Daily British Whig (1850), 24 Jan 1917, p. 7

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=A -- SES a A joint savings account may be opencd at The Bank of Toronto in the names of two or more pergons, In (hese accounts either party may sign #heques or deposit money. For the different members of a family or a firm 4 joint secount fs gften a great convenience. Interest is paid on balances, Assets ... © "iu "x vas . ie. 566,000,000 Te EE BANK or TORONTO + George B. McKay, Manager. LE ---- ~ FOR SALE We have a pay of brick veneered ouses, in good locality, that we will sell for Fa $4,300 THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 PE You Can Count On It : When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you come in and be convinced? 1. LESSES, Phone 1094 124-126 Clarence St, of any battery at any time a -- Our Annual . To our many friends and customers 3 our, most sincere thanks for their 4 generous patronage during the Xmas Season. of > ' Wishing you one and all a Happy * and Prosperous New Year. Hoag's Drug Store |. --ASNAP--- Strawberries ~~ 15¢ Per Tin Our 1017 January sale will be more of a money saver than ever as overything points to a further increase in prices ows ing to the war. Remember we have always THE DAILY re 'GRAND & Mrs. H. W. Watts, Frontenac street, is in the General Hospital. Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. Senator H. W. Richardson is in Ottawa to take his seat in the Senate. Prof. Sage, of Queen's, 1s in the General Hospital, a sufferer from measles. 2 . -H. Cunningham, piano tuner, n King street. Leave orders at McAul~ ey's Book Store. Lieut, William Smith has safely reached Bermuda and is enjoying the balmy atmosphere. Little work has so far been done at the Arts building for hospital use. Beds are being placed. Hear record number 18155, "In- spiration," and "Argentine Dance,' by Joseph Moskowitz, at Lindsay's. Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. No politics In war time! Well it doesn't look lke it in Kingston when military contracts are considered. Joseph Bowes left on Wednesday afternoon for Brantford to attend the funeral of a friend who died very suddenly. House cleaning costs less now in Kingston since Babbitt's Cleanser came. It sells at five cents a can, al- though worth ten. Canon Fitzgerald on Jan, 15th un- ited in marriage Alice, only daughter of. Robert Carruth, Renfrew, and Harry George Whiting, Deseronto, Mayor Hughes and H. D. Bibby made a tour of inspection at the Gene- ral Hospital on Tuesday afternoon as visiting governors -for the month of January. An old la of Providence escaped from the in- stitution on Tuesday . evening and dy patient of the Housel] f BRITISH WHIG, WEDNF~DAY, JANUARY 24, 1017. TO-NIGHT Feature Vaudeville Five Reel entupe aim i "LIFE'S SHADOW" GLORIA'S ROMANCE © Anil Other Photoplays. Prices: Mat. 0g Evening, i0e; re Any Seat served Oe exten. Thursda 2 Jan 25th CONDENSED ADVERTISING RATES s . Pirst Ingertion, Te a word. ' escutive insertion thereafter, . 4 cent & Ww one insertion, 2c; three jusertions, | Boe; six $1; ome month, $2. | ONE NIGHT ONLY Richard Walton Tully, Ine. James G. HELP WANTED Peed iy ec iT _OOLLRGR| u a es BOY WANTED, APPLY COLLEGE | Book Htore. T ». 4 POST | ee ------------------------------------------ BOY WANTED, DAVID HALL, PLUM! in un Play by John Hunter Hooth. ber, 68 Brock street. § en a rt enter. | Founded on Katherine Cecll Thurston's Popular Novel MAIDS FOR LAU NDRY WORK, ING. | "The Masquerader" ston General Hospital i ENERAL MAID, APPLY TO/| Kivkpatrick, 96 Barre} With & superb company, eluding Lowis Calvert, Thais Lawton, lan Forbes Robertson, Florence Clarence Handywside. Prices, $1.50, $1.00, 73¢, Be, 25, SEATS NOW ON SALE. GRIFFIN'S! MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY Danlel Frohman Presents Louise Huff and Jack Pickford, in "SEVENTEEN" A GOOD G Ms. Wm, mre. YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE. work. Apply to Mrs. Dale, 60 Vie torigh street. remeron pra MAID WANTED FOR housewonk. A Brock street. GIRLS WANTED. Steam Laundry, Cor, Princess streel. HOUSEMAID FOR three. Good wages, Telephone 604. