Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jan 1917, p. 4

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« ~ without regard to politi-] already created by the difference in language. The fathers of confedera. Boped they had made Canada the clans, apd whose pinces in the ad- ministration are based upon fitness, and fitness only, ¢pn do this," The contrasts of public opinion are very ably in the article whieh is quoted in an adjoining column, The Hamilton Herald the return of the gove dates in West Simcoe west Toronto, with reduced majori- ties, 48 a sign that the Hberal reac- tion has expended itself. Or is it not that the popularity of 'the Hearst ad ministration is gradually 'passing away? : . ------------ THE MAN: THE MESSAGE. . The man who draws over a million people to hear him within a Sew weeks, who can impress most deeply the 70,000 who heard him on one day, many giving way lo tears when He bade them good-bye, is no common individual, of ordinary ways - and talents. . The Whig bas been studying Billy Sunday, and for the purpose of dis- covering, if possible, the secret of his success. It concludes that he is seriously-minded, earnest, devoted to his work, eccentric, clever, and me- thodical. He uses the language of the masses. He lives cloge to them and interprets their emotions. He is an actor and can put into his dis courses a life, a. power, a forceful ness, that is not at the command of the ordinary preacher. Then he does everything thorough-) ly. His campalgns-are huge affairs, They involve the service of scores of men and women, , organizers, musi- clans, mechanies; elerks, and exhort- ers. 'They are all busy. They anti cipate his arrival at a place. In New York there aré hundreds of them now at work planning for his coming. The great city is: being worked ex- peditiously and completely, and made ready for the leader. When Sunday arrives he has nothing to de- lay or disturb him. He puts Into the revival his whole soul and certainly all of his energy, and he has yes to score a fallure, ; It is said of a great preacher, no othe than Thomas Chalmers, that he jacked in dignity, in gracefulness of The balance to be raised is not 1176,-| speech and action, that his Scotch ac- 000, as formerly supposed, but just|fent Was raspy and his veice harsh 5.000, Tiree ni cl wi gutbarah-hat ho. tend Dip Notes, Mr. Rogers must not be allowed toad had few and awkward gestures. got away 'with that bluff, The pre-| But his audiences were blind to all miér can pit an end to all dofibt or these defects. They only saw thd controvessy, and he will undoubted: great preacher with ideas that caught ' ly be given the opportunity of say- them, and they say Dothing but the ing what he mieans." If he repeatjman and thought nothing but of his the Rogers' statement he will shock message. Billy "Sunday startles and disappoint the Mother Country, (people sometimes by his acts and which 16 looking towards Canada for | words, but generally they see nothing assistance in men and but the man and hear nothing but munitions, and must receive it if the words that enthrall or enthuse them Canadians at the front are not to be and win their warmest approval. abandoned to their fate. © The desire, apparently, is to dodge) the demand for conscription, or. re: istration, or anything else which tion one. - rg Women to the Front. Montreal Herald) Germany is now calling upon wo- men to enlist ag soldiers. Apparent- ly the food riots have given the anth- orities great respect for their fight- ing qualities, A Dig at Uncle Sam; _ Ottawa Journal Press) . Greece seems to be more or less) settled with, but Mexico is as bad as ever. And Mexico hasn't any Ger- 'many behipd her. American humor: Ista please note. . Wiondstaok Sentinel. § Ii What is needed in this 'country Ji} is something more than the combin- | Ii ing of the parties in the formation [Ii} of -a Government, It is te con- {HH _} ceivable that the parties m ht com- | 1} bine to exclude the very man most | HH urgently required. In preparation | Hi for a truly National Government iti} but when that is done 11 merely a beginning, The great [iy thing, the essential thing, will be to A secure the national i} Heminiscence. (London Free Press) The Rome newspaper that sus- pects the United States of having in mind the annexation of Canada and Mexico must have resurrected one of Champ Clark's"speeches. : S-------------- Money in Toe Cream, "(Hamilton Spectator) . Nearly $300,000,000 are, said to have been expended on ice cream in the United States last year. It must have. been that, of course, "that kept their blood . from