Daily British Whig (1850), 18 Jan 1917, p. 3

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Ty DAILY BRITISH WHIG, THURSDAY JANUARY 18, 1917. - mw Ee =] J. K. Campbell, 76th Bty. ea & A E. Carstens, 76th Bty. M il E. Cade, 76th Bty. | Have Rosy Cheeks | IM Cosiman iti By. | : : | THE PROVISIONAL LIRUTENANTS| C. R. Carney, 74th Bty. CAPT. W, G. FERGUSON, QUAR- - PROVISO 8 | B. Clifford, 68th By, Ym . and Feel Fresh as AND N.0.0'S., OF BATTERIES R. W, Costs, 8th Bry. TERMASTER, WRITES POETRY. wr i iS] | Who Entered Upon Tenth Course of| E. J. Cloutier, "C* Bry. To Han: Comba Ver -- ! J ht Co le Has Composed Five Snappy d Daisy Try This Instruction Which Began at Tete I. fartwiig i By. ses With Chor That Should | de Pont Barracks on Monday. 2 E . | Sas vias of hot water wit EN icpickaon, 64th Bry. Arvuse Patttutic or EERE ERNE NERA NENA d a | | | The following are the provisional n, 79 ty. Phosphate before breakfast le enat oot attending the ye Sickso ange Capt. W. G. Ferguson, quarter- washes out poisons. tenth R.S.A. course which commenc- WwW. R. Eidt, 64th Bty. | master 240th Renfrew Battalion, is ed on the 15th, of January, | 'G. C. Evans, "C" Bty. | & poet of no mean ability. He has C. D. G. Barber, 36th Bty, R. Flubrer, 71st Bty. | composed the following verses of H. R. Annis, 13th Bty, J. R. Fuller, 72nd Bty. | timely interest, ® H. B. Johnson, 13th Bty, . E. G. Fuller, 72nd Bty. ie. : Rag R. M. Fielding, 1st C.G.A, M. G. Ellis, "C" Bt» | You have sounded the praises of J. A. Mclsaae, 17th Bty, W. E. Gilchrist, 63rd Bty. i Statesinea and exalted the men of : G. C. P. Couture, 21st. Bty. C. Goodwin, 75th Bty. | nance, : A. R. Ness, 21st Bty. N. C. Hobson, 63rd Bty, | You have played to the kings, and ! : C. M. Shoebotham, 30th Bty. L. V. Hart, 76th Bty. | lords, and dukes of England, Rus- J. L. Sheridan, 38th Bty. S. 8. Harrison, 64th Bty. | - sia and Franée J. T. Fullerton, 6th C.G.A. R. P. Hubbs, 78th Bty. You have shouted for members of W. Nesbitt, 30th Bty. F. D. Hickman, 68th Bty. { Parliament, for departed friends C. D. Reid, 34th Bty, H. Jemieson, TOth Bty. | shed a tear G. H. Tenent, 31st Bty. J. Jones, 79th Bty. But it seems to me you hate over- Omorrow H. W. Kemp, 31st Bty. F. F. Johnstone, 73rd Bty. : looked the Canadian Volunteer. .. -------------- J. T. Naylor, 25th Bty. F. Jackson, 79th Bty. , -- F. J. Shaughnessy, 8th Bde. M. De Jouskheere, 70th Bty re July. yieer. 1 Know W. F. Twohey, 30th Bty, C. Kettles, 73rd Bty. But I'm one of the men who should- R. 8. Evans, 9th Bty, 8. A. Kayll, 68th Bty. ered a gun H. L. McCulloueh, Sth Bty. G. V. Kuehner, "C" Bty. To conquer the German Dutch. G. K. Mills, 5th Bty. J. G. Lawson, 75th Bty, When the bugle sounded the call to R. W. Savage, 73rd SEL. G. F. Lithgow, 65th Bty { arms "| G. C. Garner, 23rd C.F.A. J. R. Love, 78th Bty. x J To see the tinge of healthy bloom I. E. Sherbinen, 9th C.F.A. J. Logan, 74th Bty. | A 1 took mY Jiace in the year ve in your face, to see your skin St! J. P. Wheeler, 5th C.FA. W. V. Lewis, "C" Bty. {An i 3 3anee io ser clearer and clearer, to wake up with-| 3 Pratt, 77th C.E.F. 7. , "C" Bty. { ad out. a headache, backache, coated J a Cunningham, 5th C.F.A. Na re py. | Though I'm only a Volunteer, tongue or a masty breath, fm fact, to J. A. MacDonald, 17th C.F.A, J. W. Morgan, 70th Bty. You have catered to leaders of so- feel your best day in aad day out, W. H. Highmoor, 38th C.F.A, £. W. Malley, 34th Bty. | cial fame, you have boasted of just try inside-bathing every morning R. E. Henderson, 14th C.F.A. N. H. Moody; 78th Bty, i U.E. birth; for one week. O. B. Bourne, 36th C.F.A. C. T. Mense, 76th Bty, | You have sung that Britannia must Before breakfast each day drink a 8. E. Hollyman, 25th C.F.A. J. K. Milne, 79th Bty rule the waves md her armies glass of real hot water with a tea- ~C. 8S. Morden, 4th C.F.A. D. E. Machon, 78th Bty. encircle the earth; spoontul of limestone phosphate in it| jy T. Holmes, 23rd C.F.A, . R. S. 