a -------- TT . HURRAH For the Weese Photo Sindia. Photos Al Sizes nnd Styles FRAMES t ' Weene's in the for good work. New Desigus, Deliveries. RIGHT PRICES D. A. WEESE 108 PRINCESS STREET . Photon, Frames, Pictures; Pianos, HINDLEY TIME TABLE leave snd arrive at City toot of Johnson street, GOING WEST A Arr. City Mall .. . Express . .. 7 Local doa Intern'l Lad. all. Lone Matl . .. .. Express . .. Mall. .. .¢ Intern']l Id, x 3 local . .. .. &4Spm. 7.22pm. 1, 6, 7, 13, 14, 16, 18, 19 run dally. Other trains daily except Sunday. Direct route to Toronto, Peterboro, Hamilton, Buffalo, London, Detroit y. Baginaw, ntreal, Portland, St. John, Halifax, Boston and New York. For Pullman Accommodation, Tie- kets, and all other information, apply to J. P. HANLEY, AGENT, | Johuson and Ontario Streets, AGENCY FOR ALL OCEAN STEAM. SHIP LINES. Open Day and Night Telephone 98 IAAI ANNAN ANNU SON NNN NE LL 14 CANADIAN SFRVIOP LONDON to HALIFAX (Via Plymouth 3 HALIFAX to LONDON (Calling Falmouth to land passengers) ort Reford Co. Getternl Agents, AUTOINTOXICATION ORSELF POISONING Which Produces Many Well HOWTOGUARD AGAINST THIS TROUBLE "FRUIT-A-TIVES" -- The Wi CS Frit Medicine -- will Protect You Autointoxication means, self-poison- ing, caused by continuous or partial constipation, or insufficient action of the bowels. Instead of the refuse matter passing daily from the body, it is absorbed by the blood. Asa result, Zhe Kidneys and Skin are overworked, in their efforts to rid the blood of this poisoning. Poisoming of the blood in this way often causes Indigestion, Loss of Appetite and Disturbed Stomach. It may pro- duce Headaches and Sleeplessness, // may irvilate the Kidneys and bring on Pain in the Back, theumatism, Gout, and Rheumatic Pains. It is the chief cause of Eczema -- and keeps the whole system unhealthy by the constant absorp tion irito the blood of this refuse matter, " Fruit-a-tives" will always cure Aulo- infoxication or self-poisoning -- as " Pruit-a-tives " acts gently on bowels, I kidneys and skim, strengthens the 'bowels and tones up the nervous system. H0e: a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, 25¢. At all dealers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. A AAA AAA at Ice is about the only thing that needs a blanket wrapped around fit to keep it comfortable in hot weath- Such a Li Fellow oa nab New Victor Records it Valentine's month has brought sings a delightful song of Mother's Love. A dainty record from this artist's violin. Ce et Bon i most desirable list Wn. yo Alma Gluck 64625 1 Maud Powell _ 64617 'Oh, Glare, you humbug!" she said. "You ridiculous old fraud! Trying to take me in like that. You know per: factly well that it isn't because Lorion is engaged to her that you want this girl to come and live at Danbury; it's because she Is your daughter." Glare Monk went 'whité as death, as her laughter pealed through the room. ' "How do you know that?" he asked in a hoarse voice. "Tell me---don't dare to lie to me! How do you know that? £ She looked at him and smiled, and Said In a clear, distinct voice: "Lorvion told me, Glare, That's how I know." He stood in front of her, a pitiable figure. She was taller than 'he by two or three inches, and the shock that he had received seamed to have shrivelled him up. Theodora was horrified. She always shrank from anything unpleasant. She feared that he was going to have a fit. At last he sucteeded in producing a husky whisper. "Why didn't you tell me before?" he asked, "Why! Good gracious, I don't know! I suppose I always meant to. Dut it is so strange. I can tel! you, I haven't got over the shock of it yet." "Why did he tell you?" "] can't say: He said he thought I ought to know. 1 was horrified and furious with him. I told him what I thought of hin at the time." "And he told you tho 'rest, if he told you that." "What do you mean?" "Well--about Peter." "Oh, of course, that follows, dovsn't it? It your first wife's child was 3 daughter, Peter cannot be your goa. Sir Glare groaned. "] think 1 understand." she sald. "1 know what you think of Peter. 