Ettinger and Frank Newman Also | Addressed the Boys' Work Associa- . fered. tion, | VOCAL. Kingston curling rink will be used There was a large attendance al There's a Little Bit of Bad in Every Good Little Girl, On the South Sea Isle, Whose Pretty Baby {or playing the ladies' tankard games. | the meeting of the Boys' Work Asso-} Are You Now, Down Honolulu Way, Turn Back the Universe, O'Brien is Tryin' to Talk Hawaiian, Belleville, Kingston, Toronto, Granite, [ciation held In the ¥.M.C.A. rooms on You'll Always Be the Same Sweet Baby, Sometimes You Get a Good One, Mammy's Little Coal Black Queen City and Peterboro clubs are | MondaF evening, 'when Dr. Buchanan Rose, If ¥ Knock the 'L'.Out of Kelly, Gonna Make Hay While the Sun ery Virginia, I've Lost pi. BUCHANAN Gave rveerest. I k : ° " ING TALK AT YM.C.A. MONDAY, {} » i eligible. The first ro is on Tues-{addressed the meeting on "The You, Just a Word of Sympathy, /Sweet Little Peggy O'Shea, Hawallan Suhshdne, Down. Where the day, January 30th, at 74nd the Spiritual Development of 'Teen-age Swanee River Flows, Good Night, Only An Irishman's Dream, Meet Me at flight, Since Maggie second on Wednesday, January 31st,.iBoys." The doctor's talk was very iy Dooley Learned the Hooley Hedley, What Do You Want to Make Eyes at Me For; The Hour of Mem- at 10 a.m. If more than four clubs interesting. He spoke of the cha-ijji}. ory, I Met You Dear in Dreamland, I'm Afraid, How's Everything, Little Thing, in Dixie; War Babies, participate Jn the tankard competi- | Facteristics of the 'teén age boy; con-{} Way Down in Towa, They're Wearing "em Higher in Hawali, Somewhere in Dixie, There's § Little tion, the final round will be played ! trasting the old method of repression. ji Bit of Scotch th Mary, What's 3 Fellow Goin' To Do. on Wednesday afternoon at 2.30 |punishment and neglect with the new : o'clock. The schedule shows the|method of educational development : ' ' A INSTRUMENT. AL points competition to be played on The doctor gave an analysis of the WAITZES--Romany, Evelyn, Hawaiian Dreams, Geraldine, Rosemary, Muriel, Bridal Blushes, Wednesday afternoon at three o'clock. changes that take place in the boy.| Avice, FOX THROTS AND ONE STEPS--Listen to This, Bugle Call Rag, Ragging the Seale, Honey but In case of more than four clubsiFirst there was the tendency (o £0 Bunch. Iroquois, i's So Temptin' en 10 y ad . ' rticipating in the tankard the points into games and following this was I AYA ON RUC De will go over until Thursday the peplod-6f hero worship. A period EVERYTHING IN LATEST MUSIC, morning, February 1st, at 10 o'clock. {of aggressiveness was followed by a hz rene dn it i Sve + THE COLLEGE 300K STORE ressnty Jus Sup as the first ize, sented wonderful opportunities of ! de . " A ' while Pr ent auburn presents |education with -nature's help. Ad- HH : 3 individual prizes to members of he Japtase could be taken of the Batuss) OPEN NIGHTS 1 919 two rinks winning the cup. e |development and the planting of seeds hon Kingston curlers are donating eight [tor still further growth. : Te ep e prizes to the two rinks coming se-| Harold Ettinger spoke on ways in ------ Sh wrote i ene ------------------ cond, For. the points competition', which the church services and mid-|¥ a Mrs. R. F. Segsworth (formerly Miss week class activities with music and Mabel Dalton) is giving two prizes. fart could be used for the development . Local ladies are entertaining at lof religious consciousness and experi- RINEME ARE PREPARIN luncheon each noon and at tea each ence with boys, MA N. A q afternoon during the competition, Frank Newman gave a few words FOR ANOTHER BIG RUSH. T. M, Asselstine is umpire for the {on a demonstration of the method of 3 : J ® ol W series. chdrting the boy, in ascertaining the Every Available Vessel Will be Ready ------ rank and standing. according to at- When Navigation Opens----Matter of C. 8. Rees Heads Club. tainments. w- . Securing Help Will be Proposition. At a recent meeting of the Thou- At the close it was decided that a ' That one of the biggest seasons in| sand island Yacht Club, held In New fifth meeting of the series would be 2 marine circles is being looked forward | York city, the following offices and held, which would "be valuable in : to mext summer is the message that| governors were elected for the en-|summing up the meetings that have ' . Gant: John Donnelly brings from To- | suing year: Commodore, Charles S. [been held and find out what the re- ' y L includi For Special Work, onto, Hamilton, Buffalo and other | Rees; vice-commodore, J. Norfis Oll- sults are to be: In many lines, mciuaing Desi . western points. He has returned) phant; rear commodore, C. Allen : gning or from a business trip, and he says that | Hayden; secretary, C. L. Hayden; | DISTINGUISHED HONORS SHEETIN GS Remodeling great preparations are being made for| treasurer, Langdon Hayden; fleet FOR KINGSTONIAN the grain carrying and other trade as captain, A. Graham Miles; fleét sur- Keepsakes altered to dern, igati u , C. F, Thel . ' (] . at rime ns the a had a very Ever ioms, late 1817--Charles A Son of the Late 8irBeorge PILLOW COT TONS wearable, useful articles. ®.Ibusy time, but this summer it is ex-| 8, Rees, Charles M. Englis, Edmund A. Kirkpatrick Recognized Ring and Brooch Mounting Small, old . model watches pected that the rush will be much |S. Burke, jr., Frederick Bourne, C. J : greater, Every veasel that can bel L, Hayden, William 8. Macdonald, by King. WHI TE COT1 ONS made into useful wrist watches." utilized will be put th shape. The| Class 1918--Thomas A. Gillespie, The King has been graciously | demand for vessels on the coast trade| E. R. Nichols, C. Allen Hayden, J. | pleased to make t Ww = h { was so heavy during the-igst season | Norris Oliphant, George C. Sherman, | notions in, and re i i FLANNELETTES that the lakes were robbed Of a large| Ira A. Kipp, Jr. Most Exalted Order of the Star of : SMITH BROS number of vessels. en india in recognition of meritorious 1 : : Steamers and schooners of all sizes Hockey Notes. sexvices in connection with the war: | FLANNELETTE BL ANKETS Jewelers and Opticians. were in great demand, Several Ves-| (0 H.A. results Monday night--| Additional K.C.S.I, Major-Gen. > 2dla Whish had Pad 1 Sud out Senior: St. Patricks 6, 127th Bat- | (temporary Lieut.-Gen.) Georg Mac- SHME HOS Y Jssuers of Marriage Licenses. port for many en|talion 5. Intermediate: Preston 5,]aulay Kirpatrick, C.B., Chief of the RE IER for the coast trade. These vessels 122nd Battalion 1. Indian General Staff. CA ? will have » be replaged the. amiug --- season, so it means t new vessels The Kingston Depgt Battery has Lieut.-Gen. Kirkpatrick is a son of ( XN ) i or #3 Iwill have to be built or purchased withdrawn its O.H.A, junior team be- the late Sir George A. Kirkpatrick. Ww L UNDERWEAR, Etc. on malied in Dials ot |elsewhere. The one question that is|cause of the loss of a number of play- | He is a brother-in-law of Mrs. E. F. : ww pampA le Ire giving marine men trouble is that ofl ers who are proceeding overseas.| Torrance, Princess street. : g EE EE securing help. - The demand for men | This leaves Kingston juniors and the at the front has been keenly felt in|235th Battalion, of Belleville, to fight AT FIVE O'CLOCK TEA . ? I marine circles. Even before the war | it out for the group championship. | R it was hard to get help, but with the . Miss Ssunders Gave Helpful Address |} | acoon war 'on conditions have been far ie 2 in ¥. W. €. A. on Monday. =| | : worse. ' on ft 3 i as na Saunders, secretary of { oals the ng Women's Christian Asso- AN 1. 0. O. F. FUNERAL 7 Pb 5 | | | | Ja \ R Y ciation gave another very beneficial . v Pw address on Monday afternoon. Mrs. § Zt wo -- a | Accorded Late J, D. Shea Barrie: NB; A. Strachan served tea, assisted by 4 i v ; ; Street, aed. Bb. ithe 290 1 Mes. R. M; Ghage. Miss isaver' Huds \ Lad pS' oats FOR MEN awe am mse wan wen 88 4 s an ve. Chown. iss Saun- | my 'We are safe in On Monday afternoon at 3 o'¢lock -------- ders spoke. on Amotition Taeals," : A $75.00 to $125.00 \ a Hues cannot be beaten at the funeral of the late foun Theil The Late Mrs. Simon Haines, and stated -that she felt that 4 "Try them, Shea, died on Saturday Ing,| gy is with regret we are called to| young women of this city deserved TRA | was held announce the death of a worthy] the facilities for physical culture that . . We have a beautiful black Borla atrect. Rev. 1.0, i Queen citizen, in the person of Mrs. Simon | Were offered by a gymnasium and Now going on. Beauties Vas ania mene ne nen ib Street . Haines, Newburgh, who departed this | swimming bath, and that she hoped } Our Japans and Qaylons life on Sunday, Jan. 7th, aged eighty-] the citizens would see their way cs e | ) » «on be asa ee B00 20 1h, | choir leader, fondusted the Service at nine years. Deceased was the daugh- | clear to provide the opportunity ¥or BE = | Our. re lines | ter of Benjamin Files, who settled on | them. ntes of quality. al a farm .where the village stands and : alae :| where Mrs. Haines was born. Shel . ° Notice of