THE DAILY BRITISH BE WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 18, 1917. i i PAGE SEVEN EA HHT I BANKING ACCOUNTS OF PARTNERS, SOCIETIES, ETC. Partners in business, Husbands and wives, Societies, Clubs or Joint Trensurers of a Trust Fund will find » Joint Savings Account in The Bank of Toronto a very great convenience. With na stcount of this nature, either purty may deposit or withdraw money. Interest ix paid on balances. A Joliet Account ix particularly convenient In houschold management, Capital - $5,000,000 Rewerved Funds $6,429,382 Tue BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manager. OO FOR SALE of brick-veneered houses, in good local} that' we will sell for . . . $4, 200 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 We have a pair You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? I. LESSES, Phone 1994 124-126 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time We Wish To Convey . To our many friends and customers our most sincere thanks for their generous patronage during the Xmas Season, Wishing you one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hoag's Drug Store "Up Town" Post Office Kingston, Ont, Our Annual Discount Sale is On... DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS. -- A SNAP -- Strawberries 13¢ Per Tin GORDON'S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88. Those who have patronized our discount sale every Janus ary for the past three years are aware of the genuine values. Our 1917 January sale will be more of a money saver than ever as everything points to a r increase in prices ow- ing to the war. Remember we have always marked our goods in plain fig- ures, the discount applying to the regular price. Discounts Tange as high as 25 per cent. apply only to cash sales. Silverware, brassware, cut glass, leather goods, ivory and ebony, Hyacinth, Narcissus, Ete Funeral Designs and Weeding' __Bonquets te Order Why | not start the New Year Right and Deal with Us? New Seeded Raising; Table Raisins, Currants, 8, Peels, Ete. Navel Oranges, Malaga Grapes, Table Figs and Dates. Choice Boxes of Chocolates and HARRY od HOMESON FJ JOHNSON * The Leading Florist _ Florist o BREE ane pee # Where the clock is on the walk, OUR ANNUAL DSCOUNT SALE IS ON, . . "NOW IS THE TIME INCIDENTS _ OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND PEMS OF | GENERAL INTEREST, Happenings In the Olty and Vicinity | --What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Colds are very prevalent just now. | This is réal winter weather. Glori- | ous is it not? H. Cunningham, piano tuner. 21 | King street. Leave orders at MeAul- {ey's Book Store. Hear record number 87267, "Long, {Long Ago," by Alma Gluck and Lou- | ise Homer, at Lindsay's. { Oscar Simpson, a well-known | Kingstonian, is trainer for the 235th | Battalion team, and was at the game | on Wednesday night in that eapacity. { Recently the new board of the Children's Aid Society restored an eleven-year-old lad to his parents, taking him from his foster home with Robert Tye, Keelersville, where he had been since September, 1915. The board had no complaint about the lad's abode. but thought it better for him to be returned to his par- ents ; SPP eb e 200 LIVES LOST. (Special to the Whig.) London, Jan. 18.--The loss of 200 persons in the torpedoing of the Russian steamer Skiftet on December 14th was reported from Copenhagen to-day. 2P Pe Pb pate ib GREECE YIELDED IN NICK OF TIME Plans Were Perfected for En-| tire Destruction of the | Hellenic Army. ! Athens, Jan. 18.