Daily British Whig (1850), 17 Jan 1917, p. 6

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di TAT 4 JANUARY 17, 1917. LAST SPRING OF TCR} NEUTRAL DIPLOMATS TO LEAVE BUCHAREST THE ALLIES MUBT BE READY | Diplomacy Offers No Precedent FOR THE THRUST. for Such a Request as "It May Come at Any Moment Now," Germany's. : Writes London Spectator-- British 17.--Enquiry People Face Stern Ordeal. : | New York, Jan. 17.--The Herald| by the State Department as to the publishes a speeial cable from Lon-| truth of press reports that German don, dated yesterday, saying: Wili| authorities had asked all neutral Germany be forced to eapitulate this | diplomats to leave Bucharest, Ru- year and peace be established? | mania, and had provided for that Writers on the war in the current | purpose & special train. Officials are periodicals all contribute, one way or at a loss to understand why the Ger- the other, and directly or indirectly, | man Government should wish to send to SE i the whole neutral diplomatic corps ! ore closely, | out of the captured Rumanian ecap- {oy sea ahd wu Jang. Duder the water ital, though it is admitted that she |New Year signal," says 'the Specta- has the legal ght to do so. A min: Lor, and continu: "For this last ister is accredited to a Government, | spring of the tiger we must be ready. 384 nn oie a place, hut afllals. here We have the power to meet it, but 2 Gh some representative of we must be prepared morally as well neutral Governments must remain Helntauian piano, in fumed oak, with |S.N.G.. George A.. 'Baker, P. aw phestctlly santo morally as well|;, py gnarest, not only to represent handsome bench to match. 1Q.;.. LSNG. Frank Wiken: | rims It may come Pa any mo-| their own national interests, but the British Motor Boat Patrol, is now| John R, Tucker, a former resident {R.8.V.G., Lucas Loshaw: LSV.G. | ment now." * also to represent those of the Allied in the waters adjacent to Gibraltar. fof Napanee and whose wife Was a Archibald Lucey; R.S.S., Leslie An.| "With the coming year," writes| Governments who have turned their Mra. Yilliam C. Hayes, Athens, daughter of the late Belyat Conger,idraw; 1.5.8. Thomas Mills; chap. Dr. a. Shotwearun the Nineteenth affairs in Rumania over to them. passed away on Saturday after a died on Nov. 17th ag Anaconda, Mon- | jain, George Thompson, PG. After Century, "the great drama moves on | Diplomacy offers little precedent for protracted illness, at an advanced [tana. Deceased was a member of the installation the sisters of Har-| to anotifr act; and the people of this| Such a request as Germany's despite ago. : Court Lennox, C.0.F., Napanee. {mony Lodge No. 15, Daughters of | country approach the sternest ordeal] its legal justification. Willard Machan, elest son of Mr.| he death took place in Prescott | Rebekah, provided a sumptuous ban-|in their history. The ordeal by fire and Mrs, - David Machan, Watson's | on Saturday of Mrs. John Carey. She 'quet for the visitors and brethren of {is one of will to endure pain and Corners, died on Jan. 4th. He was in| wag seventy-eight years of age. Her the local lodge. suffering. We ean pass the test with | his twenty-sixth year. | husband predeceased her by forty-!| James G. Bates, Stone street, while| honor if we are resolved and pre-| Martha Leggett, beloved wife of | five years. She leaves one son, John |on his way to work on Monday morn- | pared." Elkins V. Halladay, Elgin, died on'g. Carey, proprietor of the Revere!ing slipped on the icy walk and fell, In the Contemporary Review, Sir Saturday after an iliness of more | House, {injuring his shoulder quite seriously, J. Compton Rickett writes: "Slowly than three months. ; . | Mrs. W. H. Bromiley, Pembroke, re-f Medical aid had to be summoned, but | We are learning the lesson of found- In Prescott on Dee. 20th, Rev. K.|..ived the news that her father, John {fortunately no bones were broken, | D8 communities, differing in race! ne two nations, the Overseas News w. Barton united in marriage Evelyn W. Poitras, had passed away at|Frederick Nelson, Chatles street, has | and color, faithful to one central | ynuounces. The treaties. tn which E, Stean, Oxford Station, to' Willian gop 111s, Wash. Mr. Poitras last|during the past few days offered his] 1OPe and allegiance. Let us ask OUr- ithe signatures were aflixed at the J. Steacy, North Augusta, lle. | 3Pring submitted to an operation, foi-|services for King and country for| Selves whether it. is not our duty to-| poreign Office here, have to do with Miss Kebecca Taggart, Brockville, | oo ng "whioy ho never regained his|overseas service. A very well at- ! day to set all ather Wuestions aside | questions of International law, says and Roy Edward Perrin, Hatton, usual health. tended and enjoyable euchre party or the time and to take one su- | evening under the | the announcement, among them be- Sask., formerly of Brockville, were preme effort on behalf of a benefi-| g : ! Mrs. Isabella Moore Ross, Toronto, Wa8 held last oo i la ent civilization." ling treaties regarding the consular united in marriage Saturday I ? g C za . | service, mutual legal protection and " . 