boiling over the German atrocities to tamiely submitted to from time to e. {KINGSTOR EVENTS| 25 YEARS AGO. Meat was plentiful on the 'market this morning, selling at 6c to 6c a pound. A fight occurred on Princess street late last night in which about a dozen so-called politicians took part. The County Coyneil ad a lively debate to-day on #he poli 1 meet- ing held in the City Hall in connec- tion with the hye-election, leader who can | both the will and the ability to com- ij mand and to utilize the patriotism, the zeal and the resources of the nation, * There may be some difficulty Hi} in finding such a man; it may be necessary -to- ignore the traditions and customs of party politics in or-ij der to secure him; but without such a man to play the game in a master- ful way, not much is to be expected ij from a mere shuffling of the cards. |} Let us beware of putting too much | Hill trust in 'labels and catch-words. {i} Canada needs men, and chiefly a man, \ EVERY PAIR FIRST QUALITY ONE BUCKLE; SALEPRICE .... .. .. .. TWO BUCKLES, SALE PRICE .. . .. . .. T BUCKLES, SALE PRICE .. .. .. FOUR BUCKLES, SALE PRICE .. .. .. A TIMELY TIP TO THE HON. SENATORS At tetrad Toronto Telegram. Why met Hon, Sendtors? Canada raised a noble race of hon, colonels who bought their own uni- forms and paid their own mess bills. |i} Canada might now raise an equally |} noble race of hon. senators wholly would finance their own salaries and pay 10c a mile mileage out of thelr own pocket, : Hon. Sens, would be ful as Hon. Cols, : Canada has no more use for Senas tors than the barroom of an Ontario standard hotel has for a cash regis- ter, . ENGLISH GOLF CAPS Winter button over laps, 'nice soft wool cloths, fawns, browns, grey and heather. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 value. ' Sale Price, 50c. 0 ind ul Bo Ge ete ------ Tn One year, yered in eity saad £8 One your, {pid in saver offices ro Thad SAE oH One year, by- mall C8sh -..-. = 5g py Gos Vian 1m Balan | One ix and three months Pro Tats. ER ORM of the best Job priving oces in Canada ME ULSTERS weight; Young men's street coats. We believe we are offering the best $12.50 values in Canada. just as use- CALLING OUT THR YOUTH. Have the péopla been deceived by the premier and by the New York announcement which he 'made over & year ago? One must think so if he accept seriously the declération of Fon. Mr." Rogers that the 500,000 that Canada was to raise included the reservists and munition workers and invalids, and, adding all these to the men on active service, or prepar- 'ing for it, the mumber is 435,000. SEPP PLEEAR FPF LRIRER REIS MUST THE CITY PAY UP? A, Lynn (Mass.), fruit deal- er, has sent a bill for $23 tp the city for fruit and peanuts eat- en'by policemen on the beat at his store. - Horrible thought beeurs to us: If Kingston merchants were to follow this example, the city would go broke! PAO taro} >'IN CONSCRIPTION ttt et tet anel Ottawa Citizen. What the people will demand is a fair deal 'in the matter of comscrip- on: not only must it be universal, ut it must be comprehensive, There must be conscription of wealth and the vationalization of all industry, including that for munitions making. Phere must be no more war graft; no more war million- aires, no more trafficking in the agony of human beings by dis- 'honest conseription in any line of rk. The day of conscription will not be the day of merely drilling a tot of young 'men it wil be the ara of mobilization of all the power, all the wealth; all the industry of the whole people. The war has taught us that that is the only kind of con- scription that is to count in the fu- ture. The Switzerland system is an obsolete plaything. But Switzerland to-day knows that without the con- seription of all the wealth and indus- 'try and resources in the' republic she is defenceless against even a smaller nation thus mobilized. Random Reels "OF Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax, of Cabbages and Kings." INGLIS-PATERSON NUPTIALS, Solemniged in St. James Church at Noon on Thursday. A quiet wedding was solcmnized in St. James church at half past twelve o'clock on 'Thursday,. when Nan Campbell, daughter of Mrs. J.C. Paterson, 'was united in marriage to John Nisbet Inglis, of the Canadian Bank of Commerce. ' The ceremony was performed by Captain the Rev. ©: -Master--brother-in-law.of the bride, assisted by the rector the Rev. T.'W. Savary. The bride came in G. M. Mac- donnell, X.C., and was given away by her mother. She wore a most be- coming suit of gray whip-cord, whieh opened over a blouse of pink ninon embroidered in blue. Her costume hat