PACE TWO January | | | | | Fur Sale John McKay, Limited The Bab Grand Cabinet Phonograph (82 inches high) Beautifully mahogany. gives tone machine. of Disc Price $35.00. Wi 00! Our special steel cut at ... 40c Ib. Our special blend, fresh ground an «4d ss Bt 830c Ib. We are safe in saying that these lines cannot be beaten at the- price. Try them. TEA We have a beautiful black tea Our Japans and Ceylons range from ... .. ..... 80¢ to 45¢ Ib. Our repeat orders on these lines are a guarantee of their quality. | was appointed to look into the pro- MAYOR HUGHES ADDRESSED THE VETERANS ASSOCIATION MEETING ON MONDAY EVENING. | Grievances of Returned Soldiers Were | Aired and the Secretary Will Act in the Matter. The rooms of the Veterans' Asso- ciation were crowded on Monday evening. At the meeting it develop- ed that there are returned soldiers who are unable to perform their usual duties or in some cases to do work of any kind. These have been turned out without gratuity or pen- sion of any kind. There were eight such eases at the meeting. It was resolved that employment such as in post offices, Customs House or Inland | Revenue Department should be given to such men who are capable of do- ing the work. The order that 86l- diers after discharge are not allowed | to wear their uniform was discussed. This was thought unfair because of the associations that a uniform had with its wearer and the fact that the soldiers like to wear it at church par- ades, banquets, ete. The secretary was instructed to take action in the matter. A musical programme was given by Staff-Sergt. Mayer, Sergt. Hill, Bandsmen Secor and H. W. Shaw. After the City Council meeting, Mayor Hughes came into the hall and made a few remarks. He promise to do everything possible for the re- turned soldiers, and was made an honorary member during his term of office. The members of the Ladies' Auxiliary served refreshments, YOUNG MEN'S CLUB BANQUET Held in Queen Street Methodist Hall on Monday Evening. The Young Men's Club of Queen Street Methodist Church held a sue- cessful. banquet and business meet- ing in the Sunday sehool hall on Mon- day evening, There were thirty members of the club present, with Major G. I. Campbell, C.R.O., and Robert Meek as guests of honor. F. Clow, president of the elub presided. : After an excellent supper served' by the Ladies' Aid of the church, a business meeting was held. W. J. Crothers, junior, and C. Reynolds were appointed ushers. A committee position of the club taking over a cottage on Clergy street owned by the church. It was also decided that the young men would hold a concert in February. > For Small Men. 300 men's black working shirts not large enough for big men. If they were the price would be $1.00 each. These shirts are cut a little small, but will fit men up to 160 Ibs. Special at 66¢ each, or $1.25 pair. Corrigan's. ; ------------ Kingston Cape Vincent Stage, Commencing Jan, 17th stages will leave Canada S.8. Lines' office, foot of Brock street, for Cape Vincent at 1.30 p.m, daily except Sunday, con- necting with N.Y.C. trains, . J COMPOSED OF ALDS. POLSON, NICKLE, O'CONNOR AND WRIGHT; Right Name of Frontenac Ward Park H. E. Richardson Donated 200 Jars | is "Aberdeen" --Council Pigeon Holes the Woman's Equal Fran- For This Shipment. chise Request. : | 'The American Consulate has agai Aceording to Ald. Corbett, the City taken on its monthly appearance of | Council has a "big four," Alds. Poin. Wright, Nickle and O'- hundred parcels are being prepared | Connor, these being the men selected 0 be sent to Germany. The work has to do thgPbig work, In the eighties Deen pretty well reduced fo a sys-| the Council had a "big four," and tem until now there is no confusion! dien the Frontenac County Council !f Much work. To take from bulk | : and weigh into 200 parcels, some! Susive years ago had an outstanding five different articles; to pack eigh-! = | teen different parcels 2k inai W made- box, and then do the work of ald. Wright CPT LT addressing, is certainly an immense | it is "Frontenac 'Park "» "I have beerny work which citizens generally do not! chairman of parks for eight years," IA ore ol vas 34. Beat told the Council just nignt, is conducted by the American Con-! "an have never heard of Kingston f } having an Aberdeen Park." Ald. Wright declared he would not stand corrected until the city clerk told: him he was wrong, and as the elerk remained silent, Ald. Wright looked as triumphantly around the horse- shoe as if he had just pocketed a large bet. IN PACKAGES BEING SENT TO CANADIANS IN GERMANY. success. The Red Cross Society in England is bound down to a certain weight of goods that may be sent to any one prisoner im a month. The local fund is absolutely separate and the parcels as addressed here go through to the man himself by the | channel of the American ambassador, , and are not held by the rules which Thare were twenty-one members of govern the Red Cross Society. Council present at last evening's Proving that no parcels have been meeting. Ald. Boyce was the only delayed, Mr. Johnson has just receiv- absentee. Of the twenty-one present, oq cards of acknowledgement for the the mayor and ten aldermen did all Christmas parcels which arrived the talking. about December §th at the various -- 0 camps. Those went through when "Nothing doing" was the sign hung parcels through the Red Cross So- out by the Finance Committee in re- ciety were held up in London. Each ply to the Woman's Equal Franchise of the packages will be shipped in a Committee asking for sympathy and few days, contains eighteen different support. Council endorsed the re- articles as: follows: One tin of corn commendation of the committee, beef, one tin of salmon, one tin of fo pork and beans, three-quarters of a It would be a good thing if the pound of sugar, ome-half pound of Couneil of J917 and its works com- salt, one half pound of evaporated mittee induced a judge to look into milk; one half pound of tea, one half the way in which the city's business pound of cocoa, chocolate, tobacco, has been carried on. He might give soap, socks, soup, gum, towel, pea- a ruling which would be respected nut butter, rice and honey. and