A; A INCIDENTS OF THE * DAY G 2 AN D Zu en a ~ . $30 1= DAILY, Swucoes ACCOUNTS RE Z=sudevile A527 o PARTNERS: Happenings In the Olty and Vicintty Bertha Kelach, in S ' + | What the Merchants Ofter io the| "L OVE and HATE" |. Renders 41 Win Wiis. ice] And Other Photoplays There was no session of the police / Y court on Saturday morning. ites : at 100 ¢ 100 om. We) a i 7 f wr Partners In business, Hushands and wives, Societies, Clubs or Joint Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Treasurers of a Trust Fund will find a Joint Savings Account fn Fhe Bank of | [L imited, 121 Princess street. d i Toronto a very great convenience. With nn necount of this uwsture, either A ingston man was arrested at boii many pnt a withdraw money. Interext in paid on balunees. Chics 5 beati bank. CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES A Joint Account is wariieninaly convenient In household E Soa nayement, hicago for beating a Toronto ban y ------ i ¥ Capital y H. Cunningham, plano tumer, 21 Firat insertion, ie a word. Each con« RL BE deep p fl, A852 THESE, B TLV Renerved Funds "eins <Q $4,420, | ing street. Leave orders at McAul- Satutive duscriion therestier, bite. once, Too; Be nes ve {ey"s Book Store. Spécial Matinee 2.30; Evening 8.15 A PEARL NECKLACE WITH Vhs week, 1i.gv, | ' con lie, x . ° | test ------------ | The roads in the country are very Return of the Most Fascinating Com- $2. pear] Crucis nitachied on an FLOOK OF BAR ROCKS, HAWKINS { heavy. he market on Saturday was edy of the Day 5 oy ac 463 Barrit street strain, Apply 203 Alfred street. only fairly well attended. S HELP WANTED FLORIDA FARMS AND [ORANGE . | Hear record number 18176, "Pina- > 3 T 7. Steet > N [O pkg CR AUIS TOULRGR BOOK STORE| pouxp ARTIOLES ADVER- Sowit ont' ¥ Sui Pew : 2 OF Vicjor Concert Orchestra, at, Lind AN EXPERIENCED STOREMAN. AP- FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NoveLTY says. ply to W. B, Dalion & Sons, Ltd. TISED FREE Jloys, see Frank, W. Cooke, 44 George B. McKay, Manager. moraiog to Shoat blind dog which NC LEGS bork FRpuy "Bre Murrdy. | 205|[| Anyone nding saying aus erm ro rg residents near the corner of Rideau| York street. | P Ge . OO and Raglan streets complained was pi i.e a A Pn aT 1TA MAID FOR BA ubsd Atha i Lam, Kangsioh. Fo HE Ry wandering about in the cold. HENRY MILLER Aue family of five. Apply In afternoon BL Ald. and Mrs. Wriley Sinith, Earl between 4 ands at 104 Frontenac Seluma freé of fis A BOURLE DWE. Phy AND ons 3 3 an street, entertained at an oyster sup-| Story of the Girl Whose Dreams street. ; seen each; well rented. Apply Da per on Fay AveRlig in honor of Came True. A MAID GENERAL: SMALL FAMILY, b fon street, their mephéw, William Smith, of De-| . 2 NC good wages, references required. 3 24--PEOPLE IN _COMPANY--24 Ey ne | auired, : : UPRIGHT PIANO, HA! NDSOMEL WAL. troit,> who has been visiting with] SUPE YENIC > . 8 4--SUPERB SCENIC SETS--4 and 9; to Mrs. C. Livingston, 162 LOST on W: Lindsay Lim them. Barrie street - y " 3 } R. G. Battam, ge Br lOBN: a5c, SOc, T5c 00 : ited, 121 Pi! Dey street. We have a pair of brick- veneered g TS Ralagés of Ihe 5 Hees: Mat, ni The, 81 A CAPABLE WOMAN, ABLE TO KEEP | ON SUNDAY, JAN. 14TH, m7, A! -------- Woolworth branch store, Brockville, | Evening, 25¢, 50¢, 75¢, $1, $1.50. simple accounts, to act as assistant Child's white fur colar, possibly | houses, in good Igealityss that "$4, 500 has been transferred to Kingston Seats Now on Sale. forewoman in Xpericn room, One| between Clergy aud Wellington, on GENUINE VICTROLA AND TWELVE : 'with uginess experience prefer- rock. inder indly leav t 7. W. . - ~ ; 0 cash and $1.00 per week. and R. W. Wark, here for several red. 