--Nearly everyone | in this city is much satisfied with the acceptance of the ultimatum. The | king is undoubtedly thankful to have] preserved his throne through a period of stress. He would probably | i have accepted any ultimatum rather! than embark on an uncertain mili-| tary adventure between the closing! forces of Admiral Gaucher and Gen. | Sarrail. | Sarrail, it is known, was sufficient- | ly unembarrassed, at the front to| have forces and time to devote him-| self to the entire destruction of the| Greek army. Nor was he unprepared | for that end at the time the ultima- | tum was delivered. \ At 2.30 p.m. & 7.30 p.m. Any Special Matinep 2.30; Evening 8.15 Return of the Most Fascinating Com- 24--PEOPLE IN Prices: Evening, GRIFFIN'S! THURSDAY, The Soul of Kuro San Frist Episode that Wonderful Serial The Shielding Shadow Prices: Matinee 100: Evening 10¢, 13¢ DAILY 2-- Vaudeville Acts--2 | ® Five Reel Feature Film Bertha Kelach, in "LOVE and HATE" And Other Photoplays Prices: at. 100 Evening, toc; served Gc extea. DADDY NC LEGS 26 sun Teeter INTHE SSO nOW ON OTE SAN. OOOO HENRY MILLER Taare Story of the Girl Whose Dreams Came True. COMPANY--24 4--SUPERB SCENIC SETS--4 Mat. 25¢, 50c, 75¢, $1.00 25¢, 50c¢, 5c, $1, $1.50. Seats on Sale Friday. FRIDAY, SATURDAY Jesse L. Lasky Presents Sessue Hayakawa, in With MYRTLE STEDMAN VAUDEVILLE THE EARLS High Class Entertainers GRAND Continuous Performance day, Jan. 22, A Jf -------------------------------- First lngertion, 1¢ a word. Each comn- escutive lusertion thereafter, half. cent a Minimum charge for! one insertion, 235¢; three iS lusertions,| 50c; six $1; ome month, $2. HELP WANTED RANDOLPH HOTEL. | A MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE. ' work. Apply Box 151, Whig. AT ONCE, MAID FOR LIGHT HOUSE- | work. Apply 15 Sydenham streei. YOUNG GIRL 70 TAKE CARE OF A child in the afternoon. Apply Bagot street, BELL BOY AT Smart boy wanted at McGall i Cigar Shop, cor. King and Prin- i Cens streets. + ESLER RETPEPE REPRISED Dey | BOY WANTED. APPLY SARGENT'S | Drug Store, cornér Princess and! Montreal streets: | { i { A CAPABLE GENERAL MAID FOR family of five. Apply in afternoon| between 4 and 6 at 104 Frontenac) street. | A YOUNG GIRL TO TAKE CARE OF two children and help with light! housework: one to sleep at home! eferred. Apply to Box 1617,) Whig Office, i A CAPABLE WOMAN, ABLE TO KEEP simple accounts, to act as ass.stant| forewoman in work-room, One| with business experience prefer-| red. N.C. Polson & Co TETETITTTTETETTTTYYYT Good smart girls, 14 yedrs of age, and upward, can secure employment at the Cotton Mil, © raqul street. The work Is and clean; good wages to beginners. Apply at of- Dominion Textile Co. Cat- araqui street. ' Goddess Bde dd ddd dd PRP ePrPe SPPLPEE EPP PIB ISP CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES), | - Founp {fl A PEARL NEOKLACE pearl crucifix attached street near Bagot. Owe 3 have same ap 462 Barrie street A WATCH AND CHAIN, MIDDLE of Malin street, Waife Island. Let claimant fully describe them and receive at the Metho- Win. Hen- WITH dist Parsonage there. derson ROSARY BEADS, CORNER al and Princess streets r may have same at 252 Montreal street. EXTENSION th svidier's photo Palace Rink. . Owner have same by calling -at Barrie street attached, may 470 FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE Anyone fining anything aud Fishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facts to The British Whig. The advei- tisemeénc will be printed in this oolumu free of charge. i VANDEWATER = SET- | St WITH CORAL GOLD BROOCH, beiween ting, Sunday morning, Mary's Cathed Reward for r 2 rn to 'Whig Office. BROWN months old to I. E. Martin, Maitland streets ward. WILL THE PERSON WHO TOOK sHver handled umbrella from 119 Earl street on Friday afternoon Kindly retusn. to Whig Office. (In-| itialed "K. G. Cunningham." COCKER SPANIEL PUP, & Finder please return Cor. King and receive re- TERPee > PPR MUSTY SUFFERS COMING Mary Pickford in LESS THAN THE DUST | All plans formed here for the! eventuil retry of the Greek army in- to the cafnpaign against us were] based on the co-operation of the Ger- | man troops when so favorably sifu- | ger. year them tell that we've gained new ated that the Hellenic forces would only encounter the minimum of dan- Among political leaders, even Counaris, the arch-pro-German, i counselled acceptance of the Allies' demands. The only openly crestfall- en people are - those dilapidated statesmen who wished tq be either) actual or miral stipendiaries