Richard Walton Tails, Ine. SAVINGS ACCOUNTS | ' Guy Bates|f L- POST [fmm Is a'Play . by John Haster Nooth, ounded on Katherine Ceell Thurston's 4 - 4 Popuing Novel 9 "The Masquerader rom, SESE FA ae an Prices. $130, 31.00, h She Toe, 2 DAYS : Friday, " 26TH 2 Vaudeville Acts--2 Five Reel Feature Film VALESKA SURATT in THE STRAIGHT WAY And Other Photoplays. Mat. 40g Evening, 9c} ! served Ue extra. E. A. Brooks, Bébcaygeon, is now reported killed. b A Joint savings account may be opened at The Bank of Toronto in the There was a very small market on hemes Of two OF MOPS persons. In these accounts either party may sign Thursday, with no change in prices. cheques or depokit money, Fpr the different magbers of a family or a firm ningham, plano tumer, 21 u joint account fs often & great convenience. interest in paid on balances. Ring sireet, ve orders at McAul- OL AB, 3 Ei Te er iis $66,000,000 o's. Stare. Your cost of cleaning is reduced if you buy Babbitt"s Cleanser. It is the best cleanser on the market and sells for five cents, Why pay more! Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street, Mayor Hughes received to-day a very pleasing letter from Col. Ross, C. M. G., congfatulating him on bis election and profering sympathetie advice. % Pianos for rental. C. W. Lindsay, Limited, 121 Princess street. Mr. and Mrs. 8. C. Storms, Wilton, gave a six o'clock dinner to several of their friends on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Storms proved herself an ex: ceptionally efficient hostess. : THE SOMME CLUB VERY ACTIVE BODY To Serve Refreshments to Re- turned Soldiers--Iit Makes Several Grants. ADVERTISING RATES) FOR SALE Bach con- First insertion, lo a word. escutive therea cent B word. one imsertion, Soc; six $1; one THESE EFFECTIVE ADVTS. cosr i little. Once, fic; three limes i i one week, §1.00. OF © HAIR. ts tlre A GREY SWITCH © St. Apply to caretaker George's Hall A WIRE BASKET CONTAINING some milk bottles, Owtier may have same by applying at 102 Charles street. A LARGE FILE OX PRINCESS St. Owner may have sale by calling at YMCA, FOUND ARTICLES ADVER- | TISED FREE Anyone finding anything and wishing to reach the owner may do so by reporting the facls to The British Whig. e advei~ tisement will be p-inted in column free of charge. BANK or TORONTO AG -- FOR SALE houses, in good locality, that 4 500 we will sell for ... .. {FOR JOKES, PUZZLES AND NOVELTY : tpys, wee Frank W. Cooke, 39 Clarence street FARM OF 160 ACRES, FOUR MILES trim Kingston. Apply Geo. Gib- son, R.R.Ng 1, Cataraqui, Ont. UBLE DWELLING, 41 AND 43 DIV. ision street, § rooms and W.C, In each; well rented. Apply 41 Divie- ion street, GENULYE VICTROLA AND TW selections, your own choice, $28.88; 10 cash and $1.00 per week. C. W. ndsay, Lid, 1231 Princess strest LITWO 'BRICK HOUSES ON VICTORIA street; modern; near Unlon St oar line. Owners desirous of. sellin at once, Apply McLeod's Dr ore. A A PULLY HELP WANTED BOY WANTED, DAVID HALL, PLUM. ber, 66 Brock street. { MAIDS FOR LAUNDRY WORK, KING. ston General Hospital { tape eat bee AN EXPERIENCEDMWAITRESS. GOOD i rE Sages. Apply Prince George llo- te ---------------------------------------------------------------- A GODD GENERAL MAID, APPLY TO Mrs, 'Wm. Kirkpatrick, 96 Barrie street. ee ----------------i---------------------------------- YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSE. work. Apply to Mrs. Dale, 60 Vie- toria street. MAID WANTED FOR GENERAL|| housework. Apply Mrs. Coon, 18% Brock strept. GIRLS WANTED. APPLY KINGSTON Steam Laundry, Cor, Sydenham & Princess siregt. id PQUIPPED ICE-CREAM lant for sala or to rent foe' ouse combined. Reason for sell ing Hl-heaith. Apply 473 Princess street. 