3% y Saver Boots and shoes willbe from $1.00 to $2.00 per them $4 or pair higher next year than what we are selling at now, The interest you would save on $3, $5 amounts to nothing. Buy Your Boots Now We screw your skates on free. Automobile' skates are the standard. Other dealers tell you they have something just as good. Buy the real thing. - a race meeting the : ; class Plate was won by what bookmakers call "a skinner." Telephone 529 HH { HHH HHH | IIERERESRSOREEITITIRTRETRRRRREAETEIAEAS » S In "AND SULKY SPORT SADDLE AND SIN BOR. The jockeys R. Mitchell and Peart, who were attached to W. K. Vander- bilt's stable in France, have joined the British asmy. - The Hearst papers in San Francis co and Los Angeles are among the 'influences opposing the bill for the restoration of racing in California. Brisbane Observer: --in spite of all the difficulties, the Queensiand Mur! Club meeting was financially one of the best on record. The post- ponement necessitated by the heavy rain a forthight ago may have twen responsible for some slight disap- pointment in connnection with Derby 1 Day, when the attendance was com- curred in the totalizator figures, hut the discount was fully compensajed for by the success of the subsequent days, tay "Inside" information is not neces- sarily valuable, At a recent South First- the The winner was an extreme outsider, Lady A. B., whose owner thought she had no chance, and whose rider was so careless that he lost both stirrups early in the race. She was absolute- 'ly nnbacked in the straight machine, and a soldier wlio had the only place ticket sold got all the money in the ARLOR FURNITURE FEEL #93) : Special prices on these suites. r |] | i TAA, AMP . Pedestals. 2 1 Agents for Pathe Freres. Absolutely the Best Machine ndertaker | in 1915. we continue war-time plice machine, about 310 to ome. PARES DOWN SALARIES '| Ebbets Uses Knife on Stipends of Several of His Stars, While the major league club own- ers have maintained that there was no general movement among the clubs to cut salaries, it has develop &d that 'the Brooklyn club had cut the salaries of eleven of its players. According to President Ebbets, six of the players.whose salaries were reduced had forced the club to can- cel contracts under which they were playing, and to sign them at larger salaries for long term contracts by threats to jump to the Federal League between seasons. 'The sal- aries offered these eleven men," says Mr. Ebbets, "are based on the normal conditions in 1913, and in each in- stance except one they are offered an increase over what they received Under no conditions will salaries In 's Electric Store ling poles. y ng . Current ill be 'here soon. It means cheaper power, heat, light. : Get your homes, buildings and storcs wired and enjoy these great privileges from the start. Ask us, making new contracts, "IM the playérs hold out," says the Brooklyn owner, "we will fill the places with ambitious who will give more thought to the playing and less to the unfair tac- tics. of the old players. Once we have filled a striker's place with an ambitions youngster, the newcomer will not be removed to make room for the hold-out to return." Football a Misnomer. Football is a fraud, so far as the same of the spdrt is concerned, and it's a Harvard alumnus who makes the discovery. Because of that, Rich- ard 8S. Francis of Philadelphia wants the name of the gridiron pastime to be changed - Football leads one to be- lieve that there is some connection between the foot and the ball, There generally is, when Charley Brickley or some other of the wondrous drop kickers of the age are doing the trick, but Mr. Francis, by delving into the mathematical phase of the game, has discovered that on the average the ball is kicked only once in nearly twenty plays, and that "football" as a title for the game is a gross misnom- er. Lose Faith in Hull. The Toronto World says: Ottawa sent out rgports that most of the ice racers from Hhereabouts would Rg flown tos ihe ull met, This te truth. a matter fact pg Bion than ten horses willlko to Ottawa from here, and only a of the merry contingent of 50 of 60 who annually to go east special ear. 