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. One who can sleep at home nights. Apply 318 University Ave. OR GENTLEMAN CLERK 1IN- mechanically inclined: expected. Apply by Asselstine, 342 King GENERAL "APPLY KINGSTON | Sydenham &| FAMILY oF cook Kept. LADY telligent, State salary fetter to J. 8. street "GIMLS "WRITING A 4 ROUND hand for addressing and for ser- vice in 'work room. Light, wandered down as far as the City Buildings before being found and re-| { turned. | { | ant work, with half holiday | urday., N. C. Polson Co, street. VAUDEVILLE PPR PPPPRTERTETY Each con- i hair. Minimum charge for | je, Gen. Mgr, Presents Emm | pply Mrs. Coon, 189 | PN dntario|' 1 Complaint was made that two loads | of snow were dumped in Frontenac | Park during Tuesday night. The| police have been given instructions to take action against .the offenders. Snow must not be dumped in any of the city parks. 5 The Militia Department has taken out a permit at the city engineer's office for tne erection of a stable on the west side of Bagot street, near % Montreal street, on Artillery Park In Her First Own Production property. The Kingston Construc- the Dust tion Company will do the work. There was a meeting of the agri- " cultural committee of the Board -of STRAND THEAT Trade on Tuesday afternoon, but only MONDAY, TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY routine business was transacted. Itis CHARLIE CHAPLIN in the intention to hold another meet- ing in a week's time when some mat- « " The Floorwalker Feature Photoplny in 5 Paris ters will "be taken up. Rev, J. Boyd is the chairman. ¢ WILFRED LUCAS snd CONSTANCE TALMADGE, in Arrangements have been made for the Dental hockey team, of Toronto, to come to Kingston and play an ex- 1 hibition game with . The The Microscope Mystery date has not vet been decided, put] JACK SVALN Hes FHSAPETY FIRST tt will probably be Feb. Sth or Tth.| 1 oy Other Recin, " There are three Kingston boys on the Torofito team, the two Stewart brothers and Rupert Millan. Episode Eight "ihe Crimson Stain Mystery" FRANK DANIELS COMEDY Prices: Mat. 10¢,; Evg. 10e, 15¢. | bret COMING MARVELOUS MARY PICKFORD 6" Matinee 10c¢, Bvenings 10e. Reserved Sents a ppv on A Lone Tippler. " At last the police were called upon 1d" make an arrest. For several days there has been nothing doing, but to-day it fell to the lot of a local tippler to "spill the beans." He was gathered in by Constables Arniel and Jenkins, and will be called upon to- morrow to tell why he should be in- toxicated on the public street when the "dry" law is in force. Social Evening will Sie held in the CITY HALL Wednesday, Jan. 24th 1917, under the auspices of the Heroes' Welcome League Benefit of Returned Soldiers Everybody welcome. Admission Tie per couple R.CHA. BAND IN APTENDANCE Chnirman~--Mayor Hughes. More than eighty per cent, of the men enlisting for active service in' Winnipeg now are married. The death occurred in Montreal on Sunday, of Mrs. Bompas, plonéer | missionary of the Yukon, ------------ Starting in Busi tating in business A. SHAPIRO wishes to announce that e han up for business =t 35 Princess street, and is now ready to buy and sell all kinds of new and sec- nd furniture, clothes, tools, ete. customers. . Call Application To Parliament NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN that an application will be made by the Cor- jotstion of the Clty of Kingston to the gislative Assembly of the Provinee JUST AS GOOD AS "CROSSED FISH" SARDINES is only another way of of Ontario, at the next session thereof fat ng "A by y-law No. 17 Ho ) of the Carpets fation ot the city of woresssd saying ni ly 0 y Ww to aw ne p pe are of deventires of the City of all Ris Are the Hest. ingston Wa two 1 issues ene amount + $83,000. and $100,000.00, . Sotively: and to repeal by-law No. reagons for the application for validation of said bylaw are (1) said. by-law No. 17 (1805) was vals ted and confirmed by Act of t intr of or ig $5 Wi Wednesday, Jan. : UNIOR OHA. OHAMPIONSHIP GAME TLLE. den ve, KINGSTON Jes. mf SA5 pam. Admission I5e. | Seats f0e AAA SrA A ASN I 5 COVERED RINK 0. #talmenta as provide ay he No 17 (1905) ; A RR eg fi A Bo As Other Goud Reels. 