hs ons ™N \ THE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917. EN -- -- EE mm X\|EMBROIDEREY work ON | C-- | ALMOST EVERY GOWN | ' : ii | | THE CONFESSIONS OF ROXANE |, mreer or soame ive | Handiwork Features--Ap- , . (By Frances Walter) propriate for all Occasions 4 "An Extra Run i st every Zown has now a b | 3 on I PREACH 3 SERMON AND HARRY | (hat we said a reat many things | 0d therefore the exper emoroidercs | FRY'S ~ | of embroidery somewhere about it, | : i ord ) ) 4 . re in unusually good opportunity | MAKES A GOOD RESOLUTION. | Which would : aid had we 1 beauty and modishness to her rr heen in normal : wardrobe at very little e n COCO | ay rot irdrobe at p lit Pnse ; A (Copyright, 1318, by the McClure | it is, goad » said grate- : y tle expense 5 ad J ewspaper Syndicate) | fully I de want you to think Street costumes of cloth, velvet "Roxane cgan Harry, "did I sa¥ | nor do I wat ne to think that | an tin have trimmings of em- eS on Min anything last night that I should mot | Evelyn and . | not happy. Shel! y. done in wool or silk, the ATTN ATER ave said?' is the fin girl in the worl { often mingled with gold or fF The question was put so abruptly | will .make the finest wife any | silver thread on the more elaborate Cr ize a 3 50 different from any ques-| man could desire in} c )stumes The wool enbroideries, 8 I might have expected at ing to b ry ' | dome in several shades are used nowment from him that I almost His Is P n not only WW woolen fabrics, arted After a brief period of sil-| sincerity, 1 prefer © tuke him | but on velveteen, velvet and even we I~glanced up at hia | at his word and try to believe that hel satin They seem especially appro- "That is an unfair question," ¥| meant at he said | priate to the soft, thick wool vel- parried. "If I were ready to reply in [ hope you will be," I declared ours and similar fabrics. Most of the affirmative I would be placed in| truthfully, as 1 thought of Arthur | the embroideries used on street cos- the position of condemning you, while | sng Evelvn Nothing would give|tumes are rather heavy and as a if 1 replied in the negative I might| me greater pleasure than to see you| rule geometrical designs are chosen Just Rocetved: = Frock unwittingly tell a fib." | settle "i into contented' married | for these costumes. When gold 2 "Wh | if l do not see why you| thread is used on a m légant cos- ed a Fres h } | tfe. do 1 Y youfth su a more elégant cos-, Just Receiv "Do you mean as to the possibility should not Evelyn certainly is| tume the design is lighter than those: Shipment of of telling a fib beautitul enough for any man /to bel employed for the weol of heavy silk "Yes, proud to be her husbg while you.| embroideries. "You said so many things last! I am sure, will never lose an oppor-{ The embroidery not only appears FLAKED Ww HEAT, night that I would not for the world | ty, ity to make her happy or to see k| upon the belts, cuffs and collars of | FLAKED OATS, undertake to remember them all, nor| io bind her closer to you PW COS b - RE >» WHE new costumes, but is used for dec CREAM OF WHEAT, would I undertake to say whether "I am not trying to preach to you, | ™ he fron a , » . 3 i } | orating the fronts of the bodice or GRAHAM FLOUR, everything that you said was emin- Harry. 1 en't the right, nor do 1{ jae B hi WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR ory ) ; d | : t 3 jacket. ranching patterns may be "te ¢ th np a entiy Droper Moin ry have sald| occupy th t high ground of moral used effectively for trimming the -- h some things w hie h ¢ id not Rear froc titude which enti le 8 me to prea a coat in this fashion, A fitted coat You are evading the question, | hut since you have brought up this| which resembled a basque was trim- | UNIQUE GROCERY which makes me think _that I must | questior and have asked for my help, | med with embroidery in rose foliage | haw » Bn rag » mn hd 1 1 ant 1 1 3 fe. & : 2 | ' have let niy tongue wag too much. {1 do want to Il you that you will design, The design branched ofit | 490-492 Princess St, Phone 830] I did not reply {the greatest ance of your life if}, "0 middle of the bodice. The | . s "I have a faint recollection of at- you do not seek by every means inl o Bak y |? = pet ia | sleeves also were oidere } C. H. Pickering, Prop. tempting to discuss a certain matter | your power to tie Evelyn te vou inl righ ter ad ure Se hraigered 2 . A Afar | eh you which T shonld not have dis-| the firmest be { affection You | x ol : re mt} y pr A resis. ; A - ne: : A r 1 "04 a 3. of > DR.DeVAN S FRENCH PILLS Aiea cussed ander