Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Jan 1917, p. 8

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|. wHE DAILY BRITISH WHIG, MONDAY, JANUARY, 22 1917. rte il | ¢& JQHN LAIDLAW & SON =a) MILITARY CIRCLES |'f THEATRICAL NEWS | Ea lll Don smith. son of Harry Smith] To-night "Daddy Long Legs." ' and Harold McGuire, son of Archie| gpeaking of "Daddy Long Legs," f . : . Hl | McGuire, Napanee, have joined the which comes to the Grand to-night, * Now practised by so many Kingston women is to be A GREAT CHANCE FOR -YOU TO SAVE MONEY AT Hl' 720d Queen's Battery, Kingston. the Montreal Herald says: The play i}! . itself is clean throughout and sparkles , - a = $ | -- Bl! Sergt. Fields, R. C. H. A, is in the| with human intecest in every phase. Hl} General Hospital. That is was enjoyéd by all those pre- l po sent 'was very evident. ] Hereafter cooks, (ailors, cobblers| Miss Edna Walton's "Judy Abbot" and orderly room clerks will have to the orphan, was piquant and refresh- ji toss aside their aprons and pencil ing in her girlishness and most ap- and pens, forsake the stove, work pealing in her humor. Mr. Roscoe Hil bench and the typewriter to go out made u strikingly manly philanthro- il} and shoulder a rifle and do some pist and his reading of the part . i}! squad drill with the rest of their showed a splendid adaptation. His 1s. jactine was restrained and his modu- . -- {lated tones added mutch to his pleas- ! The social evening conducted at jing personality. 3 the Military Y. M. C. A. hall on Sat- urday was unique, in the fact that it was "Returned Soldiers Night." A At the Grand. An exhibition of the botter ll' periences" by Sergt. i}! Sunday large number of returned men, to- gether with a fine assemblage o Pte. Prince, a returned sol- Ji dier, entertained with his singing and | reciting. Another excellent item was an instructive address on "War Ex- Learmount, of the P. P. C. L. 1, who spent over, fifteen months in the trenches before he was wounded. Miss Sutherland! Miss Craig and Miss Develyn alo contributed to the programme. Re- freshments were served by Mrs. Malcolm and her committee, after| which Mrs. Robinson led in some choruses. S. H. Greenslade, secre- tary, was chairman. | In spite of the stormy evening there) was a good attendance at the soldiers' social hour held at the Military "Y." evening. Mr. Finlay, ot class of intel photodramas and 1 ¥ f polite variety ebiotamotodt has heen i}! other soldiers, made a splendid gath- 'with Irene Hawley and William Nigh arranged for Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. exceedingly fine five-reel feature has been booked for this engagement--*"Life's Shawdow," in the leading roles. Miss Billie Burke will appear in the fourth chapter of "Gloria's Ro- mance," the epoch-making ser- which the Grafld is offering for the first half of each week. A two- reel Universdl photoplay, a vomedy, and the Pathe News will also be shown. An unusual vaudeville bill will be shown. Billy and Eva Mec- Clintocy: will present their comedy singing and dancing specialty. - Guy Bates Post. "The Masquerader" will be pre- commended, but owing te the increasing cost of wool it has become quite an expense. During the past year we have been constantly on the watch to secure suitable wools at less than regular prices, and have just received a limited acount of 200 pounds F 1 i mgeri }| Sydenham Street Methodist church, sented at the Grand Opera House on g ng rendered a solo, and Rev. J. W. Ellis, | Thursday, Jan. 25th. In this play Mr. of Queen Street Methodist church, !Post plays a dual role. On the one was the speaker. jvany he appears as John Chilcote, of distinguished family, wealthy and The members of the Special Service honored, a member of Parliament and Company attended exhibitions of "Can leader of his political party, but an ada in Khaki" at the Strand theatre 2ddict'of morphine. The other cha- last week. The admissions were pa'd ;Tacter is John Loder, a young man NN RENE EEEEENEREERRRREERRRREEREARRRERRRE Le 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF. . All ready to, wear clothing and furnishings for men and boys; (blue and black suits excepted). Think +f what you save by buying now. You can have any suit pf'overcoat: with above exception at one-fifth off. ' & Only a short time left to buy clothes and furnishings at cut prices. Sale positively ends this month, Livingston's, A Little Out of the Way, But It Will Pay , You To Walk. | the munition plant guard at Trenton. Matched Ses of {LINEN! =~ ---r Table cloths and napkins in a large variety of patterns, warranted all pure linen, at less than present manufacture price. Beautiful patterns in floral, spot, stripes, plain centre and other designs suitable for round or square tables, sizes are 2 x2 yards 2} x2} yards 2 x2}yards 21x33 yards 2 x3 yards 2}x3} yards 2 x3jyards 21x44 yards 1032: for Cloth. Z| MORE/CARDS REACH = another large pac =| Highlanders, =a Kingstonian, 2 Holtham (Kingston), NOPE300to 15:00 a dose, | "2 from out of the canteen fund. Lieut."Col. Butcher, headquarters musketry staff, js expected here on| | Tuesday on an inspection trip. I | -- / Capts, S. MacGregor and Bissell | leave on Tuesday morning for Brock-| iville to hold medical boards on the 230th Battalion. Lieut, Mupnsie on Monday took over his pew duties as adjutant of the Social Service Company. Lieut. Crozier is acting 0.C. of the company. Capt. W. J. McManus leaves op Tuesday to organize two posts at Iroquois and Cornwall' to be manned by .the men of Special Service Com- pany now at Mille Roches. The com- pany is now providing forty-one men under Capt. Campbell, late 235th, for * Lieut.