Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1917, p. 2

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1917. PAGE TWO _ January Fur Sale John McKay, Limited { Tea and Coffee wholesale of tea and but we are still cut vos 40c Ib. fresh ground sss +s. Bt 30c Ib. in saying that these beaten at the price. steel We are sa lines cannot Try them. oe be TEA | ask tea aan nk h + at 40c Ib. Our Japans 8 range Our repeat orders on these lines are a guarantee of their quality. TAKE OVER CORT RODKS | NURSES' DORMITORY WILL BE | ESTABLISHED AT COURT HOUSE. | Government Hospitals' Commission Rooms for the Nurses and They 'Will be Fitted Out at Once for The members of the Government | Hospitals' Commission were in the |over the-two large court rooms in the county building for a nurses' ¢ Decided to Use the Two Large Them. leity on Tuesday and decided to take dormitory in connection with the 1, 000-bed hospital which is to be od i tablished in this city for invalided soldiers. , The two rooms are bright and airy, and should make ideal quarters for the nurses. It is pro- posed to use the high court room for sleeping quarters and the other room| for a dining hall. The necessary alterations will be proceeded with at once. The commission's was in the city, and with the mem- bers of the commission paid a visit to the county building. The benches in these court rooms will be taken out and stored in the basement of the court house. * Warden James Halliday and the members of the county council were willing to give over what aceommo- dation they could to help on the] cause. It js proposed to use the! county council chamber and the city hall if required for sessions of the high court. For Fall and Winter. Prevost, Brock street, has a great assortment of readymade clothing in suits and overcoats, and a splendid assortment of gent's. furnishings. His order clothing department was never better assorted with new goods at extremely low prides, It will pay you to examine his stock before buy- ing. A Wolfe Island Event. A pleasant 'évening was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E Mosier, when a box social was held Wednesday, Xan. 10th. ladies superintonding were the Misses Mabel Orr and Vera Walker, The ' guests were amused until midnight playing games, ete., when supper was } | Davis, while sorved, after which dancing was in- dulged in to music rendered by Harry Irwin Orr acted as prompter. Over twelve dollars was realized and will be donated to the | Belgium Relief Fund. yee Hau rr febglaw wel Kingston Cape Vincent Stage. Commencing Jan. 17th stages will leave Canada 8.8, Lines' office, foot of Brock street, for Cape Vincent at 1.30 p.m. daily except Sunday, con- necting with N.Y.C. trains, The many friends of Mr. and Mr..! James M. Hunter are pleased that! their little daughter, Georgia, is im-| proving after a serious illness of paeumonia. Valentines are love messages to the boys overseas. Now is the time to send them, College Book Store. - QUESTION OF ASSESSMENT | THERE WERE SIXTY-SEVEN AP- { PEALS LAST YEAR. i | Assessor W. 8. Gordon Complimented by Judge Madden--Recommenda- | tions of City Council Committee Will Be Received With Interest. | Although there are about 5,000' names on the assessment rolls of { Kingston, there were last year only | sixty-seven appeals entered against over-assessment, and half of these were dismissed by the Court of Re- vision." After the last court of as- sessment appeal, held in the City Council chamber in December, Judge Madden complimented Assessor W. S. {Gordon upon the fact that there were [80 few appeals against his assess- { ment, Probably no other place the i size of Kingston in the whole coun- could boast of having so satis- Ory an assessment. + | Just what the committee appointed | by the City Council proposes to do {in regarded, to changes in the mode of assessment ahd the appointment of a commission to assist Mr. Gordon is not known. - The basis of Mr. Gor- don's assessment is "market value" of property. There are some ex- pensive properties in