Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1917, p. 7

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dg BANKING ACCOUNTS OF PARTNERS, SOCIETIES, ETC. wives, Societies, Clubs or Joint int Sartags Lecount in The Bank of an account of this nature, either Partners in business, Hushands apd Treasurers of a Trust § will find » Toronio a very great vouvenience. W party m deposit or withdrew money. terest in paid on balnaces. A Jolt Recount is particnlarly convenient in household management. - Capital .d %3,000,000 6,439,382 Reserved Funds Tae BANK or TORONTO George B. McKay, Manag A -- mm FOR SALE of brick-veneered houses, in good Igesliny: that we will selffor "$4, 900 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. We have a pair You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts, Will you come in and be convinced? IL LESSES, . Phone 1004 124-120 Clarence St. Free inspection of any battery at any time Our Annual Discount Sale is On... To our many friends and customers our most sincere thanks for their generous patronage during the Xmas Season. Wishing you one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Hoag's Drug Store "Up Town" Post Office Kingston, Ont, DIAMONDS, Strawberries 15¢ Per Tin GORDON"S GROCERY Cor. Bay and Montreal Phone 88. Those who have patronized our discount sale every Janu. ary for the past three years are aware of the genuine values. Our 1917 January sale will be more of a money saver than ever as everything points to a further increase in prices ow- ing to the war. Remember we have always marked our goods in plain fig- ures, the discount applying to regular Watts, ros Florist | Fresh Cut Flowers Wyacinth, Narelinun, Ete. P and W Boudupts to Oder Why not start the New Year Right and Deal with Us? New Seeded Raisins, Table Raisins, Currants, Peels, Ete. Navel Malaga Grapes, Table Figs and Dates. Choice Boxes of Chocolates and Christmas Candy. HARRY THOMPSON : - ---- . ' Jewsler 132 Princess St. Where the clock is on the walk, OUR ANNUAL DSCOUNT - SALE 1S ON. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 204 Princess St. =| i WF J. JOHNSON Now IS rhe and Cut Flowers filled promptly. Poultry a ---- The finest quality of dry picket | 120 Brskih. chickens, Also Royal Rock and | Cars Golden West fatted fowl and tur | Wedding Bouquets, , & Fone 20. 113 Brock. | hep for sale this week. wie TE DAILY SEIN WAS, MONDAY, MNUARE B00 ___ ii Wil SPRING A SERS GIR AN D is in mw Tonight FRONTENAC WITHHOL D NAMES OF PLAYERS FOR TO-NIGHT. They Are Evidently Bound to Put on a Team to Trim Batteries--Other) Hockey Notes. Frontenacs promise a surprise in| the line-up for this evening's game against the Depot Batteries. The ice| { is good, and already the purchase off tickets indicates a big attendance. The game will have a big bearing on! the honors of the series, and hoc key | ! fans are showing interest. The Frontenaes are withholding | | their line-up announcement until the | | game The Batteries will play as| follows: Tobin, goal; Tubman and] | Spence, defence; Grimes, rover, Bur- | { nett, centre; Roy and Burke, wings. | i Fans have it doped out that a win | for Frontenacs is almost a. sure] three-cornered tie for this intermedi-| ate O. H. A. series. Queen's boys returning here from the game against Aura Lee on Satur- day state that Reynolds, the clever big defence man of the 228th, has turned professional, playing with the 228th team against Toronto on Satur- day night. This will weaken the 228th O.H.A. outfit, When Queen's lot to Aura Lee on Saturday night by 10 to 4 it added one more to Queen's already heavy losses. -- i The Belleville vs. Kingston Juniors | junior O.H.A. game here ton Juniors. should prove interesting, as it will] mean the fight for the_top of the] list for this series. The standing is: Won. Lost.