-Col, P. G. C. Campbell, com- manding 253rd Queen's "Battalion, left at noon on Monday for Niagara, and will go to London and Windsor on recruiting work. He wil} return on Friday. The American consul has received of cards from Canadians 'who are prisoners of war in Germany. Corpl. J. Lewis, 48th Staummager sent photo of twelve boys, of whom "he says "all-are N.C.0's., one of whom is whom you will no doubt recogaize." This Picture will be reproduced in the Whig shoftly. Others acknowledging partels were Pte. I. R. Ridout, 3rd Battalion; C. H, Stiuchcombe, Sergt. Frederick D. 3rd; G. L. Garland, 7th; D. Logan, 48th H.O.C.; E. Foster, Tth; Corpi. M. J. Jenkin, 2nd; V. Regan, 14th; William O. Donald; S. W. Bar- rett, 48th; H. D. Somerford, 3rd; | who comes of good family, which by (Mr. Tully has surrounded his star University | yuilded his humorpus , . masterpiece, cided that his future rests in highef njrole of the feminine "bit of flufr," a'or other even Lance-Corpl. T. C. Scott, Tth; Alex- ander Mcleod, 15th; Corpl. W. H. Walsh, 15th; H. Harper, 48th; Sergt. =| F. Harrison, 3rd; Charles B. Sharp; Corpl. William Kirby, 14th; F. W. Duan, Sergt. A. G. Saunders, 3rd; | reason of financial reverses left him without any but a sparse living and the money he could earn by his writ- ing. He is greatly ambitious and had yearned always for a life in the poli- tical arena. - Comes to him Chilcote with an offer to change places as their physical likeness is such as to defy detection. 'By changing Chilcote de- sires to get the opportunity to give himself up' to his love of morphine, Round tiri¢ pair the drama is woven. SANRE RRR with an exceptional company of play- ers. ~~ gu At 's, Puppy Lave, f love or whatever you choose to cail 'it, that frightful | epidemic, which 'somehow or other|# seems to act as a scourge upon the youth of our country, invariably as they reach the mature period of life, usually at the end of seventeen long years of world perience, is the theme on which ° h Torkington "Seventeen," "a pjgturization of which will he show} at Griffin's to- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Jack Pickford takes the,,part of "Seven: teen " who has repgunced womeu once and for all in favor of more =ub- stantial interests, and who har de- planes. Louise Huff is placed in the for which "Seventeen" suddenly re- noun his stoicism, . It is a terrible calamity that befalls this young man in the prime of lig An with the re- sponsibility of a w world on his fast-bending shoulders it seems as if suicide, the destruction of self, is the only fitting solution, but somehow this flits away, and there is serenity once more, but "Seventeen" is not through with wo- men. The management also shows Episode No. 8 of that thrilling serial, "The Crimson Stain Mystery," and another of those always laughable |i Frank Daniels' comedies, with the Jil} ' usual line of high-class vaudeville, the whole making one of the bestigs * bils ever presented. | - At the Strand. For the ' first three days of this lected by the management of this wi latest Triangle play "The Miscros- cope Mystery," a story of simplicity orpl. A. L. Stroyan, F. C.r%nd intrigue, of love and violence, of Dutton, 48th H.0.C.; Gordon A. Millert, A. J. Sloane, 3rd; Corpl. W. ; Sergt. T, B. Diplock, Corpl. M. Lee, William Patterson, 3rd; George W. Coaver, Dennis O'Keefe, 13th; "A. F. Lamer- Artourer Corpl. Peter MeGov: . 10th; M. J. Gauthier, 49th: Corpl. Joha Lowndes, 15th; Max Millan, 1st Division, C.F.A.; D. L. Donaldson. -------------- The Quotations on the New York Ex- i. change. New York. Jan. 21. (2.30 pim.)-- New York Stocks. ) Cad aa ar a158 «es 108 fre S39 151% 1% ral mystery and surprise. 'And an extra | i attraction Charley Chaplin | will be seen in "The Floor Walker." || "A two part Keystone Comedy "Safety |@ First" "Ambrose," with Mack Swain and other reels will alsg be shown. J class programme of vaudeville and | pictures, 2 | The Girl From Frisco Has arrived at the Polite vaudeville completes a high- [38 - t Wool This is a splendid wool for soldiers socks, scarfs; mitts, etc., and this make is a quality between the Beehive make and unbreakable wools, and is worth today $2.00 a gound. "This 'will be sold Tomorrow and Wednesday at ~ $1.35 aPound Or 70c a Half Pound. Not less than hali pound sold. . 1200 Pairs of Towels Ready for tomorrow's selling. These include: White Bath Towels; Natural Bath Towels: White Turkish Towels; Fine Huckaback Towels: Heavy Hucka- back Towels; Special Face Towels; Fine Guest Towels; Extra Fine Towels for Gifts. : Also (by-the yard) Plain Huckaback Towels; Fancy Huckaback Towels; White Turkish Towelling: Crack Towelling: Roller Towelling. Er 2 Youwill find quite a saving in price of both towels and *' -towelling. f » I. Ey -------- John Laidlaw & Son cett Shoe Store | Ea | a Full Stock of Trunks and Te Su 2 4 > Nes Ss RFs Sea dl

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