'McKay, 78th By. You have nestled securely beneath as 4 harmless means of washing from| pq Musson, 9th C.F.A, J. A. McCutheon, 77th Bty. the flag, for which you've gave tle stomach, liver, kidneys and bow-| pb' mich 15th CFa.' H. L. Miller, 79th Bty. many a cheer, els the previous day's indigestible| McCullouch, 5th C.F.A. J. P. McAter, 64th Bty. | Forgetting the while, that it's kept waste, sour bile and toxins: thus D. A. McNiece, 39th C.F.A. J. V. Mounsey, "C" Bty. aloft by the Canadian Volunteer cleansing, sweetening and purifying G. W. Hogarth, 9th C.F.A. TL Elliott, "C" Biy. | the entire alimentary canal before| pp Dunseith, 6th C.F.A. F. C. Nelson, 69th Bty I'm only a volunteer I know-- putting more food into the stomach. C. H. Carrouthers, 9th C.F.A. A H Norkett "or Bty. I wear no decoration; The action of hot water and lime- 8S. Bonnyville, 23rd C.F.A. HM 'McElroy "C! Bty But I'm one of the.men who made stone phosphate on an empty stom- H. Findlay 9th C.F.A. Jc McNulty Lon Bty : victory sure uch is wonderfully Invigorating. It| HF Coryell, 9th C.F.A. G. S. O'Brien, 74th Bty For the arms of the Allied cleans out all the sour fermentations, G. A. Ames, 9th C.F.A. H A. Or "cr Bty. Nations, gases and acidity and gives one a G LW. Scovil, 3rd 0.G.A. N B. Perritt 68th Bty I know I'm not a Jellicoe, a Joffre, splendid appetite for breakfast, T. M. McCarron, 7th C.F.A. E w Pearson 69th Bty or a French-- . A quarter pound of limestone phos- G. G. McKeough, 6th C.F.A. r A is Fan Bty A I'm only one of the humble lads . . . . phate will cost very little at the drug J.'B, Campbell, 38th C.F A. H Poyser, 76th Bty. Who fought like hell in the trench. Shopping at this store means a saving at any time and store, but is sufficient to demonstrate y i . Chg , 30 >. F.A, ; "on y . s : : 3 aust ap woah aud bot water] 1. N. CEapman 30h CF big of on (WIE You have told your friends what you . with double Discount Stamps it certainly ought to be inter- cleanses, sweetens an reshens the : 5 y we . 3 hrs could do if you had a million . * * skin, 80 hot water and Ilimestone| [R-J. Watson, 36th Bty. D. E. Robertson, 67th Bty. men-- esting to any economical, thrifty woman who would save C. H. Burr, 13th Bty. R. W. Richardson, 8th Bty. phosphate act on the blood and in-| : : You'd drive the Germans to hell and : : ternal organs, Those way arid, 0 &J Heaney, 13th Bty, E. R. Reade, 5th D.A.C. boi ove the Garmin 10 heul ava money while she spendsit. Remember you actually save ject to constipation, billons attacks,| W- J. A. Mustard, 78th C.E.F. W. A. Rowlison, "C" Bty. ron ~ 3 . 