'The horsemen have lost confidence in Ottawa, where 0 thods in vogue on the ice the or three seasons cannot be get by. " : A -------------- n papers dre g in- dignant over fe Welsh ahd his ten-round bouts. Meanwhile 'Pollok and his meal ticket are\rak- in @ lot of easy monpy. Ana : Vorl J man mer Ow Smog ana 10 vita paratively small, and a shortage oc youngsters | Pa d CORNWALL HOCKEY MATD | For 3 _ When the Cornwall ladies' hockey team played in Ottawa the . other night, Albertine Lapensee, the Mira- cle Maid of hockey, scored five goals for the club. Last Saturday night against the Westerns, of Montreal, she notched two goals, and as Corn- wall defeated the Montréal team 2 to 1, it can be truthfully said that handed. > Ottawa advices claim that Miss La- pensee is vehicled like a stage cele- brity. She is said to have a manager: and recelves a percentage of the gate receipts on every appearance. The Amateur Hockey .Union of Canada waived jurisdiction over feminine hockeyists, else Miss Lapgnsee woul probably have long since been cla: with the athletes who make up the] N.H. A.) 3 Last year there was a few rough spots then noticeable in the reper- toire of the Cornwall maid. is winter the rough spots are goné alto- gether; she skates and handles her: seM like a seasoned professional. Weegham Stands Pat. President Weegham of the Cubs says the plan for reducing bleacher capacity in National League parks will not affect him, and that there will be no reduction at the . North Side park. The action for a better balance in admission rates was aimed at Philadelphia and St. Louis, he says. The complaint, was made that in St. Louls some days the 25-cent admissions outnumbered the grand stand patrons, Néw Indoor Record, J. G. Loomis, star of the C. A. A, track team, established a new record at the North-western University in- door track meet at Chicage. Loomis did the 50-yard dash on a dirt track] in 5 2-6 seconds, equallipg his own record of a wooden track made at St, Louis in 1916. Soldiers' Team Retires. Owing to unforeseen cirdumstan- ces, the 230th Forestry Battalion hockey team has dropped out of the Eastern Ontario League, necessitate a revision of the schedule, which will be done at a special meet- ing of the executive to be held at Brockville on Friday mext. ¢ * Puget Sound and Alaska will hold an immense water carnival next summer ip commemorate the fif- tieth anmiversary of their purchase from Russia. = Battleships will take fled for a championship rassling bout against Joe Stecher. He trim- med Constantine Romanoff in three straight falls. Yes, after this mem- orable feat Santel deserves a chance. Make it unanimous. ? | HOCKEY NOTES. Ladies hockey is all the rage at Vancouver. Swastikas and the 'British Columbia teams played a tie last week, After seeing the Montreal Wan- derer hockey team in action one is convinced thft all the fighters are not in khaki. Aresh trouble in the New A Duteh- named McCarthy . has the stir, They claim he is a onal, : isn't the watchword in the straigthen out Cy Denenny's tangle.' President Robinson of the N.H.A. has fined Harry Hyland of the Wan- derer hockey team five dollars for shooting the. puck at a fan who was him during a game at the, (Montreal Aréna last week between Wanderers and Quebec, ° _ The referee question has become a serious problem in the Pacific Coast League, and it is intimated that the Airectors negotiating for two of oe Miss Lapensee won the game single- This will |. rt. Ad Santel claims to have quali- B "Sport Boxing, Football, Racing, Cric~ ket, Golf, Polo and Other | ¥ i " A British sportsmen make a splendid showing on'the list of military hon- ors issued a few days ago. Polo, football, cricket, boxing, racing and golf were all represented by men who ave made their names famous in their respective sports. Field Marshal Sir Douglas Haig wag in his more athletic days a splendid polo player, having repre- sented Oxford University against Cambridge in 1882 and 1883, He subsequently won distinction im in- terregimental competitions. Edgar R. Mebbs, the famous Eng- lish international Rugby footballer, who enlisted as a privite at the out- break of the war, and afterward raised a company for the Northamp- ton' Regiment, composed chiefly of Rugby footballers, worked. his way up to the rank of Lieutenant-Colonel, and is now awarded the Distinguish- ed Service Order. 