Daily British Whig (1850), 20 Jan 1917, p. 8

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THE DAILY BRITISH WHIg, SATURDAY, JANUARY 2, 1917. MILITARY CIRCLES i THEATRICAL = wild At the Grand. Dental) officers from Divisional} To-night®ill be the last chance ' Headquarters, Kingston, commenced fgee Berth Kalich in "Love 'and! ingpection of the men of the 254th Hate." Ah exhibition of the better Battalion at Belleville on Friday af-|class of interesting photodramas and ternoon. . polite, variety entertainment has been --- arranged for Tuesday and Wednesda A big four stretcher Cadi llae motor | of next week. An exceedingly fin ambulance has been given to the|five-reel feature has been hooked for] Army Medical Corps here for use at) this engagement. Miss Billie = S : g oo $ kor | | | | { | | | i | | } f i f { i next year's big military camp. will appear in the fourth chapter of; RN "Gloria's Romance," the epoch-mak- Lieut. R. Harvey Angrove has been | ing serial which the Grand is offering fi taken on the stréngth of Queen's |for th, first half of each week. A two- SEE WHAT YOU SAVE Field Ambulance. reel Cas iversal pliotoplay, a comedy, % dnd the Pathe News will also be We have just completed stocktaking th' afternoon Lieut. C. W. H. Jack has been shown. An unusual vaudeville bill ffi isu. c. w. 1 taskmom us ween lshown. hows: Billy "snd Bra Me. ad have 8 number = winter things ere marked to i = Clintocx: will present their: comedy | I tonight as we ] The infantry draft from Prescott singing and dancing specialty. " ! clea ng ave to make room for new goods to Hil and Russell counties to be raised at |, = arrive shortly. : Ml Rockland by Lieut. N, J. Morion will Daddy Long Legs. . lB}! consist of eight lance se:geants, eight Daddy Long- Legs," the one big 0 dramatic success of this and last lance corporals, 234 of other ganks, i} and a at the rate pry doin to | season, will be presented here 'for fifty men. the second time next Monday, mat- inee and, night at the Grand Opera Major G. I. Cam apbell, C.R.0., jn an | House. [The play, is a dramatization ado w stated: "The outlook for. of the famous Paddy Long Legs let- this distriet in recruiting is splendid." ; ters published as a serial story by The organization that made possible|one of the big magazines three years that wonderful record of 1,003 for the| 280. The comedy sets forth a fas- first two weeks of the year ds still | cinating love story in which tender ll working at high pyessure and is | sentiment is delightfully blended bound to bring even better results," '| With bubbling, whimsical bh -- Its central characters are a ve On Thursday threé men arrived in| quaint little Cinderella and a d Ottawa to enlist. They had walked cldedly up-to-date Prince Charming 260 miles before reaching a railyoad,| and the love 'story in which they! and then travelled 700 miles to Win-| figure becomes a veritable idyl of : - * ' ® & 1 ur mn 1 e Hl! nipeg And then to Ottawa, all at their | buoyant youth, ili own expense. Two joined the 257th A. \ : ll} Railway Construction Battalion, and uy Bates Post, ll bne the 240th Battalion. < Richard to Tully is. pparing no expense to make his production econom lll The 257th Battalion has signed up| of "The Masquerader" perfect in li forty men in the last five days. every detail so that when he pre- i 3 -- sents his star, Guy Bates Post, in . 3 5 11 pl the play at the Grand Opera House, buying a suit, an overcoat, some shirts, sweaters, neckwear, | Brig.-Gen. T. D. R. | Hemming , ape . o ll G.0.C., goes to Peterboro on Tues-|one night Thursday January 25th, ae thor furnishings, while we are offering the special in day ial 3 t playgoers may rest: aseured 'that cemen i! -- there will be presented a play, a pro- Major G. I. Campbgh will speak at; duction and 'a company worth of ie > . - . | Discount | a big recruiting meetifig for the 285th | their attention and support. Am 20 Per Cent. t ' iH Battalion in Belleville on Sunday] the players, Mr. Tully has engaged Hl evening. is fan Robertson, who is numbered It's our January (Tearance Sale, and we are willing (0 pay you | -- abong the most able of the English well to help us, reduce our stock before stuck taking. Blue | Clark Brown, Frank McGowan' Players of the present day. He is and black suits excepted. All goods marked in plain figures, and Clarence' Moon, Tweed, have]a brother of Forbes Robertson. donned 'the khaki. They signed up with the 73rd Battery "Canada in Khaki" at Strand. All Sales for Cash. 1] rion "Canada in Khaki" 1s"the title of a ! "HURRAH FORTHE FRONT." new feature film by the Uscan Feat- ure Film Co., made in the interests of gras, pular Recruftin Song Much in{recruiting in Canada, and being is yours; Bit "ri | Poy -- 8 shown at the Strand, It was mde in : 4 i Kingston with the exeeption of piet- AEE EEE ir | . ures of the 154th Battalion presenta- tion of colors at Corpwall. The film is interesting not bnly be- cause it was taken locally, but be- iH cause of the subjects photographed. i The scenes are all- well knewn, and { scarcely a minute passes without the spectators seeing someone whom they 75-79 Brock Street. | { | ; recognize. | Included in the pictures are the A little out of the way, but it will pay you to walk, 11 locomotive works, St. George's Cath- | edral, showing the military service, and beside those and others of a simi- lar ature there' is the compiete hoto history of Barrietield military camp.