Convention. ' : 2 R. '| was the oldest pioneer resident of The annual district convention will : | 80 Brock Street 1080 Newurab Buht Yeats ' ago heribe held (DA) in the Holiness Move- I . ughter, Mrs. Clute, Winnipeg, came j ment Church, Division street, begin- The survivors are his mother, home to nurse her. She has been|ning on Jan. 26th and continuing for 3 a Shea: his Wile, former faithful and all that loving heart and Jten days. Bishop R. C. Horner will pa, . tender hands could do this daughter]be in charge. A number are expected front, Jately seturned from the did for her mother. Three months |from a distance. All are invited, You ; THE ALWAYS BUSY STORE Spencer, Clergy street and Mrs. E.| 89 she was confined to her bed, |are welcome. Come.: W. J. Wat- . Paradis, King street .s | from which she never rallied. Her |]chorn, pastor. > . fusbral took place Sram her late zest. ---- ; , n ames ] [ee : . Coming to Griffin' Griffin's. ence on Jan. 9th; thence to New- To Prevent The Grip: 4 ---------- ---- burgh cemetery. Colds cause grip--Laxative Bromo : The incomparable Mary Pickford Quinine removes cause. There is only { pose BUILDERS SUPPLINS eeey| A row of three tenoments, reli {in "Less Than the Dust. The Late W. McNamee. one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. CLOSING OF MALLS LA sow of Hue ene ing . E $1000, on easy terms ir desired. At noon on Tuesday SV iam Me- | GROVE'S signature en box. 25c. Britian mall oclosbs Irregu . Namee, a resident of Kingston for s rT! loa P over sixty years, passed away after a Another big snow storm set in on Bri, information, vost ag a NOW OP ERATING Bh | short illness at his late home, 85 | Tuesday morning. Kingston is cer- 3 13.45 pm. Upper William street. The deceased | tainly getting her share of "the gnites- Bates. daily Ade > "| was born in Ireland about eighty beautiful'? this winter: eas 'gois $ arbeam |i Land cold water in _-- bedroom, years ago and came to the city A AAA A AAD AAA AAAI Grand Tru going a : water heating, for $5200. twenty years later. [There are left or 14824 Our Saw Mill Can "to motrn his loss his widow, three - 208) ... sin sieve LOGDER . : Mrs..Jobn Veale, Mrs. R, Kingsto n's Famou . Fur Store op lt 4 1.30 p.m S Lo d Ti A New Solid Brick hot " Cc P. 10.15 a 3d 5.30 pm g - Dwelling on nson 8 N , - - CNR coves -- rr 200-p.m. aw 23 an m water heating, hardwood floors, mantel, for $4500. A Large Roming House 'Centrally located, 8 bedrooms, hot son, George, : The late Mr. McNamee was a mem- ~- ber to Order. @Bthel church and a conserva- . i 5 : e in politics. : : © CONSCRIPTION MAY COME. Fire Insurance . ] ahem eo : ' Representing Phoenix of London, TROUBLE IN THE CHIMNEY. Significant Hime ) by Maur Campbell General, Byitish Crown, and National A ---- : | at e. Union. = Heating of Central School Is Now Ij} IR -~ "1 do not expect the present meth- S. ANGLIN & CO. ? Most Satisfactory. ; ods of recruiting to last more than 1 , a 3 J > . Lumber Yards, 2 2 SON For some salina ar has been trou- x 2 1 three months. longer." was the sig Bay 1 Well ge E. W MULLIN & | i. Croats, hin and Division streets ) thi ating : nificant statement made by Major y Ble she haat a a 117. J}! Campbell, chief recruiting officer of Kingston, Ont. 539 and 1356. worth, but in of this classes {i} vw Ea the Third Milftary District in the Office Rhone 66; Factory 1415 S 5 H| course of a powerful and sarnest Ap. AAA AAA AIAN 1 at Griffif's Opera House ip |sweelambse. Ooni amd Wesdewer elleville "on Sunday night, remarks - Cheap at the Price. i} the Ontario. . ; . "Good coal is one of the theapest Major. Campbell frankly confessed TTT | things in the world. Poor coal one he was not optimistic about an' early of the dearest, NOTICE Our coal is exceedingly cheap at conclusion of the way, Looking at the map of Europe one must admit the price, and the price is no higher than the poor coal price that Germany was winning in that . theatre, The war needed the best Ww A MITCH El 1 'S Our coal is all coal---no dirt, no fhe | | slate. : We ' It is dry, clean and full weight. It oR Of Cs. Tor rateul con ns for recruils were i not now so exacting as at the earlier HARDWARE 1s dels I chy al stages of the war. Men reviously | 5 row rared » ptly, careful, rejected cowld now be in other. 85-87 Princess St. po sg : Battalion 'and Ia Hails rc. . . . BOOTH & tion =Battalion would tw' 78 "Mich 1a now under the management yy, 33 "Foot of West St. | yéars of age and with one or. two of : their Angers or toes eve mim-1 , J, M. STRANGE : = 5 o Klos Sti Es & Jap-a-Lac