The death occurred at Spencerville on Monday of Mrs, David Cowan. Mrs. M, Fodey. of Lyn, 1s a pati- ent at St. Vincent de Paul-Hospital, years in Peterboro. He was promin- ent in fraternal orders. He was a Methodist, : Adam Lindsay, Isaac E. Pedlow, Herold Kearney, Norman Hamilton, Thomds M. Logan, Thomas M. Cos- tello, R. McEwen, J. A. Jamieson, C. A. Duff, Dr. McKillop, 'H. A. Jor dan, nominated for councillors for Renfrew. It is expected the election will be by acclamation. + Om Jan. 23rd an old resident, Mrs. George Hutcheson, died in her eighty-seventh year, at her late re- gidence, 7 Vietoria avenue, Broek- ville, after a short fliness of bron- {From Our i Jan. Se Hugh i aged and highly-respected resident of | County this town, passed away at an early hour yesterday morning at the family residence, Stone street. in falling health for some time. was widely known, having for many years conducted a grocery business He was also quite an on Main street. RITISH WHIG, THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1917. Gananoque | Corresponds. 1) Thompson, He had been He an LLEHAS 1 WEDDING Pte. B. Hayes Becomes Hus- band of Former Post- master's Daughter. |. Orangeville, Jan. 25.--Orangerville {had its first khaki wedding yester- iday, when Pte. Gordon B, Hayes, of | Queen's University Ambulance Cotps, | mingston, eldest son of the late Mr. 'and Mrs. James Hayes, was married | to. Miss Annie Mitchell Park, eldest | daughter -of ex-warden of Dufferin and former postmaster of Orangeville, John Park and Mrs, Park. The ceremony, performed by Rev. W. M. Morris, pastor of St. An- drew's church, was a quiet and pretty one. The was formerly de- puty postmaster here, and before he enlisted occupied the position of de- ASK COUNTY COUNCIL | FOR SUM OF $8,000 i, b--ap-- ; i [For the Proposed Suburban. | Area Road Work of '° | | This Year. | 1 | mission consisting of A. M. Rankin, | | M.P., and W. J. Fair, ask the County | Council to make an appropriation of | $8,000 for work to be done this year | on Kingston and Pittsburg town-| ship roads leading from the city. | [They point out the wisdom of spend-| till after the war, The roads inspect- ed will require a good deal of aiten- tion as they &re much below the aver age standard. The request of the commissioners was made in & com- munication to the counéil at its ing as limited an amount as possible | 25 silk dresses in good silk, different col- ors. 'Regular $3.00 to $15.00 Sood. On sale aturday . . a 150 skirts in tweed and serge, and other e They Last Thursday morning session. First readings were given to hy- laws to appoint a high constable, two trustees for Sydenham high school, and a member of the Quarter- ly Board of Audit, to borrow $40,000 from the Bank of Toronto to meet current expenditure and to confirm two by-laws passed by the Township of Hinchinbrook closing road allow- ances for railway purposes, | Notice of motion was given by councillors Spankie and Wensley for a change in the composition of the council's patriotic committee, Broekville, Brockville authorities sold ane of he fire dataes to Rank Hadigan, of allorytown, for . : her he leaves one son, Dr. Joseph ~ Miss Marjory Howard~ died mn etn es Thompson, located in Chicago. His Belleville on Monday of pneumonia DIED AT SEELEY'S BAY, second wife was a Miss Pryor, of aiter six days' illness. J Howe Island, who, witli iwo daugh- James Nickle, who lived near Ma-| Mrs. Jolin Dormer Passed Away onl of Miss Margaret at home, and inom, died of puesmOonia last Friday Friday Last. Mrs. J. Thompson, of Buffalo, and a ar SUly wee " IReAS, ort 'Seeley's Bay, Jan. 24.--On Friday | one son, J. A. C. Thompson, Main! : ed making ig vd % | at the home of her son-in-law here, | street, survives him. The funeral 10 Steyr Jiro power. ' . 