rr se Pe PAGE TWO JANUARY SALE RACCOON COATS -- FUR COATS FUR LINED COATS $25.00 UP FUR SETTS and PERSIAN LAMB COATS 25% DISCOUNT Hi John McKay, Limited "149-157 Brock Street TT AICI Te ina oon ans (POWER LINE TO COME The Baby Grand Chooses That Street in Preference to Bagot. { Cabinet Phonograph |} | E. G." Archer, superintendent of | construction for the Ontario Hydro- | | Electric Commission, arrived here on | | Saturday afternoon and went over | the proposed route of the power line | into the city, along with General Manager Folger of the Kingston Util-| ities. The special committee of City f Council had offered a right of way | from Division and Adelaide streasts along either Montreal or Bagot | street and down Barack to the city power station, Superintendent Arch-| er chose Montreal street as it was | found that there were too many | trees on Bagot street and he did not like to do much trimming. There are | very few trees on Montreal street. The present city poles on Montreal street will be all taken down, so there will be only power line on that thoroughfare. | Hydro Commission men are here preparing to build the line and it is expected that a start will be made on gives tome equal to any $100 machine. Will take any make | of Disc Record . Price $35.00. COME IN AND HEAR IT. 1 | CA A SH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY SENATOR H.W. RICHARDSON IN THE HALLS OF QUEEN'S IS HEAD OF THE GREAT RICH- DE. J. A MACDONALD, TORONTO, Ji ARDSON GRAIN HOUSE, | WAS THE SUNDAY PREACHER. | n a Hard Worker-- And Dealt With the Law of Goodwill il ~--Alma Mater Society Votes Down | | a Request of the Co-Eds to Present | \ | Bas) Always Bee ! A Devotee of Canoeing and Hunt- | ing--Kingston Honored "by Hib | Appotntment, "QIs™ to {Athietes. | Hon, H, W, Richardson, the newly-! | Oh Sunday morning, Dr. J. A. Mac? appointed Senator, came home Sat- | donald, of the Toronto Globe, spoke { urday from an outing in the southern [10 a very large congregation in Con-} | states, where he spent some time | Vocation Hall at Queen's University. | | hunting ducks. . He is fond of out- In a magnificent sermon he emphas- ii { door life, and consequently, had -a [ized the necessity df service and love | fine time. All hig life he has been | being in the duties of every citizen. | ncted . for his walking, canoeing, The law of goodwill, which 4s the | sailing, snowshoeing, tobogganing j1a w of the nature of man, is, he de! | and hunting--any active hea thy out- clared, like the law of gravitation in-| { door enjoyment has h's support { violate. If it is infringed upon it is! | He lives at "Alwington," part of 'not the law that will be broken, but Hifi his holdings being in Kingston and ihe individual. Obedience to the law} {part in Portsniouth. His lots butt 'of Sood-will means help, strength and | up close to the great Canadian penal peace; while the defiance or negleet. | institution, sloping down to Lake On- of it means disaster and defeat to the ! tario, where he has a fine bathing ;transgressor. When a sin is commit-| { shore, The old house is a splendid [ted against the law of good-will, | place for rest and quietude, and no |merey, justice or love, and when we {one enjoys it more than the present are hateful, mean, vengeful or cher- occupant; Mr. Richardson has a|ish bad will, we sin not only against large family, a happy, devoted, lov-|the law of good-will, but against our { i i x Store, McGall's Tobacco and Ne Stand. Metropolitan, McClures, Motion Picture Man's, Munsey's, People's, Popular, 22, 1917. es' Home Journal FOR FEBRUARY ON SALE TODAY The one Magazine the ladies look for. On sale at the following stores: Prouse's Drug Store, Medley's Drug Store, McAuley's Book ws Store, Miss Bucknell's News -- . / . FEBRUARY MAGAZIN ES NOW BN SALE~--Jerican, McLean's, Woman's Home Companidn, sie? Family Journal, Vogue, Argosy, McCall's, Railroad Popular Science, Detective, Wide World, Top Notch, Snappy, Saucy, oung's, Live, Smith's, Short Stories, Gireen Book, Blue Book, Smart Set, Cosmopolitan. Make this store your.headquarters for Magazines and Weekly illustrated papers. District Agents for Curtis Publishing Company THE COLLEGE 300K STORE, OPEN NIGHTS | founded many decades i {and early in the morning and keeps ing group of boys and girls, useful, serviceable and enthuslastic