remembered. | H. E, Richardson, of the Fenwick, -- : Hendry Co., was kind enough to A Conservative alderman says that donate 200 jars of honey and 200 he did not call down the Conservative tablets of soup for this shipment. chairman of thé works committee in This is the first month in which 1916. No? And no other Conserva- honey has been placed in the pack- tive aldermen joined him in his age. criticism? . Then why did Alderman Nickle and Alderman Wright tender their tearful condolences to ex-Alder-' man Peters at the last meeting of the The University ¥. M. C. A. Executive works committee and offer to resign; Met Monda; Afternoon, their seats in His favor? Queer ac- A meeting of the executi 1 tions for presumably sensible men. | Queen's ¥. M, C. A. was held on ey day afternoon. It was decided that a successor would be appointed at the next meeting to the late Sergt. George Anderson, who had acted so well as president. The matter of dancing at the freshmen's reception was discussed, and it was decided that the matter would be referred to -- ithe Senate for consideration, so that The firemen have asked Ald. Pol- the ones who danced at the last re- son's committee for a "liberal in- ception might make some reparation: crease in wages," and some aldermen ! The regular meetings of the sopho- are wondering if this has reference 'more and freshmen years in Artd to the fact that the grits ate in the were held on Monday afternoon. En- majority in Council. The applilcants jovable programmes were held at point out that they are paid just each. , 7% cents a day. Sched iat mg % gi | 100 MUCH GCOvEHT MEDICINE. The Public Works Department; i pail Ottawa, has given the City Council Citizen Drank & Big Dose in Attempt notice that it does not want the to Get Well Quick. garbage of the postoftice and customs In an attempt to get well quick a house to be collected any longer, and ' citizen drank over one-half a bottle that it wishes to drop out from the of cough medicine," but instead of collection system, According to the | improving his condition, he was Statutes every property must pay the | made very fll; in fact he was obliged garbage tax. If the Government | to stay off work for several days. He buildings are to be exempted there is ' is now better and whle to be arqund, going to be trouble, as the churches | but says 'that he' has had enough pay. " cough medicine. He had an idea -- that if he would take a big dose he When Ald. Newman started in to | would get better right away. show the Council how badly the houges on some streets were number- An Enthusiastic h ed, and the need of a révision, his A very enthusiastic meeting of the confreres pricked up their ears, and | Equal Franchise Campaign Commit Ald. O'Connor enquired if Ald. New- | tee was held in the Y. M, C. A. par- man was already preparing to contest | lors on Monday evening. There were -- NEWS FROM QUEEN'S. Men do not usually go to law until they have exhausted every other me- thod of settling their disputes. The works committee reverses the order and will, if some aldermen have their way, go to law Tirst and try other me- thods of settlement afterwards. ~ " - 4 __-- " Ty DAILY BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917, GOUNCL'S BC FOUR T0 BE FIGHTER: ARTICLES] namely, being a grocery packing house. Two| { in a specially | Hi sulate, has proven to be a complete ||} of Honey 'and 200 Soup Tablets [ii Nw is the time to send the annual love messages to the bays overseas. Dainty Valentines from America's three largest manufacturers including the famous Art Line, now on display. BOOKS FOR OVER-SEAS VALENTINES Books should be included in every overseas package. If you have not yet sent one of Robt. W. Service's Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, send. it now. Hoxes for overseas packages. : FREE----Overseas labels for pasting on packages and insuring correct delivery are furnished free to our customers, BATTLE FIELDS OF TODAY New and specially made large scale maps of the different War Zones. The battle lines as they tood up to December 9th last are marked in red. The user may trace from day to day the move ments of the troops. Highly educational. Vitally interesting. 16 pages. Maps 14 x 21 and 11 x 15. Price 25¢, postpaid. A s THE COLLEGE 300K STORE OPEN NIGHTS Gibson ' 160-162 Princess Street. Telephone 919. is a good time to buy DRY GOODS We are taking inventory and are placing all short lengths and odd lines on the bar- gain counter. Keepsakes altered to modern, wearable, useful articles. Ring and Brooch Mounting Small, old model watches made into useful wrist watches. SMITH BROS. ~ Jewelers and Opticians. 5 HOSIERY UNDERWEAR FLANNELETTE BLANKETS WOOL BLANKETS DRESS GOODS Are all good buys now. $75.00 to $125.00 F. Gourdier | The Always Busy Store. for the mayoralty next January, over sixty ladies present, and be- --- tween fifty and sixty 'have already A Division street resident is so | signed up as willing to canvass the pestered with deliveries being made! city to get the opinion of the public to his door that are for other per-, On the question, 8008 on the same street, but with the Rv same house number, that he has ap- Ta Prevent he drip, Beales to tie Board of Works for re-| Colds cause grip--Laxative Bromo h Quinine removes cause. There is only : fue "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GRO- "B'S of ure on box. 26e¢. FELL DOWN CELLARWAY. a Faring In the house all alone. He Was a carpenter, ; up some work, and this isi} as the reason, for 0 ound sooner. Police Mave the Liquor, But booked for the Police Court on Tues- day morning, but it did not come off, for the reason that the person who was to be charged was conspicuons by his absence. : pose BUILDERS SUPPLIRG ewwy CLOSING oF MALLS BY heal, Sn TY STORM SASH Ghlten hates. ily «12.45 p.m. adel ni nie 02 Sle ern § ER dn 30 p.m. 9 pam »m Man in the Case Is Missing. An interesting " liquor case was Is what our coal offers" you, coal a Sean, dry, and éarefully screened, weight coal. When you buy a ton of it you get = tom of sound coal and a ton of satisfaction. Order your next ton from us; fot get jusi the coal Town look- i: SOF, ered promptly care- Foot of West St.