ns Dibrvy MEAN i IT Ream amis sn