1 Sc Extra, Phone 195. | COVERED RINK! 24th Good smart girls, 14 years of age, and upward, can secure employment at the Cotton Mill, Cataraqul street. The 'work Is paid to beg fice, Dominion Textile Co. Cat- aragul street, PW WW WW ib ee WANTED GENERAL BY A LADY WHO has been educated by Parisian and Swiss teachers. Apply Miss Henry, 207 William street, PIANOS, UPRIGHT t of new RENCH PUPYLS, eo SECOND-HAND \ for cash or in part paymen pianos and Viotrolas, C. V say, Limited, 121 Princess street. THE TIVE TO HAVE YOUR te repaired, cleaned and stor- Al} orders prompt- Phone 1032, or call 373 King NOW IS bleye ed for winter. ly attended to, 3 Muller at Ge JENNIE ©. SHAW WiLL OPEN classes in all kinds of painting, embroidery, and art work. Studio, 53 Clergy street; open from 2 to b. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. TO LET STORAGE FOR FURNITURE, i arate rooms. McCann, 82 ! street. timate OFFICES IN CLARENCE ST. CHAM- bers. Apply to A. B. Cunningham, 79 Clarénce street. HEATED | FURNISHED entlemen, rent reason- 114 Clarence street, BEDROOM, ELEC- £ 'phone, board op- Union St. SEP- Brock TWO WELL rooms for & - able. APPLY UNFURNISHED tric light, use-o | tional. Apply 13 lower A FIVE-ROOMED PRICK HOUSE AT Kingston Jet., large lot, rent $8.00; possession by Feb. ist. -Phoné T43. FURNISHER ROOMS, for light housekee cess, between Barrie TWO-ERONT ROOMS FU bedrooms 'or one bedroom and sit- ting room ensuite. Apply 74 bivis. ton street. a JAN UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, § large rooms, all modern equipment, ideal location, possession immedi- ately. Apply Box 10, Whig Office. tme-- STORAGE FOB FURNITURE, CLEAN, dry, air; ms; Jour own lock an key. roat's ty torage, 299 Queen street. Phopa 526; res. 989. ------ S---------------- THREE ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE for light housekeeping; north end. , A. Bateman, Customs Broker, Money to loan; 67 Clarence street, Kingstone igri He ALSO ROOMS ping, 396 Prin- and Division. RNISHED, AS) A VERY COMFORTABLE SIX-ROOM- od, hodse, in 'Portsmouth, nicely decorated: with cistern. Fosses- sion Feb, 1st 'Apply after 7 p.m, at Colcheth's Bakery, Portgmouth, i NINE-ROOMED BRICK DWELLING, hot water heating and all other modern conveniences, in good lo-| cation, on University - Ave. block. from ¢ar line. Rent $30 per month. ossession by Feb, lst. 7. K. Carroll, 56 Brock St, . are made Free. trial in ful Finance, 60 cago. DENTAL KNAP N.D.S. A. P, B.A, LDS, 258 Princess street. Phone Since, 653. MH, DENTIST, DR. J. LEONARD WA Bagot streets, corner Princess an Phone 626. 2 DRS, SP Gc, ae War, Phon SPARKS, DEN. ington strest. G. C LD.8, ssalstant, aaAEEEEESENASEEEERSRERRARESRNNNRRENSEEESE | FOR SALE 3 i THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. COST Hitle, 'Once, 25¢; three times bie; one week, $1.00. th et a ------ FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY toys, see Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street, HiFaARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES it fuim Kingston Apply Geo. Gib son, RL. No. 1, Cataraqui, Ont ------------ ss i FOUND A GREY SWITCH OF Apply te caretaker George's A WIRE BX some mitk bottles ) have same by applying at Chiirles street A LARGE FILE ON PRINCESS $1. Owner may have same by calling at YMC xX AGENTS _BLUTTO BOOT AT the Popular Palace Tink, Owns er may have same by calling at the offt GRAY MU¥ Bushell's § Sdturday, please call at Whig Office. HAIR. of | all. SKET CONT AINING Owner may 102 | # i ------------------------------------------------ | DOUBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. 