2 Da announces the engagement of t ynly | Itanagement of four ladies of | » The marriage took place at Decatt 0 Eagement of her « ¥| John's Church in the A.O.H. hall. The war of attrition, writes Austin . legal assistance in civil affairs and ur, Ill, of Miss Mary Renaud, of | daughter of Roberta Aurelia, to John Harrison in the English Review, is & : Jestport. Ont. . H. Jackson, De-|Prew McKean, Arnprior, Ont., young- | only beginning; it is a new thing in| ne. catur, formerly of Toronto and West: 98t son of James and ihe late Mrs. RECRUITERS INVADE fo | questions regarding the right of resi- catur, formerly of Toronto and West- war, except. in the | )¢*0f the enemy, | rl SY 9 Toronte an McKean, Searboro. The marriage will TRENTON POOLROOMS | who on various occasions have liter- | : take place this month. A -------------------- J. Gil L lecided to discon { AGED FARMER « Gilmour has decide 0 qiscon- 3 -- Mrs. Janet Hamilton Frood, wife of | 254th Gets Permission of Pro- ally bee; burned, starved ahd shot] . : } Ge < out. "No people," he says, "have| Made Sirong and Well by Vinol. tinue his ice bubkiness and Almonte The folowing letter from farmer will be without an ice service next|the late Donald Frood, died at Burns- prietors to Put Two Men in Each. ever endured greater misery than the | L oi he I om r y G | Lester adds another link to the grea summer unless some enterprising!town, Wednesday, after an illness of | Germans, as any man can see who KB citizen enters, - {some duration. Mrs." Frood was! Trenton, Jan. 16.--The 254th (Hastings and Prince Edward Coun- runs through a decent history of the|chain of evidence which proves that . . Thirty Years' War, or the Peasants'|there is nothing equal to Vinol to Renfrew Council fixed January |seventy-seven years old, and her iong | russia | create strength for feeble weak 22nd as the date for holding nomi-| residence in Renfrew and district had | War, or the conditions of Prussia , 8 5 | made for her a long list of friends. | bations to bring the council up tc g 4 | ties) Battalion is introducing a novel | method to aid recruiting here. They | have secured permission from the under the heel of Napoleon. We/|run-down conditions and after sick- full strength numerically, four more Mrs. Henry R. James, Ogdensburg, | proprietors of the pool-rooms, here | News From Eastern Ontario Points THE DISTRICT i -- OLIPPED FROM THR WHIGS MANY BRIGHT EXCHANGES, In Briet Form the Events In The Country About Kingston Are Told ~=Full of Interest to Many. Robert Ruddy, barrister, Peterboro, is to be junior judge of Ontario County. 2 The next warden of Leeds and Grenville may be J. W, White, reeve of Augusta, Miss Bridget McSloy, Brockville, is dead, aged seventy-one. For half a century she was a shoe saleslady, Lieut. Charles Watt, Lanark, of NEWS FR ched to a Canadian pioneer unit, as struck in the ankle with a piece of shell during the big engagement at St. Eloi, and is returning home, Frederick Hutchins and Richard Trotter, residents of the township of Yonge, charged by W. J. Johnston of the same locality 1 sealing hay, were exonerated, {Seeley's Bay, and suite installed these Miss Hannah Bronk, who passed officers of Gananoque Lodge No. 114 away Thursday in Thurlow township LO.O.F., on Monday evening: : was, if not the eldest, one of the old-| Jpg. Enie B. Andrew: N.G. est residents of that township. She |Vietor Stunden: V.G., John S. Mc. was in her ninety-first year, and sen- Entire; R.S., Arthur L. Knight; ile decay caused death PG.; FS, George S. Masten, P.G.: Mrs. T. Ritchie, Belleville, In treasurer, A. E Meggs, P.G.: ward. memory of Miss Agnes Ritchie, has| Frederick Lioyd, P.G.: 'eond.. James presented to the new shelter there aiMeKellar, P.G.: 0.G., Edgar Cum- magnificent Jacobean Gerhard mings: 1.G.. Ross Lloyd: R Washington, * Jan. | Gananoque | (From Our Own Corresp andent) Jan. 17.--D.D.G.M. Blackman, was addressed to Germany yesterday | I Sunkist Raisins First Car New Raisins Just Arrived. At all Grocers. Insist on SUNKIST ()| Where there'sdancing there is usually a Victrola The instrument that is always ready to oblige with the best dance music; that plays itself and per mits cvery one to dance; that keeps right on playing as long as you want to dance. You can get a Victrola right away by our plan of easy terms. $2; to $256 'or a Victrola. 31 to $75 for a instrument te Vict X. 1108 Victor, Come in and see and hear the different styles. TURKS AND HUNS SIGN UP. Treaties Are Based on Reciprocity Aud Equal Rights. Berlin, Jan. 17.