Kingston which many citizens think should be assess- |ed double the amount now placed { upon them, but at tha Court of Re- | vision evidence is usually given to | show that these properties cannot be sold for any more than their assessed value, as there are so few buyers for expensive buildings. For Instance, one Kingston residence 1s assessed | for $15,000, and the largest offer the owner can get for the place is $15- 000. Of course $50,000 or $60,000 would not cover the actual cost of the property, but that .is another thing. Market value is what counts in assessment. The discussion of assessment is a)- ways a welcome thing to the rate- payers, and the recommendation of { try | fact architeét | the City Council committee will be received with a great deal of interest. Firsg of all the publication of the city's assessment would be welcomed. W. 8. Gordon, who has been in the civic service for thirty-eight years, is now In his seventy-first year and not in good health. It is understood he would welcome retirement, and if he decides to pass out of the city's service he would be entitled to a re- tiring allowance equal to three years' salary, which would be $3,600. When Miss Flanagan, of the City Clerk's office, "(:cently resigned she received a gratuity of three years' salary, as allowed by statute for civic em- ployees who have served twenty years. i -------- IN THE ONTARIO TANKARD SER- IES WITH NAPANEE. * 7 ---- : Brockville Defaulted---St. Mary's De- feasted C.L.C's. in the Junior Juven- ile Hockey Series Last Evening. | POLICE ARRESTED A MAN WHO NEGLECTED.TO PAY HIS BOARD BILL. ~ Alexander Hayes Was in Railway Station With Ticket For Belleville When Rounded Up--Paid His Board Bill and Also the Costs of the Court, i One of -the meanest tricks a per- sgn could do is to rin up a board bill and then try to skip out. Alexander Hayes had a board bill of $9.50 with Mis, Andrew Hill, who tonducts a boarding house on Brock street, but he didn't pay up. Fear- ing that he would leave the city, and that she would lose the money, she] lodged a complaint with the police on! Tuesday afternoon. A summons was) issued for Hays, and the case was given over to Constable Samuel Ar- niel. The latter went out on the nunt for Hayes, and after some time he located him at the G.T.R. station. | Hayes had in his possession a rail- way ticket for Belleville. * Fearing | that his man would go to Belleville | and not put in an appearance at the session of the Police Court on Wed-| nesday morning. Constable Arniel took "safety-first" methods, and in- stead of taking a chance on Hayes| coming to the ceurt in the morning, he took him to the police station, where he was kept all nigut, and there was no worry as te his appear-| ance before the Magistrate, When charged by the Magistrate with refusing to pay his board bill, | Hayes hung his head afid said that he was wilhing to make a settlement. Mrs. Hill was in court and the Magis- trate gave the two & chance to get] together and make the settlement. | Hayes pulled out a twenty-dollar bill and settled for his board, and also paid the costs of the court, amount- ing to $2.50. b With butter gelling at 50 cents per i pound, and eggs at 55 to 60 cents a dozen boarding house keepers cer- tainly cannot afford to lose any of the money due them. A liquor case was to have been heard, 'but was adjourned for a day. Is Still Missing. The proprietor of a local garage, wanted by the License Inspector, to answer to a charge of having liguor on his premises, is still missing from the city. The case ° will come oft just as soon as he returns to Kings- ton. Charge Has Been Dropped. The charge preferred against Lewis Viskey, of having. purchased stolen brass, has been «dropped. It was througa Viskey that the young man who pleaded guilty. to the theft of a large quantity of brass was loca- ted. The young man is making resti- tution to the parties who suffered. VISITED OLD PEOPLE'S HOME, A Sunday School Class Gives an En- joyable Programme, Last night Miss Vernal Truesdell Valentines for Overseas