Daily British Whig (1850), 23 Jan 1917, p. 7

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Parviners in business, MH webs ails Treaknrérs of & Trost Fund will find a Joint & Teoronie wu very great vonvenienve. With » pares may deposit on pariien money. Interest je paid A deine Acvouwnt Caplts Rewerved Family FOR SALE We have 2 pair of brick-veneered houses, in good locality, 'we will sell for . .. .. $4,300 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 "You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat tery there's no doubt of quality service. We Wish To Convey To our many friends and customers our most sincere thanks for their generous patronage during the Xmas Beason. +. Wishing you one and all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. Strawberries 13¢ Per Tin GORDON'S GROCERY Our Annual Discount Sale is On... if i 316d i : 74 gs 8 What the Merchants Offer to the Readers of the Whig. Pianos for rental. C. W, Lindsay, Limitéd, 121 Princess street. Senator George Lynch-Staunton was born in Kingston in 1858. Hear record number $8578, "Die Lotusblume," by Johanna Gadski, at Lindsay's, Spence, the Batteries' defénse man, ing's game. The diocesan -commitiees of the Synod of Ontario are in session at St. George's Hall this week. The police cells' were empty again last night. The police have had a quiet time for two days now. H. Cupningham, piano tumer, 21 King street. Leave orders at McAui-|* Lay's Book Store. Isaac Allan, Victoria street, entor- ed the General Hospital to-day, where he will undergo an operation. Kingston housewives have found a new friend in Babbitt's Cleanser. Costs only five cents-- worth ten. ..W. J. Franklin continues to im- prove at the General Hospital. He next week. Lieut. Johnson is to hold down the right wing's position for the batteries in their clash with Belleville inter- mediates, The estimates were to be under consideration at the meeting of the ¢ivie Fire and Light Committee on Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Ernest Passmore, Kingston, announces the engagement of her only daughter, Alice Florence, to Pte Charles William Davies, of thé Spe- cial Service Corps, Kingston. Now that the hotel rates have been given a boost it is altogether likely that the question of increasing the indemnity of the members of the County Council will be taken up at the present session. The amount collected for the Royal: Military College Endowment Scholarship Fund, under the auspices of the Laurentian Chapter, LODE, Ottawa, is 6,411.82, The amount re- quired is 7,000, Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. The country roads are now in bad shape, being full of pitch holes and drifts. A local undertaker was un- able to take a hearse to Cataraqui this week, but had to transfer the re- mains to the casket wagon near the Bath road. Hockey fans are talking of the prospects for an exhibition game be- tween the Dents of Toronto, on which three Kingstonians are playing, and Queen's team. The game, if it can be miber {ance 2,192} arranged, will probably be about Sat- urday of next week. N There was a meeting of the Finance Committee of the Board of Education on Monday night, when tenders for printing 'were lonsidered. The com- mittee will present its report at the next meeting of the board. Trustee Cohen is the chairman of this com- mittee. C. G. MCKNIGHT, HINCHINBROOKE -- WAS KLBCTED WARDEN. Two Members Are Unable to Attend ~Some Important Communications Are Referred to Various Com- mittees. 'The Frontenac County Council met in its inaugural session at the court house on Tuesday afternoon and elect- ed C, G. McKnight, reeve of Hinchin- brooke, as warden for 1917, In attendance were: Barrie, C. MacGregor, Myer's Cave; Bedford, J. A. Kennedy, Tichbourne;. Clarendon and Miller, P, J. Wensley, Wensley; Howe Island, F.' J. Lachance, Howe Island; Hinchinbrook, C. G. Me- Knight, Godfrey; Kingston, Benson Coulter, Glenburnie, Kingston (de- puty), Elgin Stover, Elginburg; Kennebe¢, L. D. Parks, Arden; Loughboro, C. Truscott, Sydenham; Olden, James Parker, Mountain Grove; Oso, T. J. Munro, Sharbot Lake; Portland, W. 8. Reed, Harrow- smith; Portsmouth, James Halliday, Portsmouth; ' Palmerston and Can onto, David Gennill, Snow Road; Storrington, Davida McFadden, Inver ary; Wolfe Island, Dr. W. Spanklie, Wolfe Island, Two members are absent--W, J. Franklin, of Pittsburg, through ill- ness, and H. A. Galvin, Garden Ta land, who is in England. These communications were refer- red to committees: Annus] financial account of Fron- tenac north and Addington tor' 1916: Teachers' Instit From S. A, Shenscoit, LPS, South Frontenac ti la the regulations he had during the schools in his por, A tedauror