Vv' SH'WHIG, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 81,1017. a . PAGE ELEVEN -_ > rl FROM THE ll Get Back of a Milo Mo ans Can & "Uli Start the New Year right by smoking more VOIS rrr = MILO Cigars. You will enjoy every ane. ; : 3 et? § | being held .in the Foresters' Hall,) James Andrews have charge of Bat = Made in Kingston. : L L Frankville, from Jan. 23rd to Feb. | Road from Day's Corner to Ernest- Boots and shoes will be from $1.00 to $2.00 per ; ad ee er aersag | Shilingian. (hit. Arthue. Day have G. A. McGOWAN, = . + y . " ' - : » erin * pair higher next year than what we are selling them from a severe attack of pleurisy ne charge of Cry 2 Aun Gor c Kin gs : at now. The interest you would save on $3, $4 or| su. 3 ans bought Ju HON Ber _to Bath, Redd. and tun Bvt 1. Manufacturer, fort 52 oe a y s in + $5 amounts to nothing. fine mare off B. Snyder, Godfrey.| ' MORTON. : Arthur Keys. Motion, Stover-Clark, S Miss Ama Connor is visiting with | Jan. 20 ve 4 sister; Mise iat Robert Crozier oversee .Front urridge frien Mr, and Mrs. M. : rignds at Road from Le Ports- O'Byrne, Kingston, 5 any rs Forfar. Mr. and Mrs. H. Sly and Ro moines Pom to - - ents. Mr. daughter spent Sunday the guests! ordered: Elias : Charles 1 of George Sly, Leeds. L. Coon, Who | 3 Ye oo. 3 B, i 5 friends "on Sunday. John Hickey, came home to attend the funeral of | sneep killed by dogs: $22, WR. nd if R : } 0 Fish Creek, at N. Murphy's. Mr. and his sister, left to-day for Chester, | pyplishing Co., printing; $49, Com- We screw your skates on free. Automobile Rs Wes. amen They ot burn, spent Friday a 3. Slawarte fihing Co. ne, 3030.0. A skates are the standard. Other dealers tell you a foci at Cantoratason Tuesday sven | Bae, bonne on Hp JO Le The Total Insurance in Force increased during they have something just as good: Buy the reall ;.. 1p IMS IARE. och ing Just. Alfred Sly, Jones' Pallel gitehing; 35.26, Telephone Co., the past year more than 14}4%. This.repre- ig POY vy in rc af tos | lin or eats rom: $10, ran to ck Gutarens| || sents Substantial Progress of which any Com- Rees ER po A John A. Newton is doing a rushing CHANTRY. Hospital; $5.80, C. Somerville, 5% pany might well be proud. : busines getting out timber to his| jan. 29.--A number from here at-| loads of stone; $3.60, Baxter Reddin, 7 gis ran ng two camps. El-|ionded the carnival at Harlem on 24 rds fence Dw. 47; $130, J. F. I» » Hew ion 1a Sareman th his Sump Saturday evening. Miss Helena Leatherland, cement work on Road A Toh d home! am P, 11ks | Mayle nnd brother Walter, of Addi-| DW. 12 D, (Council adjourned to ton General Hospital, where Kme son, were week-end. visitors at the|meet first Monday in March at 1. p.m. gg oo ht | SE 21, Vara: HB ° -. This place is badly in need of a doe- q ; spent the week-end with her par A Tre Jor. 28 there no doctor inside of ents. Mrs. T. H. Irwin has recovered iia ot No. 2 88i%e;: C \ ' 8 be completed § ge will{ prom a severe attack of grippe. Mrs. adian western, He.' er Lan . A B n a few days. Men are} Roy Derbyshire is under the doctor's adian western No. 3, 673c; No. 1 at work putting on the cement for. care. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Preston ued, s id Hie. 0 patio Manitoba .: . . ~~ 3 88 Princess St., Kingston. : spent the week-end with: friends in re 3 gs WOLFE ISLAND. Lyndhurst and Soperton. Mrs. An- LIVE STOCK QUOTATIONS. Flour--Manitoba spring wheat Pa<| | ond termis of sale of the following Jam 20.