2en8 | too hella Gallery. wile of John Dorm-| will be held to Howe Island cemetery | n it ond Is - lod ® tel (Jer. passed away as @ result of ajon Friday morning. ior re Ba 3 ely dus. paralytic stroke... The late Mra Daniel Brown, a well-known and with uniforms, will now ma ke Dormer was born in Ireland some respected resident of Sand Hill, pass- an Sndeavdt 0 offunize A brash band, sixty vears ago. f)e was a good|ed away on Tuesday after an iliness # persons were killed and three : big eNeill, ankford, andi opnor and very highly respected. |of some duration. The funeral was # hundred injured by '& serious Louise Vige, of Montreal. formerly of | ny "orision the d was a Me.| held this afternoon to Gananoque|® earthquake which shook the is- Tranion, it married at Frankford}, qs She was formerly a resident | vault. * {% land of Bali, a Dutch posses- oe am Mre. James MoCarney,| Of Berrington, living there for many "Canada in Khaki" attracted quite| * Sion in the Majgy archipelago, ar. hse. James Cato 3 years. About three years ago Mr. |laxge crowds to the Palace theatre escolt, celebrat their fortieth} 4 Mes. Dormer moved to Seeley's| last evening. Wading Augiveriary with their ehild-| go ren and grandchildren, The funeral took place on Sunday a. A. Gillespie, M.P.P., Peterboro.| prom her son-in-law's residence to has sold h farm to the previous| gjivet church at Berryton, and the owner, Mr. Sanderson, from whom|ysdy was placed in the vault of the Mr. Gillespie purchased it. church, Rev. J. A. Waddell, Seeley's E. P. Morden was asphyxiated at|p,y officiated. at the service. The South Bend, Ind. He lived in To-| ai) hearers were Reuben King, ronto, He was thirty-three years of | George Bracken, J. MqMillan and age Hie father resides at Trenton. yames Blair Among -those present The death took place at Morton ong the service were Mrs. Dolle and dan. 18th of Miss Grace Coon, daugh- | Mpg (Dr.) Fee, Brockville. The sur- ter of J. Coon, after a lingering ill-} yivors are her husband and three Ress aM months, aged nine-| gaughters, Mrs. Victor Rhodes, Mrs. A pretty 'wedding was solemnized Bolle and Ms, Fee. at Christ church, Athens, January 20th, when Chlervera Mae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Halladay, of Charleston, was united in' mar. riage to Mr. Campbell Tait Ross, of Toronto, £8 Dr. RP. Morrow, Péterboro, is dead after a few weeks' illness. He was a dentist and spent thirty-one chial pneumonia. was the daughter: of Alexander Starr and Ann Hewii and wis born al Brock- ville on April 26th, 1830. puty pdbtmaster at Pembroke The newly married couple ape extreme- iy popular. The groom, who goes overseas next week, has two younger brothers who are also serving the colors, Oscar D,, 164th, and Alex. G., 234th Battalion, extensive real estate owner in the town, was twice married, his first wife being a Miss Pullaw. By cloths, from ..... .. ,. .. $1.29 up WHITEWEAR AT MFG. PRICES In chemise, drawers, underskirts and un- derwaists, combinations, nightdresses and bridal sets. i | + FIFTY WERE KILLED IN AN EARTHQUAKE. (Bpecial to the Whig.) Amsterdam, Jan. 25---Fifty + * 4 + Don't Miss These Bargains at MENDELS 217 Princess St. Opp. Grand Opera House Sl --. ------ Girls' and Misses' Long Toques. We have for sate giris' and misses long wool toques in White, Navy and Red. Prices 50c to $1.00. Corrigan's, SPL e IPO ee Movie men in annual meeting re- golved to recommend the appoint- ment of a Dominion Board.of Cen- sors, Austria is taking drastic steps to avert "imminent bankruptey." THE WHOLE BODY NEEDS PURE BLOOD The bones, the muscles, and all the organs of the body dspend for their strength and tone and thy action on pure blood. : If the blood is very impure, the bones become diseased; the museles become enfeebled, the step loses its elasticity, and there is inability te rform the usual amount of labor. Fhe skin loses its clearness, and pimples, blotches and other eruptions appear. : Hood's Sardaparilla makes pure blood. It is positively unequaled in the treatment. of yetefula and other ca The annual business meeting of the congregation of St. Andrew's church was held last evening, and was Jargely attended. Se 3 huluber from town attend- ed the "old time concert" at Maple y Grove ehureh on Tuesday evening. | as Serge: 'Wilson intoxicated in a ca and Mrs. Fora Compeau, mar-| - This js a question that Migistrate d in Montreal on