THE DAILY MAA IS 0115 RAL TOFE 1S CHARMAN v ELECTED AT INAUGURAL MEET- | ING OF UTILITIES COMMISSION. R. F. Elliott Again Moves to Have Gas and Electric Light Rates Col- lected Every Three Months--New Pump For Waterworks Plant, R. H. Toye is the new chairman of the Civic Utilities Commission. He was elected to that position by a un- animous vote at the inaugural meet- ing of the commission for 1917, held on Monday afternoon. Owing to the illness ofMhis wife, Mr, Toye was un- able to be present at the meeting, | but all the other members were | on ~~ | this motion of Mr. Elliott," said Mr. { Chown. "I thought that after we had CHATRMAN R. #. TOYE. | At are a Mr present, including Mayor Hughes, T.| J. Rigney, R, F. Elliott and G. Y.!| Chown, The motion to make Mr. Toye chairman was moved by Mr. i Rigney, and as already stated, it was unanimous, Mr. Toye has served the city for eight years at the light plant and has always taken a keen interest in this part of the city's business, and ag head of the commission, is sure to give the city the very best of service, He served for three years as chair- man of the, old Light, Heat and Power Commitfee, The selection of a chairman re- quired but a few seconds. On motion of Mr. Elliott Mr. Chown was voted temporary chairman, | mission in regard to the collections. The Hydro 'commission advocated | system of collection. | was aware, it was not compulsory on it part of the commission to have | every three months, and why not the put the matter as a notice of motion and that it be taken up at the next meeting, and Mr. Elliott agreed to let it go at that. City _Auditor Muir, who was pres- ery, sald that the Hydro Commission would not allow any other method of collection but that of the monthly collection of rates. . Question of Debentures. | he could present his motion, moved | that Mr. Toye be appointed, and the | motion was carried, Mr. Rigney was then moved to the chair in the absence of Mr. Toye. Moved. For Quarterly Collections. Mr. Elliott gave his colleagubs a surprise when he moved that the | Commission revert to the old system of collecting the gas and electric . Nght rates every three months in-| The question of debentures was Con a brought up by Mayor Hughes, who t 0 . oy EE ath pet RESAERY. stated that the Civic Finance Com- down." remarked Mr, Elliott, "but I |Mittee had recommended a long term would like to bring the matter up | Of debentures--thirty years--with a . inking fund. | again. You turned me down on this |® glu 2 last year, but I still think that the Juis did Rot Meet Wilh Lae. ap. collection every three months is the Pro"? a . - s d Ch best system, and for this reason I am | Mission, Messrs. Rigney and Chown asking that the change he made." pointing out that Mr. Bradshaw, of po Toronto, who has had a long I am rather disappointed over|.,.. in the handling of debentures, had just recently given a very lengthy report dealing with the matter, in which he advocated the abolishing of the sinking fund and advocating the annual retirement system. They were ready to accept this system from one who has had such a wide experience in the business Mayor Hughes promised to take 'the matter up with the Civic Finance Committee. At the Mist meeling of the Com- mission Mr. Elliotwasked that a fin- ancial statement of the plant be pre- pared, but it was stated that this would be ready for the next meeting. The Commission received a report on the waterworks plant from Man- ager Folger, and on his recommenda- tion the Hydro-Electric Commissio will De asked for a tender for the in- stallation of an electric pump, The manager pointed out that with an ex- penditure estimated at $10,000 an all the discussion over it last year,| that Mr. Eliott had been converted to the monthly collection." Mr. Eliott remarked that while his motion was defeated in 1916, he did not takesit that the matter had been shelved., With a smile, he said that he wa: under the impression that this year he might have a few con- verts to t plan. He had no new arguments to present, but he felt that he was standing for what was really the best system. Mr, Rigney stated that the Com- mission wouid soon be under the working of the Hydro-Electric Com- i the collectiph every month, and he could not see the wisdom of the Commission making a change, and 7 BRITISH WHIG, TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1917. | Ladies' White Felt Halliday Electric Ceo, .. Hanson, Crozier & Edgar Imperial Oil Co. .. -- Kingston Milling Co. ... Thomas McAuley .. New England Cafe .. .. Philips Electrical Works. . Standard Printing Ce. .. .. P. Walsh .. .. .. George A. Wright .., .. .. Engineering Equipment Co.. Meldrum Supply Co. ... .. FROM THE CITY SOLICITOR ON PAYNE'S FAIR GROUNDS' BIT. Is the City Liable For the Avcount, and Are Charges Proper?