--Several treaties between Germany and Turkey were signed yésterday by representatives of ' C. W. LINDSAY LIMITED 121 Princess Street. a CURES SKIN AFFECTIONS One proves it." Sold and - guaranteed by above Vinol druggist. (Don't Spoil Your Hair By Washing It en you wash your hair be care- ful what you use. Don't use prepar- ed shampoos or anything else, that contains too much alkali, for this is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is just plain mulsified cocoanut oil, for this is pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats anything else ARY You may have been reading let: ters in this paper from persons who had been suffering from less severe forms of nervous trouble, but this letter shows what you may expect from the use of Dr, Chase's Nerve must bear this in mind. Attrition is| ness. bol ord a ye os no novelty to the German. It has Vestal Centre, N.Y. -- i am 2 far- eing wanted. mother of Mrs. Isaac Wiser, Prescott, been his fate through history." mer 74 years of age and got into a als preykiog 2 ey road actos diag Suddenly in a Pullman car Sat- In the Fortnightly, Archibald Hura | weak, run-down condition as a re- the ice to Pembroke, a vaulable| ur ay night at Utica, N.Y., while to place desk i } 1- postulates organization of British|sult of the grippe. Dur druggist Deciin, of DesIRAYI, DIORS | The south io Spend the" win(cr hy Milk, (wo men siaioned hare to| HIPPIE 81 8 PFimars essential. | suggested Vinal to bud mo up and 3 B, 8 BF, i h 3 ------------------------ ot { B thraugh the ie and wars Fowned. deceased was eighty-one years of} a i Bi io Join De GREECE HAS COMPLIED | taking it, and it has restored my deut. G. H, Boyd, Arnmprior, at-lage. | zens have volunteered to assist and. WITH ALLIES' DEMANDS SUTnsth So Lian tow do _# Sood . { will make short recruiting speeches ------ Vi mah a 3 nol for a run-down condition with Stroke of Paralysis | SE eh ers And sasist. the Tecruit:| He Release of Venizelist Pris=| splenaia results."--H: W, Lester. cea---- « * ! ) i . oners Is Considered Im- | Mahood's Drug Store, Kingston. - aasl Jb ! | Also at the best druggist in all On- Left Side Very Numb minent. at During January We Intend to Put on Sale a . RR Athens, Jan. 16.--(Delayed)--- Fingers Had Little Feeling-- Could Not Take Off | cnt no eli So. aight, docided eek Coat -- Great Improvement Results From Use without reserve. The ministers of : ' { the Entente Powers here were advis- . of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. | ed of this decision. The release of ! a -_ the Venizelist prisoners is considered o Commen . Kingston, Ont, Jan. 17.--To-day :off without any trouble, as I used tol loa aS anus XB heer ase i Shore Ia rT For This Week, king Monday, there comes a cheering letter from a hilve 10 Sut aomehody 0 bull it over | opm, on Jan. 8th, and the remains London from the British Ministers to anuary Sth, we will oirer man who had a partial stroke of par- sleép much better, and the numbnes {have been brought to Kingston by Greece. 4 I alysis and is making satisfactory re- |g, my fingers and left side is also M8 daughter, Miss Mary Wheeler, tor | r WRINGERS POWER AND HAND covery by using Dr. Chase's Nerve |much better. Although not entirely | erment. Deceased was born In | CALL MORE SWISS TROOPS 2 T Food. free from it, 1 can notice it getting | X!NESton in September, 1935, and the Fed- WASHING MACHINES, AT A better every day. I am going to|W28 eighty-one years old at the time Measure of Protection Says DISCOUNT OF continue the treatment with Dr. [Of his death. He was married in| eral Council. For many years he was en-| Berne, Switzerland, Jan. 17.--An 15 ) ff . : - Note--A discount of 209, for the entire Chase's Narve Food. 'The progress 1861. I have made in getting arpund as 828ed in the milling business, For official announcement says: rapidly as I have is very encourag- | ¢18ht years he had lived in Portland.| 'The Federal Council declares that ing. I Ruve great confidence in Dr. | His children are: C. H. Wheeler, of circumstances enabled it to reduce €hase's Nerve Food, and recommend | the Wheeler Lumber Company; Mrs.