| Kingston. .. : Belleville. .. Batteries. 0! 1 The intermediate O. H. A. series] now stands for this distriet: Won Lost Batteries. 235th. Frontenacs. . Queen's 3 : : The senior O__H. A. standing now | is: Lost. Riversides. . Aura Lee. .. ce enue 228th. .. .. .. .. .. as { Queen's. . .. .. +<.su 2s ; Curling Games. } The curling results Saturday were: | Club series--O. Sliter's rink, 11; Dr. Waugh's rink, 9. | Doubles J. J. Baker and W. Frizzell, W. C. Crozier and A. Fowler, vd J. Matheson and H. W_| Watts, 10; R. C. Cartwright and W. | J. Drysdale, 12; Dr. Goodwin, 13; L.| A. Zufelt, 9. * N. HA. Saturday Resylts, 228th Battalion, 8; Torontos, 6. Canadians, 10; Quebec, 6. | Ottawa, 8; Wanderers, 5. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY LOCAL NOTES AND ITEMS OF GENERAL INTEREST. Happenings In the City and Vicinity What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig.. George A, Cliff is assessor of Nap- anee at $250 a year. 'The snow shovels are overtime again these days. Pianos for rental, C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. Judge Lavell will hold division court in Adolphustown on Tuesday. Hear record number 88578, "Die Lotusblume," by Johanna Gadski, at Lindsay's. Miss Una Saunders, Toronto, is the guest of Miss Gordon at Queen's University while in the city. The finance committee of the Board of Education has been called to-night to award the contracts for printing. This old-fashioned winter is re- joicing the hearts of the old resi- dents. January has been a hummer. John Markey, mate on the steamer Wolfe Islander, has gone to Brock- ville' with his wife to spend several months, H. Cunningha m, -planituner. n King street. fave orders .at McAul- say's Book Store. Writing to friends in this eity, Lieut. John Dall, who went overseas, States that he has been transférred to Tadia. The flag in front of the American consulate was at half-mast over the [week-end in memory of the late Ad- miral Dewey. "Larry" Cornack, an old time tele- grapher in the G.N.W. office, now of Hibbin, Minn., was a visitor in Kings- ton on Friday and Saturday. James O'Brien, for years a Qoe- maker in Napanee, recently sold his business, and has taken residence at the House of Providence, Ki working | b to the children every Sunday morp- ing, and they are very interesting. Col. A. E. Ross extends thanks to St, Andrew's Society for their Christ- mas gift in a letter to r James Stewart. He says he believes that the war will be over inside ofa year. 2 DAYS meee 93 With a saperb company, N | Louis Calvert, Thuls Lawton, an Florence 17 | WILFRED LC Return of the Most Fascinating Com- edy of the Day , DADDY CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES First insertion, le a word. Each con- escutive lasertion thercafter, pk. || cent a werd. Minimum Story of the Girl Whose Dreams one insertion, 23e; thees, | roar! Came True. : Se; six $1; one mouth, 82. il 21--PEOPLE IN. COMPANY--24 4--SUPERB SCENIC SETS--4 Prices: 25, 530, 75, $1, $1.50. Seats Now om' Sale. HELP WANTED AN EXPERIENCED STOREMAN. ply to W. B. Dalton & Sons, Ltd. SMART BOY, APPLY AT ONCE, SAR- gent's Drug Store, Printess Street, | Corner Montreal. 3 { mechanically inclined. | 8 telligent, Apply by letter to J 342 King St. A MAID GENERAL: SMALL FAMILY, good wages, references required Apply In the evening, between 17 and 9, to Mrs. C. Livingston, 162 Barrie street. Feature Vaudeville Five Reel Feature Film IRENE HAWLEY, "LIFE'S SHADOW" BILLIE BURKE, GLORIA'S ROMANCE. Photoplays. And Other ant. 10¢c ang, ihe} Thursday, Jan. 25th ONE NIGHT ONLY Rhetund W Walten Tully, Ine. J James G. 