in work of church, of charity or society. Two | sons, Henry and Robert, are in the King's uniform, | [The new senator is the presiding genius of the great grain house of James Richardson Sons, Limited, ago by his bright capable father. He Is about at work until Jate in the evening. He makes a break about one o'clock, when he crosses the road to the simple fashion. He may take a whirl at bowling cr billiards for a brief spell and then back to the grind at his desk. The concern does a tremendous business all over the world; it counts its deeds in hun- dreds of thousands, ever millions of dollars. Every kind of grain grown is handled cautiously, wisely and fin- ancially successful, Senator Richardson, trained in the intricacies: of the business, never falters in his decisions. He can do business in a minute that others take hours to cogitate over.. If he misses, no one hears him whimper; if he wins he takes it complacently, and as a regular occurrence. He sees the main chance with clearness and is al- ways willing to risk. In financial circles he stands a peer of any. The soul within, and there inevitably fol- lows the penalty, which is paid by us in full. "The supreme law of Jesus was that love was the fulfilling of the law, thereforefore we must love. If this is to be done then service must characterize our efforts. At the coronation service of George V. the text upon which the coronation ser- vice was based was: "I am among you as one that serves." This was to be |the motto of the King as typical of ithe whole British nation, and in the present war it has been clearly shown Frontenac Club, where he lunc:es in that it is the motto and watchword of | the nation. "Britain ngver stood higher," de- clared Dr. Macdonald, 'or did a greater deed than when with her little army she made herself a force against Germany. Britain has risen to much higher position. She stood as pro- tector of the little peoples whose only crime had been their innocence,' It is this spirit of-~¥ervice that is needed among individuals, among the nations, and throughout 'the entire! In the ultimate settling it] world, should be realized that the law stands and that individuals are broken, that love and service ani abnogation of self will lead to the final peace and concord among the individuals gnd among the nations. The address of Dr. Macdonald was | characteristic, eloquent and forceful, | i | a | { | 160-162 icess Street. Special Values | pecial Values in in many lines, including SHEETINGS PILLOW COTTONS WHITE COTTONS FLANNELETTES FLANNELETTE BLANKETS CASHMERE HOSIERY, For Special Work, Designing or Remodeling Keepsakes altered to modern, wearable, useful articles. Ring and Brooch Mounting Small, old model watches made info useful wrist watches. SMITH BROS. Jewelers and Opticians. Issuers of Marriage Licenses. ; | firth hes branches all the way from {the Atlantic to the Pacific and every | morning Mr, Richardson knows what | has been done the day before at these places. The head office is filled with experts tabulating the business. and made a deep impression on his | hearers. Principal Gordon prasided) at the seyvice, Adelaide street on Tuesday. ARTILLERY. OFFICER WOOL UNDERWEAR, Etc. Convocation Hall was Tilled with studénts on Saturday night to attend! LOSES TWO FINGERS And an Employee of Davis Tannery Has Three Fingers | Amputated. an 4 Lieut. John Gibson, 'Toronto, tak-| ing the Royal Sshool . of Artillery! course here, bad two fingers of his! left hand amputated by Dr. C. A. Morrison at the Hotel Dieu on Mon- day morning. The hand was injured when he was tielng his horse at the | Tete de nt Baraé¢ks stables, | Frederick Young, an émployee of, to Davis tannery, is in the General | Hospital with three fingers of his loft | hand taken off, following an accident | on Saturday when he wag caught in machinery at the tannery. ~; a er ---- SPECIALS of tea and but we are still Tea and Coffee cobs *heipsale selling at the old : Our special steel cut at .., 40¢ Ib, Our special blend, fresh ground We are safe In saying that these lines cannot be beaten at the price. Try them. $ TEA We have a beautiful black tea dur ha hat' Coy «is at 40¢ Ib, from ... .. ..... 