of Ger- many. * | Young Follow ty Lat. | From the Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, y R. W. Service. "Where are you going, young Fel- low my lad, On this glorious morn of May?" "I'm going to join 'the Colors, Dad, They're looking for men they say.' "But you're only a boy, Young Fel- (STRAND THEATRE CANADA IN KHAKI 6000 feet of Military Film, mide Ambulance and 253rd Highland Battalion; the Staff; Field Artil- | \ Thursday, Friday, Saturda: : y JANUARY, 18, 19; 20. lery and R.C.H.A. low My Lad; "You aren't ubliged to go," 5 "I'ma seventeen and a quarter, Dad, And ever so strong you know." "So you're off to France, Young Fel- low My Lad, And your looking so fit and bright. "I"m terribly sorry to leave you, Dad, But I feel that I'm doing right." "God bless you and. keep you, Young Fellow My Lad, You're ail of my life, you know," "Don't worry, I'll soon be back, dear And I'm awtully proud to go." "Why don't you write, Young Fellow My Lad? JUST AS GOOD AS "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES is only another way of saying "Crossed Fish" Ave the Hest. Don't Be Fooled. I watch for the post each day; And 1 miss you so, and I'm awfully sad, And its months since you went] away. : And I've had the fire in the parlor lit, And I'm keeping it burning bright Till my boy comes home; and here I sit Into the quiet night." "What is the matter, Young Fellow Lad? No letter again to-day. Why did the postman look so sad, And sigh as he turned 'away? ! ground, But a terrible price we've God grant, my boy, that you and sound; But, oh, I'm afraid, afraid." "They've fold me the truth, Fellow My Lad; ; You'll never come back agai (Oh God! dreams and hun And the Pve nursed in » vain!) For you passed in the night, Young ' Pellow My Lad, And you ved in the cruel test Of the € shell and the battle That my Boy was one of the best id; safe Young L "So you'll live, youl live. Young Feh i ADUNG LADY DESFRES POSITION IN ty { WANTED GENERAL ~ ROOM AND GENTLEMAN WISHES + Bd city. Ap- board in western pi ply No, 117, Whig O TWO OR THREE BOARDERS IN PRI- vate home every convenience, near corner Brock and University Ave. [Apply Box 118, Whig. SECOND-HAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new pianos and Victrolas. C. W. Lind- say, Limited, 121 Princess street NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR bicycle repaired, cleaned and stor- ed for winter. All orders prompt- ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call at Geo. Muller, 373 King St. POSITION WANTED, office as stenographer or for gen. eral office work. Has had office ex- perience. Apply Box 224, Whig ce. BUSINESS NOTICE ORDERS TAKEN AND PROMPTLY attended to for the remeval of ashes from cellars or sheds. Call at 299 Montreal street, or Phone 1805. Geo. 'Andre. BOARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS BOARD AND ROOMS; every convenience; central loca. tion. Apply 242 Brock street. LEGAL. SUNNINGHAN, BARRISTER solicito KAY, offics, 79 Clar- an ance treet, Public JAN, 19TH, 8 O'CLOCK TO DISCUSS EQUAL FRANCHISE and BR ---------------------------------- STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, TO LET FRONT ROOMS SUIT. room and bed- 41 Union TWO LARGE able for sitting room. Apply at west. STORAGE FOR FU RNITURE, arate rooms. McCann, 82 Street. iral and 134 L. Bagot! i e-------- {TH nS E EFFECTIVE SOLID | and | Ay streét | SEP. | Brock | | OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. | bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. LARGE, COMFORTABLE suitable for two, with or board. Centrally located. Ply No. 171, Whig Office. ROOM, without | Apply | CLEAN, dry, airy rooms; your own lock key. Frost's City Storage, 99 Queen street. Phona 526; res. 989, THREE ROOMS TO RENT, SUITAR for light housekeeping; north en G. A. Bateman. Customs Broker, Money to lean; 67 Clarence street, Kingston. NINE-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, hot water heating and all other modern conveniences, J good lo- cation, on University Ave, one block from car line. ' Rent $30 per month. Possession by Feb. ist. Apply J. K. Carroll, 56 Brock St. PATENTS SONS," Patents, Estab. 