Daily British Whig (1850), 19 Jan 1917, p. 2

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January Fur Sale John McKay, Limited DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED The Baby 'Grand | i i | a bulance From Various Places. $71---Arfs '16 Memorial Fund. Queen's, $65--Mond Nickel Company, em- i ployees of Bruce Mines, Ont. $30--Capt. John Donnelly, Kings- ton, 25--Dr. W. H, Irvine, Oyama, B.C.; Col. McKay, Oyama, B.C. . $10---Mrs. F. Jemmett, Napanee: William G. Stewart, Three Rivers, Que.; J. P. Hume, Collegiate Insti- tute, Goderich; Misa Mary G. Free Campbellford; Menie Women's In- stitute; James Fairlie, Springfield Ill.; Capt. John Donnelly, Kingston. $5--Oakdale Rebekah Lodge No. 134 LO.O.F., Madoc. + Special sound box gives tone equal to any $100 machihe. Will take any rake | of 'Disc Record. Price $35.00. COME IN AND HEAR IT. ' J. R. C. Dobbs & Co. Men's All Wool Sicks. | 300 pairs of men's pure wool, black, ribbed socks; made of the best {Scotch fingering yarn; worth to-d#y {76¢ a pair; special at 50c a pair. |Corrigan's. Tea and Cotes The wholesale price of tea and coffee has advanced, but we are still selling at the old Our special steel cut at ... 40¢ Ib. Our special blend, fresh ground We are safe in saying that these lines cannot be beaten at the price. Try them. TEA We have a beautiful black tea fxs ves asevesy oa. at 40¢ 1b. Our Japans and Coy ns range from .., .. ...., 80¢ to 45¢ Ib. Our repeat orders on these lines are a guarantee of their quality. J. R. B. Gage, Guy Bates Post Coming, When Richard Walton Tully pre- sents Guy Bates Post in his 'new play, "The Masquerader," at the Grand | Opera House one night, Thursday, | Jan. 25th, he will have in his sup-! port Louis Calvert, an actor who has | been seen in support of the most dis- | tinguished players in this country) and abroad. It is not alone as an ac-| tor that Mr. Calvert is known, for his | fame is equally great as a stage di-| i rector of great ability. "Fagged-Out" Women Will Find a Helpful Suggestion in This Letter. ! Overworked, run down 'Jagged- out' women 'who feel ag though they could hardly drag about, should pro- fit by Mrs. Carter's experience. She | says;--"] am the mother of six chil- dren and I got so weak and run- down that I couldn't eat anything and it seemed almost impossible for me to get around and do my work. I! tried different doctors' remedies without benefit. I saw Vinol adver- tised and decided to try it, and re- ceived so much benefit from the first bottle that I continued to take it, and it has built up my strength and made me strong and well. I consider| Vinol the best medicine I have ever taken, and advise all weak, run-down women to try it." Mrs, Betsie Car- ter, State Road, N.C. if all the tired, overworked, run- down women in Kingston could only realize how our delicious Vinel, which contains beef and cod liver peptones, iron and manganese pepto- hates and glycerophosphates, sup- plies the vital elements necessary to build up blood and strength, we woudn't be able to supply the de- mand. Mahood's Drug store, Kings- ton. Also at the best druggist fn all Ontario towns. ] To Queen's Hospital and Field Am- 1 {Chief Ranger J. S. Eagleson, THE DAILY BRITISH EVEN 'A WEEK IN AL) THE LOX. INSTALLATION IMRS. M. A. WATSON, A. D. BROWN i AND M. F. PATTON, O.PS. High Chief Ranger J. S. Eagleson, Ottawa, Gave a Splendid Address =~Large Attendance. The officers of the three city lodges 8 ed on Thursday even- ing. The officers were: | Companion Court Frontenac 437-- {LP.C.R., Mrs. M. Potter: court de- {puty, Mrs. C. Murray; chief ranger, { Mrs. M. A. Watson; viee-chief ranger, Mrs. M. Deyo; recording secretary, {Mrs, E. R. Prager; financial secre- | tary, Mrs B. Reese; (treasurer, Mrs, ' B. Reese; physician acting, Dr. A. R. | B.. Williamson; erator, Mrs. M. E. | Stinson; organist, Mrs E. R. Prager; | senior woodward, Miss D. Geake; junior weodward, Mrs, E. J. Brown; | senior: beadle, Miss E. Ellwood; | Junior beadle, Miss H. Day. | Court Frontenac No. §9--J.P.C.R., | Mrs. 