80c to 45¢ Ib, Our repeat orders on these lines are a guarantee ot their quality. Lieut, Harvey Awarded M.C. Word has been received in the city that Lieut. J. P. Harvey, B.Sc., form- erly of Orillia, has been awarded the Military Cross. Lieut.' Harvey is a graduate of Queen's, and what over- seas with the first contingent 'of en- glneers under Major Macphail. -- -------- Look For Big Year. Capt. John Donnelly has returned home from a business trip to Toroa-: to and Buffalo. He says that marin mien in both these cities are lookf forward to ) another big season. and his stories a \loves Kingston, he loves its institu- M>. Richardson is not always. ae- cessible to callers; those who get in- side find a cheery man, brisk, alert, and of few words. He will transact business quietly and satisfactorily as he views it. He loves his pipe, and it is frequently in use. Hon. Mr. Richardson is generous and helpful, and endowed with a love for hig city and its occupants. He has helped many of its enterprises, holds much property, and is a lead- ing voice in the street railway com- pany, the Yacht Club, the Frontenac Club, the Board of Trade and Syden- ham street Methodist Church. He is a boat owner and a mine proprietor. Mr. Richardson is not. old, a few marks under sixty. He has spent a strenuous life, yet is full of robust- ness and vigor. He has had good health. due to hig outdoor exercises, To Thirteen Island Lake he steals away for rest and fishing, for relaxa- tion and recreation and those things along with the joys of a happy house and fond children, drive away the wrinkles and makes him optimistic, courageous and determined, Socially he 1s good company; he talks well-he appeals to his listener well told.. He Ns and-iw' turn the citizens honor 'Tespect him, The Whig some years ago suggested that he should be made senator, not from the politi- cal standpoint, but because he had earned the position by work for his party, his city, his country. We con- gratulate him thai the Borden gov- ernment has honored itself in honor. ing him. Miss Una Saunders, general tary of the Young Women's Ch Association, with headq to, 5 ristian one of the most memorable sessions of | the Alma Mater Society held for some! time. The Lavana Society has asked permission to grant "Q's" to mem- bers of the society who had won dis- tinction in the field of athletics. Pre- viously "Q's". have only been granted | to the men under certain conditions, and there were some who believed that the ladies sshould not have the privilege of wearing "Q's" when they did not participate in intercollegiate sports. The matter came up at the AMS. but a motion proposed by Miss Eva Coon for the purpose of granting "Q's" to the society was ruled out of order. Discussion waxed hot for a time, and a vote was taken on the de- cision of the president, W. R. Hughs- son. His ruling was upheld, however, by a vote of 117 to 101, and the mat- ter will likely come up for discussion at the next meeting of the society, A communication was received from J. W. Sutherland thanking the members of the society for their thoughtfulness in extending to him a letter of gratitude for his many ser- vices in the welfare of the students, Permission was also sought to hold the annual arts faculty dance on February 1st. To Cure a Cold in Ds fu. ; Take LAXATIVE, BROMO QUIN: INE Tabiets. Druggists refund money' if it falls to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 26c¢. » Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Farrell, of Utica, N.Y., are the guests of the former's brother, J. M. ®arrell, Barrie street. Fon | larg Sle o Ladies' Coats Now going on. Beauties .. .. $5.00 up Newman & Shaw, THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE S Pfu re TWO KINGSTONIANS ARRIVE Gr, Mayor J. M. Hughes welcoradd back nine heroes returned from the front on Sunday afternoon. CLOSING OF MALLS me Belice die aay rene Tris' wong" Fen ans » 5, 59 van. .s LO pm i.ene LOO PB snd aii 2.30 pin. Hike J td end our best quality Plain Oak. It takes a fine finish and keeps its appearance, 10.15 Am. and 4% Bea mun sees S. ANGLIN & CO. ng Pattory, Bay ad Wellingtan Stropis, George. Self and Pte. Frank Black Among Couvalescents, Two Kingstonians were among the party ~~George Seif, of the R. C. H. A.-and Frank Black, formerly with MeKel- vey & Birch. The party were driven Oftice Phone 66; Factory 1415 seeelamber. Ooul ang Wenbewis 4 Hi to the home, after their a 'had examined, and as