--The farmers are hauling | grew Galloway was called home on tents, firsts, $9.60; do seconds, $9.- || brands fom hay to Kingston, but report that the| Saturday by the iHness of her mo- Toronto, 10; strong bakers', $8.90; winter pa- jee is in a very poor condition. Brad-| ther, Mrs. Jabus Chant. Toronto, Jan, 30.--Heavy steers, | tents, choice, $9.25; straight rollers, en Orr and family will shortly move $10.50 to $11; choice butcher, $10 to $8.50 to $8.80; straight rollers, bags, | to their new home in Pittsburg. SAND BAY $10.50; do. good, $8.75 to $9.26; do. $4.10 to $4.25. Rolled oats--Bar-| a a-------- Harry Davis and family have moved| Jan, 28.--A number of farmers | medium, $8 to $8.50; do. common, |Tels, $7.05; do bags of 90 1bs., $3.35. =1 | to Kingston for the winter. A lttlelare harvesting ice. Miss Marcella $6.60 to $7.50; heifers, good to Bran, $33. 'Shorts, $36. Middlings, FOR SALE hoy haa come to brighten the home of | McDonald is visiting at "Sandy" Me- | choice, $9.50 to $10; do. medium, $7] $38. Moullie, $43 to $48, Hay--No. | r. and Mrs. Thomas White. The| Donald's, Melcombe, Miss Mamie |to $7.50; butcher cows, choice, $7.50]2, per ton, carlots, $13, a Jasty Held at the home of Mr. and|MeDonald is visiting at Mrs. Robert to $8.25; do. medium, $5.75 to $6.25; % I rr Es I ra. . Dexter Kiel, Friday evening, |maxwell, Lee Lake. Claude Goff and {butcher bulls, choice; $7.50 to $8.50; Chicago. Good, solid brick dwellings Jan. th, was a grand success. Miss| sister Edna and Mise Bertha Vanor-|do. good, $7 to $7.26; do. medium,| 'Chicago, Jan. 30.--Wheat--No. 2 A00S Dai, ing: mily Spence has returned home af-| man visited at David Berry's, Glen [$6 to $7.25: feeders, 900 to 1,000{red, $1.80%; No. 3 red, nominal; ble' and - ter spending a few lays with her| Bibe. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mc Ibs. $7.50 to $85 do. bulls, $6.25 to] No. 2 hard, $1.83% to $1.87%; No. Cataraqul, Buap at $2,500. | cousin, Miss Vera Walker. Miss Lu-| Donald and master Donald McDonald |$6.50; stockers, 200 So. 800 iba, | 3 hard, nominal. Corn, No. 2 yellow, isoos celia Andress, Watertown, N.Y. is| visited at P. M. Lappin's, Melcombe. | $7.50 to $7.75; do, medium; 650 to $1.01 to $1.01%; No. 4 yellow, 97¢ visiting friends here. The many|D, Kelsey and Clarence Kenney, Long|750 1bs., $6.25 to $6.75; do. light, to $1.01%; No. 4 white, 97¢ to : friends of Miss Agnes Thrussel re-| Point visited at V. Goft's, Hdward|600 to 650 Ibs. $6.50: cannes, $5|$1.00. Oats, No. 3 white, 56%¢; W.H in & || Bret to learn of her recent illness. | Patience, Quarrin, Sask. Is remew- [to $5.15; cutters, $5.50 to $5.75; | Standard, 57% to 58. Rye, No. 2, . . Godwin Son | . ing old friends and acquaintances '|sheep, lights $8.50 to $10; do. heavy, $1.46, Barley, $1.00 to -$1.27. 89 Brock Strect Phone 424 DESERT LAKE. around | this nefghborhood. Mise|$7.50 to $8.50; spring lambs, $10.76 imothy, $3.50 to' $5.50. Clover, Jan. 29.--The roads are once more| Bertha Vanorman, Ebeneezer, is vis- to $15; cal 8 Ti: hogs, fed [$12.00 to $17.50. ° Pork, $31.50. ' r, Is vis- 110 $15; calves, 38 to $14; HOES, Lard, $16.22 to $16.27, Ribs, $14. ¥ open, and a jolly load from Désert|iying at V. Goff's. 'The infant child land ed, $13.75; ighed off DE A or one ror Mothodmt| ne at V, Dot er. and. Mrs. W. sud watered. ¥ +78; do. weighed oftg; 1c 515.50, . revival meetings at Verona on Wed- P ARLOR F URNIT URE oh odni gf i A Judges, SH Buffalo Winnipeg. \ } also atten a dance at F. Judge's. PORTLAND E Winnipeg, Jan, 30.