'M. Potter; court deputy, J. { Hipson; chief ranger, A.D. Brown; | vice-chief ranger, J. J. C. Pelletier; | recording secretary, J. 8. R. McCann; | financial secretary, Thomas Lambert; { treasurer, R. 8S. Graham; physician, I Dr. A. R. B. Williamson; orator, Jos. ! Wilson; senior woodward, W. H. Cattermole; junior woodward, R. R. Valentine; senior beadle, W. Craw- fford; junior beadle, J. B. Ash. Court Cataraqui No. 3,421 -- J.P.C.R., B. Lipman; court deputy, Joseph Byron; chief ranger, M. F Patton; vice-chief ranger, George | Willlamson; recording secretary, | George English; financial secretary, | J. M. Hunter; treasurer, W. H. Pick- | ering; physician acting, Dri A. W. | Richardson; orator, George Smith; senior woodward, Norman Pickering; | junior woodward, Daniel Ryan; | senior beadle, John Wilkinson; jun- {ior beadle, John Crawford. | An address was given by High tawa. Master Charles Jones and Master Albert Wilson each sang and W. H. McFedridge gave a recitation. Refreshments were served at the close, i MAJOR H. E. PENSE LEAVES FOR ENGLAND After Spending the Past Two Months With His Parents | In Kingston. Major H. E. Pense, M.C., 21st Can- adian Battalion, left for England on Friday noon. He has been spend- ing two months' leave with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Pense, Prin- cess street, after wounds received in the fighting of the Canadians on the Somme last September, ' Major A. P. Miller, M.C.; of the same battalion, who has been visiting his parents at Glen Miller, near Tren- ton, reports in England at the end of this month. Major Miller was twice wounded, at St, Eloi and in Septem-, jber last. Both officers were lieuten- | .antg in "A" Company when the bat- talion mobilized autumn of 1914, A SUNDAY SCHOOL EVENT. Held at Princess Street Church on Thursday Evening. The intermediate department of Princes street Sunday school had a very enjoyable time Thursday even- ing. A fine supper was spread for the seventy<five members present, and afterwards a programme consisting of songs by Miss K. Flynn and W. H. | Mack and Dr. E. Lake from the Bap- tis church put on hig fine collec- tion of views of the Rideau Lake route from Ottawa to Kingston. The lovely spots on the Rideau, taken by the doct and painted in their na- tural colors by himself, shows him to) be a master in handling a camera, and also in artistic coloring, A cor- dial vote of thanks was presented to the doctor by Mr. Jones, the chair- man, for his splendid entertainment. RETURNING FROM THE FRONT. Pte. Thomas Murray. on Firing Line Since Early in War. Mrs. J. Murray, 100 Lower Bagot street, has received word that her eldest son, Pte. Thomas Murray, would be home shortly on furlough. Pte. Murray has been on the firing f line since shortly after the war com- menced. He was laid up for a time, having been 'wounded in the arm,, Pte. Murray enlisted in Toronto, where his wile resides, in this city in the | i ! | { getting his discharge. WHIG, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1917. --- DID NOT HELP TO FRESHEN THE MTMORY OF JAMES "McKIBBLIN. | Could Not Say Who Gave Him Liquor | and the Magistrate Imposed a Fine of $20 and Costs br One Month-- | Had $96.35 When Placed Under | Arrest, | Even a week in jail did not help! to freshen the memory of one James McKibbHy. One would have thougat| that seven days spent in such a quiet place would have assisted him in get-| ting his "thinking cap" on. How-| ever, it did not, and so his little stay, behind lock and key did not benefit, him when he was called upon to face the ' musie for a second time in the! Police Court on Friday morning. i McKibblin was before the Magis! trate just a week ago for being | drunk, but the funny part of it was | that he could not recall where he had secured his refreshments, He dia have a faint recollection about a man and a bottle, but no, he could not re- member the man's name. When the case was called on Friday morning Melibblia was again placed in the ox, "I got it from a man, but I do not know his name," was the reply. "The man who gave me the liquor was tak. |! ing a drink out of a bottle himself, and 1 hit him up for a drink too." The Magistrate did not wait to hear any more of the story. Right off the bat he announced that tha| fine would be $20 and costs, with the | option of one month in jail. Even this did not startle McKib- blin, for there was one thing he dia remember, even though his memory | was bad on other 'things, and that | was that when locked up he had| about $100 ip his possesion. To be! exact he had $96.36 in his jeans | when gathered in, and this was safe guarded by the police. As he had the funds, he paid his way and went. | McKibblin has been@ugd ering, | but has been given his discharge, He blew into Kingston from Trenton in order to get his discharge papers, | and his meeting with the mysterious | man and the bottle occurred after! LIVELY INTEREST AWAKENED, By Canvass in Kingston for Equal Franchise, The free lecture and discussion in the City Hall to-night, as advertised, on Equal * Franchise for Women, should prove an eye-opener, This | question which is sweeping over the | most advanced communities in the| world, has till now received in Kings- | ton, and in Ontario generally, but