3) acld stomach, rheumatic twinges, ai-| V.N. Velman, 17h Bly. | AE. Ressor, "C" Bty. Fmd 31 Siesiace ot the clove while you spend. Come tomorrow; we'll expect you. 50 those whose skin is sallow and| L- H. Johnson, 220d Bty. G. F. Steele, 63rd Bty. But you wisely planned to stay at complexion pallid, are assured that| H.R. Lawrence, 14th Bty. S. H. Singer, 69th Bty. home--three thousand miles one week of inside-bathing will have| H. L. Clark, 14th Bty, M. H. Stanton, 71st Bty, away them both looking and feeling bet-| J. A. Mackenzie, 5th Bty. H. 0. Squire, 71st Bty. y: ter in every way. P. A. Childs, 4th Bty. W. F. Shaw, 72nd Bty, Yes, I'm only a volunteer--that's i ans J. A. Thomson, 2nd Bty, E. H. Schultz, 75th Bty, dl . . J. M. Hacker, 3rd C.G.A. : D. Sills, 74th Bty. I have nothing of which to boast, Steam Vulcanizing .C. E. K, Jones, 19th Bty. F. Smith, 76th Bty. But I'm proud of the men with whom |' WE DO ALL KINDS OF TIRE AND D. 8. McCarter, Sth Bty, H. Scott, 64th Bty. 1 stood \ TUBE VULCANIZING J: BE. Piercy, 5th C.G.A. R. Shortreed, 64th Bty. Each willing to die at his post, <: RB. Waren, 9th Bty. 8. B. Stone; 79th Bty. I do not look' for applause of the E. Laver, 9th Bty, E. H, Stockwell, "C" Bty. . world-- E. A. Wiggs, 6th Bty, W. H. Squire, 68th Bty. My duty seems mighty clear-- J. A. Boyd, 9th Bty. r H. G. Turnbull, DAC. It's honor enough for me to know C. C. Walker, 73rd C.EF. R, Thomas, 76th Bty. That I'm only a Volunteer. W. H. L. Roberts, 2nd C.F.A, H. P. Towhsend, "C" Bty. t. P. Drummond, 23nd C.F.A, P. D. Taylor, "C" Bty. You have sat on your cushioned ENC! EDY. >. F. Kearns, 5th C.F.A. F. Vair,\72nd Bty. Seats in the church and prayed to THERAE ON Not tio + F. Clarke, 5th D.A.C.C.E.F. Waller, 69th Bty the Crucified Son THERA | N No.2. wa . B. Pense, 5th C.F.A. RAPI ; Watson, 71st Bty, For the lives of men who were fight- . Wade, 72nd Bty. ing for you to be spared from the M. Whyte, 78th Bty. sword of the Hun; B. Westworth, D.AC. But your loyalty fled with each C. ov roon. I. W. Awde, 13th C.F.A, Bend stamp adress envelope, age & for vice on suitabNty in yaar ¢ se. Ne foow ap. W. M. Ferguson, 13th C.F.A, , t "Amen" and selfishness dimmed Sed CAE rack an N W. Connon J.R. Tanguay, 36th C.F.A, T. Whitelaw, 78th Bty. AT TRAD a N° th Bty. ur eye-- . ' > Bair COvE.WTAP AFFIARD $0 Sk SUNGIRE PACKETS | KM McLaren, 4th C.F.A. alr ier, a ¥ Your Relfhaors son could go to the] } -Can't Find Dandruff SERED on rn SEE ye B. C. DeSola, 22nd C.F.A. ng p. wl le, Every bit of dandruff disappears The incomparable Mary Pickford |, -- after-one or two applications of Dan- H. W. Donaldson, 4th C.F.A, hy " I'm only a volunteer, I know M. J. Kilt, 2nd C.F.A. In "Léss Than the Dust. But I have a mother, too: derine rubbed well into the scalp with R. R. J. HERA IN Na cong | J.J. Whittaker, 13th C.F.A, i SOLD BY LEADING CHEW. STS. rr adl A. 8S, Macfarlane, 30th C.F.A. A Ww, H. E. J R G Cc L. B. Webster, 5th C.F.A. She loves her son as you love yours, | the finger tips. Get a 25-cent bottle W. A. Congdon, 38th C.F.A. But her heart is good and true. | of Danderine at any drug store and C. Tupper, 13th C.F.A. . { "Off to the war, my lad," she said, | Save your hair. After a few applica- B. Russell, 9th C.F.A. s \ "Of the future have no fear-- tions you can't find a particle of dan- i V. Vokes, 9th C.F.A. : "God's blessing will always follow |druff or any falling hair, and the i G. W. Hague, 9th C.F.A. . the trail scalp will never itch. J. A. Gibson, 9th C.F.A. i : "Of the Canadian Volunteer!" res W. L. Caldow, 3rd C.G.A. TERMS OF NEW LOAN PC Starr, 14th C.F.A. V You growled at those who were NOT YET CONFIRMED H, K. Stevens, 22nd C.FA. . doing their best to save the Em- R. 1. Dean, 22nd C.F.A, } pire's fall; D. x. McCaffery, 2nd C.F.A. " | You could see no good in anyone-- British Government Has Not 4 F. W. Kelly; 30th C.F.A. because you could do it all. Made Known Its Attitude M. I. Barstow, 38th C.F A. But you strutted around in mufti, in Matter. 