|very considérably during recent Food in the most extreme cases, even where parayldis has set in. Mr. W. C. Bell, A%0 rio St., Kingston, ou Tah Ttdrio, a year and a half ago I had a partial stroke, affecting my left side, which left it very numb; I also suffered from nervousness, headaches and sleeplessness. Having a Dr. Chase's Medical Book at hand, I read about the blacksmith who ad the same trouble as 1, and who derived great benefit from taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Therefore, I concluded to try it for myself. I have now taken nine Or ten boxes, and can take my coat it to anyone that happens to be suf-| E. L. Rector, Miss Mary Wheeler and fering from a stroke, nervous debil- | Miss Cora Wheeler, ail of Portland, ity, 'sleeplessness or run-down sys- and Mrs. E. P, Rorvik, Alameda, Cal, tem." {His sisters, Mrs, L. H. Ruttan and This letter should convince 'even |Mrs. N. Drader, and a brother, Geo. the most skeptical that there is unus- | Wheeler, live in Ontario. ual merit in Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, | and should arouse the most discour- | The Late Mrs. Susan Godkin. aged sufferer from nervous ailments | On Friday, Jan. 12th; at the home to put it to the test. 50 cents a box, | of her daughter, Mrs. George Morris, a full treatment of 6: boxes for Delta, Ont. occurred the death of | $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, | Mrs. Susan Godkin. She was the! Bates & Co.; Ltd., Toronto. Do not | daughter of the late Samuel and be talked into accepting substitutes. | Elizabeth Morris, and was born at Imitations only disappoint. Athens on Jan, 21st, 1837. She was married early In life to James God- kin, Oak Leaf, whom she has survived for ten years. She leaves to mourn five sons and five daughters, viz. Joseph and William, Watertown, N. Y.; Delbert, Kingston; Samuel, Les- Heville, Alta.; Jacob, Kindersley, Sask.; Mrs. George Morris, Delta, Ont.; Mrs. R. J. McCormic, Red Deer, Alta.; Mrs. Melville Card and Mrs. A. 8. Munro, Delburne, Alta; Mrs. J. A. Beckwith, Queensboro, Ont. There were also thirty-five grand children and six grea grand children. The funeral was held from her late resi- dence, with her daughter, on Sunday the Methodist church, officiating, The bearers were three sons and three grandsons. The body was placed in the vault at Delta. The Late Miss J. Marchand. N.Y., on Tuesday, archand, a former passed away after a short illness. The deceused was born on Bagot, street about Hfty years ago, being one of twelve chil- dren of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eliza- beth Marchand. About twénty years Ago she went to Rochester and evens 3 y became forelady in a laundry there, The remains are expected, to arrive in the city at 2 a.m., Thurs- {day and the funeral be to St Mary's Cathedral and cemetery. months the forces on the frontier. At the beginning of the year it was con- sidered necessary to take more ex- tensive measures of precaution and for this reason it ordered the mobili- zation on Jan, 24th of the second di- vision and the contingents of the fourth and fifth divisions, which have all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with wa- ter and rub it in, about a teaspoon- ful is all that is required. Tt makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out afternoon, Rev. R. Calvert, pastor of | not yet been mobilized. "The federal council remains fully confident of the intention of the bel- ligerent parties toward the neutral- ity of Switzerland." There have been frequent reports recently of uneasiness in Switzerland regarding possible violationi of the country's neutrality. Italy, according to unofficial despatches, has been strengthening her defences along the Swiss border. President Schulthess, of Switzerland. said recently that the Swiss people would néver allow a foreign army to invade their soil. On account of the reiteration of these reports the French and German Gov- ernments renewed thelr assurances to Switzerland that they would re- spect her neutrality. easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy', wavy and easy to han- dle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dand- THE FORMAL OPENING Of Parliament Will Not Take Place Till Friday. (8 to the ig. Ottawa, Jan. {pdt og 3 peeked there will be just a mere quorum of members in attendance in the House of Commons to-morrow when the formalities attendant upon the elec- tion of Deputy Speaker Rhodes to the position of Speaker will take place. The formal and ceremonial opening will be on Friday, when the Duke of Devonshire, uovernor<General, will read his first speech from the Throne! It is understood this will be short, and that the extension of the life of Parliament will be the principal Madrid, Jan. 17.--An intimation that the King of Spain may become "a messenger of peace" was given in A speech by Eduardo Dato, former Premier, at a banquet given in his month on Aluminum and Ware, and many other articles. All Sales for Spot Cash. Watch This Space For Weekly Bargains. McKELVEY & SON, LIMITED. 71 Brock St., Kingston. a mm rssicon GLOVES FOR MEN 50c TO $3.00 NEWEST NECKWEAR 25¢ TO $1.00 FINE SHIRTS and PYJAMAS $1.00 TO $5.00. LOUNGING ROBES $4.50 TO $12.00 SWEATERS FOR MEN $1.00 TO $10.00 . HOUSE COATS UP TO $1250 Roney's PRINCESS STREET.

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