Jit-| tle consideration. Where the fran- | chige is exercised by the women folk | ag well as by the men, New Zealand, ' for instance, the tendency of regis- tration fot the general well-being of the people has been decidedly up- ward, The canvass that is now being conducted in Kingston is awakening a lively interest, and meeting with a cordial response from men as well as from 'women, Several thousand signatures are expected. The women when they have the vote will use it to co-operate with the men, in enact- ing legislation along lines in' Avhich, they are naturally more interested, and which they therefore understand better, such as school matters, pure food and proper prices for it, ade- quate protection for women and chil- dren and such like. These are lines along which the 'women's vote has helped elsewhere, and will also help In Kingston and Ontario. The Quinine That Does Not Affect The Head. Because of its tonic and laxative effect, Laxative Bromo Quinine can be taken by anyone without causing nervousness or ringing in the head. There is only one "Bromo Quinine." » W. GROVE'S signature on box. c, A run off at Bowmanville of some freight cars delayed the Toronto train due here at 2 am. five hours and a half, 'The train carries a heavy Toronto mail and the delay in- gorfered with business through the ¥ . The remains of the late R. G. Ford will arrive from Minneapolis at noon on Sunday. Kingston's Pam---- Fur Store MEN'S FURS | | | 1 1] Valentines for Overseas Nw is the time wu send the annual love messages to the boys overseas. Dainty Valentines' from America's three largest manufacturers Art Line, now on display. ' BOOKS FOR OVER-SEAS VALENTINES If you have not yet sent ene of Robt. Boxes for overseas packages. Books should be included in every overseas package. W. Service's Rhymes of a Red Cross Man, send it now. including the famous Gibson FREE--Overseas labels for pasting on packages and insuring correct delivery are furnished free to our customers. BATTLE FIELDS OF TODAY New and specially made large scale maps of the different War Zones, The user-may trace from day to day the moves Highly educational. Vitally interesting. 16 pages. Maps 14 x 21 and 11 x 15. stood up te December 9th last are marked in red. ments of the troops. Price 25¢, postpaid. The battle lines as they THE COLLEGE. 300K STORE, OPEN NIGHTS 160-162 Princess Street. LAST CALL | 1 25 only, navy and black skirts, beautifully tailored, odd sizes, 22 to 28. Priced up to $5.50. Saturday morning, your pick, $3.50. White tailored waists, slightly soiled, bro- ken sizes, 34 to 40. Priced up to $2.00. Saturday morning, your pick 98c. A AA A clean up in ladies'. fancy tweed coats, $10.00, $12.50, $15.00. This season's newest styles. Saturday morning your pick $5.00. A Pom Children's Red Overstockings, all sizes. The best Dollar Corset in the trade. All sizes 18 to 30. alin Pr a NA ------ Pictorial patterns for February. Newman & Shaw, THE, ALWAYS BUSY STORE pose BUILDERS SUPPLIES ewey CLOSING OF MALLS ye dg ted Sates, daily ..1248 pm Si snares we vied] BOOM at Truak, §Oig LMS De Son Sig am i Lod pum. o oe of gt nat 3 om gE = BEAVER BOARD The Wall Board par excel- lence; a wood-pulp 'board made in Canada. In spite of the tremendous advance in the cost of pulp we are able to give our customers, new and old, a very low price, due to early pur- chases, * - he S. ANGLIN & CO. LattersToThe itor | Opposes Closing Streets, Kingston, Jan. 19.~(To the Edi- Woutwarking Factory, Lumber h Bay and Wellington Streets, | " Telephone 919. For Special Work, Designing or ~ | eling Keepsakes altered to modern, wearable, useful articles. Ring and Brooch Mounting Small, old model watches i made into useful wrist watches. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. $75.00 to $125.00 W.F Gourdier Keep tab on the weather with one of our reliable Ther mometerss Mercury or Spirit. Prices from 205¢ to $2.00. OEE I rt Dr. Chown's Store. itor): Will you kindly allow nie as a if} resident of Frontenac Ward to enter & protest against the proposed clos ghton, Ont, Office Phone 66; Factory 1415 }| streets will be oaplampen Ossi and Weelewe ing of Adelaide street by the City] : ; uncil. If that street is el { n ful, polite men is what our ec offers you, Our coal is clean, dry, and refully screened, full weight coal. you Lay a ton of It you get a ton of sound coal and a ton of satisfaction. Order your next ton from us; you'll get just the coal you're look- ing for, delivered promptly by care- BOOTH & CO. Phone 133 © Foot of West St. Purina Scratch Feed and {_ Makes Hens Lay. 7 For Sale By

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