--Ald. Nickle Takes Iesue With a Whig Editorial, Further information is sought by Ald. Nickle with reference to the Payne account for work on the horti- cultural building in the fair grounds. This account, for which no funds were provided, the work being irreg- ularly ordered, is in the hands of the Finance Committee, to which it was referred by the City Council on De- cember 18th, and the committee lias asked tue City Selicitor to report upon it. At Monday night's meeting of Council this resolution moved by Ald. Nickle 'and seconded by: Ald. Couper was adopted: That the City Solicitor Council on the following: 1. That whereas neither the Board of Works nor the Council ordered advise i : then having to go back to the"other additional pump, could be added to the plant, and that the expenditure would be money well spent and the city would then be well, supplied. Mr. Elliott said that as far as he ------------ i Route of Power Line. | The manager dlso reported that the Hvdro engineers wére submitting | a letiq: to the City Council, present- | ing a revised route for the bringing | in of power to the city. It was pro- posed to bring it in on Division street | and several other streets :)ecified| in the letter to the Council. Mr. Folger also stated that the! poles had arrived in the city and that! the Hydro Commission had men on! the job ready to proceed with the] work just as soon as the necessity | permission regarding the route was decided upon. W. H. Cullen, engineer at the waterworks plant for seventeen years, 'the collection made every month, but that the matter wag left optional with the commission. At the present time the water rateg were collected gas and electric light rates? Mr. Rigney pointed out that the water rates were fixed on a flat rate, and that the money was paid in ad- vance, Mr. Elliott said that he could not see as this should make any differ- ence. Mayor Hughes said that he was op- posed to the monthly collections, but in view of the statement that changes were about to be made in the method of carrying on the business of the Mr. Elliott was abcut to move that Mr. Toye be appointed chairman, but | the retiring chairman, Mr. Rigney, | slipped one over on him, and before Commission, as a new member he was not in a position to give an in- telligent vote on the question. Mr. Chown asked that Mr. Elliott |P® asked for three months' leave of ab- sence, owing to ill-health, without y. Mr. Elliott said that as Mr, Cullen Portsmouth Joins in Praise of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food Two Letters From That Suburb Tell of Complete Cure of Nervous Trouble--Druggists Report Largely Increased Sales. Kingston, Ont., Jan. 16.--The keen interest which has been aroused in the city over Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is now spreading to the suburbs, and today brings two reports from Ports- mouth. Both of these cases were ra- ther severe; both cures were effected some time ago, and both are con- sidered complete and lasting. Mrs. J. Powell, Portsmouth, Ont., writes: "Some two years ago I was 'suffering from a nervous attack, sleeplessness and a general run- down condition, My nerves were in such a bad state that it was with difficulty that 1 was able to get ar- ound. A friend advised me to try Dr. Chage's Nerve Food. I got a box, and before I had taken all of it I could detect an improvement, so 1 continued using the Nerve Food un- til I had used six boxes. I found such an improvement that | considered I * was completely cured. [| could do my work without any trouble and sleep well at nights. I have recom- mended the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to many friends." had "been a faithful servant of the city, he would be in favor of giving him fifty per cent. of his salary dur ing the three months. However, the] Commission decided to grant the re- quest as made. The manage: reported that he had submitted rates to the locomotive works €or the supply of 750 h.p., and this 'will come up later. W. H. Gardiner appeared before] the Commission to complain about a| service bill served on him in connec- GL. tion with the new house of Prof. O. Bouthe a BASIE mouth Ont., | D- Skelton on Lower Alfred street, writes: "About three years ago 1 jut no action [Kas taken, pa the nu 3 rs agreed that it was not wp to the piesds Suffering Jom Nar YOusHeas, Cound ion to take action. and a poor appetite. Having taken tions were passed for some ne- doctors medicine for some time with- |céssary supplies, including a contract | out any results, 1 was advised by a|With the Hydro Commission for] friend to try Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. | Tungston lights required during the I sent for a box, tried it, and found Year. an improvement before I had finished The following accounts were pasi- the first box, so I continued the ed: treatment until I was cured. Occas-|Canadian Customs .. .. .. $26.32 ionally now if I am not feeling well | Bradden & McKegney .. .. 