'Guy Bates POST In a Play by John Hunter Baath. | Founded on Rathering Ceell T "The Masquerader" GIRLS WRITING A PLAIN ROUND hand for addressing and for ser- vice in work room. Light, pleas. ant work, with half holiday Sat. urday N. C Ontario! street SALESMAN WANTED FOR CALEN- dars, and advertising specialties, for Kingston and surrounding dis- trict. Samples ready now. A good assortment, good prospects, good commission. The Copp, C "lark Co, Limited, Toronto. Polson Co, Price re. + : Godéd smart girls, 14 years of age, and upward, can seture employment at the Cottem Mill, Cataragul street. The work is light and clean; good, wages paid te beginners. Apply at of- fice, Dominion Textile Co, Cute araqul street. CHHEMERI MEIER IERIE | WANTED GENERAL | SECONDHAND. UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part payment of new planos and Victrolas, C. W. Lind- | say, Limited, 121 Princess Ye NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR | bieyele repaired, cleaned and stor- | ed for winter. All orders prompt. ly attended to. Phone 1032, or call} at Geo. Muller, 37 3 King | i i i Forbes Robertson, Malone, Clarence Ha Prices, S16, 81.00, T3e, S0e, 33¢. SEATS ON SALE TURSDAY GRIFFIN'! nDIBA px. TUESDAY, SBONERDAY niel Frohman Present Louise Huff and Jack Pickford, in "SEVENTEEN" f JENNIE C. SHAW WILL OPEN | classes in all kinds of painting, embroidery, and art work. Studio, | $3 Clergy street; open from 2 to &. Monday, ¥ Wednesday and Fr Friday. "BUSIN ESS CHANCES. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST | one cent until you read Successful Finance and learn how fortunes) are made and lost >¥ investors | Free trial sub tio 608 81 Dearborn St | ful Findnce, Chicago. DENTAL Ili AP- | LADY OR GENTLEMAN CLERK IN. il Asselstine, i] i { STORAGE fil | | A GENTS BUTTON ROOT Av | i the Popular Palace Rink. Own- i have samé. by calling i i IN MR. i , on Market, on | Saturday, Jan. 20th Owner please call at Whig Office, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- TISED FREE { Anyone fading anything aud | h the owner may 3 The advets be printed In this arge. THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. dittle. Once, Fa bd es toe: one week, $i. A FLOOK OF BAR ROCKS, HAWKINS £.rain. Apply 203 Alfred street. | FLORIDA FARMS AND ORANGE graves, Capt Ateeves, Ports. mouth, Ont. | FOR JOKES, PUZILES AND NOVELTY OFS, see - Frank W. Cooke, 3% Clarence street, FARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES da Kingston Apply Geg. Gib. son, RR. No. 1, Cataraqui, OW. UBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. gr street, § rooms and WLC, In each; well rented. Apply 41 Divis- ion street. Ww. ON SUNDAY, JAN. 4TH, ing, A Chin's white fur collar, possibly Detw en Clergy and Wellington, on pek. Finder kindly leave at de Office ON SUNDAY, NEAR CORNER OF Al. fred and Princess streets, a brown {Angora cat, answering to name of "Woolly." Pinder please aotify 322 Alfred street 8 THE PERSON WHO TOOK a silver handled umbrella from 11% Earl street on Friday afternoon Kindly ret arn to Whig Offige. (In- itialed "K. . Ge Cunningham." WILL UPRIGHT PIANO, HANDSOME, WAlL- nut case, $87; terms, $5 cash and $1 per week. C. W. Lindsay Lim. fled, 121 Princess street. Rt GENUINE VIOTROLA AND TWEL' 19 SE ---- $1.00 pe hoi we 00 per w 4 ndsay, Ltd, 131 Princess etreet TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA street; modern; near Union St. car line. Owners desirous of selling at once, Apply Mcleod's Drug Store. A FULLY EQUIPPED ICE-CREAM plant for sale or Food rent. fce ouse combined. on for sell- ing ill-health, Any 473 Princess street, TO LET SEP. FOR FURNITURE, Brock arate rooms. McCann, 82 Stree: ST. CHAM | oFFIcES IN CLARENCE B. Cunningham. | bers. Apply to A. 79 Clarence street TWO WELL HEATED FU RNISHED | rooms for gentleman, rent reason. able. Apply 114 Clarence street. i FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping, 398 Prin. ress, between Barrie and Diviston | | ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO LADIES OR | man and wife, for light house- keeping: use of house Apply to] Box «8, Post Office, : i UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 5! large rooms, all modern equipment, ideal location, possession immedi ately. Apply Box 10, Whig Ofce. AN i { | sTorAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN, | dry, alry rooms; your own lock and | key. Frost's City Storage, 299 Queen street. Phoba 526: res. 983, THREE ROOMS T0 WENT, SUITABLE | for light housekeeping; north end. | G.' A. Bateman, Customs Broker, | Money to loan; 67 Clarence street, Kingston. VAUDEVILLE DS, DDS. FABER and md Seravcn NALD: Ay Ld A. Silica, 255 Princess street. Poon] DR. J. LEONA corner Pring Phone 626. WALSH, DENTIST, | Episode Eight and Bagot streets, | "The Crimson Stain Mystery" FRANK DANIELS COMEDY | _ Frices: Mat. 100; Evi. 10e, 13e. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN. tists, 159 Wallington street, G. C! "COMING DDS. assistant | MARY PICKFORD |COVERED RINK) Hockey Match Tonight Less Than the Dust" | rersuie ots, Coamptoacii s vs. Frontenacs roo. STRAND THEATRE | Wednesday, Jan. 24th 1 CHARI RLIE CHAP & WwW PLIN in | an fora, | ve KINGSTIN IRS. NE Hatepiny in 5 Parts Admission oe. Starting « TALMADGE, in AEN SHAPIRO wishes to that has opened wp for business at 35) | Princeny street, and is now ready fo) all kinds " Soe UhnRoSE- pare ermine. © omedy. rt Math 10e. Evenings : mee 3 10, Reserved Seats Je Extra. Phone 103, | WM. NEWLANDS & the Ontario and three in the Svat Enambss , sre. Mewes, Halts | FIRST CLASS BOARD AN | owen a =. NINE-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, hot water heating and all other modern conveniences, in good lo- cation, on University Ave, one block from car line, Rent $30 per month. Possession by Feb. 1st Apply J. K. Carroll, 56 Brock St PATENTS BANCO ® trade marks, Form. , Master test Fro. Mont- SONS, Fajlents, . Estab. 1877. Examiner Book "Pai "e St. James St, Branches: Otiaws, or Jat oF "Patent real LEGAL. n. DUANINGHAN, HARRISTEM and solicitor, office, i» Ciar- once street. Kingston A. BOALD AND ROOMS VANDEWATER HOUSE, VERONA, first class stand, splendid trade; i stabMng; water In house and rn. Apply to Mrs. H. Vande- water, Verona, Ont. SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, «aN Brock street, eleven rooms; {(n first class condition, and all mod- ern improvements Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN smart country lia e. store storey aud large r: all first class cogdition, 1000, to wind up an esiatéd, quick. G. A. 67 Clarence street, Kingston. | CHOICE STOCK OF HB ges, and all kinds of ond hand furniture. We n to buy everything \n in ve lines. hompson, Princess street. TWENTY-FIVE ACRE FA GOOD buildings; youhg orchard, ring; suitable for fruit and poultry convenient to school, Shurel) ond Bell Telephone. ALDY to oH Fair, Kingston stat LARGE DRESSERS, ches, stoves men's clothing. lined coats, also new uphol chairs; large assortment of We buy a new ncess st 1. FINANCIAL FRONTENAC LOAN AND nN ment Soclet incorporated president. I Wn R. Xie. o KO Ng im - Satin mol sale; Shove receiyed PH Bares 7 Clarebon 81 Kingston 7 Clarence ND every convenience; central Apply 243 Brock street loca. tion. ARCHITECT SON, ANCHI- 258 Bagot St tects, etc. Offices, Phone $98. & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. Bank Building, corner and Wellington streets, chants Brock " BBO. or Ih » RAT. yy street. PERSONAL ones HA tens. os: wl BEE A ee APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Provinces. The new members of thel

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