1 am sorry, really I am. 1 don't know why I let-you know that I knew. But, after all, it is better that we should understand each other, Don't you think so?" Monk was slowly recovering his ure. His face was no longer compos so much terrified as it wad stern and j implacable. "That he should do that!" he ex- in a deep voice, betraying a anger, you of all people in the world!" He looked at her in- sistently. "Are you sure that he had no reason for telling you?" "I can think of none," she answered, smiling at him. "He must have known that my interests were yours." "He did not tell you what use he was going te make of the knowledge!" "No." "He did not hint at it?" "No. He did not say a word." "God knows what use he means to make of the papers, but some use he will make of them. ' That is enough. | 1 cannot rest. I hardly sleep. I fi | all my powers going from me. Some- times I can hardly think coherently. If something doesn't happen, it will me." Theodora looked at him with genu- fo me to have no sefret fo hide from you any longer. I can almost forgive Lorion for telling you, sithough it was the basest treachery on his part." "Don't let us talk about it any hand in hers and stroked it tenderly. "We understand each other." "And you forgive me for not trust- ing you w!.1 my secret, my sweet- heart?" he 1. "ed anxiously. "Yen," she answered. "I quite un- derstand. It is a secret for one per son only to keep, And so you want to bave the girl-at Dunbury, Glare?!" He nodded. "1 shouldn't feel safe. unless 1 had her under my eyé," he sald. "I dom't know whether she knows. 1 should be torturing myself all the time" "Well, under the circumstances, I suppose there's no harm or danger in having the girl, and I certainly soe that it will be wiser." Bd + » » - Glare Monk sat before the beautiful Empire table in the room allotted to him for his study, and stared down at a sheaf of telegram forms. His face no longer displayed any agitation, and only a very slight uncertainty. He had recovered from the stun- ping blow that had been dealt him. He was the man once more who puts out his hand to brush away a fly that is worrying him. Lorion was the fly that worried him. He must be brush- od away. He took up a pen and wrote Lorion's name and address in the space on the telegram form. Then he paused a moment before writing the message itself. When he did write it, it was very brief: "Sail on the Bangala day after to morrow. Sorry shall not see you. Good-bye. Good luck. : Cable on the way --Monk." Lorion was quite ready. He was waiting, impatient to be off. He would be glad. Sir Glare knew that. He would have no preparation to make, only his good-bye to say. And he would be off with a stout heart and a will to work, and succeed in his work, because he was coming back to marry the girl he loved. "They nearly all come back," said Monk to himself in a musing tone, as he pushed away the telegram form. L"But--" Then he suddenly covered his face with his hands. A minute or two later he wrote out another telegram. This was addressed to his agent in Lagos, Vincent Mo- riarty. It was in Bir Glare's own pri- vate code, but 'he wrote out a rough draft in ordinary language first, which ran as follows: "The man saild Friday on the Ban. gala. Carry out my instructions as soon as possible." CHAPTER XVIL Blackport and Archaology Peter Monk and his tutor, the Rev- erend Mark Napler, sat on & bench outside the hotel Couttet in Cha- monix. Their attitude denoted the delightful and healthful fatigue that follows on strenuous physical exer on. Napier was & handsome man of . young- looking for his age. His was now burned to the colér of mahogany, but he was never without a tan, be- cause he was an out-of-door man. He had at first been a curate at St. Olga's, Oxford, but had resigned the appointment and given himself up to coaching. He had inherited a delightful old house in 'Oxford, and he generally had one or two resident pupils. But about eighteen months ago he had come into quite s