any circ umstances,"" he may not fully appreci I vhat I! foltaz, 0 Me Foat aug ihe Binds of | guiating Pil for Women. $5 a box or threo for | finally said with the air of a man who | am saying, but vou wi me day. | Sra 9uha de leaves 19% d in to on $10 giold at all Drug Stores, or mailed to any bas Something disagreeable to utter| You will then ts it more| With the embroidery. The materia aress on receiptof price. Tus Sco! _Linvg . wr ¢ n: Wf > . | & Bt Catharines. Ontario. " and doggedly goes at the task. You | completely, no matter at happens| ©f the suit wag of pale wood color | PHOSPHONOL FOR MEN, Lows je oq not Juswer drujess you want to, to you. Both for your sake and for| To waasaigery was deue in sill | . oy ou would like to know, Roxane, if: her op In a few years vou! ris y FE eT Sand Brain, a abort L.did say anything go you about look back awd reatize that you | the blue fox fur that formed the re- | two for $5. at drug stores. or by mail onreceivt | well, about my nefsonal affairs have de t mos' of vour oppor-| mainder of the trimming, rr | of price. Tux ScosELL Drua Co., St. Catharines about Evelyn, for instance. Did 1?" tunity to i love in the heart of a Daisies, Huy Ris ' " I nodded. the woman n make you oats and belts embroidered in colors | "Sold at Mahood's Drug Store. "I thought 0," he returned, with a or serable "| are the sole' trimmings of many ex- | evident remorse. "I recalled it only 1 t to myself or to| tremely chic gowns, A lovely dark | faintly, and could not tell whether I * is a possibility of your | gray taffeta gown had bits of blue | had dreamed it or whether it really not bei g hap but I do tell you|and gold embroidery used as a plas- | was true. So I did discuss Evelyn | that thi« is i time in vour | tron and for little straps which held | with you?" life The re the lavs when| 'n the fall sleeves. I nodded again Evelyn's hea asti n von] > "Ob. what aun ass I am!" he! can mold it is en- | UNNING a big Mogul on schedule time is about as groaned. tering a ne are tne] KING OF SERBIA SENDS He turned and strode up and' one she looks to f ow gu da pl { MESSAGE TO CANADA | complete a brain, Sthew and nerve test as a an down the room several times. Re- will give her those little attentions { x! coud want. So when the order comes for An Extra turning at length to my side he stood | which are » dear to a woman, if ' i » 1 i 1 i S 1 f vi for a ov Water in re ge | Thich ore So Deas to r| Borden's Words of Greeting 2 Run" that engineer is wise who fortis h self wih "Roxane," he sald presently, "I|love and tat <p urs, she Meet With a Cordjal | a cup of FRY'S COCOA. FRY S, cause it builds do not want you to think that T am &| soon astonish you with t [| R . { for "nerves of steel." It's such a splendid food as complete cad. I have an idea what 1 her devotion, for t} pth of re esponse. | Ne said to you last night and I want s t i most astonish- ou 3 rr Pot | well as a delicious beverage. " n it f . i x awa, Jan. ~----AKing Peter of . . . Joy You Try 2 pode Nog ko iy 2 ut gy! a him. Hel Serbia to-day sent a cable of thanks | Drink FRY'S regularly yourself and note the vigor never attempted to discuss any sueb| did not speal * mom Fhen | \0 the Governor-General for the New | it imparts. subject with you, will vou?" { he turned toward m "Tl try tol Year's message sent to him and his | . "I have forgotten it already," Fig he Her ove te etic. v ry ah reople on behalf of the people of | Trade Supplied by replied, trying to smile. "I know | clared fir or oY | nada. King Peter's inessage was | J. S. FRY & SONS, Limited that we all were tired last night and | To Be ( 1 {in French. THhd cables which were A A cas oo {received from other rulers of Allied Truro, Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, Vancouver, Victoria. | countries were sent in English. | The cabl® of King Peter was as A ey - . : j follows: "I thank you very sincerely = The Wh ' D M 'or your cordial telegram which you have addressed to me from the Suv. Ig S dl : en | ernment of Canada. This spontane-| KEEP AN ACCOUNT | ous manifestation of sympathy is| OF EXPENDITURE very pleasant to my people and to! | 4 3 " . a i ----- oN IPT [the Serbian armies, and encourages ' _ ; i f[---------- qwetened Cranberries 11 cups flour, | them to be unfaltering to the end i; NO VWoman Should Run House r f F id 3 level teaspoons baking powder, 3 | performing their duty." in a Slipshod Manner-- | A Menu 'or riday Jove) aspooy Wc k. taht spoon | -- Figures Prevent Waste. | ! 