25.00 I resort to the use of some Nerve |Mrs, Ellen Chapma 20.00 Food, with good effect each time. I|Pay fist .. .. . have also used Dr. Chase's Ointment, | Jssa¢ Allan 19.25 and find it splendid." Angrove Bros. ..%. ...... Druggists report a largely increas- | Dr, Geo, W. Bell ed demand for Dr. Chase's Nerve |Thomas G. Bishop i... .. Food front all parts of the city. This Burroughs Adding Machine is the best proof of the satisfaction obtained by the use of this great re- storative and of the good words which are being passed along by per- sons benefited. 50 cents a box, a full treatment of 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & hn Canadian Pacific Railway Registry Office .... .. Wm. Cockburn .. .. ... W. B. Dalton & Sons .... This letter is endorsed by C. B. F. Co., Ltd., Toronto. C. Donoghue . . NOTHING LIKE A HOT WATER BOTTLE For the sick room. to $3.00. == | Emery Mfg. Co Finkle & Co. .. .. Frontenac Lumber and Coal Cox." Gananoque Electric Co. . Grand & Toy, Limited .... Grand Trunk Railway .. .. . G.N.W. Telegraph Co. .. 1.35 the work done at the fair grounds on the horticultural building, is this corporation responsible for Mr. | Payne's account? 2. If the corporation is responsible is Mr. Payne entitled to charge what- ever he may see fit for the labor and material supplied, or is he only en- titled to a fair profit on the labor and material supplied? 3. If Mr. Payne is only entitled to a fair profit, what do the courts con- sider a fair percentage of profit? Ald. Polson suggested that two ap- praisers, namely William <MecCart- ney and William Newlands, be ap- pointed to make a report. He held that the work would have to be ap- praised. Ald. O'Connor was of the opinion that the 'whole matter should be left in the hands 'of the Finance Com- mittee, where it was now, Ald. Niekle pointed out that if the City Solicitor reported that the city would have to pay accounts contract- ed by aldermen or city officials in violation of the by-laws, then what protection had the city? The Council ! should know jyst where it stoed in the matter. Ald. Litton held that an appraise- ment was no use now, because the appraisers did not know the condit- Jon of the structure-before it was re- uilt, 3 Ald. Nickle disseded a "Wig edi- torial in Monday's igpug, entitled "A One-sided Report," taking issue with some of ile statements. He pointed out that the Board of Works was not asked to deal with the financial as- pect of the matter, The Finance Committee had this in hand. = He further denied that he had called down the ex-chairman_ of the Board of Works at the last meeting of Council in December. He declared that he had no apology to offer for his conduct in the matter, He had no complaint to make against: Mr. Payne, but he did complain bitterly of the way in which the city's busi ness had been conducted. His de- sire was to see it conducted in a pro- per manner, COMMITTEE GIVEN POWER TO DECIDE As to the Hydro-Electric Pow- er Line Route Through the Oity. A committee consisting of Alds. ~1 Nickle, O'Connor, Wright and Pol- son was appointed evening by the City Councii » con with the Utilities Commission and settle upon the route through the city the Hydro-Blaciic Commission's er ne. The latest request of Chief En- gineer Gaby, of the Hydro trie, is to carry the live along these streets: Division, Adelaide, trick, Balaclava, Bay, Bagot and k. All prices from 85¢ GIRLS! MOISTEN A AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. Telephone 41 : The Anglin Company objects to the power line crossing its premises, and so the first proposed route was Spats We have justreceived a few dozen pairs of white felt spats, 10 buttons high; good quality of cloth, to sell at $2.00. Campbell's Furs FAMOUS VALUES Our furs are made from sel- ected skins and noted for their smart fashionable styles, as well as low prices, Now is the time to buy. Ladies' Hudson Seal Coats. Ladies' Muskrat Coats. Men's Far and Fur Lined Coats, Ladies' Fine Fur Setts in Fox, Wolf, Sable, Coon, Am. erican Oppossum, Mar- mot, Etc, Come and get ouy prices, Campbell Bros, Kingston's Oldest Fur Store. - Dr. Halls Cough Balsam CURES COUGHS AND COLDS 25¢ a Bottle, at Prouse's: Drug Store Opposite St. Andrew's Charen J . | A New, Harmless Way to Banish Hairy Growths (Beauty Topics) N Chocolates Call and see our big variety in fancy Sakell's Next to Grand Opts House, oe Have Us Deliver To Your Home One of our beautifully finished round pedestal base Extension Tables. It will be at once an ornament and a most serviceable addition to the home. Leather seat diners and buffets to match, at 'James Reid The Leading Undertaker : Phone 147 fox Motor Ambulance. Farms for Sale of T. J. LOCKHART Bldg. CUNARD LINE | i January 16th to 19th, 917. Single Fare for the Round Trip $3.35 Tickets going Monday, January 15th to y January 18th, in- clusive. Valid for return on or be- fore Saturday, January 20th. Tiekets aud all other information, By following this x i ---- -- at at 3 a be ae]