'N. C. Polson & Co Whig Office. les av. Lid. 131 Princess street we V ill sell for Lr years, has been 'advanced to St h d J bth ' 5 'anc . SALESMAN WANTED FOR . CALENJ : | ] WAN EA LN 4 WILL : N WHO TOOK ATWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA Joba. N. B, urs ay, afl. PA adveriing ansalties| WILL, THE ab ny from 119 street; modern; near Union St. car $ r dis- silver handled ee rar 08 in Earl street on Friday afternoon | line. Owners desirous of selling RR Willlam Jaquith, a. well known trict. Samy Po A D | J . ples ready now. A good x ida) | THE J. K. CA OLL AGENCY and estermed resident of Delta, died ONE NIGHT? ONLY assortment, good prospects, good Kindly return to Whig Office. (In- | x once, Apply McLeod's Drug The Copp, Clark Co. itialed "K, G. Cunningham."). { Lope. 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 |in Brockvi'p. He was born in Syd. | mienard Walton Tully, Inc. James G. commission. The ~|enham, and was in his seventieth Peede, Gen. Nigh, Prevents ON CORNER OF YORK AND DIVIS- (A FULLY EQUIPPED ICE-CREAM on Sunday, Milk pail} plant for sale or to rent. fce ear. -T s li 3 a popetedele ded doleded ded fodder fol de diol dodo de n streets iy pas tyater part ox his life ; stamped "12 qt" Parties seen | house combined. Reason for sell- § SF Elta. ® was a carp- t Good smart girls, 14 years of 3 taking same away on tandsleigh | ing H1-heaith, Apply 473 Princess 4 4 : es Street. Be ae. age, and upward, can secure please leave at Hobingon's store | emiployment at the Cotton Mill, and save-further trouble, or notify | Hear record number 18164, "Pas- Valentine Bros, Bath Road. | VANDEWATER HOUSE, Yano toral Dance, from 'Nell Gwyn' " and Cataraqui street. The work is first class stand, splendid aia! "Merrymakers' Dance, from 'Nell| # Hight aud clean; 'good 3 -- o . good stabHng: water in house Tei 1 begi Apply at of- i You Can Count On It Gwyn," by Conway's Band, at Lind- | Bee Dominion Teathe Cor Coe: 3 TO LET barn. Apply to Mrs. MH. Vande ' | } water, Verona, Ont. L , When we take care of your storage bat- ny T. Albert 3a BD } araqul street. "4 3 = | { tery there's no doubt of quality service. ev. 2. Albert Moore, D.D., gene- STORAGE FOR FPURMTURE, SEF , We have established oy Dh erate ral secretary of Social Service and|in & Play by John Husnter Booth, arate rpems. Mclann, §2 Sti | soup wm . on ENCE, CR, " will unis in. and be convinced? Evangelism in the Methodist church,| Founded on iatherine Cecil Thums street. first class "Condition. and. ail mod: you will be in the city to-morrow, preach- Pp 3 WANTED GENERAL | ern Improvements snghston I. LESSES, ing at Sydenham street church in the gg 79 TWO OR THREE BOARDERS IN PRI-| OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST, CHAM.| May lst. Apply 147 Division Ph 1904 124-126 Clarence St. morning and at Brock street church vate home every convenience; near | bers. Apply to A. & Cunningham, | one in the evening. '"The Church at War corner Brock and University Ave. 49 Clarence stree | oNE SOLID OAK BUFFET, ONE SOLID a TWO WELL HEATED FURNISHED | ot Are eor, or Ener yat, table, ; Box 118, Whig. ble, i bl For Justice, Righteousness and Avply oak centre (able, one walnut table, Free inspection of any battery at any time Poa With a superb SBODNDHATD. UPRIGHT PIANOS, rooms for gentidman, rent eaason: | : r f < Louis Calvert, Thais a Ian ~ articlés of household goods. Ap » Forbes Robertson, Klovence Malone, for cash or in part payment of new able, Apply 114 Clarence street. | Ply to Capt. W. Steeves, Ports. Clarence Hundyside. K pianos and Vietrolas. C. W. Lina- mouth, + ; : say, Limited, 121 Princess street. FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS/ . 