respect- able fortune, and had decided to give up his educational labors. It was only at Sir Glare Monk's insistent desire and request that he consented {to undertake the post of private tutor to the great man's son, and that more becanse he was very much attached {to Peter than from &ny regard for the very substantial sum with which | his services were rewarded. But now he was free, and very glad that he had spent the last year and a half in helping Peter Monk to de- velop into the fine fellow that Lie was. Peter had done well at Oxford, but not prilliantly, as far as books were concerned. He was to have gone down at Easter, only he had stayed on for a special series of lectures on Archmology, of which study he was inordinately fond. This was also Mark Napler's hobby, and to it he meant to devote himself now that he i i more," said his wife, as she took his} Trust me to know real "Fightin' Blood" in a Watch. That's why the Waltham and I get along so well together. Get the armor plate it wears? Fully protects the crystal from breaking. And for accuracy? Well! it's taken every medal and "D.S.0." for over sixty years, A 'Fighter's Watch with a Fighter's Works and a Fighter's Idea of Exact ness -- that's the Waltham Military Wrist Watch, It's as necessary as Victory, Your Jeweler can show you Walt hams: that'll suit any fighter's likes for trinmess, sturdiness and accur- acy. And the price can be as low as $10.00. Write for the booklet "Concerning a Time-piece." WALTHAM WATCH COMPANY Montreal. and lovely Silverware GivenTo You guaranteed full size for family use, its 97 pleces coraprising 12 cups and 12 saucers, 12 tea plates, 13 Sine plates, 12 sauce di . 2 platters, 2 oval covered vegetable dishes, a cream Jug. covered adgar la bowl. It is handsomely decorated in rich floral design and will surely delight the most fastidious housekeeper. Teaspoons are in the famous Wm. A, Rogers French Carpation design with French grey handles and brightly polished bowls. Read our Wonderful Offer Will you sell just 12 boxes among your friends are determined to establish a national reputation for De. Rdson's Famous at only 25¢. ¢r box? Tonic and Nerve Pills and are sparing no expense 10 Sayre rep. per alt partsof Canada who will heip us by introducing this famous rem. | You can easily do this because every one eo know will be glad to tearm of this and neighbors. That is why we offer to five away these magaisi- | grand remedy. It is one of the world's best known prekcriptions, 2 tried and proven *1 remedy for weak and impure blood, nervousness, . constipation and anaemia. In all rua down conditions of the system it will be found a grand blood builder and revitalizer, and as a general tonic for blood and nerves it has no Send No Money --Just send your name and address to-day and we | the 13 boxes paid. You will be able to sell them quickly and easily every 2 box can obtain a beautiful Gift of fine silverware from , only $3.00, and we ty i \ » Carnation French Canadian Teaspoons Gepuine Wm A. Rogers make' "fhe most beautiful pattern ever seen. These magnifh. | cont spoons will delight any Housekeeper and they are guaranteed to give every sat. istaction in wear, : i are you, your friends tums as you did. S21 asl delivery Change « REMEMBER YOU TAKE NO RISK. You do net money. We trust you oye until sold and if well them we will take them and give you ital cash commission on the ty i bi ; 2 3 H RE y if you wish te tife time. Address X08 Toronto, Ont, you beaut] you do sell. Write » i vantage of this liberal . 1t gives you the opportunity of 2 | The International Mfg. Co., Dept. D 43 PARADISGARAGE - FOOT OF BROCK STREET 8 Pheaes: Ofite 322, House S11 We furnish: © Geseline mt od. If poopi~ With are crippled with swollen jolts wrists, aniles and knuckles--could only be made to - realize that the root of their troubles is in the kidneys and the bladder, it would be easy to get them to send for the free samplo 4f Gin Pills and put them on the way to recovery. i - =%h Watertown, N.Y. lives Alexander La Due, aged