1 ision street, § rooms and, W.C. in 1 Divis- INE VIOTROLA AND TWEL } aslections, your cwn choles: o FOUND gh ADVER- [|| = Lindsay, Ltd. 131 Princess sirest FREE TWO BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA wi LIne And A or a ! street; modern; near Union St. car do so by reporiing the facts to line, Owners desirous of selling The British Whig. The advei- A nee. Apply McLeod's Drug Hasment, w pe printed In this Soluma free of charms. A FULLY BQUIPPED plant for, sale or couse combined. ing ili-health. App . street. VANDEWATER HOUSE, VERONA, first class stand, splendid trade; good stabling; water in house and Apply to Mrs, H. Vande- water, Verona, Ont, = PIANO, NORDHEIMER +. condition as goovd as new, $535; original price $450. easy terms, - CW, Lindsay Lim- fted, 121 Princess street. ------ SOLID BRICK RESIDENCE, 438 "Brock street, eleven rooms; in first class condition, and all mod- ern Improvements . May 1st. Apply 147 Division St. each; well rented Apply 4 LEFT IN MR. fon street. leigh, on Market, on Jan, 20the , Owner GNU to rent. Reason for sell- ly 473 Princess' | | | | ei SUNDAY, NEAR CORNER OF AL- fred and Princess streets, a brow n | ANRgOora Cat, answering (0 name of | barn "Woolly." Finder please notify 3u2} arn, | Frm A LEATHER HAND BAG, CONTAIN | ing #& two-dollar bi. and some | small change, probably on Division, | Colborne cor Main streets. Kindly leave at Whig Office. FLUE BEADED Dat €oN--- | | Monday af- | NAVY taining sum of mone _ ternoon, possibly be dere and Grand, office and recelve ern CK STORE ANIY STOREHOUSE, iN smart country village; store 2. and large cellar; all first Hition, $1000, to wind ap quick, GG. A, Bateman, street, Kingston. | BRE MARQUE SET 3 and penrls; on y - ohn Street and xt | L ritab Montreal street an estate, 67 Clarence ee rss e---- CHOICE STOCKTOF HEATERS, RA ges, and all kinds of how ADA. 88 » We 'are alse the 3 ond hand furniture. A DARK HROWN SAGLE MUFF, TA- hove "tines" ayer ing oh ken by mistake from register in : : 3 hall of Orphan's Home on Sunday | Princess street. Phono 1600. between 3 and 4. - Kinkly leave at} TIS: Orphan's Home and receive 'one | FARGE STOUN_ oF DR SENS, Oe lett there. lined coats, also new upholstered TAT Tr § chairs; largeesassoriznent of sealers, Wwe buy all kinds of ond band furniture. 8. Princess street. Phone 1237. FURNITURE FINISHING FURNITURE FINISH. 23 John A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, where from 18 St. Patrick = Ordnance, to Princess and t man & Shaw's store; purse contain- ing something over $5.00 and keys. Reward at Wiig Office. SOME. | t, =-- DRISCOLL, er. Call or drop a card. street, |e. CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTEHN n, and solicitor. Law office, 79 Clar- ence street, Kingston x PERSONAL -------------------------- | HAIR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS | and all growths and skin blem~ jshes removed permanently, withe 3 8 ears sxperlence, Dr, Eimer J. ye, Ear, Throat and Specialist, Get Bagot street. END YOUR NAME AND free instruction for the face Sagging chin, blackheads and all face pogitively cured. Ad- --rPEs Hardison, 269 College St, Toronto, Can, - | i | i I PATENTS BABCOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs. Estab. 1877, Form- erly Patent Office Examiner. Master of Patent Laws. Book "Patemt Pros tection" free. 99 St. James &§ Mont- real. Nranches: "Ottawa, Wa trade 8 Skin LADIES, § dress wrinkles, ARCHITECT shes WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ett. Offices, 258 Bagot St Phone, 608, 4 ==""ROARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS BOARD AND Rooms; every convenience; central loca- tion. | Apply 243 Brock street. POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. light work; highest wages while Those wishing steady employ- ment, apply at For clean, learning. KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West. : y 'Experienced Machine Operators "APPLY, J. FARRAR, SUP'T. dian Locomotive Co., Ltd., "Kingston, Ont. ~

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