--Wheat--No. The whooping cought is still raging} g East Buffalo, NY. . - 30.-- ) '8 . an, 29. 2) of the . 12 northern, $1.65%; No, 2, do, $1. --Many armers | Cattle--Receipts, 3,000; active 82%: No. 3, do., $1.567% ; No. 4, $1 . : in this vicinity. ' Prayer meet} Special prices on these suites. held at the mo of RT Ok ne are hauling ice. The factory men shipping steers, $8.50. to $11.50; rN . Ee eld A eilng Rev. Mr. England,|are siso getting in their supply. On |butchers, $7 to $10.25; heifers, $5.75 35%: No. vj aan 3 No, Salus Cataragui, will take charge of account of so much snow in the {to $9.50; cows, $4.50 to $8.50; bulls, hg : 3 J \ : ins Sunday iy eon ona woods the saw mills are not getting [$5.50 to $8.60: stockers and feeders, Je; No, 4, v0, 9 We: extra Ne Te are are an ful 5 piece Mahg. Visitors: Miss E. Smith, Sparville, at| many logs. Wood Is getting very |$5.70 to $7.75: fresh cows and eed, 51%¢; a eed, 5 ne %| | consumers_direct from the 40 Suites to choose from. F. Clark's; Mr. Moore and sister, of| Scarce in the village and no coal is |springers, steady; $50 to $1.10. 2, do. A) he. rT . 5 6¢: | | Brewery ONLY in localities wh ; Hartington, at J. N. Abram's: Miss| t® be had here, Miss Pennie Hawe, | Veals--Receipts, 1,200; active; $5 No. 4, 90c; rejected, 36; fee , 18C. 1} oo licensed traders reside. ® Tables, Cabinets, Jardinieres, |Tiowa Abrams, spent Sus: who hag been in Richmond assisting |to $15.50. Flax--No. N-W.C,, $2.63%: No. 2 a . . ? y | hoeusd sfiss E. Hunter at D. Snook's; | Dr: Blots in a couple of operations, Hogs--Recelpts, 10,000; active; | CW-, $2.60%. . J. Abrame and family at his father's, | has returned to her home here. W.|heavy mixed and Yorkers, $12.25; for P. F 3 MN. Abrams'. Miss Clara Wood, of | H. Murphy, Smith's Falls, spent & Hgte- Yorkers, $11.50 to $12: pigs, Minneapolis. Steam Vulcanizing Agents or athe Freres. Kingston, has retnurned home after | couple of days in the village putting | $11.85; stags, $9.50 to $10, Minneapolis, Jan, 30. --Wheat--- ' 4: | visiting her aunt, Mrs. F. Orser. Miss in: fce for his hotel here. Mrs, W.| Sheep and lambs--Receipts, 38. May, $1.74; July, §1.88%; cash, No.| 'WE DO ALL KINDS TG AND Absolutely the Best Machine | and J. Wilson spent Sunday at|Jinkerton, visiting her parents here, | 000; active; lambs, $11 to $157|1 hard, $1.82 to $1.84; No. 1 north-'o 0 aad get our prices before going ; W. Wilson's, Maple Grove. hag returned to her home in the yearlings, $9.50 to $13.75; wethers, | ¢T0, $1.75 to $1.78; No. 2 northern, | giuewhere. First class work and res- . west. Miss Ametta Myers spent the | $1150 to $12; ewes, $6 to §11; mix- $1.72 to $1.78. Corn--o, 3 yellow, sonable prices, Made. FOREST. week-end with her mother in New- heep, $11 to $11.25. 94% to 95%c. Oats--No. 3 white, : i. Jan: 29.-- Residents of this vicin- { boro. Bernard Murphy, Detroit, of sheep; $11 10 3112 22% to 53%¢, Fiour unchanged.| [F. J. Pearson & Co. J ity are pleased to welcome Capt, Ar-|spent a couple of days visiting his Montreal. Bran, $31.00 to $31.50, Cor Queen (nnd Bagot Sts. » 4 chibald Trousdale, who has just re- sister, Mrs, H, McKenny here this Montreal, Jan. 30.--Choice steers, a o turned from the firing line, Capt. $10 to $10.25; good, $9 to $9.75; Duluth. 5 . » 3 Leading Undertaker | Trousdale was wounded in the fight- re cere Y editm. $8.5 to $9; common,| Duluth, Jan. 30.