- The pictures will be shown again this evening. J 33 Bed Comforters Worth $1.50 to $2.00, cotton filled, od serviceable covering, well made. Yours tonight $1.00 25 Women's Winter Coats All stylish makes, and the balance of this year's stock, worth $12.50, $14.56, $15. 50, $16.75. - Your pick" to- night $5.00. : '63 Pieces White Flannelette / Good soft quality, well napped, suitable for night- gowns, and undetwonr. 10.yards to a piece. Special to- night $1.25 piece. Not more than one piece to a customer: It certainly is your fault if you miss this sale. The opportunity \ Warm Hosiery and Warm Underwear \ Gloves Men's fleece lined shirts, : and drawers, all sizes « NOW ready. mn rT ey Boys' fleece lined shirts MRS. FRED NICOLLE. Women's Cashmerette and drawers, all sizes, One of the latest and most popular The Late J.D; Shea, ; = stockings, extra good ready tonight. ~ | Women's winter 'weight stockings; special at > 25¢ John Daniel Shea, one of Kings- recruiting songs in circulation is the : : * soldiers' marching song, entitled | LOWS bOSLAROWE residents, pasecd value Fi Cat "Hurrah for the Front." It is dedl- L W e ne ( as - ' cated for the "boys in khaki," writ- ing after 4u illness of two yours, ie om n Nr this old dip . Mén s fine wool un-~ =| ten and composed by Margaret Cal- ] . ji mer y hri ka laghan Nicolle. Mrs: Nicolle is one|?280 in London, England, and was > shrinkable \shyrts and IEEE ENN NERCENENE ERNE ERNE S| of Chatham's popular ladies, possess- brought to this city as an infant, al- only Maas we 50c drawers. E CAC. wie Lik France, and the late William Shen, chief keeper |8 stockings of many _ 100 suits men's pyjamas, as % RY one or HAMS x } kinds, both fine and Rife flannelette, cal section of Toronto Saturday Mr. Shea was choir leader at Queen Night. The authoress of this beauti- street Methodist chureh. In recogni- is being "accorded a funeral by that x ES | Cumphalifrd, a wellknown lumber} per, de Mos for children. Mes? s vs warm nightgowns, 200 PILLOW CASES the city, 4 son of John Nicolle, Bar-| yifuere "Grove bie mother, Mrs Ig Gloves for women. uality English Sizes 40 and 42, "made fro good i course, widely known _ bere, whe and two -faughters. Bra E. Spencer, |i ; strong cotton, with neat hem, forless than EB! cosnied There io litte ome ur hoa] Clérgy street, and' Mrs, 'E. Paradis, | - Butterick' s Large Spring Quarterly Book Now Ready. | production, and we shall expect to hear it sung freely in Kingston and Coming To Kingston. . 'in {and gentlemen, and will give them cad Chaldeans Society was held in TERN BREAKFAST CLOTHS ~~ {is Oty Counc chamber on Friday AE jig marked musical ability, and is ways residing here. For thirteen : Children's s Cashmere prominent surgeons. ull sizes; well made. ful and inspiringly worded somg is tion for his work in the 1.0.0.F. he N Clot h. children. fle stsset, and a graduate of Queen's. | vise" Pappa, and their one son, Al | Mitts for women. - food dual \ King street, .. iy it Miss G. G. McLean, representative : Special Tonight for 19¢ Boch; or 35e pair. nity. R of ihe Pembar Store, "will be at Ran : .. NEW INSPECTOR P| h dolp! ot: ingston,_on- ani ; V ; A RAND and Friday, Feb. 1st and 2nd, with JO! la n > , rn i Rn rn , J routige nature i » wi 11 yards long with border all around, pana Ta ack, has his work lin 1 , and is co the wife of Capt. (Dr.) Fred Nicolle, | Years he was assistant to his father, . moulder at the otive works. : al The above is taken from the musi- For a great number of years the Ts : « broad jib All 'sizes i . $1.25 the daughter of Thomas Callaghan, E&=| Both he and Nicolle are, of}1.5 "lately. returned from the front, the price of the material. == | extensive Bale for this catchy voeal i : san A i + ren's Aid Soelety. for ladies and gentlemen. Miss 20 ONLY UNBLEACHED LINEN PAT- Aled Roa IERIE ee nn SRR The | ho pure ill bleach white in one or, : : : 1 AA RI ' ? } ; ings. Wort oday $2. ip with his work, and the! News is ived of the death at orth t 4 75. i SE Rr waa. EE TE Ch i for $1.68 each. * n ase Ri Foiars Shore ar & eceity an senso of the year. Shoe purchased in January will rove » emf +

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