Oamanoave High School Bear a0. ac- pupils at SF at ah Shot fr 1338. Nu of : 3; "days attend- Frontenac's 'maintenance, | district repte- aay In prea. : : : ow. sit seis bri oF roctipts aa, Chena: die 'hand an, 1st, SE : had his nose broken in Monday even-}. may be able to return to his home 2 year made 250 visits to the ) Tharstay, Jan, 25h ONE NIGHT oNLY Richard ation Tux. Ine, James G. Guy oe POST John Hunter atherine Ceell A Popular Novel "The Masquerader" Founded » on Forbes a] Florence Malone, Clarence Handyside, Prices, '$1.50, & SEATS NOW & he A (GRIFFIN'S! RONDA, TURSDAY, WEDNESDAY ' B0c: six 311 she month T3. HELP WANTED BOY WANTED, ©oL LARGE | Baok Store. AN EXPERIENCED STOREMAN: AP- ply 40 W. B. Dalton & Sons, Ltd, ee ------------------------------------------ A GOOD 4 NERAL MAID, APPLY TO Allrs. m. Kirkpatrick, APPLY Street. MAID WANTED FOR housework. HE Mrs. Brook wit r------ GIRLS WANTED. Steam Laundry, Princess streel. A MAN AS FLOOR POLISHER, General Hospital. © Apply to Superintendent. * GENER Al Coon, APPLY RINGATON Cor. Bydenham & AT the | FAMILY cook kept HOUSEMA ID FOR ree. (ood wages, Telephone 604. re -------------------------------------- LADY OR GENTLEMAN CLERK IN- inclined. Apply 342 teMigent, mechanically State salary expected. letter to J. 8. Asselstine, ---------------------------------------------------- A MAID GENERAL; SMALL FAMILY, good wages, references required. Apply in the evening, between 17 and 9, to Mrs. C. Livingston, 162 Barrie street. vice in work room. ant work, with h N. C, Polson Co, Ontario FABER and SPRINGER Singing and Dasciag Episode Eight "The Crimson Stain Mystery" FRANK DANIELS COMEDY Prices: Mat. 10e.; Evg. 10¢, 15¢, . COMING MARVELOUS MARY PICKFORD | Dust" i ------------ta---- STRAND THEATRE MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY | . in "The Floorwalker" Feature Photoplay in 5 Parts WILFRED LUCAS ro TANCE JTALMA Mystery MACK SWAIN in "SAFETY FIRST AMBROSE" 2.part Keystone Comedy. Other Good Matinee 10ec. Rvenings 10ec. Reserved Seats 5& Eftra. Phone 195. Dance iN Social Evening - will be held In the CITY HALL | Wednesday, Jan. 24th 1017, under the auspices of the Heroes' 'elcome League Benefit of Returned Soldiers per couple. ROCHA. BAND IN ATTENDANCE © n--Mayor Hughes. COVERED RINK " JUNIOR OHA. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME | BELLEVILLE Jra. va. KINGSTON Jr. at N15 pam. ed Seats" 2 Gam Admission Ine, iP Wednesday, Jan. 24th |= | FRONTENAC TPEFTTTTTTTTTTeY Good smart girls, 14 years of age, and wuptvard, can secure employment at the Cotton Mill, Cataraqui street. The work is light and clean; good wages pajd to beginners. App ly at of- fice, Dominion Textile Co, Cat- aragul street. Sid Biddle dod de Bd Bld ded ids ddd WANTED GENERAL ---------------------------------- FRENCH PUPILS, BY A LADY WHO is learned upder Parisian and Swiss teachers. * Apply Oise Henry, 207 Wikditam street. SECONDHAND UPRIGHT PIANOS, for cash or in part pay Went of new |. pianos and Vietrolas. Lind- 'say, Limited, 131 Princess street. ee eee NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR bicycle repaired, cleaned and stor- ed for winter. All orders prompt- ly attended to. Phone 1082, or call at Geo. Muller, 37 3 King St. HANDCRAFT. JENNIE C. SHAW WiLL classes in all kinds embroidery, and art work. Studio, 53 Clergy street; open. from 2 to §. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. OPEN BUSINESS CHANCES. INVESTORS WARNING DON'T INVEST one cent until you read Successful Finance and learn Fr 181 A 1 ree rial su ri ful Finance, 608 8. DENTAL A. NAPP, BA, LDS, DDS, Sines, 5s Princess street. Phone €5 DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 636. DRS. SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 159 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, D.DS, LDS, assistant. Phone 345. LEGAL. RE TTT TROT 1A Bs CUNNINGHAM, KH and solicitor. ence street, BOARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS HOARD AND ROOMS; | every convenience; central Joca- tion. Apply 243 Brock street.' ARCHITECT ; ------------------------------ WM, NEWLANDS & SON, WRCHI- tects, ete. Ofces, 158 Bagot St. Phone 608. WER & SO ARCHITECTS, iid chants nie Bullding, Brock and Wellington streets. - FINANCIAL AND INVEST A on Berated 1863 i gh ae debentn ved and investment sale; deposits recel terest allowed. R. manager C. Cart 87 Clarence St. KI LIVERPOOL, LONDON AND Sasmia" $411 i wadition tb which pole ve tot Shy proverty. ins red at ot old or_ gi! rates * 96 Barrie] i oF | by ---------------- ---------------------------------------- king | SMALL PIECE OF COON FUR, ABOUT at street, | -------------------------------------- FOFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM. Taw