» MR. HENDERSON FIN with (Cop 1816, by i ye. - ay , his customary' pomposity im which |e \t7" 2. po ty . 3 . oi story," I faltered, when Alene was noticeable just enough " Afthar y relief: "Jt is my fault that we did not "um , : bi ft. 1 unfortunately left it in a Baugh re ad come a the library in my haste to come to ng + me you." : {did now that Harry had left him and | "Cy pas told virtually all that Mariam wrote." 1 put im with fever- was making hig home with Mr. Phil- {sh haste, 'Mr. Gordon Wished to " "1 was just thinking of y banker remarked 16 Arthur with go over the ground behind. the lines, old banker remark tid nu tor=; 50 that he would be better able to it i give his opinion as to what should be done in the way of building the rail- road lines which the government is planning. Mariam believes' that he ; sand the other engineers must have o" v surprised and captured, or t Hon 1s qulth _s compliment, Mr | they were the victims of a chance smiled "We 'have not been here fo German shell, Mr, Gordon expected nearly a week. Our memories Woi to spend only & short time away from -o vory very short, indeed, if we Yaris, but Be now has been absent could forget much in that time " many weeks, and the government of- "My remark was meant to Imply | cials. have been unable to assure come often "| afariam that he is safe. The fact that that you hat aa aghe no trace of the engineers has been 5 nd ed he belief that all of course, 1 hide many things to keep foU hag led to the me. busy here, but I like to have my thei are prisoners, o ta fra drop fn just the seme. It| H% Henderson, who had sat star- Roxane?" "Yas, Mariam-----" Where is ber letter interrupted Mr. Henderson brusquely. "May 1 oClure BEST BY TEST | Blakemore Studio Commercial Photography. Enlarging and Copying, Home Portraiture Kingston's Largest Photo Studio. All work guaranteed, ¥ 180 Wellington Street. Over Royal Bank Chambers | ren Babbitt's Cleanser Keeps Kitchen and Bathroom Clean and Bright - FULL WEIGHT PACKAGE 5c Why pay more! Wi, B. Buna Limited, Agente, Montreal BARE MARKS a rami »7 the and Mrs. Pembroke that I still lived In this house. You have not been Here for a very long time." ge : v "| ing at me from beneath his shaggy Dl Sasant variety to the even-| oo ows, nodded his head slowly. ¥ "It is possible, he declared finally, | anced svpeinely at Arvo Re Niet. "Yon, 1 1y In 10 ggling for drift along uselessly w the real probable that they = weis €ap- heads ropprgriiey your cold or catarrh | purpose . of our vigit wad made to red." is wait. Arthur took the Fah Ee |v easant, Tiga. ove here, Mi he fy , Mr. ig. this occasion we have come chil for 'another reason, which, I fear, will pause you concern, Roxane has regelyed a letter from Mr. John Gor- don's niece telling her that Mr. Gor- don probably has been captured by L the Germans." ie ~#What! Can it be possible?" "Yes," Arthur went on, 'Miss Ho- ward has not been able to get posi- tive assurance that this is the case, to think so. The si involves a much more serious matter." "You mean that Gofdon may have been killed?" , Miss Howard prefers to belleve that Ie has been captured. Did you (To be Continued.) The -blufler most generally runs up against the other bluffér, FAIZ 2] bottle of RIBBON TRIMMED AFTERNOON GOWN. A lovely afternoon froek shown in gray Georgette crepe, the style of which is extremely simple, Brocaded ribbon in a matching tone is cleverly applied as trimming forming a border on the skirt also a wide girdle. Fillet lace lends an attractive detail. AAA AA Amin SALES TO BRITAIN TREBLED DURING WAR Lhe Imports Increased Much Less--The Trade for Twelve Months. Sms, ne DISi,) 000 for the iwelve months ending with October, 1915, to $546,000,000 'for thé twelve months ending with October, 1916, an increase of $2055,- 000,0000. Canada's exports to the United States during the same per- jods increased by $59,000,000, or from $196,000,000 to $254,000,000. Children 'Cry for Fletcher's know of Mr. Gordon's plane or any- thing concerning his work for the French ke wy y nothing. He told me 'when he left this country that he would be absent for an indefinite v snd that he might interest 'in certain plans concerning which he had been approached, but 1 had no thought that the position MADE. IN CANADA [--eomE OF ITS VERS: | Por