1 . es 8 +» = tablespoons sugar, m 3} -------- f ? BREAKFAST Uteusils-- Mixing bowl, flour sifter | NATIONAL SERVICE i (900 ID) Frult of Chol , \ . | No man could expect to succeed in , H Oatmeal Porridne 2 measuring cups, teaspoon, table. WILL BE VOLUNTARY | business who is ignorant of the de- nn For Infants and Children. Minced Chicken on Toast spoon, jelly cake pan, spatula, pastry tails, How, then, can a woman ex- ho er ane. Mteguie brush. . ing | Industrial Conscription Is Not ' pect to succeed in running a home, oe AE By Cofi%: or Cocoa Directions--Sift the flour, baking ; a business more intricate and many- Bai R HH | 0 IS n Ww powder, salt and sugar into bowl; Contemplated, Premier | sided than any masculine vocation, LUNCHEON add shortening and rub in very Borden unless she acquaints = herseif with J ) . . Tomato and Cheese Tonst lightly: then add enough cold milk to Says. : Rg sie Acq : 2 = E Genuine Gastoria Lettuce Salad k dough. Place jelly Cake j the thousand and one details which : Mock Strawberry Shortcake make a dough. ace on jelly cake Ottawa, Jan. 19.--Industrial con-| go to make up this purely feminine ie] AAR eli More than Soap Tea or Milk pan that has been dusted With flour scription is not contemplated by the | profession? The Poprickryer fest Medicioe Ac . . ' DINNER and smooth even; brush ,Vith milk; | Government. The whole plan of Na~| Without business management ne i» AVecetable Preparation forks. Always Lifebuoy Soap is a Cream of Celery Soup hake in hot O¥ER 15 to 20 minutes. | tiona) Service in munitions-making | home can be well run, and the wo- 81 | smiiating fhe Food and Regul' perfect soap and a Pneyelinn with Penn When partially cool. split and cover 4nd other vital services is based on| man who is content to let her house- \ ing lhe Stomachsand Bowelsof | = i i . "Relish With cranberries. The cranberries the voluntary co-operate effort of | hold run along in a haphazard man. , » hi perfect antiseptic act pr p wv: ing together in perfect & Country Apple Pie ust be very sweet. 1 cup Sugar 1o{ Canadians. ner is unworthy of the confidence of 2 o offee the pint of cranberries is the rule, Sue " ' . y i 1 Te -------- unity, Its rich, abun- a ) ) but onid suggest to make 13% cups Sir has Bot asTutince given by te man Ste, bis mawied, 3s' 4 2% RR p dant lather makes ita to the pint for the shortcake. Put delegation of representatives of the| Most housewives will indignantly | Promoics Digestion Cheer delight to use. ] Ock Strawberry Shortcake top on and dust with pulverized su- Dominion Trades and Labor Con-| deny that they are extravagant. But 2 © | Ness and Rest Contains neier aterials --Two cups cooked and gar. gress which waited on the Govern-| if they do not keep an acocunt of the = Opium Morphine nor Micera. LIFEBUDY / rrr ment with its usual list of requests money spent each week, if they do 2il | Nor NARCOTIC. ' ey] After Him Too. for legislation for the workingman. | not ascertain that they receive from i] 20 A p : the butcher the amount of meat they Tommy had been naughty, sof HEALTH For the Housekeeper | Tommy had to be chastised, and with REV. JOHN McDOUGALL DEAD. pay for, that the Sto r is Ro} 8 vag Protect your health by wash- ) 4 | this end in view his mother was pur- * AL X «Alls | charging or the man skimping ing your hands and face with suing him round the garden plot. ra 1906 He W Miss ) it--by bathing and sham- : The bone in real lamb chops is Suddenly eluding her ouastched From 1808 te 1 6 Ho Was Missiou- | travagance just as fatal as if they pooing with it. The mild § very small and short arms, he ran into the house and ary in Northwest. bought high-priced delicacies out of eatiseptic odor quickly van. ; . a ir Calgary, Alta., Jan, 17.--Rev. Dr. | Season. . . ishes shor a a Se fa Savwia not have | bolted upstairs and got under the Jahn Chanter MeDougall, Foie The first step toward 3 bukiness Linen pillow slips are a great! "All right, my boy," panted' his Methodist missionary, died at his S4mininration of the home is capital | Aperfect] for Conslipy comfort to an invalid. | mother, "wait till your father comes | OMe on Monday after a few weeks lion. Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, . _ : bi mn Ton +h illness, aged seventy-four. He su?l- | She has and how much she can afford : k A good and simple dessert is boil-| in, I'll tell him. y uf d itis the d t ever . ed rice and stewed figs. Soon after the father came home, | fered a paralytic stroke a week ago, to spend. h 5: the my v es ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. or Yer Left-over sandwiches can be dip-|and his wife proceeded to tell him | Born in Owen Sound, Dec, 27th, husband to have an unders 2 ig FocSimde Signature of 0 ; 1842, son of a missi - With his wife, to let her know just Ped in egg batter and fried. of his son's wrongdoings. ssionary to the In HOW irre Boney She ne oat ust A sheet of iron over a gas burner Reaching for a cane, he went u dians, he was probably the first | , . es Ltn de a 8 salty Eot dons hs Rr oy white child born in the them wilder- Sach Week to To Dee Jitusduold, pat SETAE EA irt gars An aluminum fork is excellent for! looked under the bed. But before | Bess of the'coast - of Georgian BAY hres ust Fon a for Tent . creaming the butter for cake. he could say a word his young hope- He spoke the Indian Ojibwa language Wing * : Good butter smells sweet, is firm | ful burst ont with: -- Is said, before he learned Eng- Sg puch Yor Mbt, account g } and the same color all through. "Hullo, dad, is she after you, | lsh. In 1851 he went with his ri - ndit i he will never be | ) } Celery added to the creamed pota-| too?" eats to the Soo, and here on the 38 het e3 SPI tures she Many } Er -- HUDSON BAY ties will give it a good flavor. | 8 ..... |morth shores of Lakes Superior and | S® ul as a housekeeper. BY | . A. i Ins A Foul savory agen day | kd $55: | Huron he began his life work of a) Women dislike account keeping, for a urance Company % SAL : ' they feel that in this way the hus- Is a potato- soup made with leeks. DiSheer Missionary. Here "for six k i vi t ) FIRE INSURANCE When making creamed dried beet,| SENN ; ll | rear he a hiarpreter, jay reader; Sand San hesp Bis erechn vary cont | Exact Copy of Wrapper. ,, yenvaun sonmaiow, new 'vore arr. Head Oftcy, Reval Bldg. remember that salt is unnecessary. A RE | ceneral helper to rhe he I at-; But there is no reason why the ONTREAL The Sunday dessert can be made Ws ---- 5 Victoria College irs accounts should be kept for the PERCY J. QUI N ou Saturial aftefacon or ore. 4 SINE | 1857-60, clerking at intervals at Or.| Wife's eyes alone, if she has any ob- * : HD Brae re ee Siva i= : | lta at $5 a month and board. He jection to shawing her hooks to ber | Tor Lorre tendency be, EE ar esonomy to alow the ---- | located at Norway House, Lake Win- Yusband d,s They Poy Delp. hoe i=in this direction. | . " peg, 1860-2, and thereafter en w . If you have never taken the refrigerator io be nearly empty of ice. - in on money is going to--If too much is ! A : ii gaged J ar: thro a. ; Ee oh lg bute 4. ple aid | out the west until 1306, when he was | being spent here, io little there eA fom dr Regal a cake in the oven at the same. time. -- | superannuated. In aig time he act-{ In this way 38 able 10 detect lay: "gelar any longer. tou oni Brown sugar used to sweeten co- - : ed as peace commissioner for the any mistakes in butcher's OF {find the business of housekeeping | reals will make them taste mueh -- ir : ns Bay Co. and as Dominion | baker's bills, and these tradwsmen, considerably simplified' by this pro. | richer. § it commissioner, preparing | BROwing that their bills are under cess, and that your home will be ran | Add a little sugar te the water , strict supervision, 'will not be apt tof an efficiency instead of a hap- when boiling turnips: it will add a Ne Dot ; hazard basis ¥ fine flavor. 4 'missioner 'and f - -- The bones cooked in beet broth{ fo : make it mueh more nourishing than E ¥ : Sa Afterwards. theis milk, they are practicing an ex- beef tea. in connection with the en- = » E Gee, 'ts still an' lonely; since It is a question whether very much forcement of the provincial liquor {| = nS \ mavvers went away, aking aver of dresses is guanine Sct. He was the author of several 1.diden' know, I loved her so 'til jes x sis wif ' 0 Sealing with western life. A wr re 'is very day, ned a fon ifs at ~ 23 ¢ 1 Wie pe] » he leaves five sons, . Th' kishen awful still: so still, mos'! , : pe | thi army, and one daughter. makes me wan' a cry. 3 ns the BI : : = 52 LL -- : Cube: Hot ; An' when daddy takes we up to bed I : | In many imstagres the weliare s toll him so, and nen he'll sigh, When you and I learn to meet against the world, the flesh and the a : An hol' me close, nen blow his nose, | a8 " as we. : eval re thé moment you are off J and nen he'll kiss me too, f Santry J il a ; 4 3 per X j Af" a dreat big fing tums in wy * to accommodate i | 1he head family often aught 3 y t n froat, 'at makes me hard to swal-| Abitions plant ens i-1 ) Die that wears the ealicof} J y fl der tru. \ = ! ,000 men will be es- ve bus fter the wants of the} JB '--Arthir Francis Stilsew 10 Ie 'in Toronto at once. ; wo g any Child " . . ial Revi y § i