1577, . Form- erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws. Book eaten Pro- free. 99 St. James St, Mont- real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington, trade DENTAL E. KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDA ee, 25% Princess street. Phone A. DR, J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 626. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C Dewar, D.D.S, LDS, assistant Phone 345. BUSINESS CHANCES, INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance and earn how fortunes are made and investors Free trial action. Buccess- ful Finance, 608 8. Dearborn Bn Chicago. ot | | { { | | | DVIS, © « little. Once, 2 three times Je; one week, $1.0 Sn et tnt et es ete ne lh | FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys, see Frank W. Cooke, 3% Clarence street, | DOUBLE DW ELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ision street, ¢ rooms and W.C. in each; well rented 'Apply 41 Divis- fon street. v ARM OF 100 ACRES IN TOWNSHIP of Pittsburg, middle road, plough- ing poincipally ali done. Apply te David Stratton, on premises. selections, your own choice, $38 10 cash and $1.00 per week. indsay, Ltd, || GENUINE VIOTROLA AND TWEL BRACELET, fii tg 121 Princess street: {rwo BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA street; modern; near Union St. car line. Owners desirous of selling at once. Apply McLeod's Drug Store. ICE-CREAM to rent. ice Reason for seli- Apply 473 Princess A FULLY EQUIPPED plant for sale or house combined ing ill-health, street. HOUSE, VERONA, first class stand, splendid trade; good stabMng; water in house and barn Apply to Mrs. H. Vande- water, Verona, Ont. BRICK RESIDENCE, 43% Brock street, eleven rooms; in first clags condition, and all mod- ern improvements Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA' « ges, and all kinds of new and se - vid hand furniture. We are alse open to buy everything In above lines . Thompson, Princess street. Phone 1600. TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FARM, GOOD buildings; young orchard, bearing; suitable for fruit and poultry; convenient to school, church and Bell Telephone, Apply to R. Fair, Kingston station GCARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, 00U. ches, 'stoves men's clothing, fur lined coats; also new upho stered chairs; large assortment of sealers We buy all kinds of new and sec ond band furniture. 8. Prineéss street, Phone 123% Ro 1 FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND INVEST. ent Society: Incorporated 1863; president; Colonel H. R, Smith, CM.G.; vice- or RR, W. F. Nle- kis, K.C. oney issued on city and farm properties, municipal and country debentures; mortgages pur- chased; investment nds for sale; deposits received and Ly terest allowed. R. C. Cartwri manager 37 Clarence 8t., Kings Hy LIVERPOOL, LNNDON AND GLO Fire Insurance Company. Avallal Ye assets $61,187,215. In addition HL which the palicrholders have security the unlimited liability % city Pjoverty.. ed at lowest possible rates fore renewing old or giving new business et rates from Strange & Stiange, Agents. Phone 328. insu FURNITURE FINISHING © Finish. P. DRISCOLL, FURNITU ny er, Call or drop a car street. ARCHITECT WAM. VEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 268 Bagot Bt. Phone 60% POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Bullding, corner Brook and Wellington streets. HANDCRAFT. JENNIE ©, SHAW WiLL. OPEN classes in all kinds of painting smbroideny, and arm work. Studio, Clergy street; open from 2 to 5. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. PERSONAL HAIR, joLes, WARTS, and all growths and. skin blem- ishes moved manently, with out sca 3 godin eve rience. Dr. Eye, Ear, N Eimer J. and Skin Specialist, Fey THMARKS Bagot st WANTED Experienced Machine Operators APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Canadian Locomotive FE!