--Wheat--No. 1 ' | ing along the Somme. Patterson ates tttacasnt-t-t | $7.75 to §8. Butchers' bulls, choice, hard, $1.67%; No. 2 Northern, $1.- d | S ul S Bros, Donald Ruttan and Daniel . 31 $8:60 to $8.76; good; $8 to $8.50; 70%; No. 3 northern, §1.70% to oo Ryan had telephones installed in medium, $7.50 to $8; common, $7 $1.73%. Linseed--o afriye, $2.99. their homes recently, A number to $7.50. Butchers' _ cos, Shoes, 14; May, $2.93%; July, $2.94%, ---- from here attended 'the - hocke Seppe 7.76 to $8.15; good, $7.25 to $7.76: om Be a ahd Ye redium, $6.76 to $7.35. Canners' New York. By placing. Jour order now for tween Sydenham and-Verona. The bulls, $5.50 to $6; cauners' cows,| New York, Jan. 30.--Flour easier. | J08F Sprig = k YOU ve Ji %s score was 8 to 0 in favor of the home| * yan. 8th, members subscribed to $4.50 to $5.25. Sheep. $9.50 Spring patents, $8.90 to $9.16i1 0 for very low prices. team. Mrs. Ralph Pattéfson, Inver- declaration of office. Reeve, Benson Lambs, $13 to $13.50. Milk-feed | winter patents, $8.60 to $8.85; wint- ery p ary, was a recent guest of Mrs. | Coulter; Deputy Reeve, Eigin H, talves, $10 to $12; grassted, 35,10 er Straights, 33.25 Bo js.50; Ranaus 3 5 $7. ogs, chgice selects, 50; | straights, $8. to $9.15. ye flour New York Skirt & Suit . The Hydro-Blectrie Commission Men are at work instal: Thomas O'Connor, Miss Estella | Stover; BL ATK. ling their poles. hi Moreland, visiting * friends in the Staver; Councillors. Georse As CWel: good selects, $14 to $14.25. The re-|dull; fair to good, $7.40 to $7.85; 5 Current will be here soon. It means city, has returned. Miss Tobin and |jer, Minutes of last Ne oeting adopt. | Seibts ut the East End market 4g. choice to fancy, $7.90 to $8.16. Hay cheaper power, heat, Nght. ~ Mrs Callahtn, Westport, are gests | od, Motion, Stover-Clark, that Dr. P. R.) this morbing-ware 800 attle, steady; No. 1, $1.10; No, 2, $1 to ane arn peivieges from Appr Pola enjoy J Miss Nellie Ko: oe oa Lake | Sargeant, Sydenham. bo MOF, SO 200 herp Le resorted woot]! your: homes, start. e week-end at her home in |ar ; ion, ver. i ; -- Ps . Rl Sr dennam, ® Mrs, John Kelly is visk- | tna of $15. Motion. Crk Stover, a1 steady prices. GENERAL TRADE. 208 Wellington Street, LL = ing friends in Westport. Mr, and oa £3. E. Gibson . be member 5 Li ES SE = ™ 6 ealth. otion, Stover- Chicago . od : srs, John McCormick, Harrowsmith, Board a th a2 Suon Sanitary| Chicago, Jan 30. Cattle, receipts, Produce at Montreal. "Ranks with the Strongest' A : ° were recent guests of Mrs. Owen |p 'tor, Motion; Stover-Weller ago, hte, ,1 (Montreal, Jan. 30.--Strictly new- HUD Kell napactor, i 124.000; market steady; native beefli.q eggs, 68¢; fall fresh stock, 50c A 1. + ewman ectric he A that W.J, Smyth be path master of | cattle, $7.76 to $11.90; Western | ic 50: No. 1 selected stock, 44c; i C . 3 ERE same division as in 1916. Motion, | steers, $7.16 to $10; stockers and | No. 1 candied stock, 40c; No. 2 nsurance ompany 79 Princess St. BATTERSEA. Shillington-Clark, that M. E. Bin-| feeders, $6 to $9; cows and helfers, jo, 5104 stock, 24c to he oT \ Jan 29.--On' Thursday of last (nington be assessor at a salary, in-| $5 to $10.25; calves, §11 to $15. Ble Alger Finest Weal: FIRE INSURANCE week a Red Cross shower was given | cluding postage. and stationery of | Hogs, receipts, 67,000; market | "C0 red 25% ~ 2: i Head Office, Royal Insurance Bldg. in Orange Hall here, It was one of $75. : | firm,6 cents higher; light, 11.16 tof non white 2% 0 26 ie. He x MONTREAL the most pleasing events held here | Motion, Clark-Weller, that P.