3 Prices: re. NAVY BLUE BEADED BAG CON- FAMILY OF taining sum of money, Monday af- nl Rers. VANDEWATER HOUSE, VERONA, Dn FOR v frst. class stand, splendid trade; HOUSEMAI Food a h : Sha < wages between Belvi- THE J. K. CARROLL AGENCY 56 Brock St. Phones: Office 68; Res. 874 You Can Count On It When we take care of your storage bat- tery there's no doubt of quality service. We have established ourselves as experts. Will you Free inspection come in snd be convinced? L Phone 1004 124-126 Clarence Bt. of any battery at any time We 'Wish To Convey : Wishing you one and all & Happy and Prosperous New Year, A A A WH Hoag's Drug Store ur Annual | liscount Sale is On... A DIAMONDS, Sp Thins i 2 ght 4 (BR Bl ents were never found." He was then and was|' | An enthusiastic meeting of the Somme club was held on Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Polk, Bath Road. The members of the club, with the consent of Brig-Gen. Hemming and Mayor Hughes, and under the auspices of the Military YM.C.A. will serve refreshments to returning soldiers at the Military 'Y' every other week. This club was organized a few months ago with the following exe- cutive; president, Miss Norma Mec- Fedridge, secretary; Miss Bell Mec- Call, vice-president; Miss Muriel Metcalfe, treasurer; Miss Lottie Timms. The executive for the new year is; Miss Anita Sutherland, Miss Edna Singleton, Miss Ethel Saunders, and Miss Laura Saunders. Thirty-six large boxes were sent at Christmas to boys overseas in whom Capt. TT. Pearson, formerly of the Military "Y"" was interested. Next month more parcels will be sent to those boys who have acknowledged receipt of the former ones. In most cases letters have been written say- ing the parcels have been received, and how thankful they were to §% them, Five dollars was donated to each of the following: Red Cross Fund, Blue Cross, Belgian Relief, Prisoners of War Fund, and the Canadian Fields' Comforts Commission, Shorn- cliffe, A box will be sent to the Red Crosg in the near future to be for- warded overseas. The Somme Club entertains at the] Richardson home on the 30th in- stant, and at the Military Y.M.C.A. on the 22nd of February, % Sent . F. Stuart Whyte's -- Pantomime, Wed, Jan. Jlst Matinee 2.30; Evg. 8.15 ee. Telephone 604. A MAN AS FLOOR POLISHER, AT General Hospital, Apply to the Superintendent, i A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. One who can sieep at home nights Apply 318 'University Ave. YOUNG GIRL, ACQUAINTED WITH typewriter and short-hand, geod at figures: Apply in-own-hand-wrlt. ing, Box 21%, Whig Office. ---- ee ------------------------------ TEAMSTER. WE HAVE A STEADY position for an experienced reli- able married man, and will supply house rent free' Apply to NL "Aladdin" And his wonderful Lamp GIRLS Polson & Co. WRITING A hand fo address vice in pork room, PLAIN ROUND ing and for ser- Light, pleas ant work, with half holiday Sat- urday. N, C. street, Polson Co. Ontario With a cast of 35 