wag a Paris model in grey silk faced with pale pink and brightened by' a wreath of French flowers. A corsage bouquet of pink roses and lilies of the valley were also worn. The wedding march was played by Mrs. A. R, B. Williamson, and during the signing of the register, Mrs, Ar- thur Craig sang *"O Perfect Love." Mr. and Mrs. Inglis went west early in the afternoon and after a short honeymoon, wilk reside in Kingston, Mrs. Paterson's gown was of black moire silk with trimming of white lace embroidered in silver. Mrs, Masters, sister of the bride, was wearing a 'costume of lavender messaling, the yoke and sleeves beifig "flowered Georgette crepe. Her hat was of velour with violets and a touch of pink, and she wore a corsage bouquet of pink roses and violets, SPE ERLE P POT e > + > + > * * + + + * * | DO IT ELECTRICALLY __ LET US WIRE YOUR HOUSE NOW -- HOUSE and STORE LIGHTING A SPECIALTY. LARGEST STOCK OF FIXTURES IN THE CITY: SEE OUR NEW DESIGNS. 's Electric Sh Moore's ectric op EDITORIAL N President Wilson is suspected of : having another peace card up his Bid sleeve. Yes? Whose hand is deal- ing the pack anyway? Von Bern- stortf's? ; ------------------ The German navy is the smaller as result of its last collision with i| thie British navy off Holland. The real facts are difficult to estimate, but they are serious and paralyzing. -------- A joss - of $8,000,000 annually, through the destruction of the goph- lars is an astonishing one. Steps must be taken certainly to wipe out = pest out of Manitoba and Sas- "The Shop of Quality." = chai ------------------------------ en ava PASTEURIZATION Kills the Germs of Septic Sore Throat, Typhoid, Tuberculosis and Scarlet Fever. All our milk is thoroughly Pasteurized and sold in sealed bottles at 9c per quart. PUT CREAM IN NOSE - AND STOP CATARRH Tells How To Open Nos- fils and End Head- lds. HH You feel fine in a few moments. Your cold in head or catarrh will be gone. . Your , clogged nostrils will open, The air passages of your head will cleat and you can breathe freely. No more dullness, headache; no hawking, snuffling, mucous dis- charges or dryness; no struggling for breath at night. Tell your druggist you want a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm. Apply a little of this fragrant, anti- 8% g 8 katchewan, The Borden-Hughes = correspond- ence shows that the premier was y tis {patient up to a 'certain point. When Sir Sam hinted that the premier was rate, and knéw it, the climax came. The effects of it have not yet ~The voting in Dorchester takes i on, Saturday. 'Tis well, Had the campaign _ another week would have curs to a man when i put the mg Almost Lyon for income thinks he is smarter than the bank examiner or express com pany and borrows a few hundred dollars while the other employees are look- / which: oc- 5 too late to ey back in the till. ery day some bright man who is trying to quality e 2:04 pace on an $18-a-week REMORSE Remorse is somet "til the federal grand jury had bro- ing a sunny disposition and attending Sunday School with the utmost regu- farity, but are completely overcome by Remorse when caught in the com- pany of a few marked bills. Some of the most violent exhibitions of pure d_unsullied Remorse ever witness- ed emanated from safe crackers who | appear to be practically immune un- septic cream in your nostrils; let it penetrate through every air passage of the head; soothe and heal the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane, and relief comes instantly. It is just what every cold and ca- tarrh sufferer needs. Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. FRENOH REM! ON DY. » CURES: DISCHARGES. and coffee for ken a path to the nearest penitenti- g another direction. He does this ary. | J 3 : the hope of being able to recoup Women are sometimes subject to} drawing a pat flush and returning Remorse, espeeially those who at- money before the trial balance tempt 'to start a reform school in the with_one lag shorter than home by converting » booze fighter other. en he is successful in into a bridegroom. After a young attempt he is not attacked by woman of high ideals 5 ior aaa been calling for pistols Inaincerity, a 4 ges " «me, No' i MITOCKRD SL ON DON WORD * TRERAPION ™ 18 ON i gE if has returned : preath from the time he landed in nt and effer- Niagara Falls, she will be assailed by Remorse sel- Remorse which is "liable to live as the post- long as she does. . Remorse which o check up doesn't werk both ways is.a poor in- Remersg would begin to-operate check is raised it would higher than it does

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