making soap. % Por washing dishes. For oteaning and disinfecting Ottawa, Jan. ¥3.4-Detailed statis- tics of Canada's trade for the twelve months ending with October last show total éxpurts to the / United Kingdom, of $678,796,960, an in- creasegof $401,000,000 as compared with the precedigg twelve months, Canada's imports from Great Britain totaled $117,222,639, an increase of $45,000,000 as compared with the For the twelve months under review Canada sold nearly three times as much to the United Kingdom as to the United States, and bought nearly States as from Great Brifhin, Exports of Canadian products for the twelve months totaled $1,037, 213,697, while imports of merchan- dise totaled $716,929,813, leaving a favorable trade balance of $320,283, five times a8 much from the United" iT 4%» Kind Youn Have Always Bought, and which has been has borne the in use for over 30 ycais, . an signatare of d bas been made under his pere -T'would involve personal danger, 1 was under impression that he would act y in an advisory capacity." "1 unde and 'that his position was an advisory one, but that he in- sisted upon placing himself in a dan- gorous situation (un order to carry out his plans the better. That, 1 believe preceding twelWe months, While Canada's.sales to: Great Britain have more than trebled since the war startelt, "Yer" purchases from the motherland have increased by only a few millions, On the other hand, Canada's imports from thé United States have jumped from $291,000,- 784, (The exports of coin and bullion totaled $206,015,287, and imports $49,464,853. sonal supervision since its infancy. A Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and *¢ Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children----Experience ag: Experiments What is CASTORIA armless substitute for Castor Oil, Paros Syrups. It is pleasant. I$ orphine nor other Narcotio bs , is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and bo hness. For more than thirty years i$ has been in constant use for the relief of Constipatio Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles a Diarrhea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimils Foo, giving healthy and natural sleep. The 's Pancins Tae Mother's Friend. CASTORIA ALwavs of REFUSE SUBSTITUTES EW.GILLETT COMPANY LIMITED WINNIPEO Hiistle trouble, or dollars té dimes trouble will hustle you. The man who has good health hag wealth, so to speak. So the food chopper. Fry on hot grid- dle, which has been brushed with butter. Fry slowly on both sides until nice and brown. Or it can be fried in deep hot fat, Batter--Sift~ the flour, baking powder, salt and pepper into bowl; add the milk, onion juice and well beaten egg. Mix well, Surprise Potatoes. Materials--¥our cups mashed po- tatoes, % cup cold meat, % teaspoon % 'teaspoon nutmeg, dash pap- 'dash white peDper, 1. teas ofifon juice, 3. tablespoons Chopped parsley, 1 egg and breaderumbs, . » Utensils<--Mixing bowl, two meas- uring . , teaspoon, tablespoon; ood chopper, deep : frypanm, "Bary & Practical Fiome Dress Making Lerrons 1 Prepared Specially for This Newspaper By Pictorial Review od A Skirt "That is "Different." straight belt is eaught under a plait and laps in front under three buttons | of self-material. 'In medium dize the skirt requires 2% yards Sd-inch material. Both the cutting and eonstruction are exceed: ingly easy. Tho front gore. is laid on a lengthwise foldPof the material, to cut the skirt; but the piecing and the back gore which cdme next are laid on a lengthwise thiead, The pocket and belt run parallel with the sclvages. Form a plait in the front of the skirt, to begin its construction, Crease on line of slot perforations, | SM bringing folded edge to corresponding line of small '0'! perforations, bring. folded edge to corresponding line of small "'o"' perforations and stiteh % ineh from folded edge to any desired depth. Now press the plait with a , ver< heavy iron. For the pocket and trimming piece, turn the edge under on slot perfora- tions, Adjust fo position on frat, eorrespond notches and - edges "even; In Use For Over-30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought bs, and fry Drain on paper. A tl re gum IE jou Srnies pve Women's Brown Calf Boots, High Cut, Women's African Brown Kid Boots, Xe of RJ ; 2 -; and odg