v Sr PAGE FIVE re ENEREENEERNEREENENANEN 1 ERERENRRERNERAN OUT OF THE HIGH RENT DISTRICT. O'Connor 's{'Ladies' Exclusive Extra Specials Added for Saturday at Our January Sale mE Ladies' White Examination of Recruits, The ever increasing number of dis- | charges from units throughout the |Hil Dominion for medical unfitness and i 2 'over" and "under" together || e pa % | i prompted |i} Ottawa to send a |J}i diffe striee | headquarters." Tio (allowing eh We have just received a few dozen pairs of 1. More care must be exercised, (| white felt spats, 10 buttons high; good quality especially with reference to "over ||} of cloth, to sell at $2, 00. 23c Hosiery Clearance All odd lines in children's and ladies' sizes must go. Buster Brown, plain and_ribbed, for } ? ! 1 { girls and boys, also plain black seamléss and Fine qualities for ages 8 Jeans to 16 years. Lovidegrelod Tor 1s all ! ¢ and "under" the age limit, by the] officers and n.c.0's engaged in re. || cruiting, 2. A preliminary medical exam- | {fi . ination only should be made by the | ) : | local examiner, who may be an AM. | |i} , C. officer or a civilian practitioner, | Jf} properly appointed. (The recruiting \ officer should satisfy himself | HH $3. 95 Rain Coats 20 girls' Parametta Coath, fawn shade, fancy hoods. 80 shepherd's check coats, with cap to match, Hose in the lot worth regular 35¢ and 40c¢, all must be cleared Saturday At 23c a pair Coats regular 5.00 to $6.50. ' $4.95 Rain Coats - : | Mics' and Tdier's 5 roe or Sawn popline. the medical examiner hag receiv. & ant dows Jur proper instructions re the conduect-|Hi Regul ing of such examinations from the |} A.DM.S. of the district concerned). |} 3. As soon as a recruit is passed [Hh as "fit," at this preliminary medical examination, he should be sent to the nearest * 'mobilization centre" to ap- Pear before the Medical Examining Board. If he passeg-this second ex- amination as "fit" he will be sent to - the headquarters of the overseas - unit for which he was recruited. . No equipment or clothing tf be provid- ed until he reports to hig unit, ] In the case of men rejected by . 2 the Medical Board, necessary tra port to and from the mobilizstion Annual FUR SALE centre with pay and allowances at = overseas rates for the number of Now Going : days lost, should be granted. bh A eertificate of such rejection, to be prepared by the Medical Board, this certificate to be signed by the This is one of the « mportant rejected applicant, the officer com- |] events of the season. Our furs Wanding mobilization centre, as well are famous for their values and as by the president of the Medical|[] Mow at a generous price reduc Board. tion Shey are a splendid invest- 6. A Weekly return of unfits to be|ll ment. compiled at mobilization centres, Ladics' Hudson Seal Conta, and copies distributed to those con-|j choice quality, 42 inches long, gt cerned, e g., to the military district, newest models, $120.00, now mn See the Ladies' Coats going at . - $8: 95 and $9.95 See the Wool Serge Dressés, all shades at .' Sl, . $4.98 See the odd lines of waists, going at . She _ 69¢ and 98¢ See the Children's Coats, clearing at... . $1.98 SEE THE REAL BARGAINS WAITING FOR YOU Any Trimmed Velvet Hat to go at . mE pe TS Ye Any Velvet Shape or Child's Hat to go at iB vee aie A tt i ~ Remember, every article in the store is reduced to clearing prices, previous to stock taking. We must make roem for spring shipments, Our loss is your gain. Come and be convinced. See the win. dow, (mem | T. J. 0 CONNOR "50 the Record Office, and io all other|} $99.00. a -- mobilization centres, Muskrat Coats, $80, now $63. Higher Up Street, But Kiways Lower in Price. 7. As soon as a Recruit who his Hiack Wolf Neck Pieces, $18, BR been passed by the Medical Beard now $13.95. NERNMRNARENANNN SANA EA Ean EN NERY Ann---- {0 his unit the M.O. of that(] Mack Weir Mus, $17.50, unit will make a careful medieal ex- now $13.75. amination 'of him, and if he has any Natural Wolf Neck Pieces, objection to the decision of the Medi-|[] $10, now $7.50. ¢ A AS DROWNED cal Board, will immediately report Natural Wolf Mufrs, $12, NOTHING LIKE A GOOD lo the O.C. of the unit, requesting af nox wu.0o. ; , a. ea ___ | reconsideration of the case before Fine setts in Red Fox, Grey HOT WATER BOTTLE AND TWO WELL-KNOWN ISLAND-| any additional expense to the public Fox, Alaska Sable, Etc., all at ERS HAD THRILLING TIME. [is incurred. bargain prices. See our win. gn 8. A recruit who is passed as|fj dows Horse Broke Through Ice When A.