|$11.65; mixed, "$11.20 to $11.75; TTL hy & ch a e PBRCY J: QUINN, in some time. The stand at the door [Judge oversee Portland" Road from | heavy, $11.25 to $11.76; rough, | I or te He i Re. Manager, Outaric Branch, Toronto k= | was prettily decorated in white and | the Sydenham Road to con. 5, J. 0.] $11.26 to $11.50; pigs, $9.35 to itor ad "23 . A ; W.H. GODWIN & SONS | red and two large boxes also decorted | Ellerbeck' from con. 5 to con. 6, and .60. VEAL wd made ro 8, e 0 4 : in red and white were their to re- #H. Curl from con. 6 to Portland receipts, 14,000; market fall ter antly hey & nest 8 | ceive the gifts. ~The ladies were | boundary. Motion, Weller-Clark, | strong; wethers, $9.75 to $11.25; Ssreamersl © to 3 Me: tne fall dressed as Red Cross nurses and they | that Charles Kemp oversee Perth | lambs, native, $11.75 to $14.40. creamery, Ye 5 %c; whats did their utmost to make the evening | road from Reid's Comer to city -- creamery, ivy to 42c; undergrade r limits, and Craig Hawkie from Reid's GRAIN QUOTATIONS, creamery, Ke to 40%e; finest Bat- [Corner to Storrington = boundary. y -- dairy butter, 38%e¢ to 39¢; fine dairy MaoRo; Svar Clark. hat Hay! Ten 30. Manitoba rans aviet Turkeys MacRow ki e for affic ronto, an. .~-Manito hs York Road from aus to West: wheat--No, 1 northern, $1.92, track, jchoice, per Ib., 27¢ to 28¢; turkeys, In effect Jan. 14th, 1917, - brook, and Archie Hegadorn from bay ports; No. 2, $1.83; No. 3. $1.-|ordinary, 23e to 24¢; chickens, Trains wit leave und arrive nt Oity Westbrook to Ernesttown boundary. | 84; No. 4, $1.72; old crop, 4c above choice, 22¢ to 23¢; chickens, ordin- » Weller-Clark, new crob. ary, 17¢ to 19¢; fowl, 15€ to 20¢; Hogan keep in passable condition the Manitoba oats--No, 2 C. W., 67-&eese, 18¢ to 20c; ducks, 20¢ to 22¢.| ¥ Storrington Road from city limits to %e; No. 3, §4%¢; extra No. 1 teed, Potatoes strong and active. Green Loa «sia Afigan Corner and from Arigah Cor- $7%e¢; No, 1 feed, 63%¢; all rail de-| Mountains in a wholesale Jobbing] No. 1 Intern'l iad.' ner to Storrington boundary, by W. livered, way, $2.65 to $2.75, and Quebecj No: sa 3 J. Kennan, ' American corn--No. 3, $1.10, sub- | varieties $2.50 per bag of 80 Ibs, ex- Motion, Stover-Shillington, that |Ject to embargo. store charge Syden- Ontario oats--No, 2 white, 6c to see ham Road from school house of S.|64¢; No. 3 white, 61¢ to 63c. : Toronto 8S. No. § to Eiginburg, and from El- Ontario wheat--No. 2 winter, per Toronto, Jan, 30.--Butter, choice to Storrington boundary to | car Jot, $1.78 to $1.75; No. 3, $1.71 jdairy, 37¢ to 38c; eggs, vew-laid, be in charge of Charles Ewing, Mo- | to $1.73. VAY doz., 50¢; turkeys, 1b, 27c¢ to 30¢; | tion, ' Stover Shillington, that 8. M. Peas--No. 2, nominal, esr lots, fowl, 1b., 17¢ to 19¢; geese, spring, Patterson keep in passable state, | $2.35. AF : Jee to 28s; Suckiings, ». Ke to York Road from Cataraqui Barley--Good malting, $1.18 te20¢: ng chickens, ib., 20¢ to 22¢; Tok ad ou odin SY, So Boe Ro a SR : kwheat-----Nominal, $1.28 to|m a e : w, MABE IN CANADA Fry 3 bundled, $14 to $15; do. loose, $12; 111 Las 1111 No, 1 commercial, i dressed, 17%¢c to No. 2, new, $1.40 to $1.42. 3 18% ressed Manitoba flour--First patents, in [15 FE rng ees, flour--Now Express . is 3