4 Tis ] forgetting the Nation's plight. ) And you shared in the prodits se- . TTR. The N.C.0'S Attending. oy cured through blood--now, damm oy Fak, eh 8 Hated Fe > i i ' £ ge The N.C.O's. attending the course it, come on and fight! British loan are not confirmed. Pi Fi 5 are: . ns 's | While it may be that the issue will H. 8. Armstrong, DAC, Yes, I'm ouly a volunteer--that's amount to $300,000,000, secured by W. E. Babcock, 63rd Bty. i . ' SR . collateral of market vaiue of $340, . W. Brown, 72nd Bty. 7 \s : Tid Buy wine. early . ue | Sslorm of market partly for one|f}' . G, 8. Balfour, 78th Bty. - ha But my conscience is clear and my | Year, and partly for two years at an ' C * - W. R. Belt, "C" Bty. « 3 - RL ye interest rate of 5% per cent. and a J. K. Coe, 63rd Bty: J & A vs wit yield of 6 per cent. the announce- D. Sameros, S3rd BUY. Ey : fo | It matters not If my old bones ment is premature. These may be J. C. Cornfoot, 78t y. ' y y the terms and particulars which The Popular Drug Store A. L. Corbett, D.A.C. 1 Thea nave Sh paler the sod, have been tentdtively suggested, bus Phone 30 Branch 2018 C. Catheart, T4th Bty. TTLE TINE IN RUMANTA AD i bo Ty ¥ it is not possible to say that they . " INE A ¥ to meet my God. - G. Carriers, 73rd Bty. Where the Russians have been win. S are the facts until the British Gov- . a' \ . J. W, Cahoon, 73rd Bty. ning during the past fow days. ernment 'has made known its attitude Wm Davies fo. Limited, $000 E4000400000000000049 | In the matter. Neither can it be as- . * Little Story on Rev. Dr. Shorey. & | serted that the bonds will have a Cobourg Sentinel-Star. - . Quick Way + 3 | convertible privilege until the British r. Shorey's fellow-delegates a End Coughs, Colds authorities so decide, 2 the Bay of Quinte Methodist Confer- to and Croup ------ 4 ence are telling a little story on that + | Highest Rate in England's History. gentleman himself. The doctor, it -- b Commenting upon the terms men-| 3¢Mmption for that fund. Our Gov- . . € upon ernment, however, promised "pur-'| How You Can Quickly Seems, enjoys the distinction of writ- Excellent Heme : ing the most illegible hand of any vAR Made ik expeisive i tioned above, the New York Post chase or payment of 1 per cent. of says: er woth Ta red rons § "Pemestaien flaw CCE a maiey Jet SUS ach, Seen he does commit to paper when it is| PHISSEIIEIEEILEIP0000080% | Britich war loan 'is that it fixes by: 1), 'Excheqher promises use of it deciphered. The doctor's name is| If have & severe cough or chest | far the highest interest rate in the only "for purchasing bonds in the! without an equal as a signatory hier-| cold "with soreness, throat Ot nsiand's Subtle ge, Jet open market whenever they fall be- phie } Shell, a " oF Wien Dr. Shorey was a Peterboro : TO Se arn terms than the great loans of the| OW the issue price. Bastar he called one day at t e! hel just try this "GRAND DRIVE OF 1920" one iis Jotmle. ane a cough 3 . y one at home, d, U.S. Or- : by himself. Some later he Fedstutian of poauict ate lady of the ganizations Proposed. Chicago, Jan. 185.--A proposed . To avoid disappoint. federation of all thé: temperance or- ment, however, It is well to make Sunimtians of the United States for certain you get genuine delatone. (Aids to Beauty) bea Balik £ is s2ic i § ad £8 isl iy Sod tof Te an "warih os Lita a nntho HE i : £ i Tn tis Br Ag

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