| "fit" should report as soon as pos- . » For the sick room. All prices from 85c Haft and O. Hawkine Were on| ble to the headquarters of his uni. . - That where . permission is to $3.00. ? Their Way Home om Thursday given to recruit over wide areas, in Night From the City. : all cases prospective recruits must A. Huff and 'Oliver Hawkins, two| be sent to the nearest mobili ti AT SARGENT'S DRUG STORE well-known farmers from Wolfe Is-| centre for examination by the Meat. Cor. Princess and Montreal Streets. land, had a most thrilling time on | cal Board, df 1 base Telephone 41. | Thursday night while dfiving ome] The above regolations yi only One of oir 'beautifully finished round pedestal I rom the city, when their horse a rom te to all units With h ma cutter broke through the ice. They| quarters in Toronto, where the ---- Extension Tables. It will be at once an o ment [{Sveteedad in gutting vut all right, hut sation centre is.at the Rorchtayre- and a most serviceable addition to the home. nd T . the horse was drowned. The horse|cruiting Depot at the Armouri d eutt n ty of Mr. | Tont sty tomato, at Blakemore Studio Br To Was Ye Oper ME | Mor vil sis apply trout hm Leather seat ¢ diners and buff A number of soldiers from Fort] date to all units with headquarters Photography. Home Portraiture : : Commercial Pho Enlarging ang Consieg: Henry hurried to the scene after thé | in Hamilton, where the mobilization , Kingston's Largest Photo Studio. work guaranteed. , mishap, and helped the islander to| centre is at the Hamilton Recruiting Sl IW 180 Wellington Street. Over Royal Bank Chambers get the horse out, but the animal died | Depot at the Armories, Hamilton. : Na = | shortly after being removed from the Officers in charge of mobilisation \ . Water. centres will make arrangements with Undertaker The cutter, harness and robes were | the A.D.M.8S,, M.D. No. 2 for an ade- ; also saved, and the entire outfit was| quate supply of medical officers to taken to the police statign. Police} carry on the medical work. Constables Lesslie Armstrong and Eighteen men in the No, 2 Mili- John Naylon were at the scene of the tary Division are discharged today accident and assisted in getting the| as medically unfit, outfit to the city. ---- This is the first cdse so far this year of a horse breaking & through the = 33 Heavy All Wool Stockings. ice. The heavy fall of snow has| We are selling extra heavy all wool covered up the bad spots. It was stat- | Stockings; suitable for War. u ls or la- ed on Friday morning that a portion | 3i€s' overstockings. of the road to the island had been | 30¢ 8 pair. Special, 35c a Snir At staked off. Corrigan's. / Coming to Griffin's. ~ The incomparable Mary Picktord | WUNNER GEORGE SELF In "Less Than the Dust." ~-- HURT IN ACCIDENT Mail This When You Get Out. | lery Team The Buigiar had Just begun his A eine a term and was assigned to work in the broom factory. Near him was an old- valided Home. ish man who studied him intently and / ---- seemed to be awaiting an opportun-| One of the Kingstonians who is re- | ity to say something. It came while | turning on Saturday from the front = rm 1} | | I . mn the overseer was at the water tank. |is Driver George Self, whose home is "How long are you in for?™ heat 215 Montreal street, but whose whispered. wife has been living with Mrs. G.| was support, to the Indian cavalry, A "Twelve years," replied the new-|Manhing at 8 Chestnut street in the] short time ago the battery was man- absence of her husband | 'overseas. | oeuvring, when "D" team fell into a The vet veteran' looked aroupd ner-| With ten years' experience as an ar-| trench and Gunner Self was injured. vously and thrust a letter in the burg- | tilleryman, Gunner Self left Canada| He was invalided to England, and is lar's hand. with the R.C.H.A. brigade on August enroute home. Letters from him in for life," he said. "Mail 13th, 1914. In July, 1915, the bri-| state that he is well except that one ls yao you get out." went to France, and for a while or his lungs way injured and has pot te h -- on Thursday: - 1G Sha FSlariick, W. , Hod- Almost Total Collapse oA neh AI IY. 3 f h e Ne %i t q Givens, 1. J. 'Williame (8kip)--1, 0 yous ¢ i em ommend ca. Ww. LT 0. va J. Beckwith ( SKB 0. Angrove, W. R. Givens (sip --io, 8. C. Calvis, F. A. Palmer. P. D. Lyman, W. L. Goodwin (skip)--9. + FP. H. Macnee, W> . Drysdale, R. |G. cartwrieht. i D. 'Bibby (skip)