English Artists Mat. 25¢, 35¢, 50c and 75¢; children 25c¢. | PEITPTITES ¥ employ Cataraqui street. Hght nnd clean; paid to beginners. fice, Dominion Textile Co, Cat araqul street. Good smart girls, 14 years of and wmpward, CAR secure ent at the Cotton Mil, "e The work is wood 5 Apply at of« - PY Evening prices 25¢, 50c, 75¢ and $1.00. Seats on Sale Monday. GRIFFIN'S! Thurs., Fri., Sat. BITUARY lee The Late Mrs. M. F. Bucke, Mrs. Martha F. Bucke passed away on Monday at Eberts, Out., at the ad-, vanced - age of eighty years, eleven months and twenty-two days. The deceased was widely known and highly respected. There is left to mourn her loss her four children, George, William, Mrs. A. Purdie of Gowan, Sask, and Miss Phoebe at home, _ The Late Joseph Lioyd. On Thursday morning, after two years sickness, "Old Joe," one of the best kpown charactérs of the city, passed away in the Hotel Lieu, whee he had spent all but five years of his tong life. ~The deceased was found in 1856 in e woods near the Tyendinaga reserve, near Deseronto, by the late Bishop Phelan. He hud evidently been deserted or had be- come lost; and the names of hus par- only five years of age, brought to the Hotel Dieu, where he lived ever since. The remains will be buried at St. Mary's cemetery. | heard Jesse L. Lasky Presents Blanche Sweet, in "UNPROTECTED" "Shielding Shadow ~~ VAUDEVILLE ow eee eet MUSTY SUFFERS COMEDY ete ep ------ COMING MARVELOUS MARY PICKFORD 9 the Dust" dn n------ se | THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY { VAUDEVILLE Feature Photo Flay FRANK KEENAN, in "THE SIN YE DO." in Five PATTY ARBUCKLE, in HIS WIRES WISTAKE Twe Part K Comedy Dither Good Matinee 10e; Evening 10e. Seats Ne Extra. Phone 103 JUST AS GOOD AS "CROSSED FISH" . . SARDINES is only another way of , "Crossed Fish" the Best. SECONDHAND U STORAG arate rooms. McCann, BED ROD. OFFICES IN CLAR TWO WELL AN UNF A VERY COMPOR TABLE SIX-ROOM.- Portsmouth, = nice pbb ddd Tee WANTED GENERAL ------------------------------ FRENCH PUPILS, BY A LADY WHO has been educated by Parisian and Swiss teachers, Apply Miss Henry, 207 William street. for cash rr in par planos and Victrolas. C. PRIGHT PIANOS, t payment of 'néw Ww. Li nd- say, Limited, 131 Princess street. NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE YOUR . bicycle repaired, cleaned and stor- ed for winter. ly attended to. All orders prompt- Phone 1032, or call}, at Geo. Muller, 373 King St. = HANDCRAFT. JENNIE ©. SHAW W. classes in all kinds "© LL OPEN f painting, embroidery, and art work. Studio, 53 Clergy street; open from 2 to 5 Monday, Wednesday and Friday. * TO LET street. Belvidere 'Annex. street. bers. Apply to AND SITTING E FOR FURNITURE, Sur. 82 ock ROOM, Apply 141 King i mr ---- ENCE ST. CHAM. A. B. Cunningham, 79 Ularence street. TOOmS able. tional. "Apply 103 A PIVE-ROOMED BRICK HOUSE Kingston Jot, large lot, possession by Feb. ist. FURNISHER ROO HEATED for gentlemen, rent reason+ Apply. 