'Another Rugby international play- er to receive the DS.O. is Lieut.- Col. B. A. Hill, the old United Ser- vice and Blackheath forward, who has played for England nine times. Another Blackheath footballer to get the D.S.0. is Lieut.-Col. D, 8. D, Cra- yen, who is a boxer of more than average merit, having won the Navy and Army heavyweight title in 1905 and 1906. Cricket's representatives include Col. T. 8. Bush, CM.G., who is ap- pointed Brevet-Colonel, and Lileut.- Col. H. 8. Poyntz, who has gained the D. 8. 0. Col. Busi was captain of the Surrey county team, while Lieut.<Col Poyntz is equally well known as a member of the Somerset county club. Another cricketer, Capt, H. 8S. Altham (Oxford Univer- sity and Surrey) has won the Mili- tary Cross, and a'fike distinction has been gained by Capt. R, O. Schwarz, who has played for England at Rug- by football and against England at cricket while a member of the South Afican hd try in' 1907 and 1912, Five Ineligibles With Renfrew, Broekville Times: --It was hot sta- ted in The Brockville Times that Alf. Anderson was ineligible to play with the 240th Battalion team against the Bro~kville seven because he was not others, whom the Brockville officials protested, had previously played for Renfrew in the Ottawa Valley Lea- gue, and were consequently ineligible to play in the Eastern Ontario Lea- ue, From all appearance ankious to cop League and the Eastern Ontario League, which is affiliated with the former, by fair means or foul, but to Renfrew is faster than they have been doing up to date, Sculling Champion in Trouble. Liteut., BoprDibble, the' amateur seulling chmplon of Ameriea,, who Battalion, i$ in the trenches in France, and in a letter to' his father, Harry Dibble, himself an oarsman of note in the early days of the Don Rowing Club, he says there is plenty of wat- er in the same trenches, sometimes up to the hips, and with all sorts of shells, whisbangs and bombs falling in their neighborhood, he is having} a strenuous time close up to the enemy lines. Sergt. Harry Dibble is still in England, but there is practi- cally nothing left of the 180th as a unit, so many drafts having been sent across the Channel. Yasks Pull For Giants. New York American League play- ers can't see how any other téam In the National League is going to keep the Giants from winning the pen- nant, The Yankees played the Glants an 'extiibition game for char- ity last summer while the National Leaguers were in the midst of a great winning streak, and Donovan's players frankly admit they never faced a classier looking balliclub, Charge Welsh With Faking. Freddie Welsh, champion light- weight boxer, is summoned to appear before the Wisconsin Athletic Com- mission here on Feb. 5th to answer charges preferred by the coiftmission that "he stalled and shammed" In his the best in the NNH.A. The men referred to are no doubt Cooper Smeaton and Harvey Pulford. bout with Ritchie Mitchell here last ams which toured, the coun-| in khaki, but because he, with four |=R the Ottawa Valley | S53 do so they will have to travel a loc went overseas with the Sportsmen's|s Tuesday night. v' Get Back of a Milo Start the New Year right by smoking MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every one. Made in Ki 0 re . G. A McGOWAN,/ "Manufacturer, Kingston. 4 Acts like a Charm in DIARRHOEA o.oo sean (CHOLERA DYSENTERY. Checks and arrests those foo often fatal dlasases-- sad A EVER, CROUP, AGUE. INSIST ON HAVING Dr. J. COLLIS The success of li [HA | School Shoes for Girls | Syrup oF TAR 8 Cop Liver Oil Stops CoucH _ Sold in generous size bottles by all dealers. THE J. L. MATHIEU CO., Props., SHERBROOKE, P.Q Makers also of Mathieu's Noroine Powders the best Another Frank Goteh has just] fellows he licked, vouch for infor- been discovered. He's Earl Cad-| mation to the effect that, Earls = dock, of Anita, 1a, 'Two or three wizard, _ By GEORGE McMANUS ~- 3 3 ag, » {