Tuesday morn-| farrell has on his hands. In Police ing, have arrived here to gpend part eon Thursday Wilson was charged of thelr honeymoon with the form-| with drunkenness, but declared that er's 'parents, Mr. and Mra. Teles~| suo) was not the case. Two wit- phore Qompean. | nesses were called for the prosecu- tion, who declared that he was under the influence, while the defence had a half dozen withessés, who swore Wilson was sober. The accused is here taking a special course, The Ma- gistrate remanded the case till Mon- day. Ee James Devine, also'charged with being drunk, pleaded guilty and was remanded a day. > MANY WITNESSES CALLED. Who Declared That Man in Khaki Was Not Intoxicated, An Athens Wedding. Atheps, Jan. 24.--Ow Saturday Rev. Rural Dean Swayne, 'Athens, united in marriage Campbell Tait Ross, son of the late James Ross, and | Chlevera May Halliday, daughter of | Mr. and Mrs. William Halliday. The| bride was prettily attired in: cream! silk crepe de chene and lace, wore a wreath and veil, and carried a bou- quet of white flowers. The brides- maid was dressed in pink silk crepe de chene and éarried pink roses and ferns. The ceremony took placé-in Christ chiirch. Byron Comstock was groomyman, and the bridesmaid the bride's sidter, Miss Katie Halliday. The house was prettily = decorated with evergreens and white roses, Among those present were John Me- Keen and bride, the latter formerly Mi oberta Ross. The newly-weds left on a wedding trip to New York, and will reside at Toronto on their return. : Fire Loss Decreases, Belleville, Jan. 25,--The annual report of Chief Brown of the fire de- partment shows that during 1916 the damage by fires in the city amounted to only $16,300, being a decrease of $13,321 from the pre- vious year. The whole family can dance when the Victrola plays the music Start the Victrola and every one is ready to dance. The music of the Victrola sets their toes tingling, and they all enjoy dancing to such perfect music.' : Stop in and héar the newest dance numbers and find out how you can easily get a Victor or Victrola ($31 to $305) for your hame right now, Ladies' Fleece Lined Underwear. We have in stock lddies' white Mfleeced lined shirts and drawers, ex- tra quality, special at 66¢ each. Corrigan's. , Sl : Knighthood For Maude. Dublin, Jan. 26.--A knighthood has been conferred on Licut.-General F. S. Maude, CB. CMG. DBS.O, only surviving son of the late Gen- eral Sir F. F, Maude, V.C,, and a grandson of a former rector of En- niskillen. 2 THOMES COPLEY Telephone 987 wanting, anything done im the carpen- tery line. Estimates given on &ll kinds of repairs and new work; also hard- wood floors of all kinds. All orders will recelve prompt attention. Shop, 69 Queen street. » CW. LINDSAY LIMITED 121 Princess St. J. J. STEWART, Opt.D. "5 Cor. Wellington & Clarence Sts. Opp. Post Office Phone 690 United coming to Ottawa to confer on newsprint situation, States Commissioners are the Reeve Browning, Darling township, was eléeted warden" of Lanark county. 3 ~ ¢0 increasing busines t is necesary to enlarge our present building and i to offer very substantial reductions in prices. Those contemplating buying Rugs, Carpets, agelodosonow. Wehave added a complete ine of Brass and Iron Beds, Mattresses and Springs, 2. FY order to reduce our very heavy stock by the frst of March, we Linoleums, Bedding, Etc. this spring, will find it-very much which will be included in this great price saving sale. BRASS AND IRON BEDS Regular price $30.00. Regular price $25.00. Regular price $16.50. Regular price $12.00. Regular price $11.00. Regular price $7.00. Now .. . Regular price $6.00. Now .. . .. $450 Regular price $4.75. Now .. i. vu ++. $350. ice 85¢c. Sale price .. .. A special line of Mattresses at $3.75, $4.25 & $6.00 price $1.00. Sale price . . . price $1.25. Sale price .. .. || Silk Felt Mattresses .. .. ...........$15.00 Springs from z. .- vs saul 41$250 1096.00 yards wide 40c square yard sw jew (0ieiiee (08 fe a 7G $22.50 $18.50 $12.00 $8.50 $8.00 $5.50 Now .. .. Now . . Now . . Now .. Now .. price TS. Sale price .. ..° P i