114 Clarence street, FURNISHED STRAND THEATRE | FomNmsiED BEDROOM, BLECTRIC Jight, use of 'phone, board op- Lower Union St A rent $8.00; Phone 743. etn ALSO ROOMS for light housekeeping, 396 Prin. Cess, ne bedrooms or 0 ite. ting room ensy jon street. . . Aarge Adeal location, ately. Apply GE FOR FURNITURE, Fron rooms; ge ast's ueen street. otween dsarri® and Division. TWO-FRONT ROOMS FURNISH ED, AS bedroom. and sit- Apply 74 Divis- URNISHED APARTMENT, § 'rooms, all modern. equipment, possession immedi Box, 10, Whig Ofice. EAN, our own lock an Prom $80; res. i " in Bateman, oney to foun; @ Kingston. in with vd house, decorated; sion Feb. 1st, at Phone $58. jer heating an NIN 8 BRICK WELLING, f oh conveniences, in "good lo cat ¢ yn, on Ul 7 €! block Ur bs DE THREE ROOMS TO RENT, SUITABLE "for Lent housekeeping: north end. ustoms Broker, larence street, cistern. TPosses- ply after 7 p.m. ths alee. Portsmouth. all other n- i ty AY ne. ' Rent by Feb. 56 Brock Bt. ternoon, possibly dere and Grand, Return to Whig office and receive reward. A RING, MARQUE SETTING qguoise and pedris, on Sunday tween John Stree on Montreal Suitable reward returned to 172 'Montreal street. a ra ------------------ A BANK BOOK OF THE BANK OF Montreal, containing sum of mon- ey: around the city or on roRd to Fort Henry. nder kindly return it vo 8 John street, or Whig office, | and receive reward ep A -------------- A BLACK LEATHER PURSE, SOME- where from 16 Patrick street. Ordnance, to Princess and 10 New- man & Shaw's store; pugse contain. and North street | | i good stabling; water in house and barn. Apply to Mrs, . Vande- water, Verona, Ont ps PRIGHT PIANO, NORDHEIMER style B Dorie, condition as good ax new, $545; original price $450. easy rms. CO. W. Lindsay Lim- ited, 171 Princess street. SOLID BRICK . RESIDENCE, 438 i to} | ing something over §5.00 and keys. Reward at Whig Office. LEGAL. and solicitor. ence, street, Kingston CUNNINGHAM, BARRISTER PATENTS BABQOCK & SONS, Patents, marks, designs. 77 of Patent Laws. t on" free. 99 St James St. real. Branches: Ottawa, Washington, ARCHITECT ---------------- WM. NEWLANDS & SON, ARCHI- tects, ete. Offices, 258 Bagot St Phone 608, POWER & SON, ARCHITECTS, MER. chants Bank Buliding., corner Brock and Wellington streets. DENTAL LDS, D.D.S. A. BE. KNAP } street, Phone PF, B.A, Office, 268 Princess 663. DR. J. LEONARD WALSH, DENTIST, corner Princess and Bagot streets, Phone 826. DRS, SPARKS AND SPARKS, DEN- tists, 169 Wellington street, G. C. Dewar, D.D.S, LDS, assistant. Phone 3 Law office, 79 Clar- | i 4 { Brock street, eleven rooms; {in first olass condition, aad all mod- ern improvements Possession May 1st. Apply 147 Division St BRICK STORE AND STOREHOUSE, IN ' smart country village; store 3- storey and large cellar; all first class condition, $1000, to wind up an estate, quick. G. A. Bateman, $7 Clarence street, Kingston. CHOICE STOCK OF HEATERS, RA « ges, and all kinds of new and #8 ~ ond hand furniture. We Are aly open to buy everything in the above lines. J. hompso! 33 Princess street. Phone 1 trade LARGE STOCK OF DRESSERS, 00U. c FURNITURE FINISHING -------------------------------------- P. DRISCOLL, FURNITURE FINISH. er. Call or drop & eard. 23 John street. PRRSONAL IR, MOLES, WARTS, BIRTHMARKS BA red all growths and -skin blem- ishes removed permanently, with. Sut star; 30 sary experience, Dr. r J °, eo, Ear, Bimeat "ana" 6kin Bpectaiiet, 3 Bagot strest BOARD AND ROOMS FIRST CLASS 'BOARD AND every convenience; central tion. Apply 343 Brock street. 2 i ) ROOMS; loca Girls Wanted For clean, light work; Those wishing steady employ- learning. highest wages while , ment, apply at KINGSTON HOSIERY, LIMITED. King Street West. rn