3 THE WORLD'S NEWS for light housekeeping, 396 Prin- Prices, $1.30, $1.00, 75e, foe,' 25¢, my a Dee EE, 38 | IMMORTALITY CERTAIN, SWEDEN. ' § § SEATS ON SALE TUBSDAY NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR cess, ween Harrie and yaLon. borg"s great work on "Heaven and We Wis IN BRIEF FORM. a ---------- bicycle repaired, cle@ned and SLOF- | mc Hel" and the Gife after death. ed for winter. All orders prompt- | TWO LARGE FRONT ROOMS SU SUM | Ov aad er 400 pages; only 26c., postpaid ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call able for sitting room dnd bed WL "J. Law, 486 Euclid Ave, To- ---- ---- In Tidings From All Over Told In t Geo. Muller, 37 room. Apply at 41 Union street| | _¥onto, Ont ' a Pithy and Pointed = or west. . + : . BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN ay. ROO FOR ONE OR TWO LADIES OR smart country village: store 2. { s - man and wife, for light house- YOUNG LADY DESIRES TION IN : " storey and large cellar; all first } hE rs 3 : keeping; use of house.' Apply to ¥ EB 0 Conve ) " : Kitehe Berliner Journal, published in|| yyumsiay, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ofa) office Work, pher 80 offfon ex. | __ dBox 75 Post Ofce, an 'Sotate, Walch' G A Bateman IScoun d e Ontario Journal. oe ll 7 sewn ie Baka een Damence. Apply Box 2h. Whig (NT UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 5| 01 Clarence treet, Kingston. the Ontario Journal. | Jesse L. Lasky Presents Office. large rooms, all modern dquipment, CHICK § KOPF HBA William Livingstone of Detroit was : 7 ideal location, possession immedi. TIRS, KA Teo our many friends and customers again ehosen president of the Lake Sessue Hayakawa, m HANDCRAFT. ately. Apply Box 10, Whig Office. [+ E8% Jd 811 kinds of Ve an and as - our most sincere thanks for their Carriers' Association are : . Th So uro San CNNIE ©. SHAW WILL OPEN n to buy ayer thing din generous patronage during the Xmas - A plan for temporary diverio e ul of K 9s aes in all kinds of painting, y above dines: Thompson Xma: p p y n of STORAGE FOR FURNITU RE, CLEAN Princess pr BO Phone 1600 Houston. f a Riv With MYRTLE STEDMAN oA DrOIdery. hg Bre Werk Baul, \ Wishing you one and all a Happy | N Njagara River water for power was] I reason. 53 Clorgy Yea 3 Wd al id ary, a TX rooms; your own lock and sens authorized at Washington. Frist Episode that Wonderful Serial Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Queen street. Phona 526; res. 989, TWENEY-FIVE ACRE. PA > and Prosperous New Yéar. Two young children of John Lauki, ol > 3: el 3 Y bulldings; young orchar ring; a Galician, were burned to death a|| 1 Ne Shielding Shadow BUSINESS NOTICE THEE RoowS Ro mnyy. surtamii| Lolli, sound brett. Betas Re OR 3 convenient to school, ehiireh and E Winnipeg in their parents' absence. ORDER N AND PROMPTLY téman, Cust Broker, ! R. Hartley Dewart, K.C., M.P.P.,! LE R ny a ey the removal of Money a 1080; 67 Clarence street. Poli Telebhohs. Apply . to accused Col, John A. Currie, M.P., of VAUDEVIL Ashes {rom lars or sheds Calf Kingston, alr, ngston stat y i f THE EARLS at Montreal street, or ne LARGE STOCK OF DRESSER "Up Town" Post Office DIAMONDS, grauiny Sit coldhier's pay, Jor 3 / 1306, Geo. Andre ches, BtOves meme cloth] Kingston, Ont. WATCHES, Lord Alastair Innes-Kerr, High Class Entertainers ONE SINGLE AND. DOUBLE ROOM, led Cogs Siso mew anh iter heating and eleotric { | oerenmmn tter a MUSTY SUFFERS BUSINESS CHANCES. With board, 35 per week. Hot va hairs; Jacke assortment o JE Y three weeks' effort in Vancouver, has Prices: Matinee 10e; Evening 10e, 15¢ | INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INV: Hoardars ot boy students. Apply ? Py Ana sec WELR ' on : rnithrs bag! Princess street, Phone. 1237. A SNAP uk savpitytive recruits NG a ---- or the 'British aerial service. coun -- CLOCKS. Victor Alexander, ninth Earl of Mary Pickford Free trial subscripuiot. Mivestors SIVB-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, FINANCIAL Elgin and Kin ine, p 8 A Dearb. st hot water heating and all other & 4 oars dled Thurs in LESS THAN THE DUST a Finance, orn modern conveniences, in good lo- . Strawberries Jay. The Bail of Elgin was born 3 \ / cation, on University Ave. one . storic Monklands, near Montreal. ~~ block' trom car line. Jen 30 1 . 