Nw is the time to send the annual love messages to the boysgoverseas. Dainty Valentines from America's three largest manufacturers including the famous Art Line, now on display. : BOOKS FOR OVER-SEAS VALENTINES Books should be included in every overseas package. If you have not yet sent one of Robt. W. Service's Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, send it now. Boxes for overseas packages. FREE--Overseas labels for pasting on packages and insuring correct delivery are furnished free to our customers. Gibson BATTLE FIELDS OF TODAY | New and specially made large scale maps of the different War Zones. The battle lines as they | stood up to December 9th last are marked in red. The user may trace from day to day the moves | ments of the troops. 16 pages. Maps 14 x 21 and 11 x 15. Price 25¢, postpaid. 'THE COLLEGE 300K STORE, OPEN NIGHTS Highly educational. Vitally interesting. 160-162 Princess Street. Only $5 2950nly Ladies' | Coats This season's nob- biest styles, priced up to $15.00 each. Sizes 34, 36, 38. F or Special Work, Designing or Remodeling Keepsakes altered to modern, wearable, useful articles. Ring and Brooch Mounting Small, old model watches made into useful wrist watches. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. The young, ...' ska series played here on her Sunday sehool class, and it was a Brockville defaulted in the On- Visited the Home for the Aged with On the bargain counter Thursday morning, each . BE EARLY. Tuesday evening. Napanee was de- Pleasing sight to the old fojks to see feated by 29 to 26 by the two local the fresh young faces from' eight to rinks. The rinks were: ten years of age, and certainly the Kingston -- H. Angrove, Dr. old people enjoyed the concert. The Waugh, J. Gibson, M. P. Reid (skip) Programme was as follows: Chorus, --18. . 0 Canada"; recitation, Andy Storms; Napanee--A. Dafoe, J. P. Daly, chorus, "Let the King Eternal In"; William Smith, H. Daly (skip)--10. solo, C. Truesdell; drill, "Happy | Bells"; recitation, Lulu M-ore; 'chorus, "Over Bethlehewm's Hill- recitation, $75.00 to $125.00 . Kingstgn--H. T. Wallace, A. W. Margaret Hunt; MéLean, W. H. Montgomery, J. F. side"; MacDonald (skip)--11. Napanee--M. Graham, J. Derry, W. | A. Daly, C. I. Maybe (skip) --16. | 1 Curling Club Results. | The following curling games were played én Tuesday: W. H. Caldwell, W. C, Crogier, S. Bailey, W. G. Ferguson (skip)--9. H. Angrove, 8. Fowler, W. Car novsky, W, R. Givens (skip)--S8, | farlane, R. N. F. Marfarlane (skip) | lg h , W. McIntyre, D. A. Giv- J. Cik ens, L. J. Williams (skip)--8. | Whig Trophy Series: . Jackson, H. McCartney, C. Sleeth, E. R. Douglas (skip)-----19. F. H. Day, W, H. Dyde, J A. Hooper, J. B. (looke (skip)--7. -- St. Mary's Defeats C.L.C. St. Mary's defeated the C.L.C. in the Junior Juvenile Hockey series on Tuesday evening by 11 to 2. ' Queen's Arts Hockey Schedule. 'A meeting of the arts athletic goa mittee was held on A. Warwich, N. Davey, J. A. Mac- |' solo, V. Truesdell; recitation, Dorothy Moore; solo, Andy Storms: choius, '0 Wonderful Theme"; solo. Truesdell. The accompanists were Mrs. Truesdell and Miss Vernal Truesdell. Only One "BROMO QUININE" To get the genuine, call for full name LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for signature of E. W, GROVE. Cures a Cold in One Day. 25c. The president of the Board of Trade acknowledges the following subscriptions to the Belgian Relief fund: J. R. Laidlaw, $2; Mfss Agnes Bellhouse, $1. The case of the A. O. U. W. vs. J. C. Veen, before Judge Lavell on Wed- nesday resulted in judgment in favor ofthe defendant. Kingston's Famous Fur Stere Newman & Shaw, . THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE PEE Bat oie Jay ncn cling Western EY aii 10pm. ca we ERR T040 dim asd ©. 0. C. F. OFFICERS. Were Installed at a Meeting Held on Tuesday Night. : Dr. A, W. Richardson, member of the Grand Couneil Committee on Laws and Amendments of the C. O. C. F.. installed these officers a the w Do. w C P, CN

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