omen Clar- | . ---- FOR BALE FOUND oo A GENTS BUTTON BOOT AT tH the Popular Palace Rink. Own- er may have same by calling at the office. GRAY MUFF, LEFT IN MR. i BusheH's sleigh, on Market, on Satumdiay, Jan. 30th Owner i ESE EFFECTIVE VIS. Cost little. Unece, Be: three times Sve; __oue week, $1.00. \ FLOCK OF BAR ROCKS, HAWKING strain. Apply 303 Alfred street. [FLORIDA FARNS AND ORANGE raves. Capt. Py Vi - i please call at Whig Office th op Steeved, Ports Hi te ete ---------------- FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- FOR JOKES, PUZELES AND NOVELTY I TISED FREE leva, see Frank W. Cooke 39 : , | FARM OF 100 ACRES, FOUR s frgm Kingston. Apply Ged. Gib- son, R.R, No. 1, Cataraqul, Ont. ------------------------------------ DOUBLE DWRLLING, 41 AND 4 ision sireet, § rooms and W. each; well rented Apply 41 Bivins ion stree ment will coluran free of © | | Wl : i i LOST. | | : UPRIGHT ™M AN HANDSOME, AL, " ~ nag case, $85; terms, osha NAVY BLUE BEADED BAG taining 'sum wf money, $1 r week. C. W. Lindsay Lim. Monday in . . . rernoon, possibly between Helvi- fled, 121 Princess street. and Grand dere Return to Whig | oO lice and receive reward. GENUINE VIOCTROLA AND TWEL' Tn selections, your own choloe, as. 10 cash and $1.00 per week. dsay, Ltd, 121 Princess BR TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA #treel; modern; near Union St, car line. Owners desirous of. selling Apply McLeod's Drug ON SU NDAY, NEAR CORNER OF AL- fred and Princess streets, a brown Angora cat, answering to name of "Woolly," Finder please notify 32 Alfred street. once, Store. A FULLY _BEQUIPPRD- ACE-CRRAN lant for sale or to rent ouse combined. Reason for BR jag 1-henlth, Apply 473 Princess street. e'ghteen inches long and five| inches wide, with a bution, on Sat- urday Finder kindly return 10 Dr. Morrison, 208 Bagot street A RIN MARQUE SETTING TUR- Que and pearls, on Sunday be- tween John Street and North street on Montreal Suitable reward if returned tw 172 ML ntreal sireet. VANDEWATER HOUSE, VERO first class stand, aplendid RON good stabling: water In house ahd barn Apply to Mrs, J. Van SEF. water, V A, Ont. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, Brock arate rooms. McCann, 82 street. 1SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 488 Brock street, eleven rooms; in first class condition, and all mod- ern improvements Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarence street. -------------------------------------------- A FIVE-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE AT Kingston Jet, large lot, rent §8.00; | possession by Feb. 1st. [Fhone 43.0 ------ -- smart TWO WELL HEATED FU 'RNISHED | storey rooms for gentleman, rent reason- | class condition, able. - Apply 114 Clarence street. { an estate, quick, ---------------- 67 Clarence street, BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN country village and large cellar; $1000, vo wind up G. A. Bateman, { Kingston. * FURNISHER ROOMS, ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping, 396 Prin. cess, between Barrie and Division. | caoICE STOCK OF RH ---------------------------------------------- ges, and all kinds o TWO-FRONT ROOMS FU RNISHED, | ond hand furniture bedrooms or one bedroom and sits | open to buy everything in ting room ensuite. Apply 74 Divis-| above lines. hompson, fon street. ! Princéss street. Phone 1800. MOOM FOR ONE OR TWO LADIES oR | man and wife, for light house-| keeping: use of house. Apply tof Box 78. Post Office, i AN UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, 5) large rooms, all modern equipment, | ideal location, possession immedi- LARGE STOCK OF DRESS ches, stoves men's cloth ately. Apply Box 10, Whig Office. STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, CLEAN gry, ¥, ary rooms; Jour own lock and rost"s oft. ty Storage, $88 Queen sirest. Phona 526: Tes, 98%. I DRISCOLL, FURNITURE ¥iNian- ------------ THREE ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE ar, Dall or drop a eard. for light housekeeping: north end. street. G. A. Bateman; Customs Broker, Money to loan; 87 Clarence street, Kingston. FURNITURE FINISHING PERSONAL NINE MED BRICK DWELLING, hot water heating and all other modern conveniences, in' good lo- cation, an University Ave, one block from car line. * Rent $30 per month. Possession by Feb. 1st. Apply J. K. Carroll, 56 Brock St - - Girls Wanted For clean, light work; highest wages while learning. wishing steady employ- ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West. ty , : : | Experienced Machine Operators APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. Canadian Locomotive Co., Ltd.,

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