3 A DENTAL month. - Possession by bp fat RO NA I i Those who have patronized ar ohseathe iow chairman of ff Apply J. K. Carroll, 56 Brock St. olde Fein, ie our. discount sale every Jann- plained that there were too many. A. Se ARP, BA. LS, pi Ge 662. ¢ PATENTS Money. ous mun Ri she ary for the past three years are hobby-riders on the Board of Bdu- and 1a dob entures: en os 5 I aware of the genuine values. cation, y LB FALSH, NTIST, cha appment Our 1917 January sale 'will McCuaig Bros & Co., members of Thursday, Friday, DR a rnor Rots and gy BABCOUK & SONS, Patents, rade sal apostty ' : GORDON S GROCERY be more of a money saver than the Montreal Stock Exchange, an- Saturday Phone $36. marke, Serius. Estab, W877, Form. Bite 37 on ol rl ny Cor Bay and Montreal $01 a8 overything points 0 a Hounce that Grant Johnston is retir- JANUARY, 18, 19, 20. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, ' DEN. oo Talent Po Ree Bok Patens Ae . further increase in prices ow- ing from the firm to go into bust- ste, 169 Wellington street, G. C.| tection" free. 89 St. James St, Mont- 'y . LovnoN AND Phone 88. ing to tho war. ness on his own account. HCAN ADA IN KHAKI Dewar, DDE. LDS, assistdnt. | real Branches: Otinwa, Washington. pura; tna Co te Aria oie Remember we have Sa An offer has been received by the marked our goods in plain. fig Military Hospitals Commission from : LEGAL. Eg ui for ures, the discount applying to the Canadian Pacific Rajlway Com- in Kingstonians, and . PERSONAL secur ty Re s "the regular price. pany to transform six sleeping cars, directio a Shy. preverty. Tnsgred s s, WARTS, NIRTHMARKS A: B. CUNMNGHAM, BARRISTEN sia' or pEiving a I. vas ae Discounts range as high as into hospital carg for the Military LE ' @ skin blem 4nd solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar 9 Florist 25 per cent. and apply only to [| Hospitals Commission. Barrie. 9 ts he with: ence street, Kingston bre Rhine WL Lar Fi resh Cut Flowers ian brassware, | cut fleld : ; " } vs ar. Note 4 Hyacinth, Na te. glass, leather goods, ivory and Presentation to Lawyer. = abied oat BOARD AND ROOMS FURNITURE FINISHING Yuners] Designs ang Wedding cbony, Peterboro, Jap. 18.--R. Ruddy, Stiéet, wo oa K.C., who has received the appoint. MARRY: FOR SUCOmSS AND, WATE FIRST CLASS BOARD AND Rooms, Pe. DRISCOLL, runarrune wins. ' em conven i centr er, ; 0 0 . ment of judge in the County of On- ness many ing eatly marriage; Hon. Apply 243 Brock street. street. » ry TT pr Why not staxt the New === {llario, was presented with « handsome ; confidentiai des. a NY antel cloe y the Peterboro Law Tho be By ao 3 Association. He is leaving the city : Specta 1, Year Right and Deal 3 shortly to take up his new duties. Admission Bact cl 742 Madison, Omkland, Ca " A Tm sslon. Sic} MARRY FF LONELY; FOR RESULT with Us? a ve ) Coming to Griffin's. Seats now on : best most sucoessfi Ne y The incomparable Mary Pickford wirictly confidential: w Seeded Raisins, Table Raisins, 1 in "Less Than the Dust," Jars of Oe reset deucripiions, ' Currants, Peels, Ete. : Xa nd hehe socks on the walks M1 tes arenes Gauthier, puent GOP Fn ILS Experienced Machine Operators 0, So Fave hie: Da C Grapes, Table for some time past at Hotel Dieu, SAR AL in perien ' tes. Choice. Boxes of OUR ANNUAL DSCOUNT Kingston, has so far recovered as to n " Chocolates "and Christmas Candy. SALE 1S ON. Pe ie as pr 3 WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- HARRY THOMPSON fr +f) Smith's walis for a visit with triends : : Pupae toh Theo. 24, Bago} APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUPT: for a few weeks, {TALMANGE tn EE sox, Canadian Locomoti 201 Princess Bt. MER 8; corner AP P LICATION TO A ICroscope . pp rag and 4 Wonngion streets. FJ. JOHNSON : A Wd and | Women's a Assoc tion of the City of Kington to the slative As- ading Florist t | Placed in Wembly of the Province of Ontario at the on thereof, for Ag Act hot, eX. SF apie, Weltng, Bestest | Suto mi owe » filled promptly, Feud ip Prac Storage Hatteries. A & association is ! . a guaranteed satisfaction. ; ] ipiritust, Arrived For Saturday yoo lg a YOURE Wom an not for an Trade i : Has De Assoclation Is uidenumina- : 3 DA, GIVENS, | ------------ : Soliet 1 Applicants. | H Special ear of beef, lamb, mutton, Cars fd aa at anas a |